ALU NYFW NOTD Challenge – Day 2
![]() That being said, I was not deterred from my original NOTD plan for FNO. I did a manicure using the Chanel Les Khakis De Chanel colors and visited the redesigned Chanel SoHo Boutique. I’ll be sharing a full FNO recap in a separate post but first up my nail look for Day 2. |
So I showed you my trial run of a Chanel Khaki camouflage manicure the other day. Apparently I have first time luck when it comes to nail art because my second attempt was one step above FAIL. I kept looking at my photo from Thursday to try and recreate the design and I don’t know if it was the unfamiliar environment, lack of sleep, lack of time or just my lack of skills but the final result was not at all what I planned.
Based on what I heard from fellow bloggers, brands and manicurists it wasn’t a total loss. I did receive many compliments on the design, including the amazing Jin Soon, I just wouldn’t call it camouflage. It’s more like some kind of abstract blob art. I know, I know I’m too hard on myself. That I should just embrace the fun and go on. After all it’s just nail polish, it’s not that serious but I’m a perfectionist and this is far from perfect. Or at least what I pictured as perfect in my head.
I ended up applying Khaki Vert on all my nails, using Khaki Brun and Khaki Rose to create the camo pattern on my ring fingers. Though I ended up throwing in an extra blob of Vert on both nails to add to the craziness.
I want to thank those of you who commented yesterday regarding the online launch of the Chanel Khaki collection. It’s hard when I’m out and about with just a smartphone to rely on. I am able to see and approve your comments but doing much more beyond that can be a challenge and huge drain on my oh so precious battery life. I’m just happy to hear that the Khakis didn’t sell out in minutes. That it was a tech issue on and people were able to place their orders.
If you haven’t placed your order yet, the polishes are still available on as of now but I have no clue how many bottles are left. So I suggest if you’re hemming and hawing over the purchase, you make a decision asap before you end up regretting it and cursing the eBay sellers.
I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend. The weather here in New York couldn’t be more beautiful. I have lots of fun things to share about my trip including some cool new polishes I got a peek at. Stay tuned Fanatics!

loooooove this
why do your two different posts on khaki vert look so different? and which is more true to life?
Hey Carly! Unfortunately because I am out of my element in NYC and taking photos in lighting I’m not used to, my NOTD’s aren’t as accurate as I would like. Plus, I’m kind of posting on the fly so I don’t have the time I normally would to make sure the colors look right. The first post was done at home in my usual lighting setup and I would consider that a better representation of the colors. Of course, any polish will look different based on the light and how your eyes see color so in a way, they are both true. You know what I mean?
yeah, i definitely know what you’re talking about. i was hoping you’d say the first one was a better representation because i love the way that color looked! ps. i love your blog and you take amazing photographs of the colors!
Would you believe that all 3 colors are already being sold on Ebay? And for over $100.00′s for the trio. The colors are cool, but not great. Think I’ll find some dupes or make my own. I do like ur camo mani though
Thanks for the swatches!
Are they really? I hate people who do that. I think buying up sought after nail polish just so that you can turn around and re-sell them for double the price on Ebay is absolutely disgusting not to mention extremely tacky. People should be ashamed. I don’t mind if you bought it for yourself, but then got it home and changed your mind, but to buy them just so you can sell them is not cool.
Truth be told to me these aren’t really worth the Ebay prices. I got them as a collector of greens and Chanel, but are they the most stunning and unique shades I’ve ever seen from Chanel? Nope, not to me.
I agree you are too hard on yourself. I think even though not what you were going for, your nails look cute! thanks for the update!!!! can’t wait to get my khaki vert in the mail!
Ownn *-*
It’s so beautiful!
I loved *-*
I went to Barneys and saw Deborah Lippman at her nail products counter. She was really nice! I got a free manicure and bought a bottle of Across The Universe. Amazing color!
Glad you’re having fun there. Can’t wait to know what these sneak peeks you have are!
I like it! You’re right, it’s like abstract art. But if anyone else saw it, I bet they would think “camo.” Glad you’re having a great trip! Keep us posted if you can
I really love those colors
Unfortunately I cant order them, but I hope I can find something that is similar to them
Take care
Got all three colors from the SoHo boutique and have to say I’m not that impressed – nothing even close to the uniqueness of the last fall’s JADE. Particuliere , Paradoxal, Nouvelle Vague were real statements, can’t say the same about the Khakis. Will keep the bottles just for my collection. Khaki Brown throwing me off – has some greenish note in it, don’t even want to try it yet. The last word – all three Khakis look much more interesting in your pictures Michelle than in real life. All that agitation…
Do you know of any copycat colors to Chanel Vert Khaki? I love nail polish, but Chanel is a little out of my budget? I would appreciate any suggestions for any colors that are close. Thanks!
I doubt there will be any copycats for at least a couple of months. That’s usually how it goes. After a couple of months then you start seeing other brands coming out with their Chanel-wannabe colors. Essie Sew Psyched is probably the closest thing you’ll get to Vert at the moment, but even that is drastically different. If you’re just wanting general military-esque colors try Rescue Beauty Lounge No More War, Diddy Mow, or Orbis Non Sufficit, but at $18 each those aren’t much less than the Chanel. The RBLs are just more readily available.
I think you did a wonderful job!
Had a great time at FNO. It was CRAZY! Thanks for your tips on where to go!
Also, Timothy at Chanel Soho told me that the look for the Khakis is too paint each nail with a different color from the collection!
I actually like it. You are being too hard on yourself.
That camo design is awesome!
this is awesome. I love hand detailed designs. looks great. you should do a tutorial!
LOVE your camo nail art but considering the cost of Chanel’s polishes, I will replicate it with dupes if I find any. Off topic….can you find the deets on Gaga’s manicure at the VMA’s? Thanks!
OMgosh. I love Khaki Vert.
Michelle, you are totally being way to hard on yourself. Your mani looks bangin, no pun intended (I am into Camo so I love it). Would get all 3 but @ $25 a pop ddaaayyuuumm that’s pretty steep. Thinking about getting Khaki Vert though b/c I am loving that Vert. Great job!
Love love love this!!!! I sooo want that khaki!
Also — any suggested dupes?
The camo looks awesome, you did a great job!!
hi~!! i would really like to find a color as similar as possible to the khaki vert, do you have any suggestions? or could you do one of those color comparison entries for this collection? pweeeese?? thanks~!!