Surf Summer on the Nail

And now for my thoughts:
White-Kwik-Silvr – An extremely wearable white. Not chalky or freakish looking. Very fresh and springy. The shimmer softens what could be deathly looking. I’m a bit afraid to wear it on my toes but I think it will be a fun spring mani.
Yell-O-Neil – Ok seriously, who would actually wear a yellow polish? That was exactly my thought when I saw the marketing pic for this collection. *raises hand slowly* I will now. Probably the most controversial color in the collection, I bet that for all the haters, there will be just as many people that will shockingly fall in love with this polish.
I highly doubt that this color actually looks good on me and I KNOW it will get strange looks from the general public but I can’t stop staring at it. There’s just something about these summer collections that China Glaze does. It’s the consistency, the shimmer, the jelly like finish and application. It can make any color look fantastic and wearable. The proof is in the (yellow) pudding above. Will I wear this on my toes? Probably not. As funky as I get with my nail color choices, I just can’t rock yellow toes.
Pink-Rox-E – Most pinks tend to be geared towards the cooler toned gals. This is not one of them. Warm and neutral ladies rejoice. Here’s a spring pink you’ll love. It’s the gold shimmer that makes this one fab. While other pinks with gold shimmer tend towards peach (OPI Love Me Tender), this one is a harmonious mix that doesn’t lose it’s true pinkocity (is that even a word?). It is now. This is a bright pink for people that don’t like brights. It’s not in your face but still trendy.
Orange-Pacific – I read way too many comments about this one when the marketing pic first came out. Specifically… “blech” It’s not blech, not even a little bit. It’s a reddish-orange. It’s what I hoped Tequila Toes would be. Which is why I compared the two in the post below. Tequila Toes had too much silver shimmer for my taste. They got it right by using gold shimmer instead.
Red-Curl-Grl – This is the least unique color of the bunch. It’s pretty but not a must have. While I don’t have a polish exactly like Red-Curl-Grl, my collection wouldn’t suffer without it. Now even though the colors I chose for the comparison post are close, seeing it on my nails makes me think it’s a China Glaze Wicked Stepsisters clone. I held the bottles side by side and I didn’t see the connection but, I’ll have to do further investigation.
Blk-Bila-Bong – I have no doubt that this shade will fly off the shelves. Even with the black polish trend dying out, people are still wearing dark polish. Almost every polish manufacturer is including at least one dark color in their spring/summer collections. So what sets this color apart from all the other black/navy/plum shades on the market? It’s simple, blue shimmer. While I was expecting (and somewhat hoping for) Blk-Bila-Bong to be a glassy, sparkly black, I was pleasantly surprised to see this smoky black polish with royal blue shimmer.
Note to all the polish collectors and nail geeks: If you’ve been tirelessly hunting down the discontinued Creative Blue Blood and coming up empty handed, pick up a bottle of Blk-Bila-Bong instead. While the base colors are different, only the truly geeky will notice the difference. After 3 coats of each, even I had a hard time telling them apart.

I enjoy the pics. I much prefer the sun pics because you can’t really see the shades well in low light pics. Oh btw, the candy and smitten collections from Zoya are available on the site now. Just ordered some
I think the yellow would be GREAT for toes…I love doing colors that are too funky for manis on my toes.
Hey. I am completely in love with this set. Unfortuantely I live in Canada and they don’t sell the China Glaze products in salons here. I noticed there was no way on the China Glaze site to order their product. Do you know any other way to obtain the set?
- A fellow polish fanatic
I should have purchased the Yell-O-Neil and Pink-Rox-E months ago but I waited until now and cannot find them anywhere. Do you know of anywhere that still has it in Boston or online? I would really greatly appreciate it. Your blog rocks by the way. What a neat idea.
Guys– has all of them in stock still.
How on Earth do you make the white so solid? I’m about to do a fourth coat…
I’m with you, that yellow is hot and I’m really not a yellow nails person normally.