SpaRitual Believe Sweepstakes – What Do You Believe?
Fun news Fanatics! To celebrate the launch of their Spring Believe collection, SpaRitual is holding a sweepstakes to find out what you believe. It’s an interactive contest where fellow nail polish fanatics create videos to answer the question, “What Do You Believe?”
The full details and rules regarding entry are posted at but the jist is:
*Create a video that expresses what you believe
*Join/Login to YouTube
*Post your video as a response at
*Email to notify the sponsor that you have entered the sweepstakes. Include your real name, age and birthday, mailing address, email address, and name of YouTube account holder.
What can you win?? Well there are multiple prizes. Including…
*The first six people to enter the sweepstakes by uploading their video or recording their video response will each win one of the six nail lacquers in the SpaRitual Believe Spring 2010 Collection and Multi-Tasker Base & Topcoat in One.
*A weekly winner will be selected from entries submitted from Wednesday through Tuesday at 11:59pm PDT and will receive the SpaRitual Believe Collection and Multi-Tasker Base & Topcoat in One.
*One final grand prize winner will be selected on April 21. The grand prize winner will receive $500 worth of SpaRitual Products including the new Believe Spring 2010 collection.
And that’s not all….
ALU SpaRitual Believe Collection Giveaway
That’s right Fanatics, ALU is holding a giveaway as well. SpaRitual has graciously offered to send a set of the Believe Collection and Multi-Tasker & Topcoat in One to one of you!! How cool is that?? So those of you who are video shy still have a chance to win right here. What do you need to do?
It’s simple. Leave a comment on this post answering…
“What nail polish color best expresses who you are? Why?”
You MUST include your email address on the comment form in order to win! Emails will not be published.
You have from now until Wednesday March 31st at 11:59PM EDT to answer. Good luck!!

I’d have to say that the color I’m wearing today, Sinful Colors Mint Apple, a great shimmery turquoise/mint, best represents who I am. It’s a little vintage, a little modern, understated without being meek. It’s classy with an edge, which I like to think I am. A vintage, 50s/60s girl that loves modern things.
Hope Springs Eternal–it’s taken me a while to get there, but I’ve realized that no matter how crappy life seems at the moment, whatever I’m going through (stress from exams, family problems, drama at school, whatever) will end, and there’s always the opportunity for something better in the future. As long as I remember to learn from every experience and make the most out of the moment, there really is hope that tomorrow will bring something better
Haha, plus I absolutely love that shade–so girly and really it symbolizes the name perfectly.
The polish color that best expresses who I am is blue! It’s bright and cheerful, but also calming and relaxing at the same time. Just like me!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favourite nail color and the one which expreses best who I am is GREEN because it’s unique, eye catching and makes me think of freedom.
It’d be Nars Purple Rain, it’s daring, gorgeous and when I dare to put it on my nails (does not happen very often, I’m a bit shy), I feel more confident. Depending on the light, it shows different sides a bit like my personnality.
I think I might have to go with China Glaze’s Watermelon Rind because it’s sparkly (like me). Also, the last time I wore it I got loads of compliments so I feel confident whenever I wear it!
If you want to get specific I’d pick New York Color’s East Village. It’s a fun and funky color that’s a shimmery blue-green, but you can’t quite place it. I think I’m kind of like that, I like having fun and have my own unique sense of style, but I’m still figuring out who I am. It’s kind of a thin polish though so maybe that can represent how I can certainly have my stubborn and uncooperative moments.
I’d say deep blue. It’s relaxing though there’s something mysterious about it. And it’s a statement where I live (a small town where women are supposed to use just blah colors on their nails), so every time I wear it I feel different in a good way.
I guess if I had to choose only color, I would say ChG For Audrey: Classic, light, soft but also a bit edgy.
The best color to describe me is China Glaze Emerald Sparkle! It is green, one of my favorite colors, it is sparkly, and it is kind of vampy, all of my favorite qualities in a nail polish! It’s beautiful and unique, just like me!
