MAC Sugarsweet – Peppermint Patti & Seasonal Peach
![]() Being a total sucker for packaging or any kind of gimmicky looking product, I’m all about the collection’s Tricolour Lipglasses but I’m trying to restrain myself. It’s not easy folks. I drive past the mall on my way home every night and I know they’re there, waiting for me. Like a basket full of free kittens, they’re hard to resist. Back to the task at hand, the polishes. Sugarsweet introduced one new shade, Peppermint Patti, and one repromote, Seasonal Peach (from Creamsheen). See how they look after the jump! |
Seasonal Peach is a soft, pinky peach cream and as much as I want to love this one, the formula is no bueno. Application issues and streakiness plagues this one from being a big time winner. I tried every trick I could think of but it wasn’t playing my reindeer games. If you tinker around long enough and apply three coats it can look decent but for me, Seasonal Peach is a pass.
Now Peppermint Patti I love!! That perfect after dinner mint green you’ve looking for, it’s right here! It’s just pigmented enough to not be washed out or too pastel. Though I’m not gonna lie, it’s not the easiest to apply either but better than its collection sister above. Application Tip: Apply two THIN coats with at least two minutes dry time between then one THICK, even coat. It’s not ideal but to get this gorgeous shade to work, I’m willing. Are you?Just for funsies I added a thin line of Seasonal Peach to create a funky french. What do you think?
I knew the comparison questions would come a calling so here it is next to Essie Greenport and Barielle Sweet Addiction.
Like I said above, both shades are sold out online. That’s a big fat boo for online shoppers but don’t lose hope. Run, drive, fly etc. to your nearest MAC counter to scoop them up for yourself.
So, who else picked these babies up? Thoughts?

I saw that Peppermint Patti had sold out online yesterday so I ran to Nordstrom’s and bought both shades. I’m sorry to read that the formula is so awful because they are both so pretty on! Love your swatches.
PS–All but two of the tricolour glosses are VERY sheer so only one of them was worth getting IMHO (Tasty)!
I flat out can’t decide if I want Peppermint Patty. I know I don’t want Seasonal Peach. I hate that. I’ll probably stay undecided until it’s clear I can’t get it anywhere and then kick myself later.
Mmm, I’ve never bought a MAC polish before … the colors all seem a little boring. Buuut, I might have to maybe get Peppermint Patty. That’s a pretty awesome color right there.
I really like Seasonal Peach, I LOVE peppermint patti. I’m sad the application was tricky. I think I might get it anyway.
I picked up Peppermint Patti last night! Total happenstance–I went in to eyeball the Hello Kitty stuff more and saw these were out. I love the color, I don’t have a green like it in my collection.
I passed on the peach. I would like a good summer-y peach shade, but that one didn’t really tempt me.
Oooh! I went and picked my Peppermint Patti up yesterday! I’ve been craving a pale mint, and I’m so glad I have it! And thank you for putting it up with Greenport — yes, I definitely need both!
It’s a pass on both of these. I don’t wear peach polish at all and I like the other light greens you’ve swatched recently better than this one. Plus, I don’t have time for polish that is a pain to apply! But thank you for your unbiased reviews, I really like knowing the pros and cons ahead of time!!! You rock!
That green is fantastic! I love the colour of Seasonal Peach, however application is way to big of a problem for me to shell out 11.00CAN. The green is nice, but application is a problem. Too bad. I knew it was gonna be streaky. Maybe Chanel’s fall green will be ok? may not be out of polishes.
I like Peppermint Patty but then I thought…”I got something like that.” It’s OPI’s Hey Get in “Lime”. What do you think?
I ran to the MAC store on my break yesterday to pickup Peppermint Patti and Seasonal Peach. I’m waffling on SP tho.I picked up Lippmann P.Y.T.(Pretty Young Thing)today which looks fairly close. I think with all the application issues Seasonal Peach will be going back.
i just couldn’t resist Peppermint Patti–I grabbed a bottle at Nordstrom’s Mac counter. Inspired by the Chanel runway, I love how Mac really jumped on the pale mint green boat early and grabbed my curiosity!
