China Glaze Immaterial Gurl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
A material, a material, a material, a material world
Material Girl lyrics by Peter Brown & Robert Rans
Even though Madonna’s song was about materialism and not fabric, it’s hard for me not to look at the imMaterial Gurl collection from China Glaze without hearing those lyrics in my head. I can’t sing to save my life but in the comfort of my polish room, I was belting it out like a champ while testing these shades.
A collection of six textile themed cremes, the imMaterial Gurl nail polishes are a girly change of pace compared to their bolder Spring/Summer offerings, Ink and Ecollection. With a diverse range of hues to flatter most skin tones, rich pigmentation and a high gloss shine, these are not what I’d call “must have” colors but they’re definitely good staple shades to round out your collection.
For the most part the formula was spot on. Two coats for perfect, even coverage. The only notable exceptions are Second-hand Silk and Heirloom Organza. The consistency was a bit thicker and not as flowy so, I had to use three coats. All shades are shown without a top coat, just their natural glossiness.
The imMaterial Colleciton is available now and can be purchased online from and China Glaze is also carried in ULTA and Sally Beauty Supply stores but call for seasonal collection availability.

mom’s chiffon and designer satin are extremely spectacular
pretty (pretty boring? some of the mac & RBL colors have spoiled me)
2nd Hand Silk is looking delish to me. I’m staring at it. I need pastel pink.
Hey Cincy! How close is Designer Satin to the late great OPI My Throne for a Cranberry Scone?
hhhmm these colors don’t draw me in. Good thing for my pocketbook!
Thanks for posting.
i want the entire collection too bad i just ordered from head2toe yesterday. oh well, this will be on my next order for sure!
Second-hand Silk and Designer Satin are gorgeous!
I just wanted to say how much I adore your blog. I have used so many of your posts for colour reference before ordering on ebay. I live in Norway and it’s hard to get hold of other polishes than revlon and isadora and the big make-up-brands. And getting hold of a quick-dry topcoat is a far fledged fantasy.
Now – after reading and reading your blog I’m the happy owner of several china glaze and opi and a huge fan of seche vite – I can actually paint my nails and not be afraid for my polish the next 3 hours.
Good work – and please just keep it up!
(from a happy woman now sporting “shower together”)
That Crepe and Tulle are growing on me BIG time! I keep coming back to them. I just ordered the Lubu Set and X from CG (I know i’m late in the game but that’s what i usually do, see a polish, no biggie then one fine day, I HAVE TO HAVE IT)So that recent order is what’s stopping me from getting these two beauties. Oh, but I am soooo tempted!!!
I just received vintage crepe in the mail today! Very nice orange, like a traffic cone stripped of neon.
Now that I see your pics I’m all about the second-hand silk (and I usually hate pink)…
Oh such a beautiful colors! I love the first one and the last one.
Unfortunately the brand isn’t sold in Italy.
I don’t dig Organza. Looks too muddy and boring to me. The rest are really great.
Ok I know this might not be the right section to post this question but I need to know, what exactly causes nail polish shrinkage? I always seem to get that overnight with almost every polish I have and am wondering if it’s cause by my topcoat(s) Seche Vite and CND Air Dry. Help!
kk it might be that your nails are very oily.
Actually I didn’t even look at this collection at first. It was plain boring I decided. Then, for some reason, I got a bottle of Atelier Tulle and now I am in love! Perfect application, good color. I also bought a bottle of Designer Satin. Same perfect application and great color! Okey, they are not new, not edgy or cool. But the quality is so great!
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