Zoya Reverie Collection Swatches & Review
So you know what comes to mind when the dreaded word “metallic” gets bandied about… stroke marks! Oh the horror! Seriously, I love the look of metallics but the uneven finish drives a perfectionist like me bonkers. I’m happy to report that while these aren’t completely stroke-free they are about as smooth as metallics can get. I think it’s because they aren’t what I think of as a traditional metallic. It looks as though each shade has a shimmery (not metallic) base infused with metallic micro-glitter.
In regards to application, each and every color in this collection flows like buttah and wow are they pigmented. I used two coats for each swatch though with some shades I could have gotten away with one. I am showing each polish at two angles so you can see the color with all its shimmer power and the base color as well.
Adina is the color that has been receiving the most buzz. Like the blogger it’s named after, Adina from Krasey Beauty, it is a unique flower. With its cool purple base and green shimmer Adina is a true duo-chrome, meaning it flashes different colors depending on the lighting and angle in which you view it. As much as I like the color, it doesn’t seem to flatter me but I’ll wear it anyway.
Based on early images, I wrote Adina off as a Ki dupe (like Zoya would ever be that lame, ha!) and was I ever wrong. Ki is an oilspill on the nails with its inky base and flashes of purple and green while Adina is much lighter and, I’ve got to say it, Scrangie-esque.
Reece is my surprise in this collection. I love it when a color sneaks up on me and this one certainly did that. I love the deep rose shade and the way the gold micro-glitter pops against it. It actually reminds me a lot of China Glaze Strawberry Fields only this is the non-glass flecked version.
Laney is a metallic silver that reflects different colors in the bottle, like a mirror, only on my hands it just looks tinged with green and not in a good way. In bright light, it’s a great smooth silver, which isn’t easy to find but, in low lighting it makes my hands look dead. Then again, that’s why I wear gold jewelry, silver makes me look washed out.
Happi is a deserving name for this popping pink. It’s very Hubba Bubba only with a gold flecked twist. Though of all the colors in this set, Happi’s gold micro-glitter shows up the least.
Gwin just might replace Lianne as my fave orange Zoya. It’s got that same gold-smattered Sunkist hue only this is much more pigmented. I love Lianne and always include it in my list of orange polish recs but the sheerness has always been its only downfall. Gwin definitely doesn’t have that issue.
Lana is a burnt orange-red with the gold glitter giving it a suntanned, baked feel. If I was ranking the polishes in terms of how much the glitter stands out, Lana would fall right behind Happi. It’s not all BAM sparkle with Lana, she’s a subtler lady.
The Zoya Reverie collection launches this month on Zoya.com and is available for pre-order NOW. Zoya polishes retail for $7/ea and can be found in salons nationwide. Find a salon near you with the Zoya Salon Locator.
How are you feeling about Reverie? Did the collection live up to your expectations? Surpass them? Disappoint? Which polishes will make their way to your collection?
Disclosure: A product sample was furnished to me by Zoya. For further information view my Disclosure Policy.

Thank you Michelle. You have just convinced me that I don’t only need 3, but all of them.
but really
Ha! That’s the problem with new collections, you want to love them but your wallet doesn’t
Do you maybe have a swatch of Reese next to Happi?
I don’t have one of them side by side but they were taken in the same light if that helps.
I’ll be getting Adina, Happi and Gwin
These sure look like summer colors, and I love it, I’m not a pastel person.
I’m not really a pastel person either unless it’s more unique colors like green, blue, yellow, etc
Wow – I love Adina (both polish and real one!) and Happi. Cannot wait to try them!!!
Wow, Adina and Laney will be mine! Thanks for the review, it helped a bunch to make up my mind =)
wow i totally dissed these when i saw the preview but the swatches are another story!!! i would never even look twice at these from the promo pic but they really are pretty, i love reece!
Hmm…I love Adina, but it reminds me of when I combine OPI’s Parlez Vous OPI + Fireflies. And I love Reece!