If there were one color,from this new collection that best expresses who I am,it would be “Spread Your Wings.” That is because I am constantly re-inventing myself,and “spreading my wings” to reach new heights.
I don’t have a specific polish color yet (recent addict) but I have one that looks blah olive/black in the bottle, looks black on, but in the sun has the best copper/red glitter. I think I’m often underestimated in my abilities etc…and love this color because it’s so surprising given the opportunity to show off.
It’s a franken of MAC Dry Martini + L.A. Girl Yellow something. Why? Because I was too cheap to buy RBL’s No More War. It represents me because I’m cheap and always looking for a way out of paying retail.
Not Really a Waitress by OPI. As a mom I often feel like a waitress, made, servant, etc. I like to be sassy and tell the family that I’m Not Really a Waitress. And I truly love the color. One of my favorites.
Definitely pink for me. I’m very much a girly girl and I think naturally pink captures that part of me.
♥ SailorWifey
The nail polish color I love the most is any variation of TEAL. Its a great contrast to my skin tone and it just makes me happy!!!
Just the act of slowing down to polish my nails expresses who I am. I want my daughter to see a woman who takes the time to take care of herself, despite everything going on in this crazy life.
Holo! I think it captures my multifaceted and highly distractable personality
My favorite color to wear on my nails is red! I’m very shy but I have such a fiery passion inside of me. I think red shows who I am inside with out having to actually do it.
I’m more on the “safe side”, red is my color – most of my nail polishes are red; it just makes me feel more confident, special … Red is always classy and elegant.
The nail polish color that expresses who I am is Zoya Ki because it’s multi-faceted like the many different sides of me. It’s girly in one light and edgy in another and it’s very unique just like me.
I am going through a particularly rough patch in my life right now. And nail polish, as odd as this may sound, is one of those things I can look forward to. When money is absent and you day is looking rather bleak, I am always looking for something to perk me up. And something as small as changing your nail color can do wonders for your mood. So, right now I would have to say that O.P.I.’s Mad as a Hatter fits me best, in many ways. The name alone is a wonderful description for how I feel most times. Being a designer and an avid advocate for color theory, you would think that I would not choose a polish that contains so many colors that from a distance resembles a strange gray. But it is one of those things that deserves a second look. Because when the light hits it, and you see the pinks and greens and golds and blues (etc.) you realize it represents something more. Like every little speck of glitter means something different. Pinks, for the sweet innocent memories in your life. Golds, for the eternal bonds we make (and hopefully prosperity). Greens (my favorites), for growth and resilience. Blues, for a reminder of grace and optimism. Reds, for the fiery passion that makes us the women we are and hope to be. And even the silvers/grays, to remind us that life throws us obstacles and to strive to come out shining. And thrown all together it creates this swirling, glittering mass of emotions. Do I feel like a nail polish defines me? No, but what is it that They say?…It’s the small things that make life worth living. So, this is one of my small things I guess. OK, now I have to go paint my nails!
The nail polish that best expresses who I am is definitely Claire’s mood changing polish because it depends on how I’m feeling!
The nail polish that expresses me best is probably dark pink, because although I am a girly girl and wear a lot of warm colors, I am also mature enough to realize what I want to do with my life. It’s fun and flirty, but with a serious side!
Chanel Particuliere–it’s subdued but not boring. Quiet and calm, but with personality.
I’d have to say the polish color that best expresses me is a pinkish purple! It’s soft and pretty but a little edgy.
Also, looking forward to Hope Springs Eternal from this new collection!
Well, I think that has to be a deep ocean blue, sometimes calm, sometimes wild! That’s just how I am
Rage foilfx by orly. It’s pink, a hopeful, bright, cautiously optimistic color and sparkling but without the heavy glitter that says “I’m a kid, not a grown-up.” I’m girly, but with a slightly jaded edge just like this color.
wow, so glad you are having a giveaway too, i am way to lazy AND way to much of a chicken to submit a youtube video!
the color that expresses me the best is illamasqua velocity. i am always in a hurry! i have a fear of being late!!!
