China Glaze Wizard of Ooh Ahz Swatches, Comparisons & Review
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The Wizard of Ooh Ahz polishes became part of the nail polish lexicon when a MUA nail boarder discovered them in a closeout store (a Christmas Tree Shop, I believe) about 4 or 5 years ago. Lemmings were born and a fever to hunt them down began. Thanks to the generosity of my fellow nail boarders I’ve had the pleasure of owning all except The Ten Man and an original bottle of Ruby Pumps.
In 2007 petitions began to form and China Glaze reached out to me for a swatch wheel of the originals. Since that time, they’ve worked on perfecting clones. Fanatics who are looking for dead-on dupes won’t find them here though not for a lack of trying. I’ve seen two previous incarnations prior to this launch and while they still haven’t hit the nail directly on the head, they did a bang-up job nonetheless. With formula changes (to 3-Free), no recipe to work with and only dry swatches of the originals, I have no doubt it was quite a task.
Unfortunately I do have an issue with the formula on these. It’s not the consistency, it’s the opacity. I know when you do a glitter polish you have to have sheer to semi-sheer base but these are too sheer for my liking. Like we’re talking 4 coats on Cowardly Lyin. The originals in all their toxic chemical glory were much more opaque. Other wise, the jelly based polishes apply like a dream and the frosts are just slightly brush stroke-y. They’re saved by the micro-glitter from being a metallic finish nightmare.
Dorothy Who? is still a glittering, jelly blue fantasy only this version is a bit lighter due to the opacity issue and the slightly less electrifying base. The base color of this version is more of a bright sky blue so the finished product doesn’t have the same depth as my original.
C-C-Courage is a graple frost peppered with purple and pink micro-glitter. I think this one shows the differences in the frosts the most and I believe it’s due to the shape of the glitter. The glitter in the original polish appears more squared, dense and heavy whereas the 2009 version is lighter, rounder and more dispersed. That could also have something to do with the age of my bottle.
Cowardly Lyin’ is a golden, yellow frost speckled with bright gold micro-glitter. To me, this is the polish that comes closest to matching the original. The 2009 version may be a tad darker but the finish looks the same on the nail.
Good Witch? was always the most coveted and hard-to-find of the original WOOA polishes but it was never really my thing. No offense to the Good Witch? lovers but I’m not as much a fan of the lighter shades’ frosty finish. The glitter is so textured that it looks bumpy. I think if Good Witch?, Cowardly Lyin’ and The Ten Man were in the same formula as Dorothy Who? and Ruby Pumps I would love them more. It’s for that reason that I sent my original bottle of Good Witch? to live with my pink loving friend who I knew would adore her.
The Ten Man’s name was hotly debated until we saw and actual photograph. “Tin Man?” well that makes sense but it’s too literal. “The Tan Man?” what would that even mean? The Ten Man, as in ten fingers/toes, is a silver glitter frost that has a foil-like appearance. This is my fave of the lighter frosts though the opacity could use some work.
It’s no wonder Ruby Pumps was the one color to make it from the original WOOA collection to the core lineup. It truly is one of the most spectacular red glitters I’ve ever worn. Next to Mismas and my 90s go-to OPI INRAW, Ruby Pumps is the pedi shade I’ve worn most. Holidays, special occasions, fun in the summer sun; this super sparkly red is always a winner. Unfortunately the sun was running away from me so I only have a natural light swatch but you can check out my old Ruby Pumps sunlight pic in my Loves You Snow Much review.
The China Glaze Wizard of Ooh Ahz collection has begun to ship and is available online NOW. & already have the polishes listed and they will be at soon. You can find China Glaze polishes on shelves at Sally Beauty Supply stores nationwide.
I know some people have commented about the missing “Emerald City” polish that this collection so rightly deserves. China Glaze wanted to re-release the collection in its original form so they created Emerald Sparkle to satisfy that need.
OK so are you as excited about this collection now that you’ve seen the actual polishes? Who’s planning to snag up the whole thing? Who owns some of the originals? Which ones?

I never even thought of an Emerald City, but I do wish they’d done some sort of rich olive green jelly with glitter, for the Wicked Witch of the West.
Loving the new shade for Good Witch, it’s much more like Glenda’s me anyway.
And I’m all for auroragyps’ suggestion for a green more to the likes of the Wicked Witch! Though what I have in mind wouldn’t fit as well as an “Emerald City”
I’m delighted that ChG has chosen to rerelease this collection. The only one for me, however, is Dorothy Who? I don’t like the VNL in Cowardly Lyin’ and the other colors don’t suit me.
