Think Pink for BCA – The Pink PedEgg
Ladies, how great is this? Not only can you have baby soft soles but you can contribute to a worthy cause. Help fight breast cancer with a Pink PedEgg.
Last year, the PedEgg went PINK in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and they’ve brought it back. $50,000 of the proceeds will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
As you may remember, last summer I gave into the charms of the PedEgg infomercialand made the boyfriend take it on a trial run. A year later, that little egg still has a home in my mani/pedi arsenal. So if you didn’t pick up the PedEgg based on my recommendation then, this is the perfect time. You can help eliminate breast cancer AND callouses at the same time.
The Pink PedEgg retails for $9.99 and can be purchased at major drugstore chains (CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid), discount stores (Walmart, KMart, etc).

May be a good time to finally try the pedegg! Haven’t braved those waters yet
Hill – I know a lot of people are skeeved by the idea of collecting shavings in the egg. It’s really not that bad if you’re working with clean feet, which you should be.
But you really need to use the finishing pads when you’re done.
I think it is great that companies are crreating products and donating money for the Breast Cancer Foundation. It cosmetics is also donating a portion of the proceeds from there “My Beautiful Breasts” kit!!
The “Pedi-egg” is so great between pedicures. I love it. I purchased one after a lady friend told me about it, LOL Now I have to buy some of the Pink ones! Cool! They make great gifts to some of the softest feet around.
Mc Huggs