Going Green for St. Paddy’s Day 2010
Happy Green Nail Polish Lover’s, er, St. Patrick’s Day!!
l-r: Sally Hansen Mint Sprint, China Glaze Four Leaf Clover, Nicole Make Mine Lime, Nubar Meadow Sparkle, SOPI Leaf Him At The Altar, Sparitual Yes I Can, OPI Jade Is The New Black, Orly Wandering Vine
To those of you who go all out to celebrate St. Paddy’s, I hope you’re having a festive and safe time. I’ve personally never made it to a parade or “kegs & eggs” though one year I was in the Finger Lakes during the holiday and that was fun. One of the wineries I visited hosted a contest where you sampled their wines and then tasted one dyed green. If you could guess which wine was the green one, you got a discount on your purchase. That’s pretty much the extent of my St. Paddy’s Day participation outside of my nails.
You know it’s funny, I wear green polish a LOT (big surprise!) and most of the time no one says anything, yet last weekend I was asked at least three times if I was “getting ready for St. Paddy’s Day” because I had on Nicole Make Mine Lime (pictured above). I’ve had the same thing happen when I was wearing black polish around Halloween. Odd.
Anywho, with so many amazing greens out for spring it was hard for me to choose a color for today. Want to see what I picked? Find out after the jump and see some of my fave greens of the season!
If you read my review of OPI Jade Is The New Black, you know I’m absolutely smitten with it. It was the first polish I thought of when I woke up this morning. Though as I started pulling all my new greens, I couldn’t help but feel the need to kick it up a notch.
I decided to jazz up JITNB with a layer of Nubar Meadow Sparkle from the Sparkles collection. What I love is that even though Meadow Sparkle doesn’t have any gold glitter, it reflects gold in natural light. It looks like little pieces of gold against a lush green hill.
If you want something a little deeper and more classic, try Orly Wandering Vine.
And for the warmer toned Fanatics, the mossy green from Sparitual, Yes, I Can, would be a perfect choice.
What are you wearing on your nails today? Do you join in the green festivities on St Paddy’s Day? What’s your fave green of the season?
Disclosure: Product samples were furnished by Sparitual, Orly, OPI and Nubar. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.

I’ve had the same experience with people asking me if I’m getting ready for St. Patrick’s Day. What, it has to be March 17 for me to wear green on my nails? Anyway, I’m wearing OPI’s Jade is the New Black. Love it!
I love that we picked the same color today and that you’re just as into green polish as I am. When are you getting your butt up to the CLE?
I didn’t get into green polish until I started reading your blog. But I love it! And JITNB is my perfect green. I get so many compliments on it! And as for me getting to the CLE… it’s hard with the kids, but I’ll try to figure something out. I promise!
I am TOTALLY sporting Jade is the New Black over here. I just think it’s St. Patty’s perfection. But I did one nail in the new OPI sunglasses (or sunshades or something) so it looked like the pot o’ gold
Oh cute!! I thought about trying some nail art or a moon manicure with a gold moon but I know I’m not skilled enough for that shiz so I went for basic layering. Something I can handle.
I’m rocking Jade is the New Black this week, but how I do wish that I had Meadow Sparkle instead.
I am bumming right now! A bunch of my nails broke off last week (moving things in the office) and I’m trying to wait to grow them again. Wish I were sporting some green!
I’ve got Zoya Suvi on most of my fingers, and then OPI Bling Dynasty on my thumbs and ring fingers. Originally I was going to stamp shamrocks onto the gold fingers using my Konad kit, but Suvi is waaay too thin, unfortunately, so I freehanded them.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Please forgive the stubby index, I broke it at work.
Oh thanks for sharing pics, very cute!!
Wearing Zoya Veruschka with shamrocks painted on top in Sally Hanson Salon Gilty Pleasure!
I am wearing Sinful Colors Mint Apple, but wish I was wearing Jade is the New Black
Couldn’t make up my mind which to wear. So i’m sporting:
Tangy, Midori, Irene, Suvi and Envy. I thought about marbling them but only had 30 minutes to mani so just put them on lightest to darkest skittles style.
