ALU at NYFW – Blow Salon, A Fashion Week Savior
As I type this, I am sitting in the O’Hare airport in Chicago. My two hour direct flight home has been turned into a ten hour debacle that now has me cursing American Airlines. I’m sick as a dog; chills, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, etc. My feet have mutinied after a week of trekking all over New York (I only took cabs when absolutely necessary). The only light at the end of this nasty day is that my hair looks fabulous! My nose may be red and sore but I’ve got shiny, bouncy locks working for me.
You see, a few days back I visited Blow Salon on the Upper East Side to treat myself to a blowout, the appropriately named Blow’s specialty. Considering how much I dread blow drying my hair (it takes forev & a day) and after listening to Jamie from The Beauty of Life rave about their services, I trucked on over for a little pampering mid-Fashion Week.
Hear more about my experience and see the fantastic results, after the jump!
After having my hair curled within an inch of my life at a fashion week beauty suite, I woke up Wednesday morning to some kind of Shirley Temple wig on my crown. It was not pretty. Unfortunately, we had an early morning backstage so I had to rock a ponytail that looked straight out of Bring It On. Way perkier than I felt. So on my way back from the tents, I decided to bite the bullet and call Blow to see if they could fit me in. Two hours later I was relaxing in a chair, having my hair shampooed, conditioned and blown out to perfection.
Seriously girls, as much as I love my stylist back home, I have never had a more fabulous blow out in my lifetime. I about died when I saw how fantastic it looked. Realize, I don’t mean that in an egotistical way, I just love hair and never feel like mine is totally perfect. On Wednesday, that magic moment occurred. Just check out the results.
I said I wanted shiny, bouncy, slightly wavy results and that’s exactly what I got. The only product used, a generous amount of Blow’s own Heat Is On protective styling mist. Oh and I picked up a fun trick as well.
Tip: Using a vented round brush, blow dry individual sections, like all the beauty experts tell you. Except right before you set the piece down, you wrap it into a spiral away from your face to give it a great wave. You’ll be amazed at the results!
Blow has two locations in NYC, Uptown at Lexington and 64th and Downtown on W. 14th St between 8th & 9th. Blow dry prices range from $40-60 depending on hair length and texture (mine was $50). If you’re in NYC or planning a visit, I highly suggest you check Blow out. #NYFW

Love it- so pretty, and it looks so healthy! It was nice meeting you.
OMG that’s soo pretty! That’s exactly how I want my hair! Only it’s stick straight and I have no patience to blow dry with a round brush.
Very pretty and super shiney.
WOW, your hair looks fabulous! I live in NYC, so perhaps I need to give this salon a visit!
That is some shiny hair! Also, thanks for the add on Facebook.
Gorgeous!! So shiny!
Wow, your hair is amazing! So pretty.
Holy cow, girl! That is some gorgeous hair! I hope you’re feeling better :3
So pretty! You have really great hair
Whoa! That is amazing hair you’ve got there! I’m very jealous.
I wished I could curl a round brush without it getting tangled. I guess I am just not that coordinated! Love your Locks!
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