My 4th of July Manicure – A Nail Art Extravaganza
So I started off very simple with a multi-colored manicure. It’s got patriotic spirit and is very user friendly. You don’t need nail art skills to make this happen yet it’s festive. Have a FANTABULOUS 4th everyone!
Because Steph has been encouraging me to attempt polka dots, I finally took the plunge, adding some white ones using the dotting tool. Steph’s application tip: Pour a bit of polish onto aluminum foil to let it thicken. Dip the dotting tool in the polish and gently tap onto the nail, holding the tool perpendicular.
Since I was so proud of my dots (this is truly my first effort), I added some to the red as well. Though I think that nail looks more like Toad from Super Mario Brothers than 4th of July.
Now what would a 4th of July mani be without stars? So I broke out the nail art pen and drew a hasty star at the base of my nail. Application tip: Make sure your polish is completely dry or use a quick dry top coat, like I did, before you start to draw or else you’ll damage the color underneath.
That star looked lonely so I gave it a friend. Note: The bonus of using these nail art pens is that you can wipe off any mistakes with water and not ruin the polish below. So don’t be afraid to experiment. Just be careful when you wipe to avoid skin contact because the color can stain.
Finally, I added stripes to go with my stars. Because the special paint in the nail art pen dries matte, I applied top coat to protect the design and add shine.
Now I realize this look is WAY over the top but we’re talking about a holiday where people paint stars & stripes on their faces so who really cares. If you want something a little more tame, try adding just one of these elements to your manicure for a little 4th of July pizazz.

I love your nails! Very festive indeed…today i just did a white base with blue and red polka dots (using Sally Hansen pens in red and blue). Hope you have a great 4th!
I'm not the most festive 4th of July person around, so I'm loving the Toad reference. I kind of want to do a mushroom mani now. Haha!
Would you recommend those nail art pens? Are they really easy to use/would you consider a staple?.
love it!
That looks great, I love it!! xoxo Your going be addicted to those damn dots lol!!
That's crazy! I could never wear that, but it looks cute.
I love it! It's a holiday, why not have fun with it? Very creative and you did a great job. It's way cooler than painting stars and stripes on your face. Happy 4th.
Beautiful! I wish my hands were steady enough to attempt something like that. You did a great job!
I love it! There's nothing wrong with being creative. haha.
Purdy! Who cares if red with white polka dots is like Toad. I love Toad. I want a Toad manicure!
that's cute! i was looking forward to trying out my new konad polishes with a red base and blue polka dots but i lost the scraper.
I don't think it's too over the top for a holiday, I LOVE it. Yes, the weather has finally been nice today, lets hope it continues to hold up, we've had a pretty dreary summer! Very pretty, perfect colors!
Adorable! I would never be able to do my right hand, though
Cute nails! Here is how I did mine for the 4th:
I love those Sally Hansen nail pens! I used one for the white stripe in this picture and for polka dots the other day.
Look at you! That's a cute mani. Fourth of July done right, I say!
Love it! Soooo cute!!
OMG SO GORGEOUS. I might wear this even though it's not 4th of july anymore it's cute lol.
Love this! Very creative and festive.
That is a great look for the 4th of July. Nothing wrong with being over the top. God Bless America!
It *is* way over the top, but I love it on you! & I love the tutorial aspect; it was fun to watch it evolve.
Your taste in colors remains impeccable.
cute! I wish I had time to do something OTT & more festive. I got as far painting my nails alternately ChG Ruby Pumps over CHG Paint the Town Red with ChG Up All Night.
Cuuuuute! I didn't do a Patriotic manicure, but I did do my toes alternating red, white, and blue!
Hi Olivia:
I love what you did with the red, white stripe and blue swirls right across your beautiful nails, it looks very professionally done. Nice and festive for the holiday season.
Michelle: I must say you always come up with so many great ideas for young woman to paint their nails! Love how you use the red, white and blue dots, and blue stars and stripes to create you own unique patterns. You make it look so easy and have so much fun with it.
BTW-Have you ever visited this web site before? The web site is mostly for pedicures but I know a young lady who adapts some of the nail designs for her fingers as well. Just a thought and they also have lower-cost e-books are now on sale for less than $5. Even downloadable right to your PC.
I first thought of this when I saw your beautiful and gorgeous nails with the pretty white dots and stripes. Happy fourth of July weekend everyone.
((((((Love Olivia and Michelle)))))'
Mc Huggs
Really really nice!
I love it