Coty Buys OPI & Nicole by OPI
For the past month or so there has been a lot of buzz regarding the possibility of OPI being sold with a couple potential buyers being bandied about. It was confirmed on Monday that Coty has acquired OPI Products Inc in a deal rumored to be worth almost $1 Billion. So what does that mean for the beloved nail brand? According to the official press release:
Coty Adds OPI Nail Lacquers and Nicole by OPI to Its Growing Color Portfolio
NEW YORK, November 29, 2010 — Coty Inc., a leading global beauty company, and OPI Products Inc., a leader in professional nail salon products, today announced that Coty has entered into an agreement to acquire OPI.
The acquisition will enhance Coty’s color cosmetic portfolio, through the addition of over 200 fashion forward colors of OPI Nail Lacquer’s chip-resistant formula, which has been an international success.
“We view the acquisition of OPI as complementary to Coty and a natural extension of our strategy to offer a unique portfolio of brands that produce some of the best known consumer products around the world,” said Bernd Beetz, CEO, Coty Inc. “OPI is both dynamic and high quality and has earned its place as a leading provider to professional nail care salons. This acquisition will allow Coty to expand our presence in the nail care category via an important new channel of distribution: professional salons, and importantly will offer an even greater selection of products and choice to consumers.”
“We are very excited about having OPI join the Coty family. OPI has gained a place in consumer’s minds in the US and internationally,” said Renato Semerari, President, Coty Beauty. “It is one of THE fashion brands in Nail Color for salons and that is a very unique position to be in. OPI’s success is the result of a very focused and high quality effort by the OPI team over the past decades. We are very excited to join forces with such a talented team to strengthen OPI even further in the future.”
“It’s time for a new era at OPI, and together with Coty we can begin this new journey,” said George Schaeffer, President and CEO of OPI Products Inc. “For almost 30 years, we have built a solid foundation of innovation and excellence. We are confident that by joining Coty, this legacy will continue and be strengthened. We are all excited about the next phase of opportunity for OPI. Our management team will continue on with the company and OPI’s business strategy will remain focused on the salon professional.”
“OPI has a reputation for creating fashion-forward products that make women feel beautiful and Coty is a well-established trend setter in the beauty industry,” said Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, the Executive VP & Artistic Director of OPI Products, Inc. “Together we will continue to push the envelope in beauty, color and trends.”
With Coty owning a successful nail brand like Sally Hansen, we already know that they have a knowledge of the industry and buying OPI gets them a major foot in the door of salons worldwide. Only time will tell how this deal will change the face of OPI.
I think the one thing most people are curious about is whether Suzi will still be creating the colors or if Coty will take that over. Essie is still creating the colors for her brand in spite of the sale to L’Oreal but who knows.
I can only assume that given how large OPI’s loyal salon consumer base is, we won’t be seeing “authorized” mass market sales of the brand. That rather than compete with Sally Hansen, Coty will look to build both brands to be the dominate force in both the salon and retail worlds.
Quite a few of you have asked me what I think of this. To be honest, without knowing how it will all play out, it’s hard to say. OPI has built a successful brand and if the founders want to cash in on that and retire, do it! I say the same thing to Essie. Keep the fun part of the job, creating colors, and let someone else run the business while you enjoy the fruits of your labor.
What do you think about the sale? Does it matter at all to you who owns the brand? What potential upsides or downsides do you see to this deal?

I’m worried but will wait and see. Sally Hansen’s recent “Salon Finish All in One” has a terrible brush and application. Then again, some of Sally’s products (mostly nail care) are among my favs. OPI and Nicole are sold in my Target — only about 15-20 colors of OPI — is that bootleg or some deal with Target for only?
Molly, it’s not bootlegging. Target is one of few retail stores that OPI nail polish is ONLY allowed to be sold in. WalMart is another retail store that is allowed to sell OPI nail polish. I have seen Nicole being sold in there and have recently bought a few colors in Nicole brand. It is the other products that are only allowed to be sold by OPI.
Of course it matters. Because the new owner/authoriy of any company changes the whole look of the product and sometimes quality too. I just hope that O.P.I doesn’t get changed or change for better.