Fireflies is another color I wondered about. I know it’s sheer but I imagine layering it over a blue based purple would yield a similar result.
Yes, when you layer it over a color like OPI’s parlez vous opi, you get a very similar effect
(at least, based on your swatches).
I recently discovered you website and I love it! And from your recommendations I ordered Zoya for the first time over the holiday because they were having a special where you got the “green” shades free when you ordered I think $21.00 worth of other color polishes. Thank you the polishes are fabulous!!
forgot to add…can’t wait to try these also!!
I don’t like any of them and I’m actually happy about that because me and Zoya haven’t been friends. I just don’t like their formula and brush.
Adina and Gwin are the only ones that really stand out to me. I own an OPI color that reminds me alot of Adina, called Shanghai Shimmer, it’s a mauve color with a decent ammount of greenish duochrome/shimmer. I think the green duochrome is alot more obvious in Adina though from your swatches.
I really love Gwin, but oranges always look strange on my skin unless i’m tan!
Hmmm now I need to get even more polish
oooh they are gorgeous!
Love this collection! Thank you for the gorgeous pictures!!
Of course I love Adina, but I also adore Reece (either because it’s one of my three names or because Strawberry Fields one of my favorite pinks)and Gwin…but Lana is so nice too!
I’m still on the fence about Adina, since strong duochromes are hit or miss for me.
Gwin is a sure buy for me though! And I’m thinking about Lana too – are they unique, you think, with all your oranges?
I’m on the fence about Reece – is it really that brush stroke-y?
Awesome swatches!
I don’t know that Lana is all that unique but what I love about Gwin is its opacity and vibrancy of color. I have some great oranges but the ones with gold shimmer are either too sheer and watery or not shimmery enough for my taste
Is Adina any similar to OPI Significant Other Colour?
You know that’s the first color that came to my mind when I saw Adina but I don’t have it anymore. I’m hoping someone will post a comparison of the two when the collection launches.
Hi Michelle,
I love Gwin, Reece, Lana and Happi. I will have to make my mind for two of them :o( It won’t be easy but I know I will be weak for new Barielles also so I have to plan :o)
What about the iridescence of these??? Which one has the most and which one the least green shimmer?
Thank you and all the best to you
Adina is the only one with green shimmer, the rest are all with gold shimmer. Adina & Reece are the most shimmery overall to my eye.
I need Reece and Lana!
Thanks for the awesome swatches, really helpful to see them from two angles – captures some of their chameleon dimensions
I hate to say this but I don’t think there’s anything special in this collection.
I’ve got CHEAP duochrome polishes that are better than Adina. Hey, there are plenty polishes out there for me to lemm….
Love Gwin! That goes on my “Lemming List”, for sure.
I thought these were going to be cool. Zoya polishes always have a cool little twist once they get on your nails! Love these!
Adina is officially in my ‘can’t live without’ category. Art of Beauty (http://www.artofbeauty.com/scrpt/scr.dll/cat?brand=1)has it I it is now on it’s way to ME!!!!!
You really captured these shades beautifully. I dismissed all of them from other swatches I had seen, but i have just added a few to the list. Gwin has made me love orange!
What’s up with the Scrangie knock off? Me no likey.
Just got your link from Beauty Girl Musings blog and I’m glad I popped over here because I love the extra pictures you put up of each one. Helps me decide which ones I will actually want. Thanks!
I was thinking about getting Lianne but, now that Gwin’s in the picture, I can’t decide! Especially since I’ve never tried orange before and have no idea what it’ll do to my warm/neutral/pale skin… ;_; (Gwin/Lianne comparison maybe?)
Btw, exquisite swatches, the loveliest I’ve seen!
Adina looks exactly like this one Urban Decay polish from back in the day. Anyone know what I’m talking about?
Hi. How is Zoya Ki different from Nubar Purple Beach?
Which one is more “duochomy” or “multichromy”? Which one has a smoother formula / easier to apply? Which one lasts longer before chipping?
Thanks very much.