Current Obsession – Zoya Crystal Nail Polish
![]() I don’t know what it is but I feel like everything “new” that comes out is something I’ve seen before. That is until I put Zoya Crystal on my nails. I didn’t just have an OMG moment. More like an OMFG IT’S BEAUTIFUL moment. I’m so smitten with the color I’ve worn it three, THREE, times. Once for eight days and it still looked fab! And if that’s not telling of my adoration, I don’t know what is. Crystal is the star of the Zoya Flame collection for Winter 2010 and if you keep reading, you’ll see why. |
Formula & Application: Zoya nail polish is 4-free, including Formaldehyde Resin. The rounded square bottle has a smooth black plastic cap that is tapered for easy handling. The brush is short, round and very flexible though it doesn’t easy fan out. Three stroke coverage is a challenge on wider nails, like thumbs, but it applies the polish so evenly that isn’t really a factor for me.
The formula is a bit thin so it needed three coats but I assume the reasoning behind that is to keep the particles suspended. Regardless, it evened out to a flawless finish with no patchiness or imperfections to be found. Removal will leave you with some glitter fallout on your skin if you aren’t meticulous but that seems to be the deal with foils.
Crystal is an icy blue foil finish polish packed with irregularly shaped gold foil glitter. It’s the gold glitter that really makes this something special. Is it just me or do you agree that it feels like Crystal was inspired by OPI Absolutely Alice. Though instead of being burdened with chunky glitter, you get a smooth, highly reflective surface with a more glacial, wintry look.
Natural Light
The same way the China Glaze Bahama Blues collection (one of my all-time faves) was a great contrast to the gray gloom of winter, Crystal has that same refreshing feel. Not to sound like a commercial but it’s like biting into a York Peppermint Pattie, for your nails.
Artificial Light
Comparisons: Thanks to Michèle from Lacquerized, I learned that Crystal is a dupe for OPI Reflecting Pool. I’ve been hearing about that color for quite some time now but haven’t been able to get my hands on it. Fortunately, now I don’t need to waste my money trying to get a bottle of the coveted European exclusive shade.
Bottom Line: If you don’t rush out and buy a bottle of Crystal, I don’t know what’s wrong with you. In all seriousness, it’s an amazing color and one of my faves of 2010, not just Fall/Winter 2010 but the entire year. If I didn’t have thousands of bottles of polish wanting to be worn I would don it all winter long.
Zoya Crystal is part of the Winter 2010 Flame collection and is available now on Zoya nail polish retails for $7/ea for a .5oz bottle.
Am I alone in my Crystal obsession? Who else has joined the fan club? If you haven’t picked up a bottle yet, will you? Euro Fanatics, if you have both I’d love to know if you found any differences between the two.
Disclosure: A product sample was provided by Zoya. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.

I totally get the peppermint patty reference.
I have Crystal sitting at home in my untrieds. And your pictures make me want to go get it out and put it on tonight. I think that’s what I’ll do while we watch Survivor.
I’d pick Zoya nail paints especially the one you are wearing. I am checking out some websites with free shipping to india. I hope I find one…
I agree that it’s a beautiful polish and it was the only one that I picked up out of that collection. I’m glad I did because it was the first colour to sell out at the store where I picked it up. I’ve got Absolutley Alice as well but I much prefer Crystal and it’s application is superb!
Crystal is #1 on my list to get when they do their 3 free bottle promo in January!
I think I always have OMG moments with Zoya. I have to say the stars for me of that collection were Gloria and Sarah (of course). Maybe I’ll wear Crystal again soon just to see. I haven’t re-worn a polish in a very VERY long time…
I love nail polish… all of it… there isn’t a color out there I don’t want to own. But space and budget force me to be selective. I especially love the names… sometimes I’ll buy it for the name alone.. lol… I own a few Zoyas and wish they’d recreate a funkier Lucy shade
… but Crystal is gorgeous it needs to be mine
No you are not alone….this is a gorgeous polish! When I put it on I was like wow…so sparkly and unique.
I love Crystal! I was on the edge about it when I put in my first order to Zoya but I won a shopping spree and I knew that Crystal was one I had to get and no regrets.
After reading all of the great things about Zoya, I bought a ton of their polishes during the BOGO sale. While the colors are gorgeous, I’m having tons of problem with drying time, even with Seche Vite. In fact after I apply my usual coat of SV, I notice that the two don’t seem to mix well and that seems to make the slow drying time even worse. Does anyone else have this issue with Zoya or am I alone? Any advice? The colors are so beautiful and I would love to wear them.
I tried to reply to you Jacquelyn, but it ended up below! Check out Michelle’s post:
and good luck!
I don’t find that any of my normal base/top coat combos mix well with Zoya, so I just bought their color lock system; the quick-dry drops are a lifesaver and help the drying time immensely.
Get the zoya quick dry drops! Seche and zoya don’t work well together at all IMO.
