China Glaze Holiday 2010 Sneak Peek
Look what I found! It’s a few swatches from the China Glaze Tis The Season To Be Naughty or Nice Holiday 2010 Collection. I was getting out my luggage in preparation of my trip to NYC next week for Fashion Week and I found this wheel in the front pocket. I can’t BELIEVE I forgot it was in there.
When I met with reps from China Glaze I was allowed to swatch some of the polishes on a nail art wheel to take home with me and I feel like a total absent minded professor for leaving it in my bag all this time.
Party Hearty, Mistletoe Kisses, Cheers To You, Mrs. Claus and Jolly Holly
I’m totally smitten with Mistletoe Kisses. Unlike a lot of minty polishes that seem to be trying to knock off Chanel Jade, this has a unique iciness to it thanks to the silver shimmer. I see it becoming my go-to shade this winter.
To see pics of the rest of the China Glaze Holiday lineup check out my Cosmoprof Day 2 Recap.
So which shades are you dying over? I know it seems crazy to be talking holiday already but these will be on shelves before you know it. All I have to say is STAY AWAY SNOW!

Party hearty…if that isn’t a Christmas eve polish then I don’t know what is! Gorgeous
Mistletoe Kisses is what I’ve been looking for, trying to franken, all these months. A truly cool, but truly not teal, green.
Oeh, I like Party Hearty and Mistletoe Kisses!!!
Beautiful collection! Just when I think I can stop buying polish for a while, the fantastic shades just keep coming! Thanks!
I LOVE Mistletoe Kisses!! But does Mistletoe kisses look just like that or is it over the white nail polish color?
It’s just applied directly on the nail wheel. There isn’t any polish underneath.
Do you have a swatch on a real nail? Does it still looks as lovely?
As I mentioned in the post, this is a wheel I brought back with me from Vegas. I don’t have the actual bottles to swatch them. It’s just a preview of things to come.
Oh, I was so excited about the picture that I only read half of it. Sorry.
You got me so excited now.
so it would be best apply this over a white color nail polish>
I can’t really say. I don’t get the question. It wasn’t applied over white nail polish. Until I swatch it on a nail and do a full review there’s no way to know what would be best.
I like Jolly Holly.
Cheers To You & Mrs. Claus are so cute!!
Cheers To You looks so smooth and streak free – is it a foil finish?
Yeah, I would call it a foil. The finish is super smooth. Like I want to pet it, ha!
How many coats are all of these?
Gosh, I don’t remember exactly. I think they’re all 2-3 but I’m not 100% on that. I will do a full review when I get the polishes.
Thanks. I’m so pumped for these. I neeeeeed Party Hearty and Mistletoe Kisses.
The sprinkly one! OMG. Dying. So cute.
I love all of them. Mistletoe Kisses is my LEAST fave.
All of them please!
Oh wow, Mistletoe Kisses is definitely a must have for me. Mrs. Clause intrigues me. It looks like it might be more of what I wanted Good Witch to be.
mrs. claus <33
I like Party Hearty, I’ve never seen any polish like this
I’m LOVING the look of Cheers to You, it almost has a Minxy chromy look to it. Mmmm!
I am in love with Party Hardy!!!!!!
Party hearts + Mistletoe Kisses looks like fun.
At first glance, I really like them all. Not sure I need another silver foil (although Cheers To You does look like it applied like buttah!) or sheer red-ish glitter and I’ll wait to see if there’s anything unusual about the dark green. But I’ll definitely be grabbing up Party Hearty and Mistletoe Kisses, I don’t have anything like either one in my collection.
For some reason I’m craving a candy cane now…
I’m not a glitter person, but that party hearty is just about the cutest thing ever. I wouldn’t normally indulge in a bottle of polish I’m guaranteed to only wear once a year, but CG is so affordable I might just do it. I wish there was a mini bottle of it…
party hearty and mrs claus are sooo on my list! i feel like i’ve seen the rest, shimmery greens and silver. not doing much for me.
Oh wow I loove “Party Hearty”! The scattered glitter and color combo are sooo Christmas I might forget I live in FL wearing that!
Heaven! I love all of them! Can’t wait!
I definitely need them all! Thanks for posting!
I also linked this photo to this page on Tumblr for their enjoyment.
I’m all over the greens right now.
Mistletoe kisses is cute..
But hey, Jolly Holly looks like a great green!
Hope it’s not to dark though?
Compare it with other greens when you get them please
love the glitter polish, party harty. speaking of glitter polish, are you going to swatch the opi burlesque collection coming out this month?
I totally agree with you – Mistletoe Kisses is the one that jumps out at me as a must-have, too!
