Happy New Year! ALU’s Resolutions and Wishes 2011
A very Happy 2011 to all of you. I hope you all had a lovely stress-free holiday season. I spent a relaxing couple weeks with my family and friends which is all I could ever ask for.
As you may have noticed ALU was on a bit of a hiatus during the holidays. It was an unplanned but much needed break. ALU’s 4th Anniversary was on January 1st and I’m kicking off 2011, my 5th year blogging about all things nails, rejuvenated and recharged.
My 2011 Resolution
I’m not really one for resolutions per se, as I feel you’re just setting yourself up to fail but there’s one thing I’m hardcore committed to and that’s all of you. Due to a multitude of reasons, that I won’t go into here, I wasn’t at my blogging best in 2010. I failed you with my sporadic posting so my one and only resolution for 2011 is consistency. I promise to work my best at bringing you new and original content on a regular basis.
My 2011 Nail Polish Wishes
As I’ve done for the past few years I like to make wishes/predictions in regards to what I’d like to see happen in nail world. These are my hopes for 2011:
- Brands Blaze Your Own Path – There are some truly creative geniuses behind our favorite polish brands but I’m sick of everyone jumping on the same bandwagon. Duping Chanel over and over. Leaping to make a matte/crackle because everyone else is. The endless foil finish and glitter polishes. It’s so redundant. Instead of copying everyone else, I want to see brands do their own thing and bring us variety and ingenuity. PLEASE!
- Let Color Reign Supreme – As much as I respect the artistry and creativity involved in nail art I would love to see this trend die a quick and painless death. There are way too many women taking it to the tacky and tasteless level. I want to see color on nails, not something that looks like a Bedazzler created it.
- EMERALD GREEN HOLO – This is the last time I’m going to ask, I swear. Can someone PLEASE make this magic happen??
What are your nail polish resolutions/wishes for 2011?
Get Ready for Fanatic Favorites 2010
Also, it’s time for the Fanatic Favorites 2010. Thanks to your suggestions during the Senior Superlatives I will kick of this years “best of” poll with a nomination round followed by a final vote based on those nominations. So get your noodles cranking to come up with your fave colors, collections and products from all time and 2010. Take a look back at the Fanatic Favorites 2008 Winners to get an idea of the categories you’ll be voting on.

Welcome back & Happy blogging anniversary!!! But oh no……Nail Art can’t die, that’s 95% of what I do on my blog
It’s funny because a emerald green holo is MY dream color also, and I would love to see that happen. I have been dreaming of that color for YEARS now.
My 2011 nail polish resolution is to spend less money on nail polish. Boring but true. I’m sure many others have this resolution as well.
Thanks for such a wonderful 2010 looking at your blog daily. A great part of my day, indeed! Sincerly, thanks.
Along with the emerald green holo, I would like to put in a request for a royal blue holo. Thanks.
Happy New Year, Michelle! I love your resolution. I was thinking maybe you were burnt out and ready to move on from the blog. So glad that’s not the case!
Yay! I check your blog daily for updates and haven’t seen any in a while – I was getting worried! I’m so looking forward to more frequent posts because I love your blog. Hope you had a great new year!
I just discovered you site at the end of 2010, I have to say you do an impressive job at what you do. I have found so much information here, and have learned so much from you about colors and brands. You may think that you were sporadic in your postes but I dont think so, there is so much out there and you are only one person. I just wanted to tell you to keep up the good job and thank you.
Resolutions: 1. Make the storage solution for all these polishes happen. I know what I need, I just haven’t found it yet.
2. Wear the polishes I have more often. They’re not doing anyone any good sitting in the bottle getting older.
1. I still want Emerald Sparkle in blue and purple.
2. That all these limited collections were either more readily available or part of the core lines – because a lot of core lines are sorely in need of updating. And I’m very, very tired of searching for limited polishes – so much that this has been the primary reason my polish buying dropped off sharply towards the end of last year.
I LOVE Emerald Sparkle. Wish they would make it in different colors. I bought Emerald Sparkle and Jolly Holly this year, and I think Emerald Sparkle is sooo much prettier than Jolly Holly!!
