Illamasqua Pastel Nail Varnishes Preview
The latest buzz from the world of Illamasqua is about their Pastel Nail Varnishes launching near the end of February.
The range includes (l-r): Blow, Wink, Nudge, Caress
The Illamasqua Blog has more details and swatch images of the polishes where they describe the formula as being comparable to Milf.
Though here’s the deal Fanatics. As of now, the colors are set to launch in UK stores and on the Illamasqua website. If you want to see them make their way to Sephora stores and they need to hear it. So tell me in the comments… Would you buy these colors if there were available in the US?

yes yes yes. I would. I would wear them. I would buy them. I would show them on my blog. I would paint the town with them!!! Please bring them to Sephora!!!! They are hot! And I love Illamasqua and it is funny that you compare the formula to Milf, because I am wearing it RIGHT NOW! The application is phenomenal. 2 coats and done.
PS – Sephora, you should also really carry Elope and Hectic. They are stunners are we need them in the US!!!!!
A big Illamasqua nail polish fan!!
Yes, very much so! Come on Sephora! Do the right thing!
Abso-friggin-lutely! They are gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous colors!
In a word, YES.
In more words… OH HELLS TO THE YES.
Yes! i would definitely purchase them if they came to sephora, also they need to carry Illmasqua propaganda, a beautiful dark blue jelly!
No, I wouldn’t buy them. All of the swatches on their blog look nearly the same. And they look like Easter. Not my thing.
Uh, yeah, I’d buy them in the US! Should we email them???
These are gorgeous but they remind me of the UP & AWAY colors so I think I’d pass.
Yes, I would buy these. But only at Sephora’s prices. The Illamasqua site it too rich for my blood, especially with shipping. Please Sephora and Illamasqua. Please with a cherry on top. Also, PRETTY PLEASE make the Pantomime Duos available at Sephora too. If you brought them here they would sell like hotcakes!!
Oh my goodness YES!!! I love Illamasqua Nail Varnsihes. I would paint my house with them if I could afford it ^^
Sephora, here my cry! Bring more Illamasqua to the states especially he nail varnishes and we HAVE to have these if they are like MILF… I was wearing it on the weekend and it’s divine. I got several for Xmas and yes. ConVERTED!Chanel who?? ^^
Would love to see these at Sephora. Yes please!
I think Illamasqua/ Sephora would be barmy not to! These are the holy grail of nail varnishes. When are they going to be releaseD? I don’t know how much longer I can contain myself.
YES! Please put these in Sephora!!!
They look really pretty, but cool, opaque pastels tend to look really bad on my because I have olive skin. Maybe if the last two colors came in a sample…
I would absolutely buy them, wear them, love them…I’m going to email Sephora now!
The swatches are amazing, I am definitely intrigued.
I have an Illamasqua counter near me and will be heading out to invest in a couple of these come pay day! I’ve got my eye on Poke as well.
YES I would buy them. I’m really in to pastels right now and there are two of these I want to get.
I would definitely be interested in buying them – would certainly get me to visit my nearest Sephora!
If these came to the US, I would absolutely get them! If they don’t, I would be so tempted to make an order from their site (to get all four as well as the two varnishes from the Dystopia collection). I love pastels & Illamasqua’s formula!
Yes, I would totally buy them if they were on the Sephora site. I am still hoping Elope or Smash would make their way to Sephora because I would grab those in a heart beat!
Definitely Wink and nudge. Caress could be a cool light blue.
Damn – I have a lot of nail polish I want.
I would buy those in a second if they came to the US! They are so gorgeous.
Absolutely. I would buy these and about 90% of their full nail varnish line if they were available in the US. These ultra-light, slightly muted pastels are exactly what I’m craving right now: they just feel so January to me. Clean and fresh, like the new year. As it stands, Jan is next in line on my nails once I can get over my current shimmery blue.
These pastel shades are so cute! Not only do they need to stock them in the US but in Canada as well.
I’d definitely buy these if they came to Sephora!
I love these; I have a particular love for pastels, have been frankening them forever. And ever since I gave away my milf (I must have been out of my mind; I also gave away my muse …) and found out they were out of stock … well, let’s just say frankening milf is not gonna happen.
Definitely would purchase Caress. Sephora, show us some love and bring these to your stores!
Two words: Hell Yes. Those polishes look GORGEOUS. Want!
YES!! I want nudge and caress!
they are beautiful colors. I am unfamiliar with the brand. What is the average cost?
Even though there are tons of pastels coming out this year, I would consider buying these if we could get them in the US. The main reason being Illamasqua’s formula. It’d be nice if they’d make Hectic and Smash available, too. Pretty Please!?!?!?!?! LOL!
These look very promising!
Hell yes I would!! Please do it Illamasqua! These look gorgeous.
OMG Yes! Love them!
I would at least get one. I want them all though. It will be a hard desion.
Yes, except Blow.
Gorgeous colors, but I really didn’t like Milf’s formula, too thick for my taste, so I’m afraid these are a no-go for me…
HELL to the YES!
I would buy Wink on the spot if it really has that ever so subtle gray tone that shows in the pic. Muse is the only teal polish besides China Glaze Atlantis (?–also gorgeous) that I can wear on my fingernails after summer without looking like I have Deadwoman’s Hands. Count me in! and thanks for your wonderful website. All the colors kept me from going insane in the Fall. I enjoy reading your magazine pieces too.
Count me IN for Wink, Nudge and Caress!
The green is nice but I’m so desperate for a pale blue-grey. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for! I’ll go crazy if Sephora doesn’t stock these colors.
Yes, I would consider buying them to add to my Illamasqua collection. Love their formula. I hope you can get sephora to have hectic and some others to come to the US as well!
I would buy the yellow in a heartbeat!
Keep the feedback coming everyone. I’ve shown your comments to Illamasqua and hopefully with enough customer support, the polishes will come to Sephora!!
Definitely! Discovered the brand because of your site, by the way. Love it! My favorite color they make is Jan – and these look similar in nature.
I would like to see all the colors at Sephora. I love the formula.
Yes, please – I MUST have that blue!!!
Absolutely! I’d need ALL of them!
I would definitely check out and probably buy the lavender and light green ones, and maybe the light blue.
Ooh! I’m going to Selfrisges tomorrow, I’ll (hopefully) be able to see how they look IRL :o)
Oh I posted at the top but you must have missed it. They don’t launch until February
Oh definitely. I love the yellow and lavender.
Wow, I am going to be really depressed if I can’t get these in the US. They all look stunning!
In my haste to make sure I get mine (even tho in the US), I forgot about the exchange rate and how weak the USD is. I paid $70.68 for all four. :EEK:
Gorgeous! I, of course, want them all
I really hope they go to Sephora because I have a gift card I received from Christmas….
Please bring them to USA!
I would buy every one of these polishes. I adore them!
Yes! I picked up Milf when I was in London and love it. I want the lavender and the baby blue
I would absolutely looove to buy all of them ! I wish Sephora would carry all of Illamasqua’ amazing nail varnishes.
i must have ALL of them!!!! Sephora needs to carry their whole entire line!
I LOVE that yellow! Please sephora- get these in your lineup!
that blue is taking me back to middle school! i’d buy a couple of these for sure.
I went to the Sephora site and was disappointed they weren’t already there.
Dear Sephora,
I need that yellow!