China Glaze ‘Loves You Snow Much’ Holiday Swatches & Review
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That seems to be the China Glaze adage for Holiday 2009 and I totally get it. I mean how much did we all freak out over Emerald Sparkle? It’s the ultimate in green glitter gorgeousness. And how many of you regretted not getting a backup?
Well China Glaze obviously “Loves You Snow Much” to bring it back with a brand new friend. They’ve expanded last year’s Sleigh Ride trio of Tinsel, Ruby Pumps and Emerald Sparkle to include the way apropos 5 Golden Rings. Check out the new kid on the block and refresh your memory as to why Emerald Sparkle is an utter must-have.
Like her sister Tinsel, 5 Golden Rings packs a whole lot of glitter love into a golden semi-sheer base. I wouldn’t ID it as one of their glass flecks, rather it has a foil-like quality with glitter particles that sparkle like crushed gems. It’s a shame the camera lens can’t capture its brilliance. It’s also more of a true yellow gold than I’m able to show. My only disappointment is the opacity. I used three medium-thick coats and still see my tips.
Tinsel is an explosion of silver glitter. Like 5 Golden Rings, it also exhibits a semi-sheer appearance after three coats.
Of course by now most of us are familiar with Ruby Pumps. The lone survivor of the original Wizard of Ooh Ahz collection, she really does Dorothy’s slippers justice. Long before all the other brands introduced their take on those iconic shoes, Ruby Pumps was already a fan fave.
Emerald Sparkle, what can I say about this gem that hasn’t already been said? I’ve had my original sample bottle for over a year and a half and it still makes me swoon-y on sight.
The China Glaze Loves You Snow Much collection is on sale now. You can find it at Sally Beauty stores and online at e-tailers like and
Would you like a chance to win the Loves You Snow Much collection along with a ton of other great polishes and pink ribbon themed products? Then don’t forget to enter the Think Pink – Donate & Win Giveaway to help support Breast Cancer Research. It ends tomorrow so don’t miss out!
So what’s your take Fanatics? Are you happy to see the Sleigh Ride colors return? Would you have preferred something new? Who’s backing up their Emerald Sparkle?

If my Sally's has them in, I think I may just get the entire set and back up Emerald Sparkle (and Ruby Pumps which I already have by itself). Otherwise I'll just have to go online to buy them. By the way, I really do love all of them on you.
Ordered Tinsel, Ruby Pumps and Emerald Sparkle this week – can't wait! I'm new to the polish addict world so I didn't have any of these yet. I hope I'm as happy with them as you are!
I NEED Emerald Sparkle! I keep seeing this on blogs and I have to have it! My Sally's doesn't have them in yet. I'm going to keep checking!
I don't have Emerald Sparkle or Ruby Pumps, so I'm definitely getting those. Gorgeous! The other two are a bit too sheer.
ooh,i love the Emerald Sparkle and Ruby Pumps,though i don't know if i could wear that particular red.Tinsel is pretty but kind of boring,and Five Golden Rings is too yellow for my taste.
I bought Ruby Pumps and Emerald Sparkle last year and loved them! Then a dear friend admired Emerald Sparkle and I gave it to her, intending to buy another one for myself — only to find they were sold out! You can imagine how fast I bought it again now that it became available. I'm going to get Tinsel, too, but the gold is a bit sheer for my taste.
Samantha – Thank you! I find it's best to call a few Sally's to see if they have stock out before going. I've spent way too many days trekking between stores to find what I want.
Laura – I hope you are too. If you love green polish, Emerald Sparkle will rock your world and Ruby Pumps is a crowd pleaser. It always gets compliments.
LipGlossGossip – Did you ask if their stock came in? You should do that to make sure your store didn't sell out already. I would hate for you to miss out before it sells out online.
Susanna – You're going to love them. Great choices!
Juniper – Ruby Pumps is pretty universally flattering IMO though I can't speak to every skintone. I don't find that it leans too cool/warm.
Jamie – Oh no! I seriously would have cried. OK maybe that's a bit melodramatic but I would have been sad to give it away and find it sold out. Glad you could replace your bottle so now you and your friend can sport matching manis.
I have this set. It's fabulous! Emerald Sparkle and Ruby Pumps are so marvelous, and I was actually really really pleased by Tinsel and 5 Golden Rings! For me they were absolutely perfect with four coats. Tinsel, with a thick glossy coat of seche vite on top was wonderful, and I got oodles of compliments on it!!
Allegedly the formulas are slightly different this year for the re-relases – is there any chance you could do comparison swatches? I got Ruby and Emerald last year, but I want to see if this year's formula is better.
Ruby Pumps is on my toes right now! Every time I wear it I have to show everyone how awesome it is! I'm hoping my Sallys will have Emerald Sparkle soon, my bottle is on its last leg!
Thanks for remind me about the Think Pink giveaway! I'm doing a breast cancer walk tomorrow morning and have raised 200 dollars! So, anyway I can support breast cancer research is okay with me
Yes, I know they are great but I wait x-mas anxiouly to wear them !
Ruby Slippers is a so pretty and I am liking Emerald Sparkles too. There are so many great green nailpolishes being released this season. Too bad China Glaze is a hard fine in Vancouver, at least I have only seen it at one little salon with limited colours.
I purchased all of these colors this past weekend at Sally's. I just love them. They have the best color. I have never used any China Glaze polishes before, but now I am a big fan. Thanks, Michelle!