Happy New Year! Sometimes breaks are necessary, glad to hear you had a good holiday
I love your 2011 nail polish wishes and can’t wait to vote on my favourites from last year!!
Yay my favorite blogger is back!!!! *happy dance**happy dance*
I’m in totally agreement on seeing some fresh new colors this year (maybe some great oranges, tangerines, jellies etc!)
My nail resolution is to work on my nail creativity: this holiday I did a handful of nail looks for my family and friends and a lot of them asked if I was going to switch careers (major compliment) but I think I’d rather buy some great thin brushes for designing nail looks and mastering the looks that I already love to do.
Plus I’m starting to not be afraid of mixing my colours (as long as they are from the same brand I have had some luck) and creating some new colours. I’m on a nail polish budget this year so better to save my coins for some fabulous lasting looks rather than jumping on short trends.
Glad to hear you enjoyed the holidays and excited to see what you bring to us readers for the new year!
Happy New Year!
I did miss seeing your swatches on some of the collections in 2010. Your swatches are really great.
I agree with the nail art thing. I’m not a fan of it.
I only partially agree on the nail art thing. I like the more simple, understated looks. Stamping just the thumbs, or doing an all over design in a color similar to the base color (or just a different finish). There’s no need to stamp, add rhinestones, shell pieces, and stickers. Seriously, ladies… get a grip!
I completely agree with the nail art idea bc it is borderline tacky. Instead, I think glitter polish should reign for 2011! It’s so fun and pretty!
I second the emerald green holo. I’m not a big red fan but I would also like to see a true red holo, not just a dark pink.
Im so with you on a emerald green holo! That would just be amazing LOL
My resolution would be to update my own blog more frequently. The problem is that I am still getting used to my camera, so I guess my other resolution would be to play around with my camera until I get it right.
And I agree with you about nail art. It is cute, but it seems like everyone was trying to outdo the latest design created, and the trend took attention away from polish shades. I would like to see more creativity from the polish companies in the new shades they make.
Hope everyone had a good New Year. Well my nail polish wish for this year is that I wish that OPI would make more glitter polishes this year. I also wish that they would (re)release the Alice in Wonderland collection, but add some more colors for some of the other characters.Because you know Absolutely Alice was for Alice, Mad As A Hatter was for the Mad Hatter, and Thanks So Muchness/Off with Her Red were for the Red Queen.
I’m very excited to hear about more new posts! Happy New Year!
Let Color Reign Supreme
Happy new year Michelle! We’ve missed you! I gope you got some much needed rest during your break, am looking forward to your new posts.
I missed some of your swatches to; they are written so adorable sweetness! I just love them!!
I love all colors, I do like green and orange and blue, it all depends on my mood.
My Resolution for 2011:
- each week another fantastic color
- more nail art on one nail.
My Wishes for 2010:
I will love to see more holo browns and multi-chromes.
I will love to see more european company to name they polishes, not only with a boring nummero.
I hope that Essie and OPI will stay true to they color/formula polices.
… and for the rest, I hope to find this fantastic colors here in Switzerland.
Happy New Year, Michelle!
Can’t wait to see what comes out next – you’re the only reason I stay “semi up to date” with the appropriate colors for each season and fashion.
Some nail art designs are tacky, but there are other amazing ones. Please don’t slam nail art just because you have a low opinion of it. I’m only capable of stamping, but I have huge respect for those who paint their nail art, it’s a heck lot harder than just painting your nails. If you don’t like it, leave it and don’t insult others. This comment is also directed to the other commenters.
I’m sorry if you were offended or insulted but I was just expressing my opinion, which is my right. I wasn’t slamming nail art. As I said, I have a respect for the artistry and creativity and I have featured nail art designs in the past and will continue to do so in the future if it’s something I love. However, my personal wish is that the trend of over-the-top nail art dies down. I’m not a fan of nail art in most cases and would love to see color, not art, be a big focus in 2011.
I said it a few days after Christmas as I say on my couch for 20 minutes removing Party Hardy: No more glitter polish in 2011!
