Gift Guide – The 21 Hottest Holiday Polishes
So you have a nail fanatic in your life that you’d love to surprise with the gift of polish but have no idea where to begin. Whether you’re dropping a bottle in a stocking or creating a personalized gift set, I’m here to help you navigate the racks with the 21 trendiest shades of the season.
I hand picked the best of the best from this year’s fall and holiday collections to take the guesswork out of the polish shopping experience. Check your fanatic’s stash and if you find the collection lacking these shades, they’ll certainly be delighted to receive any of them from you.
Red and Green – What colors best represent the season than red and green? And this year I got my wish by seeing even more lovely greens come out on the market. So whether your fanatic is traditional (red) or a little more daring (green) these beauties will be the perfect party accessory.
Grey/Greige/Taupe – This oddball part of the color spectrum was a huge hit for fall. Funky shades are “it” my friends. And even though Rescue Beauty Lounge Stormy technically came out last year, you can’t blame Ji Baek for being ahead of the curve. Leaving Stormy out would be a crime of nail fashion!
Metallic – Molten nails have been all the rage and whether you go subtle with a light shimmer or punch it up with glittering gold and silver, these babies are sure to get compliments. They’re the perfect addition to a New Year’s Eve ensemble. Chanel Kaleidoscope isn’t easy to find but you would be such a rock star for scoring a bottle. I’ve seen them on ebay and even though I don’t condone price gouging, sometimes we have to say “uncle” and give in.
Purple and Brown – This color story wasn’t as prominent but for vampy nail lovers, purple and brown are a fresh take on that tired black and navy of years past. If you’ve been searching, like I have, for the ideal brown creme, one that isn’t too red or black based, you MUST buy Zoya Nina. Perfection!
For purchase information and full reviews, click on the polish names. For those not linked, check,,, and for more info.
So I’m dying to know… how many of you own all of these shades? Which ones are you missing? What makes your “must have” holiday list?

Hi – I own almost all of them I am happy to say! I do need to get Zoya Nina and SH Emerald Ring (which is nowhere to be found near me). Great post!
GREAT POST- i don’t own any of these exact brand/colors, but i do have a very lovely collection including some of each category, except gray or green- i haven’t seen them in stores, and want to test them against my skin tone before purchasing, though i have been dying to add those colors in- the only thing i’d add to this is a bright orange as a twist on the traditional bright red for the girl that likes things a little funkier- i really like cheapo milani’s metallic mango
I bought a bunch of my friends (nail fanatics or not) either Kalidescope or Gold Fiction for birthdays this year…such a hit! Every girl likes getting a gift from Chanel even if it’s just a tiny polish!
Keep up the great work!
Just received my Chanel Moscow collection! Truly breathtaking. Just got my manicure today, so I’ll be waiting till next week when I get my next mani to try one of the three. I’m thinking I’m going to try the blue first!
I own almost all of them! But my new favorite, favorite holiday color is..
OPI merriest mauve! So perfect for a holiday party!
I love all these polishes and strangely enough, I have a lot of them, or at least one from every color group. The Chanel polishes are about as close as I’ll get to ever owning a real Chanel thing, and I do love them. The Moscow collection looks amazing!
Thanks for the great post. I have one from each category. Tonight I will try Richelle, I haven’t worn it yet…but it looks amazing.
Good one! I have Brand New Skates on my fingers and Emerald Sparkle on my toes right now! I have one in each of these categories, (including Kaleidoscope) except the Purple/Brown. I have several other purples…might have to spring for some Haute Chocolat just to round it out!
Great Post! Can’t wait to get some of those!
Ok out of these I have CG Emerald Sparkle & Ruby Pumps, OPI Brand New Skates & You Don't Know Jacques, instead of RBL Stormy I have RBL Concrete Jungle, Chanel Kaleidoscope & Haute Chocolat, but I am so lusting after Lippmann Holiday and especially Givenchy Purple By Night, but I would love to try SH Emerald Ring (haven't been able to find) and Color Club Electronica as well. Givenchy Purple By Night is so at the absolute top of my list. I'm also dying to see your swatches of Chanel's Moscow collection!
I am happy to report I was able to score a bottle of Kaleidoscope last week. Its absolutely fantastic! It’s a great mix of gold, green, and silver. Not to mention I feel totally badass with it on.
I can’t find Emerald Ring, but oooo, I scored the last bottle of CG Gussied Up Green at my local Sally and I am very happy with it. The Emerald Sparkle was just a bit much for me (I am not a big glitter freak when it comes to my own aging fingers) but this is decadent and deep. Plus, I am a “cool” toned person and the blue/teal notes make it easier for me to wear.
One polish I can recommend in terms of color is Laura Mercier Caviar Dreams. It is a metallic gray with rose and green shimmer. Think “Have You Seen My Limo” with a grey instead of plum base. Sephora has it, but it’s sold out on line. Heard it didn’t wear that well, but I’m not sure I care.
What a great site! I’m not the only nail polish addict, I see!
Love seeing the colors on your nails before “buying the cow”, IYKWIM.
I “went off the reservation” recently and purchased Deborah Lippmann’s “Waking Up in Vegas” after seeing Lady Gaga wearing it on the cover of Vanity Fair a couple of months ago. Noticed you did not include it in your “greys” group, but it is a great neutral, and I’ve received many compliments on it.