I’m sure there are some people who could care less either way. Or won’t even know they were sold
Ownership is EVERYTHING…from production to distribution, those decisions all go to new decision makers. In large professional beauty industry aquisitions backorders are common. The other big factor is the high price tag: it must be paid for and expanded distribution is going to happen. In the press release notice the quote is from the Coty group, which at the end is described as the division that is “more widely available”.
Jim Nordstrom
Co-Founder. Creative Nail Design
Coty Inc. conducts animal testing. Now money going towards OPI polishes will end up in the hands of animal testers
I understand and respect your position on that. I can’t speak for Coty but I have talked with other brands that conduct animal testing. I was told the only reason they do it is because of regulations in other countries. That some governments require animal testing of products before they can be sold there. But I don’t know if Coty buying OPI will equal animal testing. I hope it’s something they will address once Coty has fully taken charge of the brand.
It seems highly doubtful that it will if Coty has any interest in continuing to sell OPI in the UK and Europe where there are strict bans against animal testing in cosmetics production that have been in effect since early ’09.
My concern is a similar one. I don’t think it’ll change that much in terms of branding and such, but I wonder about the animal-testing policy now.
I know that a lot of OPI fans are super upset about this buy-out. Coty practices animal testing, and although OPI companies say they will stay Cruelty Free, proceeds from their products will now go to a company who does. Sad Face.
Coty is a massive cosmetics conglomerate. They own loads of brands and they all have their own formulas and markets. I doubt that there will be much of a change for OPI. It is a shame about the animal testing, though. I know quite a few people who will refuse to buy OPI polish anymore, and that’s a tough brand to give up!
Totally disagree…these large conglomerates want you to believe the acquired companies are “standalone”, but the reality is manufacturing, distribution, research and development will all be absorbed into the respective corporate divisions…I guarantee it!
Jim, agree with you that any acquisition brings changes. In some corporations changes apply deeper than others, as we both know. The question may be how long all this remains effective, meaning how long can corporations blend and severely integregate their acquired brands without damaging the brand strenght. There are exceptions however, where buyers intentionally leave brands standalone, not many in the beauty industry unfortunately.
This concerns me. Many times when beloved brands are sold, their formula changes (most personally heart-breaking: Bumble & Bumble hair products). Here’s hoping they keep the high quality and awesome range of colors that OPI is known for!
Another great example is when P&G acquired Matrix Essentials…every thing changed and now they are a practical non-factor!
I’m really not sure how I feel about this. My biggest fear is that OPI will become a brand that is available in every Boots, supermarket and department store in the country. I love that they are a collectable brand with a loyal following and still have some exclusivity. I hope OPI stick to their guns and stay true to themselves as they imply they will from their statement.
I would love it if they expanded where OPI is sold. Assuming the color and formula quality remained the same, why wouldn’t you want more people to have access to it? Some people can’t afford to always pay shipping for a bottle of polish.
I agree. I don’t really care about the exclusivity of the nail polish I wear and it would be nice to not have to buy all my polish off of ebay.
Also, I won’t be buying OPI is Coty is still testing on animals.
The idea itself doesn’t bother me.
I don’t know much about Coty. I’m a bit disappointed to learn that some of their brands test on animals but a brand even if owned by a big group has some kind of autonomy. The group is here to make profits, animal testing is nothing it cares about.
As long as OPI still comes out with new, fun products, that the quality stays the same (maybe improve a little^^?)that they don’t test on animals… then I’m not going to boycott OPI products.
Smallers firms are always going to be bought by big groups. That’s globalisation.
Can’t wait to see the swatches of the Katy Perry collection, do you know when they will come out?
Thank you!
My concerns echo a few of those already mentioned. Namely the money toward animal testing (although Coty is a French brand and the EU is making animal testing illegal by 2013 so it could change?). The formula may change for the worst in a bid to make more money by using inferior ingredients and that OPI will end up being more high street than salon and therefore take essential sales from beauty/nail salons who rely on their sales to make ends meet at times.
Being a beauty therapist and using OPI as part of my treatments, it is a major concern because now I feel that I need to look at other brands of similar quality, selection and presence in the market to replace them if it all goes to pot. Also, I need to consider how my clients will feel if they have to get to know a new brand and its colours and whether they will leave me to find it elsewhere?
I’m just hoping that nothing will change in the brand except for the owners of the name. This may sound a bit dramatic but it feels like if our fears were to be realised it would be the end of an era. I’ll hold out and see what happens.