@ Emerald Green Holo – what about Milani-Hi Res? It’s not EMERALD green, but it’s a nice green holo.
Happy New Year and glad to see you back! I was getting worried about you!
Honestly, I am glad some brands eventually dupe Chanel – I’m lucky enough to be able to afford the extremely occasional Chanel polish but plenty of people aren’t and/or don’t want to spend $25 a pop on a trend. I’m even glad companies dupe one another, in the instance of the many many Zoya Charla dupes — not all countries can get Zoya, but with the Orly and OPI dupes out there, everyone can get their hands on a pretty color. So long as every collection isn’t an exact dupe of every other one, I don’t mind seeing a few repeats, especially of some of the truly exceptional colors.
My big wish for the new year is that companies stop making RIDICULOUS limited editions — MAC and Bad Fairy, I’m looking at you, here. I hate having to sit with my hand on the “submit order” button or else pay exorbitant prices on ebay just to get a pretty color, and I hate the ridiculous hype that accompanies these super-limited events. I know it’s a marketing trick but customers can see through it and it irritates. I know I buy MAC nail polish far less often because I don’t love their tactics.
About your wishes-I couldn’t agree more(and please let crackle polish die a quick and painless death-I think it’s time for some real style) and can I also put in a wish for a readily available pure RED holo?
A Happy 2011 to you, looking forward to another year of good posts!
I’m personally with you on nail art; The more understated designs, especially konad-style stamped ones, can be awesome looking, but I feel like as soon as you start adding stickers, rhinestones, and all sorts of stuff on there it starts to look tacky. It’s a fine line and I’d really rather see less nail-art overall than have to see people constantly going over the line.
A-m-e-n to point #2! (When it comes to the complete over-the-top stuff that is, I don’t mind stamping).
Just wanted to give a huge congrats on 5 years, thats a huge amount of time and commitment. I love reading your reviews and blogs and truly value your opinions. Whenever Im about to buy a new colour I jump on this blog to see what you thought and check out the pics which I know will be a true show of the colour.
You are more than welcome to your own opinion but don’t dog something just because you don’t like it or can’t do it and that is not directed at just the author of this blog but every other person who finds it tacky. Those who can’t look down on others who can.
I’m not looking down on anyone but you have to admit that there are a lot of people who go too far when it comes to nail art. Less is more in my opinion and it’s not like I find all nail art tacky or bad. That was not my point. I’m just over the nail art trend and would rather see the focus come back to color which is the reason I fell in love with polish and nails.
Companies need to do some real, honest-to-goodness duochromes that don’t require a magnifying glass to see. I’d love to see some more interesting colors out there, too, but I’m not ready to see nail art die.
I’ve just gotten interested in Konad-style stamping, and in general I really like more subtle/artistic nail art looks. I’d like to see a wider variety of image plate sorts of things and less fimo and dazzlings and crushed shells. It seems so impractical to decorate your nails with sharp things that snag on everything.
I just want cool colors I can wear with a suit that don’t look too Vegas for court. Mattifying foils works great, but apparently you and I are the only ones still on that tip. I would like a grey plum holo (I made a franken) and I really wish I could get some My Private Jet that looks like the original formula. Also, oddly enough, I am feeling the coral-y red Essies that J. Crew kept sticking on those skinny preppy models in their winter layouts.
Before painting my nails on New Years Day I saw some fantastic yellow roses and really wanted a nail polish that colour but even Rococo didn’t have what I was looking for (I eventualy went with a YSL purple).
My wish is that the rumours about Chanel launching a yellow shade called Mimosa are true!
I would love to see green halo. I know that nail art is tacky,but… I love it!
The problem with all the similar colors isn’t the fault of the cosmetics companies making them…well, not exactly. The new pigments come out and they are gorgeous and everyone uses them. Can’t be helped. Just be aware that your favorite color in the expensive brands will soon be available in a less expensive package. It’s been that way for YEARS (I’ve been a lacquerhead since 1976)
i am so with you on seeing nail art go away. frankly i don’t like any of it, including stamping. i think it’s all overkill and too cutesy. i like a nice, classic, bold solid colour nail.
all trends fall by the wayside.