I need Mrs. Claus and Party Hearty! I’ll have to see about Mistletoe Kisses, greens usually look strange on me but this one is so pretty.
I like Party Hearty! It’s so unique!!!
Party Hearty and Mistletoe Kisses look great! I want them!
Do you have the China Glaze Halloween Collection to swatch yet?
Eeeee, they look so good!!! I like Party Hearty, Mistletoe Kisses, and Jolly Holly best.
Although I feel like Jolly Holly is not unique, compared to the other two.
Can’t wait to see the rest of the collection!!
Party Hearty! Pretty, but I wish it was thicker, like CG Fortune Teller. Ms. Claus looks fun…I’m glad they threw in a pink…it’s unusual, I think. Mistletoe Kisses
Okay, fine, they all look great, actually. No need for me to gush about the obvious
I totally agree with the first commenter, Laura, she said that Party Hearty looked like a Christmas Eve nail polish! How true is that! I’m so excited for that polish! Yay! This made my day. Maybe that’s pathetic… nonetheless, true.
I like Mrs. Claus, mostly because of the name. This seems like an awesome holiday collection. It’s already getting so cold where I live it’s hard not to start to think about winter. Oh wells.
Mistletoe Kisses and Jolly Holly look really nice. I am definitely going to check those two out.
Oh, baby. I can’t wait.
I am dying for Party Hearty. I love holiday nail polishes, but I don’t think I’ve seen this before…
PARTY HEARTY OMG COME TO ME THIS INSTANT. I’m also quite into Mistletoe Kisses because I’m unhealthily obsessed with dark jewel tone greens. I’m wearing Emerald Sparkle right now actually.
I love all the colors. I like how you could probably mix and match them together on the nail. I can’t wait. Is there a release date for the polishes yet?
I don’t have confirmation on a date yet but I’m guessing October.
Party Hearty is so pretty imagine that on top of a silver or gold.
I keep waiting for a review of China Glaze’s Awakening. Did I miss it??
These are GORGEOUS! I am so excited about Party Hearty and Cheers To You<3
i’m not really a pink person, but i think mrs claus is really interesting! super festive (:
of course, mistletoe kisses and party hearty are must-gets for me :p
think i might get a few of the reds in this collection too. a few days back i wanted to apply opi wing it, but realised it’s pretty sheer and i don’t have a red polish to layer it over!
Oh I need the silver and the glitter one! Looking at the nautical ones the shimmery one looks interesting! can’t wait now
Oh my gosh mistletoe kisses is the cutest color!! I totally want it! I have plenty of silvers and dark greens and the other glitters aren’t really doin’ it for me but that minty glittery green! LOVE IT!
Mistletoe Kisses is indeed a wonderful color
and that Jolly Holly.. wow (Im in a green mode)
Mrs Claus looks like Eyeko’s new Chi Chi Polish. It will be interesting to see a side by side comparison of those. Mistletoe kisses is really neat!
this looks GOOD! reeeeeeal good! I have a terrible time finding China Glaze in NYC actually I have yet to find it which is really annoying! we’re supposed to have everything here! Especially since Ricky’s sells OPI for $10 (ughhhhhhh)
They look wonderful. I can’t wait to see swatches.
Party Hearty! How adorable. I know it looks kind of nice on its own, but it would look nice over a pretty sheer red I think too. This is definitely on my “want” list!
Can’t wait to get Party Hearty! I love it!
i want them !!!
So I’m loving all of these colors and plan on getting every one. I love to wear different but co-ordinating colors on each finger. It’s so fun. So I might do Party Heaty over Jolly Holly on my thumb & pinkie, and then Mistletoe Kisses on my index, Cheers to You on my middle, and Mrs. Claus on my ring finger. What do you think, too much ? Not for the holidays. However, I’m curious as to how these will hold up on natural nails vs acrylics. Then again, if they chip, I can always add a coat of the Party Hearty to all nails to cover the chips ! Can’t wait for the holidays !
I’m deffinatly getting missletoe kisses, I barely have anygreens cause they make my skin look yellow and I need a silver that’s better quality then spotlight by icing. This looks like an awesome collection!
I am getting them all..some 2 of them as soon as I can find them but no one seems to have them yet.
*swoon* want all of them! Especially Party Hearty. Mistletoe and Jolly Holly are my 2nd favorites.
I think they had a “Snow” icy white in the collection too – that plus a couple layers of Party Hearty, and it’ll look like peppermint bark!
Just ordered a bunch of these on 8ty8beauty!
Party Hearty is my fav, I’m gonna put it over Jolly Holly!