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is a beauty therapist? The idea intrigues me…
What do you do as a beauty therapist? I have never heard of that.
A beauty therapist is the same as an Esthetician. They’re called Beauty Therapists in the UK, New Zealand and Australia.
i hope that the only thing that changes is the fact that Coty just owns them. same formula, colors, etc.
nothing else. i actually wouldnt like them to be mass marketed either, i kind of like the benefits of being able to purchase at a pro supply store for a discounted price, not only that but when its easier to obtain, its not much fun.
oops, that didnt sound right, what i ment to say in that last sentence is if i see it in CVS, Rite-Aid, etc. it wouldnt be exciting to me anymore…..does that make sense? lol
Yes, I like that about it also. I “collect” polish. Just like anything else you collect you want the search to be difficult. Its exciting to find the colors you want.
I can’t morally support OPI under the wing of Coty if they continue to animal test, and unless someone can guarantee the $ I spend on OPI doesn’t fuel Coty’s animal testing budget then I won’t be buying OPI.
If someone doesn’t stand up for the animals, who will? I work with an animal rescue group for bunnies, how can I help save them while condemning them by buying products from companies that use them for testing?
I agree, I don’t care how nice the colors are, If they test on animals then I’m done. There are plenty of other brands on the market with which i can support-even *if* they are more expensive. Animal cruelty is something I just can’t back.
agreed – even though nail polish is my biggest hobby, and OPI my favorite brand, I can’t buy products and spend money that will go towards supporting animal testing. Or else, what is the point of my efforts for rescue groups?
In the meantime, unless Coty stops testing on animals, theres always China Glaze and Zoya at least!
I have always been a big fan of OPI for their colours and great names but will defnitely no longer be buying them if they, under Coty, are directly or indirectly testing on animals. These are not potentially lifesaving drugs, it is just nail polish for goodness sake. I would not be able to reconcile causing a defencless creature untold suffering for the sake of a bottle of nail polish.
Right on. I agree 100%.
I agree 100% as well. It’s heartbreaking to part with OPI, but testing animals for vanity’s sake is not something I condone.
OPI has stated on their FB site more than once that Coty will NOT be taking over/interrupting the production of OPI at all…. thus their formulas, ingredients, etc. will remain the SAME and that means being 3-free and cruelty-free. There will be no animal testing of OPI products, and we can expect the same quality of their polish as usual. : ) I realize that Coty does perform animal testing, but it will not happen with the OPI polish branch, and I too hope that with the EU’s passing of the ban on animal testing in 2013 will change Coty’s stance on testing permanently too! : )
The animal testing scares me. I don’t know if I can buy OPI if they test on animals. It’s just so unethical since it’s just a product for “vanity” reasons.
This may sound snobby of me, but even though I hate the fact that I have to purchase OPI off the Internet because of where I live, I still love that it’s a salon exclusive brand. I don’t want to see it available at every drug store and mart store. Often when a product is too available, it loses it’s demand, and I don’t want to get bored of OPI. I love OPI.
You do realize that every cosmetics company that is “cruelty free” has still benefited from research using test animals, right? Your makeup, nail polish, shampoo, lotions, etc are all able to use the ingredients they use because they have been approved by the FDA through animal testing.
I really hope that this is a case of a company taking over for the financial gain and pretty much leaving everything else as is. If OPI were to lose their fantastic colour range, fantastic names (thats half the fun of buying them seriously) and their brilliant quality that would be a tragedy. Leave the girls creating the colours alone and just concentrate on the business side Coty.
I stopped buying OPI when they came down on some merchandisers and not others. Makes no difference to me anymore what they do. Not surprised that a company that will look the other way so long as ‘unauthorized” dealers are charging prices that don’t undercut the profit share would sell to a ‘big box’ brand. I was once a dedicated buyer – at least 8 of each ‘new’ collection every season. I won’t support a company that attacks loyal users and the bloggers who promote their products.
As for animal testing, I am no so naive as to think that all animal testing is cruel and unusual – there are legitimate reasons for using animals to protect the health and welfare of people. I try not to make knee jerk decisions when doing so could endanger a human life. I work in a field where I help people who have been injured or killed by products or practices – I would rather have animals go through some of the nightmares I see than some of the children I see. Sorry. And before anyone jumps on me, I am a member of a rescue group, raid puppy mills and pro bono animal law work.
