Deborah Lippmann Fall 2010 – Across The Universe & Bad Romance Swatches & Review
![]() Are you ready to kick off the holiday weekend with a blingasm? I know I am!! I told you back in February that for the second half of 2010 Deborah Lippmann is hosting a glitter spectacular and it all starts with her Fall 2010 collection. I’ve always been a lukewarm Beatles fan. I own a few albums but I don’t live and die for them. Then the movie musical Across The Universe came out and I was smitten. Who knew Jim Sturgess could belt it out? The dreamy, mermaid-esque blue glitter baring the same name is a perfect fit for the trippy, lullaby sounding tune and the whimsical film. Meanwhile the black-based magenta glitter, Bad Romance, is both hard-edge and feminine much like Lady Gaga. |
Across The Universe is utterly spectacular. It lives up to every expectation I had for it. The navy jelly base is similar to Lippmann Rehab only more pigmented. The sky blue glitter and blue and green hexagonal sequins dance throughout the jelly giving each nail its own unique look. It looks like lights bouncing off a midnight blue sea. Because this is a jelly base you will need more than two coats. I felt that three coats gave me the perfect amount of coverage and bling.
Application Tips
- Use the least amount of strokes possible to keep the sequins in place.
- Only wipe the brush on the side not touching the nail to ensure the sequins aren’t dropped back in the bottle.
- Wait a little longer between layers to avoid dragging.
I was rocking out to Bad Romance and the rest of my Lady Gaga tunes while wearing this color and I think this will be the perfect manicure choice when I go to her concert on the 14th. Bad Romance has a black semi-sheer jelly base that is packed with magenta glitter and hexagonal sequins. It applies very much like Across The Universe so I used three coats with this one as well.
Removal and wear advice: Maybe it’s the jelly base but these weren’t as difficult to remove as traditional glitters. I applied some cuticle oil around the nail, held a HandsDown pad on it for 15 seconds and the polish slid right off. No real work required.
If you really want to punch up the look try layering these over lighter, brighter colors. I did a quick test of Across the Universe over a bright yellow (its color wheel complement) and the base took on a cool seawater green cast.
Bottom Line: Across the Universe gets my “must-have” stamp of approval. I’m over the moon in love with it. Each nail looks like a little piece of marine art. Bad Romance is fun with a rocker edge but if I had to choose one, ATU would win out.
Across The Universe and Bad Romance are available for pre-order now at as part of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. Pre-orders will arrive July 12th. They launch on this August. Also, US and international shoppers can purchase Deborah Lippmann polishes through where the colors will be available this August. Polishes retail for $18/ea.
Who’s joining Deborah Lippmann at her glitter party? Are you dying over Across The Universe like I am? What colors do you think would be good to layer underneath?
Disclosure: Product samples were furnished to me by PR for possible review. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.

I am quite desperate. I LOVE the Lippmann glitters but I don’t know where I can order them for shipping to germany…
Try BeautyBridge and DermaDoctor, they ship to Europe but they don’t have those two yet, probably in august, september?
Hi! Beautybridge now have them, and do international shipping (I live in the UK) – I just ordered them, so excited!!
So in love – I’ll def wear across the universe as soon as they come in. Can’t wait for fall to wear bad romance.
Geez, I don’t know. The ATU is much darker than I thought (from the promo picture to the bottle) and I hate polishes that drag. We’ll see if I can put that aside to get my first Lippmanns.
Yeah, in the bottle it looks much brighter because there is so much glitter packed into the bottle so you don’t see the base color as much.
I agree..I thought it would be more of a bright blue-turqouisey color, judging by the bottle pic. Still love it though!
I’ve been waiting for AtU since you showed a photo with a glipmse of it several months back. I pre-ordered both of these last month and I’m so glad I did. They both look amazing but AtU is really a showstopper. Thanks so much for the gorgeous pictures and for the Fashion Week heads up that these were coming out.
OMG this are even more beautiful than I was expecting. Especially Bad Romance. I cannot wait for these to arrive, I pre-ordered them a couple weeks back!
I love these…they look amazing!!
I think that is my very most favorite polish I’ve EVER SEEN!!!!
Not my thing, I guess. The colors are pretty, but it’s just too sloppy looking. I prefer glitters to be more uniform, but I guess that’s not the idea with these. Oh well.
I like ATU….I just don’t want to pay for it.
ohhhh, I love Across the Universe! I agree that it is darker than the promo picture would suggest, but really pretty!