Hi Jacquelyn,
I’ve tried to reply to your question several times, and it keeps getting lost! Our lovely guru Michelle did a great post on Zoya polishes/topcoats/basecoats, and it really helped me. It turned Zoya into my favorite polish. Cheers and here’s the link (it’s on this site)!
I don’t think SV is 3-free yet, and it may not be interacting well with your Zoyas.
I’ve used CND “Air Dry” and Nubar’s old formula “Diamont” quick dry topcoats with great success.
I’ve rarely (maybe never?) had a slow drying issue with Zoya, which leads me to believe it is an SV created issue.
You are not alone, I have the same problem with Zoya polishes taking FOREVVVVVER to dry on me. But, like you, I also loved the colors so much – they have so many unique shades and finishes – so I looked for a way to make them work for me somehow and ended up buying a Seche Ultra-V UV Lamp ($22.49 at Sally Beauty with Beauty Club Card) and Seche Ultra V UV-Activated Topcoat
($6.99 at Sally Beauty with Beauty Club Card). This solved the problem completely – now when I use my Zoya colors I use my Seche Ultra-V Topcoat and dry each hand under the lamp for 3 minutes. Even multiple thick coats of Zoya dry with no problem for me! Hope this helps!
Crystal was my polish of choice for my recent vacation, LOVE it. I’m curious though, what base and top coat did you use with yours? Mine showed hideou tip wear the very next day even with wrapping the tips. I’ve tried both Poshe and Seche Vite top coats, both with the same results. I’d love to know what you used. Thanks!
Since I’ve worn it a few times I’ve used a couple different base coats. I used CND Stickey & Prolana Quick & Slick when I had it on the longest. Another time I used Essie Fill The Gap! base with Quick & Slick but I only wore it for a few days so I’m not sure about the wear. It looked great for those three days.
Ok, thanks for the info. Never heard of Prolana but I’ll give it a try.
i haven’t had great wear with zoya either. i’ve tried the zoya three step system with base & top coats with drying drops. they take the shine right out of the polish on dark colors. but they seem to work ok with lighter colors. the only polish i’ve found that doesn’t chip within a day is RBL. i’ve had good luck with the orly bonder and top coat with all different polishes. i stopped using quick dry top coats because they are so thick and always seem to chip really fast. if i need a quick dry i’ll use the drying drops. the sally hansen ones work well and are cheap. good luck!
OMG that is GORGEOUS! Total nail Peppermint Candy!
I love the look of that polish! Is it too young looking for a 40 yr. old? I don’t want to be ‘that lady’!
As one of of “those ladies”, I say go for it! There are really not as many restrictions out there any more for polish colours and who should wear them. I never get negative comments on my more unusual colours, and I will wear anything! As long as you are happy with it, others will share your pleasure – the rest don’t matter.
I’m 49 and I would for sure! Otherwise the toes are an option. By the way, I put Sexy Divide (Essie) on 75yr young mom and it was a big hit!
This is, truly, a lovely color and the only one I picked up from this collection. I’d been lemming Reflecting Pool too, so when I read it was a dupe, I was thrilled!
The thing I’ve found with Zoya polishes is that they really play best with their own base coat (Anchor) and top coat (Armor), and if you want quick dry, their drying drops. Then Zoya wears like IRON. But, if you don’t want to invest in that, read Michelle’s post about Zoya info here:
It was really helpful for me, and Zoya is now my favorite polish!!!
it remindss me of a less-sparkly, not as bright, absolutely alice.
michelle, i’ve been in a polish rut myself this year. the only thing that i really liked from this year was essie turquoise and caicos. i really like the look of crystal, thanks for the heads up. i own 100+ polish of various brands, mostly opi, but most of my beloveds are zoyas, so i’m glad they’re making my heart flutter again.
I am a sucker for blue polish! This one is so pretty!
I just ordered a Crystal spoon during the free spoon sale – I have a feel I may really love it!
You’re not alone, first time I saw Crystal I knew she had to by mine. I grabbed it up in the last sale Zoya had, buy the color lock system, get 6 (6!) polish colors free. It’s my favorite of the 6 I got, and I got some great colors! She’s a beaut!
Oh, and to Kristen, I just hit ‘the big 4-0′ myself, I say go ahead and be ‘that lady’ if you want to! Isn’t 40 the new 25 or something?
WOW! Really really beautiful!
I wish I could have it…but I’m from Brazil and that kind stuff take some time to arrive around here…
I love it!!!!
This is my first time seeing this polish and I’m in love with it. It kinda reminds me of OPI’S Absolutely Alice but it’s more foil looking. I will absolutely put this on my wishlist.
I’d love to buy Crystal, but would like to get another polish or two to justify shipping costs. Any suggestions from anyone on the board? Like is Gloria worth it- looks kinda pretty. Or if there are any other Zoya MUST colors, that’d be awesome. Thanks!