Oh and I really hope this doesnt mean any changes to Katy Perry bringing out a collection with OPI nail polishes I am really really looking forward to seeing that one
As long as they keep up what they’re doing, with the formula, the colors, the names of products – I’ll stick with them. Good for the family, however, they’ve just secured the futures of many of their generations to come!
I don’t think it’s ever really good news when the concentration of ownership in any industry becomes smaller and more concentrated rather than broader with more players in the game. That said, I’m not particularly concerned with what this will mean for OPI as a brand. I don’t think the change of ownership will manifest itself in obvious ways that are noticeable to the consumer. And while I understand the concern of those who don’t want to give any money to a corporation that does unnecessary animal testing with any of their brands, I don’t think that anyone should be concerned that OPI products will start being tested on animals. There’d be nothing to gain by that move as Coty’d have to be willing to give up selling OPI in EU countries in order to do that. I know that won’t mean much to those who are very strict about not shopping with companies that have ties to animal testing, but just to be clear.
i have this nagging feeling that OPI is going to change and not in the way were all hoping it to. it makes me sad to know that theres a possibility that the brand we all know and love MAY no longer be what its evolved into.
i know i know the big companies always buy out the little ones, but really theres something to be said sometimes about the little companies that build themselves up and grow. these big companies come in AFTER all the hard work has been put into the brand and usually have a different point of view and direction they want to take the little company in and it ends up ruining what the little company worked so hard to create.
ill be keeping my fingers crossed that OPI remains the OPI that i keep falling in love with year after year (and collection after collection)
I am getting bored with OPI and was not buying them that much anymore, them being sold to a company that practices animal test seals the deal and I will not be buying them anymore. I will still use the ones I have though until Zoya has their polish exchange in the spring.
the only thing Im kinda concerned with is the consistency with which Sally hansens are distributed- it is never consistent even within the same chains! (ex cvs, walgreens, etc). You never know where any of their lines will be released. It’s totally spastic and haphazard and just plain irritating. I sure hope they don’t do the same thing to OPI in the name of extra cash!
I am not only worried about animal testing but curious to know where the Sephora/OPI collection will go, seeing as how Coty now owns OPI and LVMH owns Sephora. That hasn’t been a bad line, really, and it moves product for Sephora.
I wondered the same thing. Very curious to know what LVMH and Coty will work out and if SOPI will stay.
I definatly feel like I have some similar concerns. Coty now owns almost all perfume brands and I feel like the uniqueness of some of the brands have been lost. If that happened with OPI one of the most unique and well made brands of polish, it would loose what it is. If it was to become like a sally hanson I dont think I would continue buying because I am not a big fan of the Sally hanson formula, brush, or pretty standard polish colors. plus paying $15 canadian would just not be worth it for some sally hanson. I really feel that this is pretty much what happen to essie. its expensive loreal.
Looks like I won’t be buying OPI polishes for the same reason I don’t buy Essie polishes any longer.
LOreal & Coty test on animals and I won’t buy anything that isn’t Cruelty Free.
Such a shame, two of my favorite nail polish companies!
I too will stop buying OPI because of the animal testing conducted by Coty. As far as I know it is new ingredients that are required by law to be tested on animals, so a company looking to make/use new ingredients will continue to do testing. Do we really need new ingredients for cosmetics, when those ingredients are going to be synthetic and possibly harmful, in addition to needing to be tested on animals?
Looks like I’m not the only one concerned about animal testing. I won’t Essie polishes any longer for that reason. (LOreal also tests on animals)
I won’t buy anything that isn’t Cruelty Free.
Wow! Coty is shelling out for the big-named brands. I just heard that they purchased philosophy for $1 billion too. It is discouraging that both OPI and philosophy are being bought by such a big business. At the risk of sounding negative, I cannot see how things won’t change and formulas, products, etc., won’t be the same.
I was just about to write what Bunny wrote.
Coty is not a cruelty free company and as a result I will no longer be buying their products!
The same happened to me and The Body Shop years ago when it was bought by L’oreal!
I suppose CRUELTY FREE COMPANIES and Coty is NOT one of them!
I can’t endorse the link with Coty. No more OPI for me. You have to stand up and be counted as regards animal testing. For or against? If against, then OPI is a no-no.