I have to say, I think the color that best expresses me is probably a tan/nude holo (like maybe Nfu Oh 62?? I don’t have it… phooey). Anyway, it’s not to “outgoing” from afar but once you get close, all the crazy colors come out!
The nail polish that speaks most about me would be OPI’s Have You Seen My Limo? It’s a dark color that really pretty, but when put in the sun you get a completely different color that’s fun and a bit flirty, and I am very effected by weather and tend to be a bit more fun and happy when the sun is shining!
any green but specifically the fantastic greens from 3 free bb couture and nubar particularly frosty meadow, poison ivy, redwood forest, reclaim, and forest because in fact i’d rather be away from civilization on the appalachian trail or in the middle of a forest or meadow or field and they remind me of the green of nature amidst the daily grind
I will pick Metro Chic by $OPI. It’s stylish and unique. It’s matching most of clothes I wear. And it works perfectly with my favorite makeup – Dior Eyeshadow Palette Coquette.
Thanks for giveaway. I love and wear SpaRitual polishes.
The color that best describes me would have to maybelline cosmic flash. No matter how crappy i feel this makes me feel better. I love layering it over black or navy
My favorite colors are purples. They can go anywhere from conservative to vampy. Multifaceted just like me.
i would say purple because it’s girly but not completly and im totally like that, i like fashion, but i prefer to wear jeans. girly with a hint of tomboy
That’d be Orly Glam Rock, gold and matte – gorgeous not too in the face, lol
What polish color represents me most? I’d have to say Shades by Barielle’s Slate of Affairs. Whenever I wear it, I feel serene. It easily shows off the color I love the most: blue. It’s a funky, chic color but has a quiet shimmer that keeps me interested. It’s my favorite in my collection
I would be OPI’s Not So Bora-Bora-ing Pink. Like me, it looks a little understated but it fits with every outfit and occasion. It goes with anything as much as I enjoy being with all the different friends I’ve been lucky enough to have in my life!
I believe I can not express who I am with a single color. There are days where I must have a vibrant red when i’m feeling perky and joyous, and there are days where a subtle pale pink is all i need, and there are days where I need a dramatic dark green to truly show the way i’m feeling that day. Because who I am changes every day as I try to learn and grow, I need all the colors to truly express who I am.
–thanks for the giveaway Michelle!
p.s what a bummer that the youtube Sparitual contest isn’t open to canadians.
SOPI Metro Chic. It passes for professional, but also has a bit of an edge, classic without being boring. It’s super versatile, which suits all the different facets of my life. I can’t get enough of it and whenever I wear it I can’t stop looking at my tips!
China Glaze Exceptionally Gifted – the color only, not the name, haha.
The pink is such a beautiful color, happy and not too loud, not too in your face but still lovely.
The color Absolutely Alice by OPI best expresses who I am because at first glance, from far away, I appear to be subdued and one in a crowd, but upon closer inspection, my personality is outgoing and spunky like the gold and blue tones in the nail polish.
i still don’t have one but hey! i can dream right? Just like the one you just reviewed: zoya charla
I have long nails so i can wear pretty much every color! but that’s the kind of color i like
The best nail polish color i can wear is a teal kinda mermaid color
My favorite nail color right now that expresses who I am is: Commander in Chic by Sally Hansen. I say this because I not only love the color and how it goes with everything and looks great, but because I have 4 kids and I am their Commander in Chic!
The best polish that describes who I am is yellow, because I love sunny days and I try to always be cheery and optomistic!
Anything green! It’s unique, stands out and can be either loud or subdued depending on the shade. Green just makes me happy.
The color that best expresses who i am is Lippmann Collection Makin’ Whopee. It is more complex than meets the eye. From a far, it looks like your basic hot pink, but upon closer inspection it has this bluish shine to it that makes it extra special. I think that’s like me, i might seem simple and average, but when you get to know me and look a little closer there’s a lot more than meets the eye. Something unexpected lies at the surface, you just have to look carefully to find it
I used to have a color called ‘sea violet’. It was a bright shimmery pink but when you looked at it from different angles you saw violet, almost iridescent. I’d like to think that’s me too, you have to look from different angles to really see what you are getting.
