OPI Swiss Collection for Fall 2010 – Part 2 Swatches & Review
![]() I’m sure it’s no surprise to you to hear that the idea of doing an all red post doesn’t exactly jazz me. It’s just never been my color. I have a few staple reds that I turn to again and again but overall it’s just not my bag. However, because I know there are people as fanatical about reds as I am about greens I wanted to share them with you. And because the formula of all six of these polishes is so stellar, I actually liked a couple of them enough to add them to my stash. Curious about which ones I gave high marks? Read on to find out! |
Application and Formula: OPI is a 3-Free brand. They made the switch to 3-Free in 2008. You can identify an OPI with the 3-Free formula by the green lettering on the label. Bottles with black lettering have the old formula. Always check the labels to be sure. The OPI Pro Wide brush is flat, wide and medium in length. It’s of an average stiffness and easily spreads out on the nail when pressed. The only downside to the Pro Wide brush is that it can be too wide for slim fingers or little toes.
Like the first half of the collection the application was perfect. They flowed easily on the nail making it simple to get a flawless three stroke application. Though unlike the first half, the pigmentation is spot on! All of the polishes were completely opaque with two coats though the darker cremes are so packed with pigment they barely needed the second coat. This may not be my fave color family but I can still appreciate an outstanding red creme.
Color So Hot It Berns is a bright red creme like the color in the Swiss flag. It’s slightly warm but not orange-y. We’re not talking tomato territory here. To my eye, it looks pretty neutral in the bottle so it may just look warm against my skin. You can see slight VNL (visible nail line) with this one but my tips tend to stand out. With a ridge filler, that wouldn’t have happened.
From A To Z-urich is a burgundy red creme. When I say burgundy I don’t mean the deep, dark wine we associate with the word but more like the actual color of burgundy when it’s poured in a glass. This is really lush with its berry undertone. Though can I complain about the name for a hot second? I know that OPI is all about the play on words but the overuse of dashes in their polish names make searches challenging. Don’t you agree?
I’m Suzi and I’m A Chocoholic is a warm, brick red creme. I know it’s described as being chocolate but it’s just not brown enough for that. This is more like a paver stone than a candy bar.
Just A Little Rösti At This is a deeper version of From A to Z-urich. They have similar undertones with their berry bases and look a lot like sisters. Rösti being the older, more seasoned, darker sibling. I have to give OPI props for this name though. I don’t know why but it makes me a chuckle, in a good way.
Diva Of Geneva is the lone shimmer in this group and with its ribbons of rosy metallic glimmer, it definitely stands out. The shimmer looks more like a pearl than a shimmer as it lights up the deep magenta base. I’m really digging this one though it strikes a resemblance to one of the 90210 shades, no?
William Tell Me About OPI is a vampy, raisin creme. In the bottle I thought it was more of a blackened plum, a lighter version of Lincoln Park After Dark, but on me I see hints of brown. Based on the bottle shade I certainly wasn’t expecting that. I do like that it’s light enough to escape “almost black” territory which has always been my main issue with fan fave LPAD.
Bottom Line: The first half of the Swiss collection has my heart, no doubt, but if you’re in the market for some high quality reds these won’t let you down. I’m personally hanging on to From A to Z-urich and William Tell Me About OPI. They both fill needs in my collection and their flawless application and finish impressed me. I think overall the Swiss collection contains some great basics to round out a collection but long time polish haulers may want to take a pass.
The OPI Swiss Collection officially launches August 1, 2010 but I hear it’s already popping up on shelves across the country. OPI polishes retail for $8.50/ea for a .5oz bottle and can be purchased at salons nationwide including chains like Beauty First, JC Penney Salons, Regis, Trade Secret and ULTA.
So which Swiss colors made your cut? Have any of the reds impressed you? Fanatics with an undying love for red, do you see any shades here that are truly unique or must-haves? I’d love to hear from people who take their reds as seriously as I do my greens.
Remember, let’s hear those comparison requests. Don’t forget to get your Vintage Vixen & RBL requests in by tomorrow, Friday, before I finish them this weekend.
Disclosure: Product samples were furnished by OPI. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.

Great swatches as always. I’m kind of new to your site and I’m curious how you do your swatches. Do you have to paint your fingers and then immeditaley take it off and do it all over again or do you wear them for awhile? Just curious!
I always wonder about that too!