Ooh, I love ATU! But glitter polishes are so difficult to remove …
Oh you must have missed the part where I mentioned removal. They aren’t as bad as other glitters and the navy base color didn’t stain at all.
Whoa. They are like… BEYOND GORGEOUS!!!!
Bad Romance was made for ME.
Bad Romance! Love it.
WOW. I’m normally not one to drop 18 bucks on nail polish but I might have to for these. They’re GORGEOUS and they’re two of my favorite songs.
OMG these are AMAZING! I was waiting for you to post pictures! I must have these! Pre-ordering them right now!
I just love the fact that there are green glitter pieces in ATU as well. I did not see that in the bottle pic at all. I am going to New York in vacation ont he 20th so I hope that there are still some left at Nordstrom then.
I am also looking forward to getting my dirty paws on the 3-pack All that Jazz.
Any chance you’ll be reviewing the colors from the All That Jazz 3-pack? Having seen this review, I’m even more curious about what those three will look like!
Oh yes, I will be. I’m hoping for next week.
Thank goodness! THANK YOU!
I’m dying to see what those 3 look like! Lady Sings The Blues is nice, but doesn’t seem all that special in the bottle pic. I’m not so sure about Razzle Dazzle yet. Some Enchanted Evening is the only one of the set that truly seems like it will be a total must have for me so I don’t want to buy the whole set until I see your swatches because I don’t want to spend the $40 unless I love all 3 colors. It just makes more sense to wait for Some Enchanted Evening to be released on its own than spend $40 if I only really want the one color, but your swatches could easily sway me to cave since we all know the bottle pics aren’t always that accurate like in the case of ATU.
Gorgeous, but would have loved to see the pic of ATU over the bright yellow! ALSO…any similar dups?
$18 is a LOT for a bottle of nail polish IMHO… ~L
Both colors are beautiful! They look fantastic on you too.
May I express my total disapproval for whoever decided to associate The Beatles and Lady Gaga? May I please?
Ok, I Do.
These are amazing! I want both!
I LOVE Bad Romance! Can anyone please tell me where I can get one that will deliver to the UK! I need this colour!
I am having exactly the same problem, no one wants to ship these colours overseas and I am DYING for them, especially Bad Romance!
Okay, just ordered mine from beautybridge, been waiting for so long (airmail means it will be even longer, snore!)
Happy shopping
If you’re looking for cheaper dups- try China Glaze Meteor Shower. Can buy on victoria nail supply for about $3. It’s a personal favorite- back up worthy. Very similar to ATU and 1/6 the price! Love love LOVE both Lippman’s, though!
Across the Universe is gorgeous but for me it would be a pain to remove. I have DL in Happy Birthday: gorgeous and fun but a pain to remove.
I came across this page and HAD to order a few of these polishes. I just love the way the glitter turns out on these, so shiny!
Pre-ordered both a week or so ago! I’m a little disappointed that ATU is so much darker than the bottle pictures looked, but its still one of the most amazing polishes I’ve seen in awhile and so is BR! I can’t wait for them to get here!
I decided to hold off on the All That Jazz set at least until I see your swatches so I know for sure whether or not I’ll want all 3 of those shades. I’m a little annoyed that Lippmann has seen fit to start charging $18 for the glitters, but if I really love your All That Jazz swatches I’ll probably cave yet again.
I’ve been wearing Ruby Red Slippers all week in honor of Eclipse lol.
Not wild about these two, but I share your love for the Across the Universe soundtrack. I listen to it all the time!
Bad Romance is the polish that MAC should have had in the Hello Kitty collection. I’ve never wanted a bottle more in the first glimpse than I do this one. It makes my heart sing.
Wow great pictures! Yet I’m surprised by how much I don’t like these (guess I’m getting too old for chunky glitters and at $18 a pop it’s a defo no go)
I’m SO surprised at how dark blue ATU is. I’ll admit, I’m a tad disappointed. I’ve already pre-ordered it and I still think it’s beautiful- just definitely not what it looks like in the bottle! I hadn’t even considered that the glitter was masking the base color so much.
As always thanks for the swatches!
I kinda like Bad Romance better, but have no real plans on getting either…Hexacon glitter isn’t my fave
Hexagonal glitter is not my favorite, I definitely prefer something a bit more uniform. Having said that, Bad Romance is calling my name. It’s so unique and gorgeous!! ATU does nothing for me personally.
