The Terrible Twos – ALU’s 2nd Anniversary
Happy New Year Kids! I hope you all had a fantastic NYE and remembered to eat some good luck foods on New Year’s Day. I know my superstitious self had pork and sauerkraut in hopes that 2009 is my best year yet. I have so many fun ideas for ALU and I hope you’ll stick with me to see them.
Yesterday, January 2nd, was All Lacquered Up’s official two year anniversary and I can’t help but reflect on all the amazing gifts writing this blog has given me. Most importantly, all of you. Your comments and emails mean the world to me. Thank you for coming back, day after day, to share your passion and polish fanaticism with me.
As I look back on 2008, it was such an amazing year in polish. When I made my wish list for the year I had no idea so many of my lacquer dreams would come true. I mean, hello, I’m on GREEN overload thanks to China Glaze, Rescue Beauty Lounge, Barielle, Sally Hansen and OPI.
Not only that but I got to meet a bunch of my fellow bloggers who have become great friends. I had the chance to go backstage at New York Fashion Week. Who would ever have imagined a polish freak like me would get that opportunity? I met nail industry idols like Ji Baek, Jin Soon and Elle and had the pleasure of watching CND’s fashion week team at work. Not to mention getting to meet the ladies of China Glaze. It’s an embarrassment of riches. So much so that I feel greedy making a wish list for this year.
So instead of making wishes, let’s turn this into a Fanatic Feedback. What are your polish wishes and lacquer dreams for 2009? Let’s see what we can make happen together.
FYI, due to the overwhelming response to the Fanatics Favorites Survery, the results and winners announcement is delayed until Monday January 5th. Thanks for your patience

more creme colored nps!
Is that a cake to look like a bottle of green polish? Fabulous!!!
My nail polish wish for 2009 is to have at least a couple more REALLY awesome olive green colors come out. My next runner up for color would be a shimmery peacock or teal color. MMMMM!
nice dark teal, creme finish. also, some nice dark duochromes.
Happy Birthday!
I would love to see more nail polishes like the awesome nfu.oh with the flakes in them, I would love to see more duochromes and metallics. I’d love to see more interesting finishes. I’m always up for purple, black, grey, teal, red, and fuschia.
Happy anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary! I love your blog! You have introduced me to polishes I would have never tried before.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I’m new to your blog since December and you’ve definitely inspiried me to me more on my polish game. I even bough Ji Baek’s book Rescue your nails in order to start doing my own nails again at home (hadn’t done that since i was a kid :O).
Anyway I’m so glad you got the opportunity to meet so many of your idols and have such a FABULOUS time this past year. And I wish you more fabulousity for this year.
As for me what I want this year is more cremes. I’m slighlty old fashioned as far as consistency but as far as color now that’s another story – more purples, yellows and whites. But I’m happy with any colors they come out with as long as they are beautiful and lush.
My personal this year is to do my own nails and keep them looking nice each week.
Thanks again for all your great work.
A purple that’s like Ruby Pumps or Emerald Sparkle – actually every color of the rainbow just like that! It would be great to see those come from China Glaze.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
As for my 2009 nail polish wish, I hope there will be more special colors coming out, creme finishes, taupe, metallic, vampy but not dead black, hahaha!!
I would like to see a re-release of the Wizard of Ooh-Ahz collection (apologies if spelled incorrectly). I missed it the first time round, and the few colours/names I’ve seen from it have made me drool
I’ve been into the bling lately. My wish would be for some easy to apply, smooth finish, no brush strokes metalics in some of my favorite colors. Imagine a metalic emerald sparkle with a smooth, finish like emerald glass that just screams, “be blinded by my tips, and love me for it!”
Happy Birthday ALU!
Happy anniversary to you (and your blog)! It remains my favourite nail blog and I always save it to read last (best for last). Nail polish wishes for 2009: to get my hands on one of the gorgeous green polishes you reviewed during 2008.
i agree with laura! i’d like to see more glittery goodness like ruby pumps and emerald sparkle from china glaze. i think they make the best glitter polishes and i would love to see more colours like ruby pumps and emerald sparkle
happy anniversary, michelle
Happy birthsday!
I’d love to see swatches and reviews of brands like Nfu-Oh, SpaRitual, GOSH, and drugstore brands like Sinful.
I hope next year will bring the red I will finally feel in love with.
and some tender, glamourous, but very feminine and sexy nail polish of the colour I cannot even think about.
Happy Anniversary!!
I love that cake!! Happy Anniversary!! I agree with the other posters about metallics….I love them too.
the perfect yellow would be lovely. if that comes out, i’ll be quite happy
and i’d love a nice olive green.