Gorgeous! I already have ruby pumps, so I’ve decided to only get Dorothy Who for myself. I know a Wizard of Oz lover, however, so I purchased the whole set plus Emerald Sparkle as a gift for her.
Ruby Pumps is the one that catches my attention, no offense to anyone out there. not a fan of frosts or glitters. i’ll pass on the rest.
awesome review, ty Michelle!
hugs from DC!
I’m bummed that Dorothy Who? isn’t as deep of a blue as the original. Do you think if I layered the new version over a deep blue color that I could get the same effect?
These swatches are sick!!! Just amazing!!! I must get CCCCourage, Ruby Pumps and maybe Cowardly Lyin’!
I must have all of these! Thanks a lot Michelle, I was going to try to save some money up for Christmas, but now I have to go to Sally’s and buy these polishes. And I have no problems with that! They’re all gorgeous, I need them all!
Thanks so much for posting these swatches and for being among those who helped China Glaze to re-release them (and thank you China Glaze for being customer-conscious!). I own the original Dorothy Who?, Ruby Pumps and Good Witch. I found several bottles of the whole collection, unceremoniously tossed in a dirty clearance bin at a random CVS all those years ago. I had no idea about the collection at the time (thank goodness for MUA!), but Dorothy Who? was the one that caught my eye and still does. I’ll be getting a back up of that one. I was never a fan of the frosty ones tho.
I was really not excited about Cowardly Lyin’ or the Ten Man until I saw your swatches. I think I’ll pick up the entire collection now!
Thanks for all you did to help ChG out on this Michelle! Ten man has my name on it, I sent the original I found to a sweet friend. I still have Dorothy Who from the originals after I stole it back from my Mom.
I still have the original Cowardly Lyin too.
This is perfect for my nail art! I love glittery nail polishes. Makes my hand look so chic. ^_^ Wonderful photos and very pretty photos!
I tried to post before, but it seems there was some problem with the website… So, here goes:
I’ve been reading the blog for a while but I think this is m first post. So hello to Michelle and all nail polish lovers
I absolutely adore C-C-C-Courage and Ruby Pumps; I’ve been wanting to try the latter for a long time now, and oooh do I want it RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!!
Purples are always my favourites, so how could I not love C-C-C-Courage
Michelle, would you say the finish of those is very ‘bumpy’ or just a little? I like me some smooth finish
I was a nail polish junky in high school, changing my polish on an almost daily basis to suit my outfits (even from a warm red to a cool red just to get a perfect match – these were the days of “Clueless”). I’ve since mellowed, um, considerably, but since discovering this website I am buying polish faster than I can change my tips! So addictive! As a professor, sparkles are strictly for the weekends, but I may need a bottle of c-c-courage for new years eve.
Hi Michelle:
You have outdone yourself, right before Thanksgiving Day even with posting the swatches for this China Glaze collection. I really love the imagination of the characters in the movie. It’s so clever and cool. The polishes are gorgeous and your nails never looked so beautiful. I always mention that Michelle, and it’s always true. Gorgeous, amazing and stunning.
Where are the green colors? Couldn’t they have a green color for the collection? I was disappointing as I am sure you were too that there was no green colored polishes
Anyway, I love how you make note that the original formula of “Dorothy Who?” It still is a beautiful color shade; but your right the original is far more opaque than the 2009 version. Kudos for recognizing that.
The CG CCC-Courage is my favorite purple shade of the collection. Do you think the re-design is due to making the polish more cost effective or to make it appear easier to apply or something else entirely?
Cowardly Lyin’ is such a fun yellow gold frost and would it make for a summer color than for the Fall? Or maybe would look great with a gold or yellow evening gown to a formal function. Add a gold colored clutch, yellow or black pumps and any woman would look super in this nail polish shade.
Good Witch is so much lighter than the original and has less glitter in the original formula, why did they do this? Ten Men is a stunning silver shade that sparkles are a dream to view.