I LOVE Across the Universe, but a comment above has me wondering – how old is too old for chunky glitters? It seems to me that at $18.00 a bottle, these colors aren’t particularly accessible to the teenage set. I’m finally able to afford to buy nail polish pretty much whenever I want, and I’m over 40.
Am I over the hill?
40 is so not over the hill. I’m 35 and continue to wear crazy colors and glitter. You’re only as old as you feel and some days I feel like a 12 year old, ha! Deborah Lippmann is a woman in her middle years and she creates polishes she thinks her clients will like. Considering that her client base skews a bit older I say rock the glitter nail. I believe that’s partially the reason these polishes aren’t total glitter bombs. You can add one layer for just a little glitz or go full on.
Thank you! That’s kind of what I thought. As far as glitters go, these are totally sophisticated! I’d rather be wearing chunky glitters when I’m 60 than some horrible mauve frost.
oh! I’m in love! I adore Across the universe is so so pretty!!!
I’ve wrote a post in my blog about your site (just discovered, it’s great!) and this nails polish.
Thank you!
so pretty!
How can you not like the Beatles? Damn lady, what planet are you from? They’re are rock pioneers, the Gods of Rock!
Oh I like them, I’m just not their biggest fan or anything. I know some hardcore Beatles fans and I would never want to insult them by classifying myself in the same category.
THANK YOU for the swatches! I preordered these when only the promo pics were available and i sure am glad I did…weird though, I preordered a month ago and I have my shipping confirmation for 7/26! if these are in store on the 16th i will just get it then and cancel my online preorder haha
OMG! I just fell in love with Bad Romance. My heart is broken, because it seems like they don’t ship to Norway
i guess i may in the minority, but these do absolutely nothing for me (and i like glitters). they look amazing in the bottle thought.
Will you be doing swatches for the “All That Jazz” trio?
if i wanted to waste so much money, i would get the purple one because i like darker colors =)
I stopped by Nordstrom today in hopes that they finally had Happy Birthday back in stock. Not only did they have that but they had Across the Universe!!! It took everything inside me to not loose it as I casually grabbed a bottle of each and headed to the checkout! I ‘m about to apply AtU to my fingers and Happy B-day to my toes! So excited!
I just called my Nordies because i didnt want to pay shipping… glad I did. The Lippmann counter girl said they got TWO of each AtU and BR…. so i promptly paid over the phone for bad romance and will pick it up tomorrow after work! She even said the Downtown Seattle Nordies was already sold out!
Wow, that’s crazy. I went to my Nordies yesterday and picked up the All That Jazz set. They only had two left that weren’t pre-ordered. It’s Deborah Lippmann’s glitter world, we’re just living in it!
I just got these in the mail yesterday and I tried them today! I’m having such a hard time with the application! It’s not smooth at all. I didn’t have such a hard time with Happy Birthday.
Holy bling bling! your nails look gorgeous! MUST GET ATU and BR!
Mine finally arrived today. Can’t wait to try them! Thanks for the swatches… you are my go-to for polish recommendations!
OK, I couldn’t wait. My current manicure is with Essie’s “Pretty Edgy” which is a nice Kelly green. I layered one coat of Across The Universe on top and it looks *fantastic*. This might be a good workaround for the folks who thought this polish was too dark. The final color is a dark sea color with gorgeous glitter!
I just tried on the Bad Romance and I was wndering what top coat you used. I used seche vite but I’m not getting anywhere near the amount of bling you have. Any suggestions?
i bought across the universe yesterday and it’s definitely one of the best polishes i’ve ever worn. it was pricey so i didn’t really want to do three layers on all my fingers, so instead i did one layer over OPI Yoga-ta Get This Blue and it looks GREAT. the shimmer of Yoga-ta shows through the jelly base just barely. the result of the shimmer-jelly-glitter-sequin combination is a blinged out, multidimensional starry night sky under the sea. seriously, amazing.
I just noticed that, aside from the hexagonal glitter, Bad Romance and China Glaze’s Mummy May I are pretty similar! China Glaze’s glitter seems a little more dense, though.
Here in Germany I have to pay 30 Euro (42 Dollar) for one bottle. That’s too expensive for me
WAT! o.o That’s REDONK!
these are pretty! But are they as lumpy as they look? Bleck!
Hey, Love your site! So if you had to choose between midnight mambo by SOPI or across the universe, which would you choose? And why
There are both really nice! I love the purple one!
Nice cheesy twinkles you photoshop-ed into that second picture there.
Those aren’t photoshopped. It’s how the picture turned out.
Why would she say it was photoshopped? LOL!! I know it’s not!