Thanks! How long I wear a polish varies. I typically apply a polish and wait for it to completely dry before photographing it since polish dries darker than it looks wet, just like wall paint. I also edit my photos with the polish on, in the same lighting, so they are as accurate as I can get them. So I usually have a polish on for 30-60 minutes before changing. But if I love a color, I usually leave it for the end of the day so I can wear it that night. Whatever I swatch last is my mani for the day.
I love you and your site, but please check your facts. The OPI website says the release day is August 4th. Thanks!
Thank you for letting me know Heidi. I posted the date I was given. I thought it was odd to launch on a Sunday but as a reader in the other post pointed out, August 1st is Switzerland’s July 4th & OPI is supposedly hosting something there.
Love your swatches! They are huge and show such great detail. Good to know the pigmentation was spot on!
How about Color So Hot it Berns compared to RBL Bangin? They seem like they might be pretty similar.
I’m definitely picking up William Tell and Ski Teal We Drop… and that might be it. I love a good red, but I feel like I just need one or two that suit my skin tone, whereas with greens and purples I feel like I need every different shade under the sun. I guess I just don’t get into the subtle differences in red polishes the way I do with other colors.
I like Diva Of Geneva, but not enough to buy it. I’ll probably get a mani with it once. They all get a pass from me! Can’t wait to see your comparisons of the CG and RBL collections.
For Color so Hot it Berns, maybe OPI Off with her red?
Thank you for the swatches!
Thanks for the amazing swatches. I’m a post off, but I’d like to see a comparison of Cuckoo and Zoya’s Suvi. Oh, and RBL Teal and Ski Teal We Drop. Thanks!
From A to Z-urich vs. Misa That’s My Little Secret. (Or whichever berry shade in this group matches best.)
Could you please swatch William Tell Me About OPI with All A-Bourdeaux the Sled?
I love William Tell Me About OPI so much!
Will you do a comparison with Lincoln Park After Dark, Eiffel For This Color and Black Cherry Chutney, please? Do you think those would be good comparisons?
I think I want Color So Hot It Berns. And William Tell. And probably Diva of Geneva. Crap.
I like Diva of Geneva, but I don’t think I’ll buy it. William Tell Me About OPI is nice, too, but, it’s not one I HAVE to have.
Are any of these reds comparable to OPI Chick Flick Cherry?
Great Swatches!
I’ve gotta say, I’m not overly thrilled with this half of the collection, as I suspected I wouldn’t be. I may pick up Diva of Geneva (which does look like one of the 90210 colors, at least going by the bottle, as I don’t own that color either) and maybe good ol’ William. Otherwise I feel like I have a suitable dupe of all the others in my collection already. Glad to hear that the formula is good on these though. Oh, and just for kicks you could show William Tell Me About OPI next to Lincoln Park After Dark, just to show the difference, since that’s such a beloved shade. I have LPAD, so it would be nice to see how different they really are, although I can already tell William is lighter.
Queen of West Web-erly? oh man I just bought that color, didn’t see it until I just read this! I think QOWW is slightly less fuchsia if that makes sense?
Thanks for letting me know. I haven’t been able to find my bottle yet. My reds and pinks are a little unorganized at the moment. Okay a LOT unorganized.
How do these reds compare to the reds from the OPI Spanish Collection?
Color so hot it berns to sally hansen hard as nails cardinal, which has AMAZING application. I would just laugh (at opi) if it were an exact dupe
i’d love to see color so hot it berns copmpared to red my fortune cookie (hong kong) opi on collins avenue (south beach) and comet loves cuped. i think those are pretty close matches…thanks for these beautiful swatches!
“I’m Suzi & I’m a…” and “London Bridge is Falling Brown.” I think those look like they might be very close. I’m hitting my local place today and hopefully they’ll have the collection out early.
‘William Tell Me About OPI’ might be a browned version of ‘We’ll Always Have Paris’ (which is more berry based).
‘I Got The Blues For Red’ and ‘Chick Flick Cherry’ might be good comparisons for ‘From A To Z-urich.’
As per usual, great photos and reviews!
HUUUHheee the light version of lincoln afterdark is beautifulllll. where is the name of this one?
Well…blah! Not your swatches…just all of the reds. I’m pretty (shockingly) impressed with Diva and Williman though. Thanks for the great review as always!
Thanks for the swatches and review! I’m curious about William Tell Me about OPI like many here
Could you please compare it with Give Me Moor from the Spanish Collection?
Wow, thanks for these.
Since you don’t like reds, I was afraid I would have never seen your swatches.