Black, packed with glitter. I seem dark and jaded, and I’m not for most people. But if you pay close enough attention, there’s a lot that may surprise you.
i think the one that expresses me the best is probably dovima because im a bit boring, awkward, and blunt just like this nail color for it’s matte-ness. i could be at times mysterious because i dont express myself well and dont like to. But for the glitter, i can be fun at times, jokingly, and knows a lot of games =) My color is black hence the nail color chosen. cant really call this nail polish since it has none…
The polish that best expresses myself is OPI’s Absolutely Alice. I have loved Alice in Wonderland since I was a child, and this polish makes me both nostalgic and exuberant.
It is definitely ChG Four Leaf Clover! It is such a happy color that I tend to look at my nails all the time whenever I’m wearing it. Plus, I always believe that luck is on my side no matter what happens.
The color that best expresses me is SOPI Metro Chic. It’s such an oddball color, maybe even dull to the uninitiated. But once you try it out you can see all it’s possibilities: it’s sexy; it’s sweet; it’s demure; it’s hardcore. It’s whatever you want it to be. It can adapt to any outfit or mood.
Strangely enough, I’ve thought of this question lately. The things that go on in my head, I tell ya.
I would have to say Orly Goth. It’s dark, yes, but it’s really too shiny to be totally Goth. I surround myself with “dark” things, wear dark colors, have a skull tattooed on me, but I’m just too sparkly to be totally Goth. And no, I’m not a Cullen.
Did any of that make sense? XD
I’d have to say blue or green or any combination of the 2. Colors that are usually calm & serene for the most part, but with shades that can kick it up a notch & surprise the heck out of you, dancing a bit on the wild side. LOL!
Grey best represents my personality. It is subtle, quiet, different and attention grabbing all at the same time.
A skittles would best express who I am, and at least one finger would be black, and I’d have to include a shimmery turquoise, and a Barbie Pink, a sunny yellow, and a sparkly red with glitter. OH, and at least one finger has polka dots!
My maiden name is Springs and pink is my signature color; I have hope and faith that a new and better future is on the horizon for all of us. At this point in my life “Hope Springs Eternal” speaks to me –loudly.
I’m loving both Yes I Can and I Am the Light, but Yes I Can seems to be closest to me. Lately, I’ve been a bit fearful but I take a deep breath and say I can do this and go forth. It also reminds me of my Burger King Rugrats watch that when you pressed a button Chucky would say “A baby’s got to do what a baby’s got to do!” Besides I love deep green. I Am The Light is beautiful and makes me think maybe I could be.
The nailpolish that would best express my personality is a high-shine black creme: sophisticated, chic, enigmatic, but with a hint of fun unconventionalality.
I would have to say duochromes (of any color), because I am usually shy and friendly, but also daring, brave and even a bit…dare I say it…bitchy when the situation calls for it.
uh,it is difficult to choose; maybe orly enchanted forest, which is so mossy green- it reminds me of forest; which I miss, since I have severely broken my leg (yes, screws and plates) and must rest with my leg up in the air. and the forest far far away
Thanks for the giveaway! The polish color that best expresses who I am is Nubar Raspberry Truffle – it’s warm and comforting, and so pretty when the light shines on it. I feel like I’m a little bit shy, but when you get to know me, I shine. Also, I love chocolate and fruit!
I immediately was drawn to Yes I Can, even before I read your post, not only because of the beautiful green color, but because of the name. I choose to believe I can accomplish anything. It may take a little longer than expected, or more energy and resources, but you can always find a way to achieve what you desire.