I read this press release the other day. I’m a bit concerned that Coty might change OPI in some detrimental way. I’d hate OPI to change for the worse – it would be such a shame! Hopefully all will be ok and the brand will become even stronger?
I think Essie was bought by Revlon a few months back and the only thing that seems different is a couple cooler color lines.
I don’t think it’s gonna be any big visible change.
I’m not sure what to make of it. I can’t help thinking that when an individual brand like OPI gets bought by a global concern that they will try to expand the market into retail. My concern is that the product will be made down to a price to achieve this and the quality and range may suffer and after all that is what OPI is all about.
I would also prefer to purchase products that are from a company that does no animal testing
I suppose we won’t know the answer until it’s clear what strategy the parent company is taking but any lossof quality and range would be a real shame.
I’ll have to echo others concerns about the polish going downhill. I also wasn’t aware that Coty had bought philsophy as well. I love philsophy to death and probably have more concerns over that than I do OPI! However, the Nicole line’s quality stinks. I’d rather spend the extra two bucks and get the $OPI.
And not to get political…but honestly, I don’t care about the animal testing. I’m a CASA volunteer, and I can guarantee that those handful of bunnies in some testing lab have been treated better than the kids I work with.
I just hope the formula doesn’t change cause I remember back when MAC was not owned by Estee Lauder, and let me tell you how much better the quality was. Oh well, ces’t la vie!! the bigger fish will always eat the smaller fish…..
I really don’t know what this will meen for Europe. The OPI market out of the American continent has a big potential. I only can hope that we can still have the same lacquers with the same formula like the americans.
While I think it’s admirable to try to buy from companies that don’t test on animals, I think people are unaware of animal testing that is required in certain industries. I work for a pharmaceutical company. At my work site they have eliminated all animal testing but at other research facilities they still do it. They continue to try to develop new assays to eliminate animal testing but there are certain ones that no alternative has been discovered yet. These tests are required for products to be released to market. While I’m an animal lover and believe in an ideal world there would be no harm done to animals, I also recognize that there are life saving therapies that have required animal testing in order to be available. If one of my loved ones needed a new medication that used animal testing to be available then I can’t say I would be against it?
We are not talking about life saving therapies, we are talking about nail polish.
Either way, better them than us. I have seen the effects of harmful products that could have been avoided if animal testing was allowed. I dare anyone to try to tell the mother of one of my clients that a rabbit’s skin was worth more than her son’s.
I wouldn’t want any of my loved ones hurt by a product either, but “better them then us?”
Has anyone else noticed that OPI has recently started putting the serial number on the bottle caps? It’s not just printed on, it’s actually imprinted into the plastic. I was wondering if this has something to do with the recent company sale (maybe Coty thought that the printed serial number on the bottle wasn’t enough to keep the e-tailers from selling OPI polish without permission).
I too will be boycotting. Sure opi is a great brand but there are plenty of cruelty free owned brands. China glaze and models own are becoming my new favs
Adding my voice to the crowd as someone who will not buy OPI anymore due to the animal tests.
When a large corporation purchase a smaller company, the reasons are few. When a small company sells to a large corporation, the reasons are fewer.
In general, who owns the brand is important from a strategic point. Coty owning OPI or L’Oreal owning Essie, has large importance in terms of distribution but what is most important is the actual brand DNA.
Many large corporations will leave the brand alone and simply continue the direction as in the past. Others will play with the brand, and making it something completely different than the brand they purchased.
Time will tell on Essie and OPI.
Cruelty Cosmetics, is that even a question? Besides I’ve been pretty sick of OPI for sometime and all of the celebrity tie-ins aren’t helping it just look desperate.
p.s. I just saw the OPI Holiday minis at Walgreens. They may do it every year but it’s the first time I’ve seen it.
Wow! I just started collecting nail polishes and OPI but i don’t think ill be buying it anymore if the formula changes or if they test on animals it breaks my heart to read and hear companies test on poor defenseless animals ill use up the opi nail polishes I have till zoyas nail polish exchange in the spring and stick to china glaze and zoya till they get brought out like OPI and Jessie hopefully not.
I have seen Coty face powder in stores my entire life (and I’m now on Medicare!), and that’s about all. I heard this week they have purchased the Philosophy company. HOW do they manage these major brand purchases without obvious wherewithal?
