Chanel Les Khakis De Chanel Nail Polishes for Fashion’s Night Out
Les Khakis De Chanel Le Vernis in Khaki Brun, Khaki Vert and Khaki Rose
We’re only one day away from Fashion’s Night Out and with that comes the launch of the Chanel limited edition Les Khakis De Chanel collection. Like last year’s sellout hit, Jade Nail, Chanel Global Creative Director of Makeup Peter Phillips has yet again celebrated one of the biggest nights in fashion with a green nail polish. Big hugs and kisses to Mr. Philips for that!
The military influence is strong in fashion this season so it’s no surprise to see camouflage type colors trickle over into makeup and nails. I was fortunate to receive an advance preview of the nail colors prior to their launch this Friday so I had a little fun with the whole camouflage theme trying my hand at a bit of nail art.
As this post goes live, I am actually in the air on my way to NYC for Fashion Week so I apologize that I can’t bring you full swatches and comparisons of these polishes but my time was limited. As such this is kind of a quick and dirty review. I will try and address any questions you have before Friday but I won’t have my stash nearby to compare colors.
Khaki Vert was the color that immediately drew me in and it’s definitely my fave of the collection. Being that I was working on a tight schedule it’s the color I chose to show a full swatch of. Khaki Vert and all the Khaki polishes apply phenomenally well. Pigmented, rich and creamy they flow on the nail like butter in two easy coats. Khaki Vert isn’t as yellow-based as say, RBL No More War, but it’s definitely not a grayed out hue. I’ve heard comparisons to Essie Sew Psyched but I would say the Essie shade is more muted.
Since I’m planning to wear all three colors as part of my NYFW NOTD Challenge I decided to play with some simple nail art to see what would look best. Being that I’m not very artistically inclined I looked to my blogging pal Melissa from The Daily Nail for inspiration. Her matte camouflage manicure is an excellent reference for getting that true camo look. I used Khaki Vert as a base color with Khaki Brun and Khaki Rose as my camo accents and tried diagonals on the other two. Khaki Brun is on the middle finger, Khaki Rose on the pinkie.
Bottom Line: If you’re a collector like me, you’ll want to scoop up the whole set. If you’re looking to just get one, I’d suggest Khaki Vert or Khaki Brun. Khaki Vert may have a cousin in Essie but it’s a green… from Chanel. Khaki Rose is pretty but it doesn’t light my fire on its own.
The Chanel Les Khakis De Chanel collection launches on Friday September 10th and can be purchased at and Chanel Boutiques. Select Chanel Boutiques will be offering manicures with the colors for Fashion’s Night Out.
So what do you think of these? Are any of the colors catching your eye? Will you cave on all three, just one or none? Do you have any suggestions on how I should wear all three colors for FNO? Tips for how I can improve my camo look? I’d love to hear your ideas.
Disclosure: Product samples were provided by Chanel. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.

OMG! I love the camo mani! I have to try this one out too!
ehh..not so much love on these from me. I did however, scoop up the SoHo Collection, and am so excited about those!
SAME! SOOO excited about Soho. I was wondering if I should have gotten 2 of the steels :x. I’m that obsessed
I could see myself wearing khaki vert. But. Not sure yet if it’s worth it. And I love me some Chanel.
These colors seem more eye-catching when used together, like you did. I think your camo look is really good, but the matte example @ The Daily Nail looks more like a ‘real’ camo because of the matte effect. As an aside, I’ve compared RBL’s Diddy Mow to Essie’s Sew Psyched, and they look like dupes to me. The Khaki Vert looks like it could be similar, but if you could do a swatch comparison of those 3 it would be helpful. The Khaki Brun seems the most like a real khaki color to me. The ‘military look & influence’ comes into style every fall, at least in my recent memory. Not sure I’ll be picking up any of these, but thanks for sharing your quickie swatch & design. Have a blast at FNO.
The military look is a much much stronger influence this fall than it has been in years past thanks to fashion houses like Balmain and Burberry’s fall/winter collections. This year we’re seeing the military influence EVERYWHERE from the usual clothing and accessories to the eye makeup and nail polish. Its the most dominant trend there is this year.
Thanks for the tip about Diddy Mow and Sew Psyched being dupes. I had wondered whether Diddy Mow or No More War would be dupes for Khaki Vert. Now that we have swatches its clear No More War is definitely not a dupe, but I too would like to see Khaki Vert and Diddy Mow compared.
How did you do the camo art?! LOVE it!
i love the camo accents on the middle finger!! i was previously kinda ‘eh…’ on this collection, but after seeing your camo nail art, i want them all .__.
the colours are made for each other!
I’m not in love with the colors (Vert is growing on me, though) but the patterns you made with them are gorgeous.
Wow that manicure is amazing! You are going to rock Fashion’s Night Out
Ooh I like Vert and Brun!! My CC is scared. LOL
LOVE LOVE LOVE, and am so happy to hear about the stellar application. I am usually not disappointed by the application of Chanel but every once in a while depending on the color I don’t get the 2 coat coverage I love. Thanks for such great pics!
I love the camo design! It looks chic but fun at the same time!
I’m with you on the Vert, it’s a great looking color and probably the one that I will pick up! Even if I do want all three to try out the camo design!
OMG WHAT. My bottles just came in yesterday and before I can even think which color to use first, you post THIS.
LOVE x 1000000
The camo is so hot!
Wow…I really want these, but I’m going to try and resist. I can’t Justify the $$$ right now.
i love the Vert!!! I also love what you did with the camo pattern. This is great. You sold me on all three shades.
p.s. i love this blog
i’d absolutely love to have Vert and Brun, i think they’re spectacular! too bad i’m living on the wrong side of the globe, heh. but it’s good to see that they look as nicely as i thought they would!
Good idea on the last picture!