My favorites are blues, greens, purples but I love all colors because to me they are all so unique.
to be honest i feel the color purple makes me feel regal. i’ve heard that purple deems royalty. not sure about that however, when i wear my purple it does something for my spirit- a good thing
Nubar Swiss Chocolate! When I was in kindergarten, I got made fun of because I said my favorite color was chocolate – brown like my teddy bear, like my eyes, like my hair, and of course, like chocolate. Everyone laughed and I didn’t understand why until every other girl said some variation of pink or purple. Brown stuck with me though, and my mission to find the perfectly pure milk chocolate nail color ended when I found Nubar’s Truffle collection. Love at first sight! Now instead of laughing, everyone is jealous of my perfectly brown nails : )
The polish that describes me the best is OPI’s Russian Navy because it’s a twist on black nail polish and I like to put twists in classic things like my outfits
The nail polish color that best expresses who I am would be a light pink cream with a bit of an edge (like Color Club Vintage Couture or OPI Mod-About-You). I say pink because it represents femininity, and although I’m not a “girly-girl,” I do like to at least LOOK like a girl and can clean up pretty well! I look for the “mod/edgey” quality in the pink to represent the spunk in my personality – the drive to be successful in everything I do and to enjoy every second of life, no matter what anybody else’s opinion is of me. :0)
I love any color of green nail polish because green is my favorite color and I try to live a green lifestyle.
I think it has to be Absolutely Alice. It’s a fun color (blue), super sparkly and has an interesting texture. It makes me happy!
Anything with sparkle. I feel the need to make up for lost time. We never had this fab sparkle everything when we were young. I don’t care that I’m 40 with two teen boys…I love sparkle and I’m not afraid to wear it proudly. OPI’s Absolutely Alice is my current love.
The polish that best describes me is China Glaze Ruby Pumps: attractive, noticeable, fun, and loved by everyone.
the polish that best describes me is China Glaze Passion. it is blingy but not that blingy, it makes a statement without really overbearing.
I think the polish that describes me is OPI Ink. Purple is definitely my favorite nail color and I love the sparkle in the polish. It is fun, and funky just like me!
The color that would best describe me would be a clasic neutral brown with a twist like $OPI 212, CG Wagon Trail or Sally Hansen Cobblestone Creme. Like someone poured Lady Gaga into the June Clever bottle. I’m made up of so many pieces and parts that only work in harmony because I will them to! I’m wacky and rational, tough as nails and sensitive. I seem so normal from the outside but that’s just because when you pull yourself in so many directions at once you end up standing in the middle.
Just wanted to add that I wouldn’t change it for the world! I get to sample so many things in life and learn so much. I keep on changing my world which I hope never changes at all!
White. It is outstanding and affirmative against my brown skin, not an absence of color; as fierce as red, as definite as black.
(RBL “Underwear”)
ChG Custom Kicks. It’s blue with gold and has that little something. Blue and gold are staples in my color palette, my home and my life. I have a stable full of blues, blue greens, greens, golds, gold glitters, etc. But Custom Kicks for some reason brings it all exhuberantly together. And I need that metallic sheen always!
Anything sparkly. It says me all the way! The more sparkles the better! What comes to mind is that glinda from Zoya- a hot sparkly pink. Would go great with a tan!
i would say i’m OPI done out in deco. i find a similarity between myself and this peculiar shade of purple since we both strive to stick out from the crowd, just a little bit. like the nail polish, i don’t necessarily fit in or match with everyone around me, but with the right people, there’s an amazing connection!
this one was fun to mull over!
thanks for hosting another giveaway
Purple polish is my favorite–it is the color of creativity, thoughtfulness, and whimsy. I believe I’m a little bit off-kilter myself, just like purple, and whenever I have it at my tips I feel inspired. At times I can be either dynamic or relaxed, peppy or pensieve, just like how both red and blue make up purple.
OPI don’t be Koi – this is my all time favorite color. That color just seems to work for me.
i think the nail polish that describes me best is China glaze avalanche. it was the first polish i ever bought just because the color called to me. It also combines silver and purple which are my favorite color and my boyfriends. it also is really shiny
My favorite nail polish is Sally Hanson’s Extreme Celeb City. Metallic silver makes me feel more moldern and fashionable, and daring. Metallics rock!!!
