ALU NYFW NOTD Challenge SS11 – Day 6
![]() Though Amber is partly to blame for my failure as I was out having a few too many adult beverages with her and Nance the night before. The last thing I wanted to think about at the end of the night was changing my polish. So with Day 5 behind me I couldn’t resist breaking out the CND Jason Wu Collection for Day 6. Being that I wasn’t able to attend the show I couldn’t get my hands on one of the special sets gifted to attendees but CND Co-Founder and Creative Director Jan Arnold was extremely generous, giving up her own personal set to me. Can you even? |
As I reported on the day of the Jason Wu show, the limited edition collection will launch in May 2011 and introduce a new Effect that creates a tweed finish on the nail. Naturally this piqued my interest. How do you translate tweed to the nails? Since I’m all about a multi-colored manicure and these colors pair so well together, I chose to use three of the four polishes in my Day 6 look incorporating the new effect, Anna.
From thumb to pinkie we have; CND Sophia, CND Sophia w/Anna, CND Brigitte, CND Miss Wu w/Anna and CND Miss Wu.
The image above was taken in the extremely cool toned light of my hotel room and it wasn’t until I got home that I realized my lens didn’t really pick up the finish of Anna so I recreated the look at home to give you a better idea of how it looks on the nail.
Anna gives a nod to Jason Wu’s use of texture in his collections. To bring that look to the nails, CND used silk fibres in a milky base that dries with a satin feathered texture. Over the dirty gray shimmer, Miss Wu, the look is more subtle, almost pebbled.
However, over Sophia the individual fibres really stand out. You can see where the tweed idea comes into play.
Adding a coat of CND Super Shiney dulls the effect though it helps cap the fibres that end up sticking out over the edge of the nail. Not that that’s really an issue. The fibres aren’t sharp or anything so you don’t even feel them when they do go beyond the free edge.
I will be doing a full review of the CND Jason Wu Collection closer to launch but I couldn’t help myself from playing a bit. As my boyfriend commented, these three shades all look like different types of clay which is why I think they make sense in a collection together.
What are your initial thoughts on this collection? Does Anna make you think tweed? What other textures would you like to see translated to nails?
Disclosure: Product samples were furnished to me by CND. For more info, view my Disclosure Policy.

I really love those colors together. Can’t wait for it to come out. Not sure about the tweed/hair caught in your polish look, but I’d try it out!
It sounded intriguing when you first mentioned it, but I’m not a fan at all. To me, it looks like you bumped into something before it dried and messed up your mani. You didn’t say what you thought of it though!
I’m not really sure what I think of it. I like the ingenuity because sometimes I feel like I’ve seen it all so I appreciate that they’re trying to do something new. BUT like Steph mentioned, it does look like little hairs caught in your polish. Like you dipped your wet nails in a pile of hair clippings. I think I need to play with it some more before giving a final verdict. That’s one of the reasons I don’t rush my reviews. I need to have time to play with a polish, especially something out of the ordinary, before reviewing it.
I see what they’re going for, but nope, not for me. I don’t think the texture will translate really well. Lace texture did, I think, because it was easily distinguishable as an intentional texture – this looks a little too much like you smudged/imprinted slightly damp nailpolish (like when you go to sleep with tacky polish and get sheet marks). Plus I go nuts if I don’t have a really smooth finish (matte or shiny) – the bumpiness, even if it’s barely noticeable, would drive me nuts!
I don’t really care for the texture. I prefer a super glossy finish. Interesting concept, though…
This is one of those creative tragedies like Lippmann’s Funky Chunky. It is unique, but it’s also gross. It looks like your wet nail got covered in cat hair.
That is probably the best analogy I’ve seen. The ideas behind both were pretty cool, but the translation on the nail is :(.
Love the colours but add me to not a fan to the texture. To me it looks like you were handed a cheap brush that left strands on your nail. I agree with all the other comments -not only will it drive us nail fanatics crazy, I totally feel that everyone else not all up with nail fads will just comment on our failed nails!
Oh no, I do not see any tweed resemblance. I kind of want to “fix” that nail right away. haha!
I agree with everyone, this is a very creative idea, but just not attractive LOL I had to read your paragraph a couple times before I connected the “tweed finish” and the nail I thought you had just messed up, but I kept wondering “Why would she post a messed up nail like that? I need to reread that last paragraph” LOL It totally looks like sheet marks. The colors are pretty though!
Not a good look at all. Sophia is a fearful mess. No way will this sell.