I love OPI and I applaud them for the sale. I am sure it was a long time in the making. It seems like Coty is really making some big beauty deals this year. First Philosophy, now this. I do worry about both brands losing their smaller “personal touch” that was already evident when Philosophy was sold a few years ago. I really hope things don’t change too much.
Does anyone know how/ if this will affect OPI for Sephora, i love their formula, sometimes much more that OPI.
I am worry too that it may change the quality of the product. Just in case, I think I am going to stock up on my favorite colours.
O.P.I. is available in lots of Boots stores and I’ve certainly never viewed it as a premium brand anyway. Re: testing, it’s important to realise that whetehr or not Coty start to test O.P.I. products on animals, by buying O.P.I. you are financially supporting a company that does test on animals. Testing on animals for medical matters is arguably a separate issue as if we need medication we have no choice but to use products tested on animals. Regarding cosmetics and household goods you have every choice and if you buy things tested on animals you do so by choice-you choose to pay for animals to be tortured. How you can do that, I can’t imagine but don’t hide behind false arguments. No one NEEDS nail polish or hair spray and there’s a vast amount of choice for ethical products. Worth a re-think?
coty does testing on animals.I think o.p.i really f-cked up.opi polish is not going to do well now. don’t let coty you they testing on animals.
Dont take this the wrong way, but if u feel that bad on products that uses animal testing, u might as well stop buying personal/costmetics period! Half the products on the market went through animal testing… like someone mention, i rather them test on animals than use a product that hasnt been experince, yet and break out, get ill or even wrost, dealth.. now i love me some animals, and is against killing or harming animals, but what u think ur doing when we eat them? ummp… those animals were killed for us to devour them!
iam just saying, sorry if it offended anyone and like i said, i too luv the animals, but inless ur a vegaterian, u eat animals that was killed for somebody’s breakfast or dinner!
Check out the polish strip news. I can’t picture how this is going to work… unfortunately no pics with the article.
They’re like the polish strips from Incoco or the old Avon Instant Manicure except the Sally Hansen ones will have patterns, not just dry polish. They’re thinner and more flexible than Minx or the Sephora by OPI Minx.
oh, ok! yeah i would like to see that design! not happy with all this opi and coty drama, i just hope opi dont change their qaulity because i dont care for sally hansen polish! and i also hope they dont selling opi at corner store and getto beauty supply stores! iam just being real…
OPI has been stold in beauty supply stores (including the black or “ghetto” ones) for a while now. I guess it depends on location (I live in a decent demographic that mixes mid to lower incomes, so some of these stores vary in quality/offerings based on the neighborhood).
More like being racist…
sweetie what on earth are u talking about? strip news and what pics? maybe u got the wrong post hun, and need to carefully read the other posts on here to see what the topic is all about! smh…
I believe she’s talking about the nail polish strips that Sally Hansen (owned by Coty) is coming out with. It’s mentioned in the article she linked to. I saw them backstage at the Tracy Reese show in September. They’re like the Incoco strips but with patterns. The one they used on the runway was a camel colored pinstripe.
Sweetie dont steal my name again! get ur own name… smh…
Please tell me it’s not true! I hate Coty. They test on animals. Opi does not.Opi is selling out ! F*ck You Opi if this is true. I will not be giving any money to Coty! There are other brands out there that don’t test on beautiful animals!
As a licensed nail tech, my concern is that Coty will not respect the nail tech and OPI will be sold in walmart stores worldwide, thereby decreasing one more sale for the salon owner and pretty soon, nail techs will be a thing of the past. I knew OPI had changed as they were not updating their PRO site with current information and products, not to mention that their professional flyers were showing retail products that are normally for nail techs only. Very interesting turn of events. Sad Actually. But like this site, I will wait to see what happens.
Cynthia, part of economics is competition. You need a little competition to keep the economy going. Granted I agree OPI should keep their products solely to salon owners and nail technicians, but I think your clients would also want to have nail polish that they can have for their home maintenance.
Well, fast forward to 2014, they seem to have been “lacking” in the past 2 years.
I am recently receiving training in professional nail care. I think Coty should allow OPI employees to continue their ethical policy of non-animal testing for OPI products as well as OPI continue production of colors for OPI nail lacquer. The team currently has done a terrific job in producing quality colors for the OPI line, I don’t want Coty to quit pleasing the mass market of consumers which will be salon owners and nail technicians alike.