Right now it’s good ol’ Sally Hansen insta-dri in Jumpin’ Jade. It reminds me of walking through the woods around my parents’ house in the summer, the greens all shadowy dark and cool even in the heat, and that’s how I feel- like I’m staying cool even in the “heat” of a new baby and my hubby’s impending deployment (though it doesn’t hurt either that hubby has green eyes
The nailpolish which fits best for me is really not invented I think
It should be lilac with teal holographic V in it and a little pinkish flash.
That would totally do it for my character, freaky I think =)
I am completely OPI’s ‘Mad as a Hatter’–I am a high school English teacher, and I use Alice in Wonderland as a guide for nearly everything we do in class. My students would definitely call me mad! I am also crazy for glitters–especially ones with a dark side.
Some days I am OPI Lincoln Park After Dark, because I can seem dark and quiet, but when the light hits me you see I have depth and color. Most of the time I am China Glaze For Audrey because I’m bright and fun and I like bringing color into other people’s lives.
Hm, I’d say the color that best describes me is my very favorite, and long discontinued, Anna Sui nailpolish in a dark purple. It was rose scented and so shiny, just the right dark but not ‘almost black’ like most dark polishes. I like to think I’m unique without trying to hard to impress others, and introspective without being dark or broody. Too bad I’m not naturally rose-scented.
The color that can best expresses who I am is any dark blue shimmer. It is calm, deep, quite, elegant and serene which is what I have been described as my many people. I feel the same way!
The color that best describes me is purple. I feel as though purple can stand for so many things…Purple is deep, and rich, and powerful…it can also be sexy, feminine and luxe. If I had to get into different variations of purple, I’d say royal purple describes the powerful, confident side of me. Grape (med. toned purple) expresses the unique, fun and quirky side of me. And Lavender/Lilac emphasize the soft, feminine, shy yet sweet side of my personality. =] I feel as though purple can express and be apart of anyone because it has the ability to fit any personality or character trait. (Sorry for the novel!)
I think duochrome nail polishes best fit my personality; sometimes I am very extroverted and out going, other times shy and introverted. The duochrome represents that mercurial nature of my personality.
For this reason, I’ll choose my favourite duochrome to represent myself: Zoya’s Ki!
I think, the color that is closest to me is a true, unpretentious green. Green is bright, cheerful, unexpected – the colour of everything, that grows – and I think growing is one of the most important and beautiful things in life.
Right now my favourite greens are rescue beauty lounge’s “recycle” and – yes! – “Yes, I can”. Love them.
I think the nail color that expresses me is OPI’s Midnight in Moscow. It is the only dark, vampy color I have, a purple that’s almost black. It expresses my rebellious, artistic spirit. I always feel “alternative” when I wear it!
I think the colour that most describes me is ORANGE! It’s my favourite colour and it makes me so happy when I look at my nails. My favourite Orange nail polish is “In My Back Pocket” by OPI. I love it! =D
Confident and edgy: That’s purple. Purple is such a diverse color that comes in many different shades. The darker purple is for the moods when I’m feeling a bit more edgier without going completely dark black. Then when I’m feeling more natural and whimsical, a lavender is the perfect shade. Purple just exemplifies every possible mood that I am in because purple comes in so many shades. In the collection, the ‘shoot for the stars’ and ‘I am the light’ colors are amazing.
Traffic-cone orange. You can’t wear orange with people noticing, and it can be a bit ugly, but when I wear this color I feel kickass- if I’m brave enough to wear orange nail polish I can do anything!
I wish I could say I was ChG For Audrey, sophisticated and serene, yet mod and fashionable. But I am more like OPI Mad as a Hatter, loud and a bit of everything, with a tendency towards darkness.
I am red! Depending on its shade/tone and how it’s presented, it can be elegant, loud, sexy, vibrant, tragic, happy . . . and so many other attributes!
