I’m A Northeast Ohio Chevy Girl
Those I words I never thought I’d utter. You see I grew up in a Ford/Chrysler home so it has never occurred to me to venture into Chevy territory when buying a car. So why am I telling you this? Well the Northeastern Ohio Area Chevy Dealers approached me about participating in their Gotta Love Chevy Girls On The Go program. Over the past few months bloggers from the area have been test driving different Chevy vehicles and doing fun missions that highlight the features of the car. Considering that I have no real experience with Chevy I decided to take on the challenge.
Over the next few weeks myself and two of my fellow CLE bloggers will be driving a Chevy Cruze around town putting it to the test during a harsh Cleveland winter. You can follow our adventures on the Gotta Love Chevy NEO website.
Katrina from Bite Buff and Suzanne from Life On Mars and I picked up our Cruze’s together and thankfully the dealer who showed us the car’s features was able to deal with our shenanigans. After discussing Suzanne’s current obsession with Dexter (yes, she’s late to the party), we wondered if the immense truck space that the Cruze touts could contain a body. Katrina was more than happy to help us find out.
Our Chevy Cruze’s (mine is on the far left)
Suzanne and her new Cruze
Now that I’ve had to a chance to test out the Cruze some I have to agree with ALU Dad who said, “That’s a pretty neat little car, man.” In ALU Dad speak that’s high praise and much like Boomhauer from King of the Hill, all my Dad’s sentences end in “man.” Now I haven’t driven a car, let alone something this compact, in at least 12 years so it’s taken some getting used to but the Cruze does have its advantages. Like features that you can’t find on a lot cars of this size and price range such as heated seats and remote start (so necessary in the winter).
Not to worry Fanatics, I won’t be inundating you with a ton of posts about Chevy. I just wanted to introduce you to the program and my participation in it. If you want to see what I’m up to and read about the missions me and my fellow Chevy Girls go on, head over toGottaLoveChevyNEO.com or keep up with our discussions on Twitter by following @ChevyOhio or #ChevyGirls.
Also I wanted to let you know about a great giveaway. Enter the Girlfriend Getaway Sweepstakes and you could win a trip to Boca Raton, FL for you and a friend. The trip includes roundtrip coach airfare for two to Boca Raton, Florida and one hotel room, double occupancy for four (4) days, three (3) nights at the The Bridge Hotel in Boca Raton. The full details and rules are on the Gotta Love Chevy NEO website
Disclosure: The Girls On The Go campaign is being sponsored by Northeastern Ohio Area Chevy Dealers, who gave me a Chevy Cruze to test drive for one month and blog about my experience using the vehicle. All opinions expressed are my honest opinions. The program has given us some fun “missions” to do and will be providing me with gift certificates to allow me to do this. Follow Gotta Love Chevy NEO on Facebook or on Twitter (#chevygirls). For more info view my Disclosure Policy.

OMG How did I not know this about you? I read your blog EVERY freakin’ day and you’re a #chevygirl, too?!?!
That’s awesome.
Hey fellow Chevy Girl!! I LOVE that you posted a clip from Labyrinth, one of my all time favorite movies.
Too cool! Enjoy cruisin’ around in your Cruze. Sorry…I couldn’t help myself.
I didn’t get the Chevy Cruze, but I did get a Chevy Equinox LT for Christmas, and I love my lil Casper (it’s summit white).
From what I can tell, the sweepstakes is only open to Ohio residents…correct me if I am wrong.
Oh crap, really? They didn’t tell me that. I’m sorry. I’ll check into it
ALU Dad sounds so cute!
He’s a funny guy and a total car enthusiast so I had to show him the Cruze for his stamp of approval.
I live in NE Ohio too! Small world
Yay! Another Ohio girl
WTF does this have to do with polish? Ugh.
Nothing and I stated that. They asked bloggers from all different topics in the Cleveland area to participate and I am one of them. Am I not allowed to talk about anything besides nail polish?
No, but just shilling products for other companies can be overlooked when its at least about polish. Now cars? Seriously?
I’m not shilling products for anyone, polish or otherwise and I take offense at your insinuation. This Chevy program is happening nationwide with bloggers from varied backgrounds. They don’t tell me what to say, they don’t make me promote their product and they don’t pay me for it. They provide gift cards to pay for the missions that I agreed to do and that is it. If I don’t like the car, I don’t like the car. It’s only shilling if I tell you to buy a Chevy because someone is paying me to do so. No one is paying me and I’m not telling you to buy anything. Same goes for my nail polish reviews.