But I do love the Opi you picked too.
Go green is not just for today!
I’m wearing damsel in this dress by piggie polish. It’s so not green (orange shimmer) and I don’t love it but it matches my braclet that doesn’t match anything else I have on. BTW a moon mani with the JITNB moon and the nubar sparkle on top would have benn ON FIRE!!!
Jade is the New Black for me, too. Although, I’ve had it on since last week, so it wasn’t really intended as a St. Patty’s mani. Just a lucky coincidence, I guess.
I’m on a business trip this week, so no green. As soon as I get home I will try the Nfu Oh 569 which arrived just before I left. I hear it looks like Zulu…
I’m wear CND Green Scene – it was a tough choice. I have received so many compliments. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all!
I am wearing Rimmel 60 Seconds Camoflage and Maybelline Go Go Green on alternating nails (I couldn’t decide which shade to use, so I used both). The contrast between the dark cool green and the light sunny yellowish green is lovely. I am definitely doing this mani again next year!
I’m wearing OPI Rainforest for the first time ever. I think this is going to be one of those “once a year” type polishes so it lasts as long as possible.
Great green lineup
I have never seen the Sephora OPI – it is gorgeous. Loving your glittery green nails too!
I’m wearing Zoya Midori, with a four leaf clover design in Zoya Veruschka and China Glaze GR8, topped with some NYC glitter!
I wore Jade is the New Black yesterday with a Konad in Zoya Veruschka – it looked really cool.
Why, China Glaze Four Leaf Clover of course ^.~ I had contemplated putting some clovers on but I didn’t have the time last night.
I’m wearing Sally Hansen “Jumpin Jade”-so beautiful! It’s more of a deep emerald green, and would also be very appropriate around Christmas-time. I really want to try “leaf him at the altar,” it looks gorgeous!
I’m sporting China Glaze Atlantis!
China Glaze Emerald Sparkle
I couldn’t resist.
Me too!! Love it :D!
I’m rocking RBL Recycle.
One of my all time favs…..
It’s green week for me! Today I’m wearing OPI Green-wich village, and earlier this week I was wearing Essie Mint Candy Apple… Friday I’m going to try OPI Here Today Aragon Tomorrow with a layer of Sit Under the Apple Tree over it and see what happens. I’m hoping they’ll cancel each other out nicely.
I’m not wearing anything green because this holiday does not exist here where i live. But green is one of my favorite colors of polishes, and I loved all those that you showed.
Wearing Sinful Colors’ SHOW ME THE WAY. An awesome St. Paddy’s day color! Taking note of all these green shades. Gotta stock up on my favorite shade, green!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
My 6yo wanted to rock shamrock nails, so I did a base of Sally Hansens Emerald Isle, (metallic deep green), and dotted on shamrocks in ChinaGlazes re-fresh-mint. She was so excited to show her friends at school!
Hmm.. I was hoping to do a rainbow skittles mani. What would you recommend for a bright rainbow-green creme?
CND new green color I can’t remember the name , but it’s an amazin kelly green
I’m wearing Zoya Midori with clover stamped on with Zoya Envy. It’s cute!
Orly Enchanted Forest today… but JITNB is on my shopping list!
Weird, I’m wearing JITNB today, too! I guess not that weird since it’s St. Patty’s Day, but still. It’s a nice colour and I find that it compliments both warm and cool skin tones. That’s the neat thing about the colour green.
Emerald Sparkle for me. To me it’s a very St Pats green…and just too gorgeous not to wear.
It was a toss up between China Glaze Emerald Sparkle and Four Leaf Clover, but since it is Spring,Four Leaf Clover won out. Slainte!
We don’t celebrate St.Patrick’s day here either but I couldn’t miss a chance to wear green polish, could I?
So I spent like half an hour trying to decide between CG Outta Bounds and Nubar Greener (after excluding all the other greens I own) and ended up chosing Jade is the new black.
I wanted to save it for my week in London (I don’t like wearing the same polish twice in a row) but it’s just so beautiful, I couldn’t resist.