I love berry red cremes and I’m thinking to buy From A to Z-urich, but in the picture it looks close to the reds from the espana collection, conquistadorable color and manicurist of seville.
I already have (and love) both, do you think it’s worth to buy this or is it too similar to one of them?
I think I’ll be getting the first one and the last 2. I can’t believe I don’t have any true reds in my collection even though I have 175 bottles!
I am so excited for ‘Diva of Geneva’ and ‘William tell me about OPI’, I have a ton of reds so they don’t really interest me. I can’t wait till it comes out!
I have 16 reds and still haven’t found the one I was looking for: bright but not warm, a cool red that’s intense but still looks red in artificial light (unlike some burgundies that are marvelous in the sunlight but look brown under a neon).
Red is a difficult color. I’m not a typical red-girl, I love mu purples, greens, blues, and I only started wearing red a year ago, but now finding “the perfect red” is like an obsession to me
Do you have just plain old OPI “Red”. I love that one. Is that the only one w/o a weird name too?
I personally like William Tell me About Opi-I have barely any reds (4 or 5, I think) so I still like red. Other than that, not really interested in any of them. I do wish there had been a real brown in there, for the yummy Swiss chocolate
I have to confess I do love Red! Thank you for the swatches!
I just ordered :
Ski till we drop
the color to watch
and William tell me about opi
I am excited and proud of myself that I only got three!!!!!:)
Hi, very wonderfull swatches like every time, so this collection are so beautifull.

Thank you for the swatches
I just got William Tell Me About OPI and Ski Teal We Drop at Ulta, but I think I will return the William one. It looks a lot like the All a Beardux (sp?) the sled one from last years’ holiday collection. Well at least on the swatch I did on a piece of paper. I want the Diva of Geneva one instead.
Comparison request for William Tell Me About OPI and Essie Wicked Please & Thank You.
I just wanna say i really love the shape nails, anyway william tell me about opi, that color is too popular and im not sure if i will get that color, but diva of geneva is different because of the shimmer and the goldish under tone! My favorite color out the whole collection is the green color, oh and i also love the dark silver shimmer! :-))
I’m a little late here, but I would love to see Diva of Geneva compared to Queen of West Weberly from the 90210 collection.
Thanks for the great swatches!!
Hi everybody, i was just woundering if anyone tried “Diva Of Geneva” and had dried to a bumpy finish? The reason why i ask is because i polished my nails with it, and it has dried very quickly, but there are alot of air bubbles on my nails!! I live in New Orleans so maybe the humidity has something to do with that! Anyway this is an beautiful color, and one of my faves from the collection! I have whole collection, because iam a polisholic
oh btw, i love ur swacthes and ur nails are shaped perfect!! Will u be swacthing the other new OPI 2010 holiday collection coming soon? That collection is called i think the Burlesque collection.
Kind of a random question here.. The OPI bottles still (always) have four warning labels on the back, right? Because I just received some in the mail, and one of them just seems off. The ‘e’ in the front (next to the ‘Oz.’) is in a different font than on the bottles I already have, and there are only three warning labels on the back. So I’m thinking it’s probably fake…
hi, i too have notice the 3 warning symbol s on my opi bottles, but all of them i purchased online only have 3, and the ones i purchase from regis or jcpenny, has 4 warning labels! i think ur right about it possibly being a fake, because not only the 3 labels i notice, the seriels numbers are scracthed off on the side of the bottles, and only 1 lable under thd bottle when its suposed to be 2! this is a question i been meaning to ask for awhile now.. if u find out any infro about fake opi polish, let me know please!
Older OPI bottles only had the 3 symbols. It wasn’t until 2005 or later that brands started to include the 4th symbol, the 12/24M. That symbol tells you about the product life or PAO (Period After Opening). 24M = 24 Months. So it may not necessarily be a fake OPI. If the serial number is scratched off it is more than likely a real OPI being sold at an unauthorized store. Grocery stores, for example, are not authorized OPI sellers. Only licensed salons are supposed to sell OPI. So to keep OPI from being able to track where the polish originally came from, they scratch off the serial number. In regards to the labels, people pull them off all the time even at stores like ULTA or Trade Secret/Regis. It’s the only way to see the ingredient list and since OPI doesn’t make their labels connected, like Essie, the 1st label usually gets tossed. Where have you been purchasing your OPIs from?
