Zoya Matte Velvet 5 Day Wear Test Results
Good afternoon fanatics! I’m here to update you on how the Zoya Matte Velvet polish held up during my 5 day wear test. I gave Dovima a whirl using CND Stickey base coat on my index and ring fingers and nothing on the rest.
Much like the OPI Mattes, Dovima started chipping on my ring finger and thumb post shower on day two and it just got worse frm there. The chipping on my middle finger didn’t really start until day three and as you can tell, it held up much better than the other two.
Also like the OPI Mattes, the fingers with base coat just experience minor tip wear but the application wasn’t as good. There was streaking, pulling and holes on the first coat that were hard to even out on the second but I made it happen.
As the week went on, just coming in brief contact with water, my face creams and body lotions affected the finish. It becomes more satiny and lighter in color. What you see below is after a full five days.
Normally doing a five day wear test on a new polish is no big thing. I do it because I want to give you all an accurate report on how a brand’s formula wears. But I gotta say, testing matte polish absolutely sucks! Because while I don’t care what people think when they see me wearing four different polish colors, I abhor staring at chipped tips. It brings out my urge to pick so the last couple days were pretty tourturous.
Bottom line, when it comes to matte polishes… WEAR A BASE COAT. I don’t care what the instructions say, if you want to avoid staining and immediate chipping, wear a base coat. Nuff said! Enjoy your Saturday. I hope you have something fun planned.

Thanks for sharing this! Honestly, I almost always forget to apply a base coat unless I'm at the nail salon or I'm doing my toes! I'm looking forward to trying these myself.
Thanks so much for doing this, I don't know how you could stand it. And I definitely will be wearing a base coat with these!
Hmm, that's disappointing -_-
That's discouraging to see. I definitely will be buying these shades one at a time so that I can decide if I can handle the wear on these before I talk the plunge and but them en masse.
I'm curious though, how do you think these might work under a matte topic coat? It'd give them an extra layer of protection without adding any shine. I assume it'd mess with the color a bit as matte top coats are milky rather than clear, but I wonder if it'd be a good way to prolong its wear without completely altering its finish.
Ha, wow, kudos on the willpower! If I get one really big chip I just have this horrible intense urge to immediately rip off all my polish, it's awful.
Hi Michelle, FYI your last name means SAME in Spanish. Mismas = Same. So I would pronounce it Missmass. And same is spelled exactly like your last name in spanish. Cool!
Thanks for doing this test!!! Interesting you should mention the fact that the products you use in your everyday routine affect the matte finish. It sounds like it's more work to keep the matte finish truly matte than it is to go about your business as usual. As much as nail polish fanatic I am, I'd much rather maintain my face, skin & hair with moisturizers, etc over preserving a matte finish hoping it won't chip before I leave the house. I guess I'll "stay glossy" and reach for the Orly Nails for Males when I want that satiny finish :-).
KO makes a matte top coat called Flatte Top. I use it as a base coat and top coat. It's expensive, but it helps a lot!
I know what you mean, it is the worst thing to look down at your hands and see chipped nails tips. I get it the worst because I am constantly typing away or tapping on tabletops, so my manicures are chip-free for maybe two days, threes at max. I see that Matte polishes are so in at the moment, but I still love seeing my nails shiny. I guess Matte hasn't grown on me yet.