Orly Gems Collection for Fall 2008
They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Not for this gal. Oh no, it’s all about gemstones for me. Emeralds, Sapphires, Rubies, Amethysts, Tanzanites; I heart them all!
Being a May baby, emerald is obviously my favorite stone and do you think that has anything to do with my love of green? Nah! But it is a point of contention for me with the Orly Gems collection. No emerald green!! Orly is one of the few brands that has yet to put out jewel toned green these past few years. So what’s the holdup people? Lets make that happen.
So back to the Gems collection. I have to say that without the gumball machine plastic rings on each bottle, I wouldn’t have pegged this as a gemstone themed lineup. It’s pretty and rich and filled with vivid colors but doesn’t scream jewelry to me. On the plus side, the colors are well pigmented, Golden Jubilee being the only three coater.
Star of Bombay is a deep blue-black with shimmer that really pops in the sunlight and adds depth indoors.
Golden Jubilee looks much more orange than golden (i.e. gold) to me. It’s as if Heat Wave from the High Voltage collection lost its tan.
Golden Maharaja is a luscious red based chocolate shimmer. I’m always looking for a great brown to wear in support of my Cleveland Browns and this one fits the bill.
Mandalay Ruby is the lone creme in the bunch. This crimson hue has a slightly dusty tone that keeps it from going the fire engine holiday red route.
Midnight Star is a metallic deep violet and while I love the color, the application is no bueno. The look of metallic polishes, when applied well, is amazing. I just don’t have the skill or patience.
Sea of the Light is a deep rosy pink shimmer. In the gem world, it reminds me of a pink tourmaline. A pretty pink but it’s not really a fall shade. The Orly Gems collection is on sale now and can be purchased online at 8ty8Beauty.com and Head2ToeBeauty.com and in stores at ULTA and Sally Beauty.

I have Star of Bombay but have not used it yet- not crazy about the other colors.
I was surprised at how much I liked Golden Maharajah – it was my favorite of the bunch.
I’ve heard some people complain of bubbles with these, but noticed you didn’t comment on that at all, so I assume you had no troubles either. I do thin coats, and didn’t have any issues with bubbling myself, so I’m glad to see I’m not the only one!
I think the colors are okay but I’m not overly impressed. I agree that without the rings on the bottles, it’s hard to tell these are supposed to be gem-inspired!
Those are all so fun! I love that they come with the rings. It’s like hard candy polishes, but a notch up. Also sad about the green. Us May babies get the shaft
Love the colors. The coral does look nice, but I am not loving it, but I still want it lol
I must say I am really not impressed with any of them.
How unfortunate, the bottles look nifty. D= I wanted to like them.
I will probably pick up Star of Bombay but that is it. Chanel Blue Satin is my favorite color of all time and this looks like it might be a good substitute. I’d be curious to see a color comparison. I also love the grippy Orly bottle tops.
i was going to buy a couple of these but after seeing this i’m not really feeling them. i’ll probably buy sea of light though since i can’t help myself when it comes to pink!
these colors would be amazing if the colors matched the rings on the bottles more closely…
Star of Bombay is intriguing…. But if I get it, I’ll have 10 total bottles of polish and 6 of them will be shades of blue! *laugh*
I want to see that red in person. Looks like the color I’ve been craving…
These colors are hideous. The only one I would ever by would be Star of Bombay, but since I own, like, 8 other blue-black polishes, I think I’ll pass. Orly really missed the mark on these. It’s not a good Fall color scheme, and none of them look like the jewels they are supposed to represent. Awful, Orly. Just awful.
Your swatch pics are always just gorgeous. Love ‘em.
I’ve been waiting to see a good pic of Sea of the Light. Hmmm… I might need it.
I have have them all, but I´m really disapointed with them. The colours are great but the polish flakes real bad within a day or two.
I would love som suggestions for dupes to Golden Maharaja
I can’t get past the bottle… what where they thinking?
I just got "Star of Bombay" on clearance at CVS because the ring top was missing – only $3.50! Anyway, I tried it out and YES i got some of the worst bubbles ever. This polish in particular is extremely thick. I don't know how to put it on any thinner, the way it is! Anyway… it's extremely dark, black with a hint of blue. I personally love it but I will have to practice getting it on smoothly!