I like camo anything. The camo nails are very cute. Good job. I want Khaki Vert and Khaki Brun bad.
LOVEEEEEEEE the fun mani.
I also love khaki Vert. The brown doesnt really do it for me.
Also, Christine @ did a swatch of essie Sew Psyched with Khaki Vert yesterday, not even close to a dupe. Both are pretty though.
I just got these. Holy sh*t. I can’t believe I actually spent that much money on nail polish – after I tricked my way onto the red carpet and into the store where they were sold, here in Berlin. I guess I might be more shocked at that, come to think of it.
I think these are going to be a pass for me, but I must admit that I love your camo mani and agree that Khaki Vert is the clear winner in this collection! You always say you don’t have very good nail art skills, but you certainly do better than I could.
Hope you’re having a fantastic time!
I love all of those colors and they look soo good together. I love that Camo look you have made
If I had them all in my collection I would definetly wear them like you do in that camo nail look
Love your camo design – very creative! Vert is a wonderful green the one I will pick up! Enjoy Fashion Week!
OMG I love this collection! Every color is beautiful, and I really (surprisingly) like your camo mani! I usually don’t like camo, but with the colors, I can’t help but love it!
I’ll definitely be picking up Khaki Vert and Khaki Brun, but as for Khaki Rose I’m with you. It just doesn’t do anything to excite me.
I just got them sendt from USA – and I love all 3 colours:o)
I don’t have any colours like this, nor do I own any Chanel polishes. I have Khaki Vert and Khaki Rose on my wish list.
How do I buy them on
I can’t find them on the site – do you need a user account or something?
And all of your looks are alsolutely pretty. Love the camo look!
Yeah I’ve already checked too, but its Chanel so you just have to stalk their site all day until they show up. Sometimes they put things up early in the morning and sometimes they don’t put them up until later in the afternoon.
good to know i’ve been stalking chanel since midnight
I love Chanel Vernis, but I find these colors downright hideous. It seems Chanel has parachuted them over every other fashion/nail blogger to get the buzz going, and viola! Big hoopla around them now. Except, they’re still hideous.
Still, your camouflage mani is the best way I’ve seen them used so far!
I can’t find them on the website and Nordstroms has not idea what I am talking about. Does any one have a direct link? Help!!
wow i just checked the website, and i’m already late. all three colors are sold out. :[ i went to neimans yesterday and the rep had no idea about it. i guess it’s exclusive to only chanel boutiques? i don’t think there are any in my area :[
They’re not sold out. Try again now. The site was just messed up all day, but it should be fine now.
Is Khaki Vert sold out already on the website??? I watched for it all morning… ridiculous.
Thanks for posting this since I’m mobile today & wouldn’t have a chance. I hope they’re not sold out already
They’re not. The site is just messed up as usual on a big release day. When is Chanel going to realize that they need a better server if they want to have these huge limited edition releases without it turning into a complete fiasco and the entire site being down? Its really annoying.
I thought the same thing yesterday. How did I miss a chanel green again??? But the order went through this morning, although it was a little slow. YAY. And Ebay already has the khakis going for ridiculous prices.
I just ordered Khaki Vert and Khaki Brun from the Nordstrom in Chicago, the Chanel boutique there is not getting them. Can’t wait to go pick them up next week!!
I called my local Chanel boutique and they said only NYC, Beverly Hills and Dallas would get them. They had the impression they were, but never received any shipments. I went to my local Nordstrom and found out only select Nordstroms will do the Fashion Night Out event and that they already had pre-sale on the khakis today and saved about 6 of each color for sale at 6pm, but all are already sold out (in the SF bay area).
OK seriously!!!!!! LOVE the camo nails, u are amazing. BTW my 4 year old son, said that was the most epic thing he had ever seen, haha. You are fabulous!
Khaki Vert and Essie Sew Psyched are definitely not dupes; there’s a comparison on Temptalia’s blog. I would love to see these two compared to RBL Diddy Mow, though.
OKAY EVERYONE WHO IS HAVING ISSUES WITH THE CHANEL SITE LISTEN UP: I called customer service around 2:20 ET this afternoon and she said they are having the same issues, but these weren’t supposed to go on the site until 3:00 and because we’ve all been stalking all day and saw them go on early naturally we’ve all been trying to add them to our bag to order them and we’re making the problem worse. They’re trying to fix it, but their server is having trouble dealing with the massive influx of traffic so basically NO they are not sold out yet. The site is just having issues so just keep checking back every hour or so and hopefully they will have it fixed soon.
I cannot for the life of me get through the checkout… I have been sitting here trying for two hours. is up and running again now so everyone should finally be able to get through checkout! I was finally able to place my order for Vert and Brun just a minute ago!
As excited as I am to finally have my order go through this is just completely ridiculous and Chanel seriously needs to address the overall problem. While today was the worst this kind of thing happens with their site almost every time they have a big release like this.
I am looking at my China Glaze Ingrid manicure and liking it better than Khaki Brun. It’s a little darker and has the hidden shimmer I love. Is a comparison possible?
the khaki vert is very gorgeous I love it !
The khaki brun is too near of the “particuli
I ordered khaki vert and khaki brun based on your swatches! I received them in the mail today and they are gorgeous. I swatched the khaki vert next to my Essie Sew Psyched and they aren’t the same color. Sew Psyched has more blue in it. The formula on the khakis is excellent. That being said, brun is my favorite, but they’re both beautiful. I passed on khaki rose as it looked a little ordinary to me.
Camouflage is only worn by people who have no idea how people suffer in wartimes. It is really ignorant and dull to use war equipment as a fashion statement. Hate that really.
Models Own just posted their own version of this Khaki Collection, and it’s called the Car Key Collection.
I wonder how the colors match up to Chanel’s originals?