I’m A Glamour.com Blogging Babe
It’s a happy day fanatics! Beth from Glamour’s The Girls In The Beauty Department blog interviewed yours truly as part of their Blogging Babes series. Thanks Beth!!
As you know, I’m a big fan of the Glamour beauty blog so being included as a Blogging Babe totally makes my day, week, month (you get the picture). Click here to read the full article and enjoy!

Congrats! That’s awesome! I have your blog pinned to my homepage so I can check it each morning! You do a fantastic job!
Love your interview! Great tips (as usual) and I can’t wait for the Grammy’s to see what new trends pop up this year too!
Loved it! That is such a great picture of you, btw! Danny DeVito syndrome…lol!!
That’s great, congrats! Are they going to fix the misspelling of your site’s name in the title though?
Congratulations! Nice article with some good tips
I LOVE it, Michelle! Congrats! I LOATHE a French pedi more than anything. Seriously. Thank the lawd you educated the Glamour-reading world at large re: that.
Woohoo! You rock Michelle!! Your blog filled a whole in my soul when I discovered there was a whole world where people understood nail fanaticism get together
Glad every time I hear you get to appear in mags and on websites
And I am sooo excited about the summer China Glaze polishes, GLASS FLECK!! Rock on, and hope you will always be round to show me the latest and greatest in nails!
Very cool!! Congrats on your feature there
Congratulations Michelle!!! Off to read it now.