The thing that irks me about this particular bottle is that it’s part of the Swiss collection, so unless they somehow went back to having only three warning labels, it really should have four. I bought it on ebay, and I emailed the seller about it as well, who assured me that she only buys her stuff from an authorized OPI seller in the UK (was prepared to email me her invoice for that shipment and everything), but I’m still not entirely convinced. I’m just annoyed that OPI is so goddamn expensive here in Germany when you buy it at a regular salon, and that it takes ages for the new collections to arrive (on the official German distributor’s website, the Shrek collection showed up about two weeks ago!)
I’m looking into all of this and hopefully will have some official, concrete answers for you. I don’t know enough about labeling regulations to know what the differences are between OPIs sold in the US vs UK vs Germany. It could just be that there is different packaging for the UK.
I bought my swiss collection from an ULTA in the US and because you raised my curiosity I checked mine and it also has only three of the four warnings. I’m usually really careful about checking for those too because I had to write a huge paper on counterfeiting for my Juris Doctorate! However, I will say that all of the other traditional OPI markings are present, the fonts are correct, the serial numbers do not appear to be tampered with and the ink color on the label is unaltered, so I have no idea if these are counterfeit or just…strange!
My bottle of Ski Teal we Drop only has three warning labels as well. Is this a change being made? It has the circle-recycling image, flammable image, and the 24 months image in that order.
hi, thanks for that infro, also my whole swiss collection i orderd online has 3 warning labels, and stracthed off serial numbers! all the authorize retailers have the 4 warning labels, so if thats how the old bottles were, than i dont know how u would explain the 3 labels on the new swiss collection! its just supect to me…
Does William remind anyone of OPI’sMidnight in Moscow from the Russian Collection?
Can you do a comparison on those?
Hei. I would like to see how Orly Plum Noir differs from OPI William Tell Me About OPI.
Mine also has 3 labels…the recycle symobl, the fire, and the 24. I compared it to an OPI by Sephora bottle (the only one I had handy), which also has a book with a hand? I got it at Beauty First, I know it’s legit.
Can you do a comparison of Diva of Geneva with Stella and Skate Night from CG Retro Diva collection? Love your swatches, btw. You’ve really helped me avoid buying dupes.
To Linda M:
My favorite is “London Bridge is Falling Brown”. Right now I am wearing “I’m Suzi and I’m A Chocoholic.” While they are similar, London Bridge is more rust and Suzi is more burgandy. Just so you can make an informed decision. By the way, the Suzi title could be seen as politically incorrect (offensive to those who are struggling with addictions and attending 12 step programs).
I’m wearing Diva of Geneva right now and I see it as a deeper, more red version of catherine the grape.
I compared the bottles and they’re really similar, though I think it’s more for the finish and the golden shimmer than for the base color.
Hi, I’ve been looking for an OPI dupe for Chanel Rouge Fatal. Wondering if any of the reds here are similar! I was thinking From A to Z-urich looks great, but lighter and redder than Rouge Fatal. Just a little Rosti at This looks kinda similar too. If you know of a dupe, please tell me! Thanks so much!
My two swisse collections only have the “last” 3 as well. Maybe they have decided the first one is a bit redundant. I’m thinking it means to read the instructions/bottom label, which seems a bit obvious, really.
How come your polish is slightly chipped in every single photo?? The mani looks really neat, but you still have some white spots…..
Oh it’s not chipped, it’s just the light reflecting off my tips.
Just found your site today and am loving it!! I love OPI nail polish and have found I can order it online at Amazon.com for a little bit cheaper than via stores I am using your site to find out which colors I want to purchase. The 2010 Burlesque stuff is awesome and thanks to your swatches I was able to figure out which colors I wanted.
Love them all!!!!
J’adore cet auteur, merci.
how do color so hot it berns and essie’s lollipop compare?
I am certainly a red fanatic and not one of these ‘reds’ from this collection connect with me at all. I ended up getting LCLM & Glitzerland because they were more foil, less bumpy glitter. I have found I adore LCLM. Also bought Wm Tell Me about OPI. Diva of Geneva was in my hand 3 times to get, but honestly I have so many that look similar, I took a pass. Maybe will pick it up for winter toes when I find it on a good sale.
Well, I just had a mani/pedi today and the polish I chose was Color So Hot it Berns and I LOVE it! And I’m a red fanatic!! I’ve got many different reds – lots of them OPI, but other brands as well. This one stands out as a true red – not too orange, not too blue. Fabulous. I’ll be buying this color and wearing it proudly for a long time. Classic and sexy!