Welcome to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week At Lincoln Center
I landed in NYC bright and early this morning to gloomy skies & wind but even with no sleep I’m a ball of energy because it’s Fashion Week!!
I dropped my bag at my hotel and pretty much ran stright to Lincoln Center to cover backstage at Ruffian. The nails were insane! Another hit moon manicure from CND. Details to follow.
I’m checking out the new venue here at Lincoln Center and it is gorgeous. Here are a few quick cell phone shots of the venue for you.

Oh, what a tease! I can’t wait to see your wonderful reports!
Have fun! Come back with lots of “What’s on Your Nails?” posts. I love those.
I can’t wait to see those pix! Hurry back soon!
It all looks and sounds super exciting! I don’t know when you are going to have time to report back, but I can’t wait!!!