I’d have to say Wet n Wild Wild Orchid would represent me perfectly. It’s a lovely purple color with holographic glitter! Like me, it doesn’t look that impressive from a distance. But once you get to know me better [or in the case of the polish, look at the polish more], you begin to see so many other sides to it. I may seem like an average girl at first, but getting to know me definitely reveals some interesting things (:
My favorite color and color that best desribes me would have to be mrs. O’ learys bbq from opi. Its a very vampy color and very unique to me and somewhat tradional that is my personality.
Purple. Because it’s bright, beautiful, different, unique, powerful, confident, fun, girly, but punky…and smart.
Like me.
I love all shades of purple. I can’t get away with anything too crazy due to my job, but purple is fun without going overboard. Also, purple has been my favorite color since I was 5
The nail polish color that describes me best is Prince Charming from Orly’s “Once Upon A Time…” collection. It’s a subtle, creamy taupe that is bold enough to be noticed. It’s quiet, lovely, and all around sophisticated. I prefer to be an equal balance, and the Prince Charming nail polish is my go-to for the best me.
The color that best expresses me is a bright and cheerful yellow like sally hansen’s lightening. I smile at everyone who passes me by and try to have an upbeat spirit as I do my job in a hospital as a x-ray technician, helping people as best as I can.
I think for me it’s China Glaze FYI – nothing special at first sight but in the right light absolutly fascinating and colorful.
I like deep browns with no shimmer. Like SpaRitual I Feel the Earth Move. What a great give-away!
The nail color that best expresses who I am is a deep, almost black, blue.
I am China Glaze’s For Audrey, because my look is expensive (color of Tiffany box) but I pull it off on a shoestring budget (this polish cost me under $5 at Sally Beauty!). For example, I get all of my accessories at Target when they go on clearance for 50-75% off. I love a good bargain and I love to look chic!
Taupey beige. It can be very prim and proper or very subversively tongue-in-cheek.
My favorite nail polish color is orange. I love how just the bright qualities of this color make you feel a little better, even when things aren’t going so swell. Orange is perfect for the summer, but i wear it year around because it’s so amazing!!
OPI Mermaid to Order. It’s unusual around here, as am I, and it changes its mood often, which I do on an hourly basis at least.
It’s a color that makes me smile whenever I see it on my fingers.
pink. It has to be pink; it’s ALWAYS been pink. I vary the shades and finish but it’s always pink. It’s a girly-girl color!
OPI’s “I’m Not Really A Waitress” is a color I adore and the name fits me…..I am always telling
my family that I am not a waitress!
Many thanks, Cindi
I have -always- been drawn to deep, dark purples. Dark purples are so complex, mysterious, and bewitching. The richness of the color does something magical to me. I never feel as beautiful, valued, or fabulous as I do when wearing it, so my polish collection is filled with darkened purples–I want to have them all!
OPI Merry Midnight is my favorite because it maintains that gorgeous, regal purple while being fun, glitzy, and exciting.
Light Sky Blue defines me. It also defines a huge chunk of my NP collection! Its a light bright color of the prairie sky that reminds me of how I wish to be.
PURPLE!!! I have always been attracted to the color in all forms, and on the nail it’s no different, though my favprite is a bold shimmery nearly blurple purple. It’s a fun bold color that shouts out creativity
This is a toughy, but I think I would say $OPI Metro Chic. It’s tough but sophisticated, soft but modern.
Of all the many, many polishes I own, I feel like Sally Hansen’s Beyond Perfect (now discontinued line) in White Dove expresses me best. It is a sheer opal blue/white with hints of pink and purple and green. It is soft and subtle with many facets if you really look
I think Cheyenne Pepper by OPI best fits who I am. For the obvious reason, it has my name in it, which is rare to come by, and secondly it actually is a really pretty colour. It’s something that’s very me. While people at school know me for having neon nails, and all that, if I was to only paint my nails only colour, it’d be something neautral, not trendy, but flattering.
My favourite color is Turquoise or Teal on my nails. Any kind of blue-green/green-blue. I like this color because not only does it make my skin look more pale and flawless, but it is also bright and stands out.