Oooh, what a pretty colour!
Thanks for the swatches!
Crystal is on my must have list for the three free Zoyas. <3 Such a beautiful shade, love those gold flecks.
i’m wearing this on my nails right now!
I’m so excited about this color for many reasons. First off its my name on a nail polish! I also recently got a free spoon of it during the 6 free spoons event and it looked really awesome via web I can’t wait to see it up close.
You are not alone! I am in love with this polish and I dont even have it yet lol. Seen so many pictures of it and I cant wait to get it on my nails.
That is so unusual and unique color, but looking amazing on your hands. Very nice yet elegent too. nice sharing.
Crystal is the only one I purchased from this collection (back when Zoya was BOGO free on their site), and, while I have yet to wear it (I’m on a Christmas mani kick), I’ve been itching to. Maybe I’ll use it for my next pedi.
I just took this off my nails… it’s GORGEOUS! I wasn’t extremely impressed when I saw it in the bottle but it’s beyond beautiful on the nail. So sparkly and so different than anything in my collection. Not to mention, zoya is my absolute favorite brand of nail polish!
Zoya recommend that you don’t use Seche Vite with their polishes as there’s an ingredient in it that doesn’t mix well with their polishes (I can’t remember what it is, I’ve got a note of it at home I think). I’ve used Nubar and Orly topcoats with Zoya polishes with no problems.
no….I love it also. I put it on the other day and was admiring it, but then I found out one of the big manager’s was coming into work, so I had to change it before work, as I’m not allowed to wear blues or greens!
This polish is totally my style. I’ll add it to my wantages list. So many things I want so little money! I’ll get it eventually. Thanks for sharing!!!
i got the notice in my email from chanel today, but the link is under ‘nail polish, all shades’
is this going to be a permanent color?
i’m rather confused, but i did order it !!
Thanks to this website I am a much more illuminated and poorer nail person. Having just spent a small fortune on NARS because of your writings on ZUlU..yay I got some…I will have to pass on Crystal…
Thank you for passing on so much knowledge and information and I hope your Holidays and 2011 are the best ever
I must be strange, but this color does absolutely nothing to me. :DD I really dislike the silver particles in it.
I have Valerie coming to me in the mail from that collection but the only place that I could find with decent shipping (I am not spending 3x the cost of the polish on the shipping) doesn’t have Crystal in stock. Also getting Charla. These will be my first from Zoya I am very excited!
It’s really beautiful!
I promised myself I wouldn’t buy any more polish until january, and this is going to be my first of 2011 (and my first Zoya!).
Gorgeous! I love this one the most of that collection. So pretty, the blue with gold.
Something is wrong with me. I will come out as a non Crystal lover. Then again, I’m not typically a blue lover, so that may be the reason. The only blue polish I have is China Glaze Frostbite.
I think the gold flakes in Crystal make it look dirty and patchy rather than extraordinary.
I do wonder if I would feel the same way if it was gold flakes added to *my* favorite color? Hm …
I’m kinda kicking myself in the butt for not getting Crystal when I saw it at my beauty supply store…Twice I picked it up and put it back. Now its sold out
Your swatches always have me drooling for what’s on your nails!
On another tip, like a poster above, I too am curious of whether Black Pearl is LE. I told myself no polish til after Christmas, but I soooo want to buy it today!
What a beautiful color!
This is a must have! It’s so fabulous and shimmery!
Does this look to anyone like Butter London Victoriana, but brighter?
I have been coveting this since I saw it a few weeks ago on another blog. Now I’m just waiting for my color spoon to get here and then maybe use the 3 free code in January. It is a beautiful color!!!
I’m a fan! I have a pink glittery china glaze polish on my nails now.
Sorry for all the repetitive posts, they were progressive over a couple of days, and the posts weren’t showing, so I thought my mail program was eating them…
I am so in love with it, too! My winter favorite. The peach foil from the same collection is amazing, too, but crystal wins
Everytime I see swatches of this polish, I love it more and more! I neeeed this one! Definitely on my lemming list
Nice and classy shade, I would really love to try that shade. nice sharing
I also LOVE this colour! I’ve seen a swatch and I had to have it. It’s simply smashing and it really hits with a surprise. I can’t get enough of it.
I’m with you on the obsession…. I love the color too, it’s awesome.
I wonder how it compares to Nfu-Oh #69? Maybe less foil’y.
I’m getting it in any case!
I have both, and there is absolutely no difference between Reflecting Pool and Crystal! They’re dead on dupes.
you know, I wasn’t going to get this. I wore too many silver and gray glittery things circa 1999-2000! but this swatch of yours is so gorgeous and looks truly FUNKY to wear with winter clothes.
And as you said it is not a ‘gloomy’ shade – it will even stand out among my faves at the moment, which are Zoya Edyta, Shawn & Kelly, and RBL Anne… I’m a warm-tone green girl
OMG! It is so awesome! Have to buy it!