Nail Tip Of The Week: Fake A Pedicure
I was doing my daily blog reading when I came across Baze’s post over at the Glamour Beauty Insider about getting pedicures in the winter. Even though it’s freezing here, when holiday party season hits I still love to pull out my favorite special occasion peep-toes. And in my opinion, that means your nails and feet gotta look good. But you don’t always have time for a full pedicure during the shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking madness of the season. So I say FAKE IT!
In general I’m not a fan of fake anything; acrylics, stark white french manicures, costume jewelry, etc. but in this case I make an exception. I never thought I’d share this with the public but if it helps a fellow nail gal, it’s worth it.
A couple weeks ago my company held their holiday party. Cleveland was snow free so I felt it was safe to wear my black satin peep toe slingbacks. Problem was that my toe polish was chipped and my heels were looking rough from padding around barefoot on my hardwood floors. With the clocking ticking and me running late as usual, I had to rely on my quick fake pedi fix.
I do my fake pedi about an hour before I step in the shower.
- Try on your peep toes and see which toes show, even partials count.
- Remove toe polish.
- Quickly file the nails that will show (if needed). Don’t bother with buffing. No one is getting that close to your feet.
- Slap on two quick coats of color to the toes that will show. Keep an orange stick on hand to remove any wet polish that hits your skin.
- Apply quick drying top coat (Seche Vite, Poshe).
- Wait 30-60 minutes and hop in the shower with your foot file. Scrub scrub scrub your heels.
- Immediately after showering, remove any remaining polish mistakes from your skin/cuticles with your orange stick. The water and steam will soften the skin and make removal a breeze.
- Moisturize your heels with a non-greasy lotion. You don’t want to be slipping on the soles.
- Hop into your shoes and off you go.
No one will know the difference and you’ll feel so much better knowing that your feet look pampered. And no matter how much those cute shoes hurt, DON’T TAKE THEM OFF! There are some secrets you need to keep to yourself.

I hereby confess: I’ve been doing the “peep-toe fix” for quite some time now
Too cute and too funny!!
I have to admit I giggled when I read this. It’s so funny to think what we women do… but it’s also funny to think that I’m totally going to copy this..
If you have time to do a partial pedi (and wait an hour to get in the shower), shouldn’t you have time to do the full pedi? How much longer does it really take to paint the remaining toes? It’s the dry time that kills you…
the bit about not taking your shoes off no matter how much your feet hurt is the WORST ADVICE one can give another! from one with foot problems from doing just this over the years. Bad idea What were you thinking
Anon #2 – most of my peep toe shoes only show two toes so really, it is much easier than doing a full pedi.
And for me a full pedi includes filing, buffing, cuticle removal, foot scrub, foot filing, foot masque and full polish treatment. So yeah, it is a time saver.
Hey, I’ve even been known to just paint over the existing polish if it isn’t chipped. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
Anon #3 – I’m not suggesting that people routinely kill their feet in painful shoes. I think most of us have been schooled in the long term effects of high heels and pointy toe shoes. Yet a ton of women continue to wear them on a daily basis. These are just my thoughts and opinions, I’m not a doctor.
FYI: Comments that mean to do nothing but spew hate will be removed as they do not benefit anyone. But thanks for trying Anon from Fort Worth, TX (yes, I know who you are little “princess”).
wow – I loved this post. boo to all the haters!!
LMAO!!! I did this b4. It worked like a charm.
I admit, that’s usually about the extent of my pedis except that I usually do all toes since it doesn’t take that much more time.
Anon 1 – a quickdry topcoat cuts the dry time in half. Or less. A full pedi takes me much longer than slapping paint on a few toes.
Anon 2 – she’s not saying to leave them on forever. Just don’t take them off during the event so ppl don’t see that you’ve only painted two or three toes. Duh.
Thanks for the tips, I never would have thought to only do the ones that show
whoops, sorry I meant to direct my comments to anon 2 and 3.
That’s actually a good idea!! I will definitely use this, it’s genius! thank you
Such a funny article!!!
made md laught!!!
I know myself- I would never do it as I am so good at time management… But then again- never say never!!!
Might even do it in the Office toilet if will run out of time!
Keep up these cute advices!