As I flipped through the pictures, i wondered why you put a picture of a messed up manicure on your blog
Not really a fan too.
But oh my god, the brigitte one. I really made a *gasp*-sound as I saw it.
I have an idea of how it might translate to looking more “tweed’ like and less like ‘hair-caught-in-wet-polish” (that I constantly have from my rottie’s hair floating around). I wonder what it might look like layered between a colour and something sparkly or iridescent or frosty? so a color as a base layer – frost might be good, then the ‘tweed’ effect polish, then a layer of sheer shimmer or sheer iridescent colour? Because tweed is never one colour – its usually wool that its dyed with variations of cream or white or other colours in it. Then its woven. I bet something lighter on top of the tweed effect might be nice – the texture needs something to highlight it in a positive way and not look so ‘oops’.
I don’t really like the tweed look of the polish. I like the colors but not the finish. It looks like the polish was messed up before it dried. I won’t be purchasing that.
The texture idea might have been good in theory, but it definitely doesn’t look right. Nails are supposed to be look smooth and flawless (with the exception of some glitter), I don’t think a lot of people will catch the reference, they’ll just think you couldn’t wait for your nails to dry and got fabric imprint on them (I hate that!).
The colors are a little dull, although i’d add Miss Wu to might “greige” collection.
I think I like the tweed effect, but based on the photos it kind of looks like what happens when you do your nails right before bed and you get an imprint from your duvet. Maybe it’s better in person?
I’m all for thinking outside of the box, but that “tweed” finish looks nothing like tweed, and it’s not aesthetically pleasing. I do think that “Brigitte” and “Miss Wu” are beautiful colors. Although they certainly look dupable.
Dont like the textures if i may be honest
doesnt look very clean
Not very sure about that fiber-y finish, looks like a lot of cat hair got stuck to the polish hehe…Ok for a fashion show, or concept photography. But not for everyday use.
NO just no. It looks like tiny pieces of cotton are stuck on the nail. PASS!
I can see what the intent of the effect coat was, but the execution of it… it looks a total mess. It does make me wonder what a clear topcoat with visible colored threads (tweed, cotton, satin, silk, etc, take your pick) would look like; it might convey the idea more clearly, but having visible threads would somewhat defeat the purpose of something that is supposed to create a texture only, doesn’t it? Eh, I *might* give it a try when it comes out, I’m trying to stay openminded, but so far it’s hard….
This reminds me of those old base coats that had silk fibers back in the 80′s (Sally Hansen comes to mind). Not really digging this, it looks cheap to me.
I feel like “Anna” looks like sheet marks – you know what I’m talking about! Those nights where you do your nails a liiittle too close to bedtime and wake up with wrinkled polish.
I usually like the different textures (i.e. matte, suede, etc.) but this is not doing it for me AT ALL!
When you first said ‘tweed’ I was very stoked but the reality of it is disappointing to me, it just makes your nails look like they have an awful wrinkled manicure.
I’m agreeing with the above comments; sounded cool in theory buy not so great in practice. I do love the colors though!
Not really feeling the tweed effect but I bet if one super celebrity wears it, then it will be all the rage.
I’m relieved that everyone else thinks it looks like a messed up manicure, bed sheets is my thought too. I was worried it would be one of those moments where everyone is raving over this texture and I’m the cretin who doesn’t know quality.
I do think it’s a great idea in theory. It might work if the texture was stamped onto the nail somehow, using textured plates, with or without polish.
To me it looks like painting polish over a hairy nail, not like stuck in cat hair. Like I forgot to shave my nail before I painted it.
I am intrigued by the concept, but feel this execution is lacking.
This is intriguing to me. I like the colors, and I adore textured nails (why, yes, I do sometimes take the edge of a quarter to my not-quite-dry polish), so this is definitely a win in my book.
I really have to wait until MAY for these!!!! I’m stoked about the tweed!
A while ago, I think it was when CND launched their new polish system, I posted a comment where I was recalling my favorite glitter polish that they meant to layer over the other polishes in the collection to make it look like tweed. Do you remember?
I liked that polish better than the new version, although I do admire their drive to come up with new things! That glitter polish has rectangular pieces of copper/gold, round black bits and I can see a hue of blue in there. I have a mini bottle left, but its almost dried up *sniff*
It was called “care free” and it was probably launched 10 years ago.
I think the tweed effect is a very cool idea but it doesn’t come across as intentional – I can see people thinking you smudged your nails. Now, having said that I am TOTALLY in love with the colors. These are my type of colors and they are gorgeous!