Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle
Well I can tick one item off of my 2008 Wish List. Thanks to the brilliant Ji Baek, founder of Rescue Beauty Lounge, my dream of finding a quality green creme has come true.
Recycle, part of RBL’s Spring collection, is a glossy forest green creme. The highly pigmented lacquer applies smooth and even; a steady hand could get away with just one coat. I needed two.
The wear on this one really impressed me. I had swatched it on a bare nail to show my mom and thanks to my own laziness I left it on for a couple days. To be honest, when I realized there was no tip wear or chipping after two days I decided to leave it on, just as a test. By day four I had to lose the crazy one green nail look. That’s when I gave it the true test. A five day run with base and top coat and let me tell you, this one really holds up.
Overall, Recycle gets two enthusiastic thumbs up. I just wish it wasn’t so expensive because I really wanted to get Yellow Fever as well. I kind of hate the my eternal love of green forced me to shell out $18.00+ shipping. I know compared to a lot of beauty products on the market that’s nothing but in nail world it is.

UGH this is so gorgeous!
I wish it wasn’t so expensive but I live in NY so I could just go to an RBL salon to pick one up… I like how you can definately tell that it is green, and not like black/green.
Geez, M, that looks gorgeous on you! I received several compliments when I wore Suvi recently, but I can’t help but feel that green looks, well, a bit “rancid” on my nails.
Did you feel that way when you first started wearing greens, M?
I have all four shades from this collection and this is the only one I’ve really had time to wear yet. You seem to have had a much easier time with the application than I did the first time around. I have a pretty steady hand and it took me three coats to achieve the opaque bottle color and it seemed a little clumpy to apply, but I did eventually get a satisfactory finish.
i HATEEEEEE blue/green nailpolish because theyre 99.9% shiny/glittery/shimmery but this color is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUSSS!!! like anon said, its true green not green/black or anything like that. i might just be crazy enough to buy it!
Anon – Girl I know, the prices are a killer. I can’t justify that kind of expense unless it’s a very special shade. Recycle definitely applies. Have you ever been to an RBL salon?
VN – You know it never felt weird wearing green but I’ve always had a love affair with bold colors. Maybe there’s an undertone in Suvi that doesn’t work with your skin tone. Perhaps a lighter shade or a creme is in order.
Kirsten – I’m sorry you didn’t have the same luck I did with application but wow am I jealous that you picked up all 4 shades. Lucky girl! How does the yellow apply?
Anon #2 – I beleive that there is a green out there for everyone. Even if it’s just a sheer shimmer. Looks like Recycle is that one for you. You have excellent but expensive taste.
Yea it pained me to shell out 18+ shipping. I imagine they would sell more polish if they lowered their shipping prices a bit. 18 plus 5.95 is just way too much.
I live in CA and we have a place called Planet Beauty…they sell RBL nail polish and if you are a member you get 20% off, so I was able to pick up a bottle for around $14, still cheaper than 18 plus 7.95 shipping to me. I too bought the Recycle and it took me 3 coats too.
I love that the color is highly pigmented! Can’t wait to get my pedicure at RBL next month!!!!
I feel your pain. I broke down and paid the $18 plus shipping and tax for Recycle. I love the color (although I haven’t done my nails with it yet). I’m glad you showed an example on your nails. I’m super excited to start wearing this. I had to get it since I missed out on Nars’ Zulu which I tried to hunt down for months. The things we’ll do for that perfect color. Le sigh.
I have Recycle on right now and I credit you entirely with letting me know of it’s existence. I found the opacity and application similar to Chanel. I also noticed that 3 coats was a match to your swatch of Nars Zulu. It doesn’t seem so expensive anymore.
Thanks again, Diana
I also have a thing for green nail polish – when I saw this I admit to surfing the web at work trying to track this colour down!! Its magnificent! I live in Scotland and can’t seem to find it online to buy from here. My current favourite green is Grosvenor Gardens from Nails Inc, which is much lighter grass-coloured green. I need this colour now!!