Peppermint Patti sold out at my counter yesterday. I got the very last one! I was amazed, because I got to the counter at 3pm which means they somehow sold out within 6 hours. I love the color. It’s the closest thing I’ve found to the pastel buttermint green color I’ve had in my head driving me crazy for months. I agree that the formula is a bit difficult, but truth be told I seem to have application trouble with most cremes anyway (except RBL cremes) so I wasn’t surprised.
The images I was seeing of Patti weren’t impressing me at all, it looked so dull. But your swatch is gorgeous, and now I want it!
i think Peppermint Patti is the same color as OPI’s Hey! Get in Lime!
I got Peppermint Patti and I can’t wait to try it! I also got two of the Tricolour Lipglasses, Tasty and Simply Delicious. (I couldn’t resist!)
OPI’s Get In Lime and Peppermint Patti are definitely different. GIL is lighter and has more yellow in it than PP. Suggrr on the MUA swatched them both here:
I am so glad I got Peppermint Patti before it was gone. I am absolutely in love. Mint green is my favorite color and this is just perfect.
As much as I love the color I’m hesitant on MAC polishes. I haven’t had luck with the application of others. Maybe I will get PP, it’s so beautiful.
I actually like the Seasonal Peach colour but I have heard so much about the poor application.
Any chance there are any dupes to the colour?
Thank goodness my best friend works for mac!! I went the day Peppermint Patti was released and I only got a bottle because she held it for me! I’m absolutely in love with it! Application was not as great as others, but totally worth it if you don’t mind waiting for 3 coats.
I got Seasonal Peach as well and got the same issues with application. I am contemplating with returning it (which I don’t really like to do)
Is there a dupe for it?
I just received my Peppermint Patti last night and it’s cuter than I’d imagined. I had the Seasonal Peach when it first was issued and also find it’s application to be absolute pants ;; so disappointing as the shade is wicked lovely.
I went to MAC yesterday to pick up Peppermint Patti and was relieved to see that the tester was still there, but then it turned out to be sold out! Of course now I want it way more than I did before. I still have 3 more places I can try, so I’ll try all those tommorow before work. If you want it, buy it now.
I just bought PP 20 minutes ago. Yum… the color oddly makes me hungry. I’m tempted to remove my 1-day-old manicure (CG Blue Island Ice Tea) for this color! I’ll wait until tomorrow.
They both look so fabulous, and really go well together! Too bad the formula on the peach is a no go
I honestly don’t like either of these colors. Also, I don’t care for MAC’s formulat – it’s chiptastic. Oh well, money saved.
Thanks for the pictures.
I love the look of the Peppermint Patty. I’ve never bought a MAC polish before…. Might have to try them out.
I picked up PP last night. I was surprised that it was still around being that the MAC counter is always packed, maybe folks aren’t into nail polish like that around here lol. I did a swatch it on the nail wheel…so cute! can’t wait to try it!
i’m still waiting for this collection to launch in the UK!!
I love love love PP. The Pro Store I go to launched a day early so my friend who works there actually texted me to let me know it was out. The application IS a pain but I don’t mind fiddling with it for that kind of color payoff.
I have Peppermint Patti…I’m rocking it today actually. I’m in LOVE. Its so gorgeous. I’m so glad I went to scoop it up because its starting to sell out everywhere.
season peach is streaky like a biotch. 3 coats and i’ll need another. i bought peppermint patti off ebay. FML!
I’m ordering the OPI Hey Get In Lime as I missed the boat on MAC Peppermint Patti. However, Essie Greenport is available on Amazon. I’ve had good luck with Amazon recently – finding great colors at about 1/2 the price you’d pay in stores. I had hoped Essie’s Mint Candy Apple was going to be more minty green as the name suggests but it’s more on the blue side. Really love it, but not what I was looking for. I don’t see this mint green or coral trend going away any time soon! I’m obsessed. Can you help me? hahaha!
loving the peach!!! i seen a girl wearing a similar colour and i wanted it straight away!!! but i do like the fresh pepper mint tooo!! xx