I’m not really into neons; I find it a bit too much. Turquoise is bright enough so that it makes a statement, but not so much that it look like you colored your fingers with highlighters (which I have actually seen done – trust me, it’s BAD)
I believe it’s Nubar Peacock Feathers: it’s changeable and vibrant.
I actually have to go with SpaRitual’s Yes, I Can! It sticks out of the croud, but in sort of a humble way. And the name reflects that I try to challenge myself to do things that I hesitate if I can pull off.
opi mad as a hatter best describes me. i love the fact that it looks like my unbirthday party threw up on my hands.
it is an amazing glittery mess, and a little querky, just like me. :]
Not the most unique answer, but I’d have to say purple.
I especially like medium to deeper shades. SpaRitual’s Solitude and Regal are favorites of mine. Purples generally go well with my coloring and most of my outfits. It’s a rich yet fun color with a lot of personality.
The nail colour that best describes me is OPI in Russian Navy because it is a super dark navy-almost black. And to be completely honest my personality is kinda depressing, haha
Duo- or Multi-chromes best describe me. Is she a comic-book nerd? A girly-girl? A suburban mom? A student? Yep, all of those at once or Sally Hansen Nail Prisms.
I think a light blue creme (something between a pastel and a neon, perhaps) because blue is such a “non normal color” and I’m definitly not normal (then again, is anyone?) but a blue glitter would be even crazier-I’m not that out there! So a creme is perfect =] Something like Maybelline’s Pie in the Sky
So, at first I thought we were supposed to comment on the polish color that best represents us based on the SpaRitual colors listed above. If that’s the case, I pick Hope Springs Eternal. I’m an eternal optimist and as an adult, I love feminine colors like pink (hated them as a kid). If I had to pick a color from any brand that best expresses me now (and one I wear), I’d say Paige by Zoya. I’ll be a new mom in a few months, so I love the baby-safe formula and the pretty purply color (plus I really dig the name Paige).
Oh, this is hard! I’d have to say MAC Whirlwind, because my life feels like one.
Also because if you look at it closely, you see all of the pretty colors and iridescence better than if you just glance at it — I like to think I have hidden depths!
The color that I feel best expresses who I am is medium range green that is also very bright. Illamasqua’s Elope is the closest match I’ve found to my ideal, although the pictures I’d seen so far of Sparitual’s Yes I Can make it look like my perfect shade.
Besides this shade being my favorite, I also like it because it is unusual to see in nail polish brands’ ranges. Of course green is becoming more mainstream but we usually see jewel tones, blue based shimmers, mints, or very yellow based shades. It’s funny to contemplate that green is such a natural color – it’s the color of grass, leaves, flowers, and yet people view it as such an unwearable unusual color for makeup. Somehow red and pink are acceptable, but if I were to look outside right now, I don’t see a single natural pink or red thing – I see green grass, brown trees, soil, and green leaves.
The reason I feel like this color expresses me best is because I don’t fit into the “norm” – you’d never catch me wearing pink or red polish, and I always stand out just a little bit, just like green.
I alternate between green and blue polishes with vary little variation so I think the Sparitual’s Yes, I Can is pretty fantastic. Glitter or holo versions of blue and greens are usually best although I have rarely met one of any type I didn’t like.
the polish colour that describes me best would be a creamy shade of baby pink. i like eyes on me however i’m pretty shy:p this colour looks bright and simple. that’s why i feel comfortable with creamy baby pink polished nails:)
China Glaze OMG. It’s a chameleon. Lovely and demure in some situations. Fascinating and charming and over the top in others. I think this describes my personality pretty well.
Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into your blog!
Hi! My name is Lissi and would love a chance to enter this giveaway. I would say “Shooting For The Stars” best describes me. It is the story of my life. I’m always aiming high. Sometimes too high. LOL!
Blue fits me best. I have a very tranquil temperament and face the world more calmly than most people I know.
“Infatuation” by Essie… it’s bold just like me