I’ve got 6 different greens (not counting teals etc). I chose NYX Lime Sparkle for today. I paired it with green eyeshadow for eyeliner and a black tee with 3 jeweled shamrocks
OPI Bikini Envy – Although I feel it isn’t quite dark enough for st patrick’s day
I am sporting Barielle Polished Princess. Love love love it.
Zoya Irene for me; I think it’s my most shamrock-y color, like it looks like actual foliage. It’s been on since the parade on Saturday. My husband is in an Irish band so he’s working hard this week!
Almost wore Orly’s Mint Mojito but decided that CG Four Leaf Clover was more fitting for the holiday. Mojito can wait till Cinco de Mayo. =)I too got all kinds of compliments today on my nails when I always wear greens and inappropriate work colors in the office.
I wore Sally Hansen’s “Jumpin’ Jade”, though I put it on Friday and it’s super chipped by now. Love the way JITNB looks with the glitter! Definitely gonna have to get me one or both of them.
I hate to be picky but it’s actually St. Paddy’s Day. Paddy is the nickname for Patrick, Patty is a girl’s name.
Interesting, I didn’t know that. I’ve always seen it with “T”s so I assumed that was correct.
With “T”s is an Americanisation, I *think*, and it drives the Irish – myself included – absolutely mad. Patty is a girl’s name, as Marqariley said. Or a flattened cake of meat that might be used in a burger
Abbreviations of Patrick (P
Thank you Lynnie. The t’s were driving me nuts.
I have ‘jade is the new black’ on my tootsies and china glaze ‘watermelon rind’ on my fingers! Love your green stash!
I put on Orly Wandering Vine — it was a tie between that and Orly Green With Envy, which I already had on my toes. Wandering Vine won out because I’ll probably be wearing lighter colors soon for this whole spring season thing.
I don’t wear polish on my fingers normally(really short nails that won’t grow to save my life), but I paint my toes all the time. LOL.
I wore/am wearing China Glaze’s Four Leaf Clover. Like you I’m partial to blues/greens, and when those colors come in at work(I work for a rather well known beauty supply company) I pick them up first.
I wore Zoya Suvi with a layer of Zoya Manhattan. It made a really cool, different looking green. I wear green polish all the time, so I wanted something fun!
I specifically went to the store Tuesday night for some green polish, and boy was the selection low!! Guess that’s what I get for waiting until the last minute. I wanted to get CG Four Leaf Clover, but since it was out, I ended up with Piggy Polish Grasshopper. It’s actually really cute!!
I wore Sally Hansen Salon Grass Slipper with Zoya Envy stamped over it! And I would wear it any day, not just St. Pat’s! I love the green polish! Yay!
Love all the greens!
I’m wearing Rimmel’s 60 second nail polish in Camouflage. My first time trying it out, what a beautiful colour.
I wore CG Four Leaf Clover with a layer of Nail Savvy gold glitter on my toes. They looked like money – green and gold! (Do they even make Nail Savvy anymore? The bottle I have is from like 1995. O_O)
Going green from top to toes; wearing Color Club’s Rule Breaker on my toes and their Rebel Debutante on my fingers! Love it!
Hey guys! what is St Patty’s? It’s St Patrick’s or St Paddy’s but NEVER Patty’s!!! Irish people would have a fit!
Hey Lizzie! Someone pointed that out in another comment. I have always seen it spelled St Patty’s so I didn’t know to use a “d” instead.
I know it’s late, but I didn’t see a mention of Sally Hansen’s HD polish in Hi-Def–pale yellow green with gold shimmer. I’m wearing it, and so are my son and daughter!
SORRY late to the party. I’ve got a french mani with the OPI ‘apple’ green, and Butter London Thames on the tips. Gold glitter stripe between and a Thames shamrock w/green stems/veins on the ring fingers.
Getting Easter Eggs when I get off work today. Too Fun!
I wore three different greens this week (I couldn’t decide as green is my favorite) Midori, Suvi and China Glaze Emerald Sparkle.
Loving the Orly shade
Those are beautiful greens!