China Glaze Rodeo Diva – Flannel Fixation
Looking at the Flannel Fixation shades from China Glaze‘s Rodeo Diva collection takes me back to my college days in the mid 90s when grunge was all the rage and I owned a seemingly endless supply of flannel. Which makes this palette of six cool toned shades so perfectly named.
Ahh how I miss the days of uber-comfy baggy clothing. Not that wrapping a flannel around your waist hid a big butt or looked flattering in the least but we all did it. Except maybe my pal Amber from Beauty Blogging Junkie who abhors the 90s fashion trends with every fiber of her being. BTW, if you share Ambular’s hate of the 90s but love yourself some 80s you MUST check out her 80s Ladies Week. In Amber speak, it’s TO DIE!
But I digress, let’s get back to the polish. The colors may be western flannel inspired but the look is way more chic. Gorg jewel tones with tonal shimmer, they are so hot for Fall. I’m telling you, China Glaze so got it right. And they sent us yet another green! Can life get any better?
All swatches are shown with two coats of lacquer and no top coat but they’re so pigmented I hardly needed the second. With the exception of Red Stallion they all flowed smoothly on the nail. For some reason my bottle was thick and goopy and took some play to get it right. I hope it’s just mine but buyer beware. It’s still workable just a PITA, ya know?
Cowgirl Up is berry based red-violet. It looks more burgundy or wine in the bottle but on the nail its purple side comes out.
Red Stallion was my problem child during application but this warm orangey red has a great Fall feel. In the sunlight the undercurrent of gold shimmer peeks out.
Branding Iron is rich and vampy yet not so dark you can’t tell it’s a burgundy. The shimmer gives this luscious shade its depth and character. Without it, it would be a very boring creme.
The buzz on the MUA nail board has been over Rodeo Fanatic and the possibility of it being a twin to the highly coveted MAC Whirlwind (see comparison below). Well kids, Rodeo Fanatic is not an exact dupe but its certainly the closest living relative. Whirlwind is more of a sea-green (heavier on the green) while I’d call Rodeo Fanatic a deep peacock blue. Either way, it’s a total winner and necessity if you love blues.
How much gushing over Gussied Up Green can you all take? Leaving my love of all things emerald aside, the intensity of this shade is unparalleled. Its luster does not dull. It is the epitome of forest green. I thought Zoya Suvi and OPI Jasper Jade were IT but in comparison (see below), Gussied Up Green has a richness the others don’t. LOVE, pure love.
Midnight Ride’s pure eggplant goodness really only stands out in bright light. Indoors the “almost black” thing takes over and it becomes difficult for anyone but the wearer to know its true identity. Though I’m a sucker for a purple vamp so stick a fork in me, I’m done. They got me!
The China Glaze Rodeo Diva collections, Flannel Fixation and Hay Ride are both available online at and China Glaze nail polishes can also be found at ULTA and Sally Beauty Supply but seasonal collection availability may vary.

Hi Cincy!
Yeah I remember wearing plaid shirts in the mid to late 90s, now I look back and think “What was I wearing??”
Would you be able to compare Midnight Ride to LPAM? Thanks!
Cincy — your swatches of this whole ChG collection are beautiful!
2 questions:
How do Red Stallion and OPI An Affair in Red Square compare, and how do Golden Spurs and OPI Charmed by a Snake compare?
I have the OPIs, I was wondering if the ChGs are different enough for me to get them too.
Thanks for the comparisons. Rodeo Fantatic is close enough for me to Whirlwind, as is GuG to JJ.
I share your love of all things green! I really want to buy all of these polishes, but I’m having a problem… No matter what I do, I can’t get nail polish to stay on for more than a few HOURS. I’ve tried various brands, and various techniques… Swiping my nails with polish remover to get rid of oils, gently buffing the surface, various base coats, etc. etc. No matter what, the polish peels off in sheets within a few hours or application. Zoya ALMOST stays on, but OPI and China Glaze are sometimes gone in minutes. Help?!?! I want to wear me some greens!
oooh, i love the purple and green shades. yum.
Wow – loving the Rodeo Fanatic!
I was wondering if you could do a comparison between Rodeo Fanatic, OPI DS Fantasy and MAC Whirlwind?
I have been trying in vain to get Whirlwind for some time, but if the other 2 compare favourably, I will abandon my search.
Many thanks.
Gussied Up Green really is pure love perfection! **LOVE**
And your pics are so awesome as always:)
Thanks for the shoutout, doll! You know I hate 90s fashion! That said, I’m LOVING the Rodeo Collection. Your swatches are GORGE. Nice job, M!
PS are you coming to NYC for FW? Let’s hang out!
Hi! I just wanted to say this is such a great blog! And those are some gorgeous colors – cannot wait to buy a few
Branding Iron and Midnight Ride look great.
i love and want all of them but just got a job where i can’t wear nail polish =( so i may have to pick just one or two.
Hi Cincy!
I was wondering – what advice can you give to women with short, hard to maintain nails ? My nails are really short (when they grow out, they look stubby), and extremely brittle. I love nail polish, but nothing ever seems to look good!!!!
I’d appreciate your suggestions!
Maybe you could post something on nail health (?? just a thought)
Great swatches as always!
Gussied up is pretty but still for a warmer skin tone, whereas the blue-ish tint in JJ is still better for us cools who can’t pull off the gold shimmer that appears to be in GUG. I think though the two look very similar on you, on a cooler skin tone they would appear to be more different. JMO!
I love your swatches as always… Please do some swatches of the nude / tans / browns from this collection…such as Yee Haw, Prize Winning Mare, and Golden Spurs… I am suddenly interested in more nudeish colors this season to balance out all the darks I guess.
What do you think about the ChG’s application / formula this season?
To Janet in Atlanta:
if you look back a few posts she already has swatches up of those ChG you are looking for. She posted them a few weeks back.
hope this helps