Now, we come to the most gorgeous and I agree “spectacular” red “Ruby Pumps,” and would great on anyone’s pedi toes, LOL. It’s super dazzling and it looks amazing on your nails Michelle. Plus, it’s available from my good friends at Sally’s Beauty Supply, which makes the collection even easier to find right before the holidays. I can see Ruby Slippers on the toes and fingernails of most holiday shoppers. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
((((Love Michelle))))
Mc Huggs
Oooh gorgeous! I will check Sally’s today and see if they have Good Witch?. And maybe another bottle of Ruby Red Pumps, even though my bottle’s not running out (because glitters are so fussy to remove.) Wouldn’t want to pay shipping for just 2. Thanks for the swatches, and they look super close to the originals in most shots.
You have the best swatch pics I’ve been able find. Beautiful!!! I went to Sally’s today looking for this collection and they knew nothing of it. They said they already have their new items for December in and this collection wasn’t in so they guessed it might be available in January. Maybe that’s just one clueless Sally’s in Phoenix and they will have the collection sooner… I hope so because I’m dying for a few of these colors.
I did pick up Lubu Heels and Ruby Pumps though so it wasn’t a total waste of a trip. I’m new to China Glaze (I’m a recovering OPI snob) and I’m loving CG so far!
Definitely sounds like I want some of the colors–Good Witch?, C-C-Courage, and Dorothy Who?. I’ve already got Ruby Pumps at home so I can afford to miss that one, and I’m not sure if I want to get Cowardly Lyin’ and The Ten Man since we’re seeing so many of those golds and silvers these days.
I think I’ll definitely be buying all of these. I’m just starting out my collection, and I think some great holiday glitters are the perfect way to start.
Aww, that’s a great gift idea. I’m sure there will be plenty of people receiving this as a gift this holiday season. Combined with the 70th Anniversary DVD, it would be a WoOz fan’s dream come true.
I hear ya. The sheerness is a bummer. I may try layering them over gold, silver, pink polishes in a similar hue.
I’m glad you like it. I on board with the Wicked Witch idea. As long as it’s in the same formula as Emerald Sparkle/Ruby Pumps/Dorothy Who?
That’s a brilliant idea!! Have you tried Emerald Sparkle?
I totally remember when you found those and I still have that Jazz Dorothy Who? dupe you sent me before I owned the original.
Oh yay! So glad you like them.
Hey Micki! I’m just happy ChG listened to our begging. Now should we start working on them about Wet Velvet?
Thanks! Are you a manicurist or do you do nail art as a hobby?
You better scoop them up fast. I have a feeling Sally’s will sell out fast.
Ruby Pumps is one of those polishes everyone should own. It’s like the little black dress of polish. Even people who aren’t into reds love it.
That’s what I’m going to try, layering. I’m not sure what I’ll put it over though. I want something with a similar base, you know?
Yeah, I’m not much for frosts either. They have to really be special or unique. C-c-courage fits the bill in that respect. Can’t get enough of it.
I was having server issues and outages so the site has been a bit wonky (and frustrating). I’m hoping *fingers crossed* that we’re back on track soon.
I’m so glad you came out of lurking to comment. I would say the finish is textured but with a layer of Olan Quick & Slick top coat it’s perfectly smooth.
I’ll try to lurk less and comment more from now on
As a UK reader I might have trouble getting Olan (never seen it here:/) but I’m hoping Seche Vite will do the trick? I’m just waiting for my massive US haul of nail products, including ridiculously cheap Seche – it costs around 10 pounds here and I bought it for an equivalent of 2.50! Yay!
Oh yeah, SV will definitely work. It’s one of the thicker top coats and can make almost any rough glitter feel smooth. What a great deal you got. I know a lot of people from the UK end up ordering from US polish sites. Even with the shipping it ends up being cheaper. Have fun with your haul!
Oh I hope they have them out already. I haven’t checked my Sally’s yet. Glitters are a pain to remove but if you really soak the pad/cotton ball and hold it for a like 20 seconds it’s much easier. The longer you can let the remover work on the polish, the better.
Aww, thank you for the compliment. I’m so happy that you like my swatch pics. You know this collection was supposed to launch in January but was pushed up so the employees at your store might not know yet. They will when the boxes arrive. Ha! You should ask them what day they get shipments in and just call to see if it’s arrived. Saves you the trip.
That’s certainly a unique NYE mani choice. I love it!! I normally think of metallics for that night but a sparkly, frosty purple is right up my alley. I feel for you, having to wear more conservative colors during the week. I would have a hard time complying.
Thanks George! I’m happy to see you commenting regularly again. I think the formula change is partly to blame for the opacity issues. The old formula was completely different and the brand was owned by different people then. So I’m sure it was a challenge to completely duplicate the colors.