Also, I was very hesitant to participate in the program in the first place because I didn’t want to bombard my readers with a ton of posts about Chevy. They ask that the participating bloggers post at least two times a week on their own blogs and I told them I wouldn’t do that. That it would turn off my readers and I would never do that to them. That the only way I would participate is if I could write posts for their website and just do an intro post here. Now one of the missions they assigned me is to get a manicure with a friend and since it is nail related I will be posting it here but that is it. I would never sell out just to drive a car for a month and if that’s what you think of me, I can’t help you.
Nobody ever gave me a car to do some testing!
this is cool indeed!
BTW, it’s YOUR blog and you’ll talk about anything you want!
F the haters. Enjoy your ride all month!
Find nail polishes that match the color of your Checy Cruze and post swatches of them, maybe that will calm the angry masses
And go NE Ohio girls! I’m originally from Youngstown, but live in Columbus now.
Have fun with your new (even if it is temporary) ride!
like the pp said, its your blog and you decide the content! To placate the simple minded people, just compare the color of your car to a polish color!
I just wanna find out who won the much-coveted ALU 2010 awards. I’m just being bitter and anxious.
I don’t think you should be mad at Bethany’s comment. It was a valid feeling and comment and your feelings/response is also valid. I saw the blog post title and thought the same thing… here we go again – ugh. But at least most ppl are doing marketing for products in the industry they write about (ie: sigma, LUUUX, whatever.)
And I do enjoy what you write about 99% of the time so thank you! In the same token, I think you really blasted Bethany but I understand it’s because you felt defensive. But even you stated you knew that to a certain extent this (esp posting too much about it) would irritate your readers. Hopefully you can just keep the rest of the Chevy news on the Chevy site.
I’m glad you told Chevy you would not post twice a week because the bottom line is that they are having you drive this car so that even in one “intro” blog post you will have advertised their product to 1000′s of ppl for free for them. I had never heard of this car until now – so it is advertising.
I understand though that these blogs (guru types) take a LOT of work. And I understand bloggers receiving samples for review and trips and more for the work that they do. You provide a service and it’s understandable to reap the benefits for that. What a fun thing to drive a new car for a month!
Anyway, but yes, you can write whatever you want on your blog.
Have a great day – no worries!
I don’t think ALU blasted her at all. I would have told her to F— off and die. It takes a lot of nerve to come to someone’s blog and tell them what they can and can not write about. If people don’t like this post, there are things like the back button or links to click to go elsewhere, no?
Also, you don’t think calling someone a corporate shill is rude? I certainly do. I don’t think ALU was defensive, I think BethyA was OFFENSIVE.
Amen, Donna! Holy moley people are nutty!
Michelle, I think this is great – couldn’t happen to a sweeter person especially one with a great reputation with her bloggers and integrity out the whazoo! I personally am looking forward to hearing about your excursions whether it’s nail polish, fashion week or any of your many varied interests in life! You’re a very interesting individual. Thanks for sharing and letting us be a part of your world! I hope your enjoy your Cruze :)! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for doing this! My dad’s a GM employee for 30 years and my brother, 6 months. You are keeping my family employed
Congrats on getting asked to do something like that.
Enjoy your new ride
Oh my goodness! I can’t believe some of the comments here. I have a blog and I blog about whatever I want, most of it polish related. Sometimes there are recipes or restaurant reviews and they’re not even comped or anything. Sometimes it’s about personal happenings. I don’t understand why it’s expected that everything here has to be polish related?
Go drive that car and have fun missions. It’s a great opportunity!
Just wanted to tell you that ALU is my fave blog and I think it’s awesome that you are participating in this! – I’m jealous! I don’t understand why others think they should have input on what you put on YOUR blog. If you want to write about things other than polish, go ahead – it’s YOURS to do whatever you want! If they don’t like what’s posted, then they shouldn’t read it. I’ll still be here though!
So awesome that you get to drive this cute little car for an entire month! I love the steel color – like others who commented, I hope you find a polish match for us!
I entered the giveaway after seeing your Twitter post about it. Crossing my fingers for some much-needed sunshine!
Fun fun! I am glad to see I’m not the only one that immediately hops in the trunk when getting a new car! I had a blast with mine (the Traverse), enjoy the Cuze!