Celebrity Nail Watch – Who Embraced the Green Nail Trend?
I can’t give her props for the wardrobe choice but the nails get an A+ from me. Why she had to spoil it with that ring, I haven’t the faintest. Get Annalynne’s nail look at home with Barielle Polished Princess from the All Lacquered Up collection. Peace, Love & Polish, Michelle
Did any of you say 90210 starlet Annalynne McCord? Who the Fug Girls lovingly refer to as Drunkface. Girl went over the top and THEN some. Between the fingerless lace glove, the banana yellow clutch and wifebeater/corset contraption on her midsection, the nails seem pretty tame. Is this hipster dominatrix chic?
I hope you’re all enjoying your holiday weekend. Today is our annual block party. What’s on your schedule for the day?

Lauren Conrad was also sporting a very Zulu-like green when in Toronto this spring for her end-of-Hills PR tour!
yes i agree the only think nice about this is her nails..what the heck was she thinking?
I'd say I at least like the corset, but it's not even a decent corset – looks like a "one-size-fits-poorly" made with the cheapie plastic junk they put in the bodices of prom dresses.
Nails = win. The rest of it = massive fail.
Did you give your permission to use your pics? http://community.livejournal.com/nail_ru/10265.html#cutid1
She doesn't mention you or your blog in her blog entry.
oooh, early Halloween costume perhaps? The nails are cool, but that's about it.
Raining all day over here which changes the outdoor grilling plan. Perhaps cleaning up computer area is in order and making sure all my nail polish is where it's suppose to be.
Oh jeez, her outfit gives me the shivers. Not in a good way, either. I'm with Shattered on the corset… love the nails, though!! Maybe she just needs to hold her hand in front of her outfit.
Actually I like her ring and her nail polish… that's all I like about her.