Oscar Nail Watch 2010 – Sandy Powell
Even though she came off a bit smug when she accepted her award, Costume Designer Sandy Powell caught my attention with those teal green talons. They totally threw me for a loop when she appeared on screen. Yay for green polish at the Oscars. Maybe she’ll help influence some celebs to take that risk. Hey, I can hope right?
I thought the color paired really well with her outfit even though I don’t love the dress. And her nail length is too long for my taste but I can’t hate on a girl that loves green polish.
What color would you use to recreate Sandy’s look? I’m thinking either Nubar Earth or Conserve from the Going Green collection might work. What say you?
image credit: WireImage

Heh, I loved her little beret. And her bangles. So many BANGLES! That chick has balls. Loved her speech.
It looks kind of like Scrangie the RBL polish. Either that or Numbar Earth
colorclub, Emerald Depths
I barely noticed the polish due to the amount of accessories she had on. I loved her dress and she was a refreshing look among all the pouf and circumstance. Great catch ALQ!
It feels like ChG DV8 to me..
What beautiful nail color!
I like her look. It’s fun and edgy. I gotta love a gal who refuses to go the “safe” route.
I agree that she was smug,and that her nails are fine. Maybe CG Watermelon Rind?
I HOPE it’s NUBAR!!! Love me some Nubar. It looks like the more blue green of Earth. I was so busy checking out the gowns I missed this completely!
And her nails aren’t THAT long! Look the index finger…just long nail beds.
In her defense, she is a costume designer, and people who sew really do benefit from having longer nails. I’m a piano teacher and have had to compromise with a few students for this reason. (To play piano really well you need short nails!)
I admit I’d never heard of her, but as soon as I saw your post I goggled for some images and she’s always STUNNING and at the Oscar 2005 she had green polish too! And she always has some great g r e a t outfits. Ok, from today on Sandy Powell will be my style guru.
Oh, and another vote for Nubar Earth, I think…
Didn’t like it. Less is more, Sandy, less is more…
I totally hate the whole look. Sorry.
Kind of looks like Bleachblack “Dickweed” to me. Plus that polish kind of has the same 80′s vibe as the rest of her outfit (to me at least) so it would make sense.
Agee with the smug part…..”just add it to the other two” (sheesh)….but her look did stand out in a non-embarrassing way. Maybe Zoya Kotori would work too?
I love it! Even better than how well the colour goes with her dress is how well it goes with her HAIR. Redheads wearing green make me very happy. Let’s hope it does inspire others to be a bit more risky, too
Sandy’s cool translated to hot for me. I can’t get her out of my mind. I thought she was easily the best dressed at the oscars, and it’s a sin that they did not interview her on the carpet to talk about her look. That hot red hair, that kickin’ dress, the way she walked, her casual demeanor on stage, that accent, that calm and cool, plus her obvious talent has made her the girl of my dreams….and it’s not easy bumping Ellen Barkin over to do that. Hmmm, maybe I don’t have to…..
Sandy, you got me firing on all cylinders….when you come to san francisco…let me show you the best….
I think she looks really cool. But even in this pic, she looks smug.
Woah thedre, getting a little confident there are we?
Figures it would take some crazy looking woman to be awesome enough to wear green nail polish. I love her hair color and her bangles. And her long nails. And her nail color. And..and…
I just found your blog. Came home Wednesday March 20 from my manicure appointment in my usual French manicure. Began reading Plain Dealer reporter Kim Crow’s “Striking nails.”
Would like to change polish ASAP. I don’t usually buy polish but select at nail salon. However I found 2 polishes I like but don’t recognize brands RGB Doll, Sparetual Mind. Can I buy them locally?
Thanks for the great blog!
Hi Lily! I’m so glad you found me. Unfortunately there aren’t any stores in Cleveland that carry RGB or SpaRitual but you can buy them online. RBGCosmetics.com offers complimentary shipping. AveYou.com and SkinStore.com both carry SpaRitual but I’ve never ordered from them before. I hope that helps!
I had that color when I was growing up! It was from a special line that Bath & Body Works was carrying, at the time. I wish I could find a photo.