Rescue Beauty Lounge Iconic/Ironic Spring 2011 Collection Comparison Swatches
![]() To help make your pre-order decisions a bit easier I sorted through all your helpful comparison suggestions to give you a better idea of how the colors really look. I wasn’t able to address every request but I think I came up with some comps that will assist you. One thing you won’t find here is the use of the word “dupe.” As we’ve come to expect from RBL, these colors are un-dupeable. Keep reading to see what I mean. |
I’ve included my original swatch pictures as a reference. Due to daylight differences the colors may look a bit different in the comparisons but, if anything, it should give you more insight to the shades.
In sorting through your Iconoclast requests quite a few of you mentioned OPI Baby It’s Coal Outside, Orly Goth and Lippmann Hit Me With Your Best Shot. All of those shades were either too glittery (Iconoclast is a shimmer) or too grayed. The closest I could come in finding a true black shimmer was Zoya Raven though it lacks the mutli-colored shimmer in Iconoclast. Lancome Piha Black has too much micro-glitter to be a shimmer but it definitely has the same inky black base as Iconoclast.
Decorous drew the biggest response and the requests were so varied and diverse. The majority were either too warm or too cool in comparison. This is a unique flower indeed. I started with the cremes to take a look at the base color. Essie Hot Coco is more red toned while Orly Prince Charming is a cooler taupe shade.
For some reason quite a few of you thought butter LONDON All Hail The Queen (formerly All Hail McQueen) would be a match but as you can see the two couldn’t be more different. China Glaze Ingrid on the other hand with its golden shimmer and dark brown base looks like a sunbathed version of Decorous.
If you read my initial review you know that my love for Insouciant is strong and growing every day. As I expected I was hard pressed to find anything that has the same grayed out lavender base. My best comparison options were OPI Parlez-Vous OPI? and Essie Merino Cool though neither one stands up to my new light purple BFF. Parlez-Vous is more vibrant with reddish undertones while Merino Cool crosses over to the dark gray side of purple.
Recherché is a tricky girl. The Beastie Boys could have been rapping about her. No matter what polish I put next to her, she stands out from the crowd. I tried with some of the berry based vamps you suggested (RBL Film Noir, OPI We’ll Always Have Paris, Zoya Casey) and Recherché looked more smokey and purple based, a la Chanel Paradoxal. Then I put her next to Paradoxal and your other request Essie Smokin Hot and she looked more plum/brown. I told she is a chameleon!
The Rescue Beauty Lounge Nail Polish 48 Hour Pre-Sale is going on now. You need to be on the VIP email list to receive the link to the sale. If you aren’t on the list but desperately need to be a part of the pre-order contact customer service and see if they can get you in. Rescue Beauty Lounge polishes retail for $18/ea for a .4oz bottle.
I hope my comparisons were helpful. If you made up your mind based on one of my shots, I’d love to hear about it. Also, I told Ji that I’m betting on my girl Insouciant being the top seller of this collection though she’s betting on another. Who thinks I’m right? If you jumped on my Insouciant bandwagon during the sale, let me know!
Disclosure: Product samples were furnished by Rescue Beauty Lounge. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.

yeah…I bought ‘em all. I couldn’t decide and realized that I have nothing in my collection like Decorous, Recherch
I TOTALLY scooped up Insouciant this morning (along with Decorous). I’m SO ridiculously excited for her to come in the mail, it’s silly.
They are all lovely and original…but I’m beyond paying $18 a bottle in the current economy. I love them, but being a working class girl, and getting poorer by the minute, I’ll not be buying them unless there is another 50% off sale in RBLs future.
I loved decorous when you swatched but wasn’t going to get it because I thought it was too close to hot cocoa, which I already have (and love). After seeing these I will be ordering it!
I’m not buying anything because I’m too poor, but I agree with you that Insouciant is destined to be the star of the collection. Then I think Recherche will be next, then Insouciant, and then Decorous.
I love all the colors, especially Decorous. However, I wonder how Recherch
I purchased all four, but Insouciant is my favorite and pick to be the top seller!
o/ I pre-ordered Insouciant! That’s the one I’m most excited about, though I also ordered Decorous and Iconoclast.
I bought Iconoclast, Insouciant and Recherche… I tend to not wear light purples/lavenders as they make my skin look very ruddy. I have hope for Insouciant, though! The other two have my inner goth girl squeeing in pleasure. I’m betting on Iconoclast, but Insouciant may be a sleeper hit like Jane from the ‘Housewives of the Tudors’ line.
excellent swatches/comparisons!! i was on the fence on the iconoclast bc i own zoya’s raven. now i can get a ‘more special’ RBL polish with my 18 bucks, thanks!
I am on your bandwagon! Recherch
I caved and got 3 Iconoclast, Decorous, and Insouciant. I was only going to get 2 but I knew I would be scouring ebay for the missing one. I cant wait to get them.
I agree with above poster they are pricey BUT they last a long time on the nail and the colors are unique so its worth it. Especially considering I tried Chanel Strong recently and it did NOT even last 8 hours on my hand before it chipped off. I returned it!
RBL is definitely a treat! Ya get what you pay for. Ji’s polish is by far the best on the market!!
Thank you, thank you for doing comparisons in time for the pre-sale! I ended up going with Insouciant and Recherch
Hi! I really really really love Iconoclast, but I would love to see a few more swatches of it before I buy it. Do you think it’ll sell out in the preorder sale? I’d rather buy it in the normal sale so hopefully other people will have put up more pictures of it. Ahh! But i can’t decide! What should I do? Go ahead and order it, or wait? Please help!
I am insane for Recherch
Decorous is super pretty!
I was definitely sold on Insouciant, but now I’m looking more closely at Decorous and Recherch
I wish I could! I love Insouciant and Decorous… but I don’t have the money for $18 a bottle right now
Hopefully there will be a sale before those sell out!
I think Insouciant looks fairly similar to BB Couture’s Incognito. Maybe not a dupe, but close?
No, actually I found Incognito to be nearly a dupe to Revlon Perplex / Chanel Paradoxal. A lot darker than Insouciant.
Thanks for these. I ordered all but Decorous. It will be interesting to see how Iconoclast compares to the Nubar Black Chrome I just got, it has no color in the shimmer, I think.
Great comps for more proof that RBL and ‘dupe’ don’t belong in the same sentence
That said, I pre-ordered them all. Yes, they are pricey, but IMO, it’s worth it – and it’s not only with the quality of the polish, but also with Ji’s customer service and attention to detail. As a loyal fan and I’d rather buy 4 RBL’s instead of 10 other-brand polishes. Thanks for the comparisons, Michelle!
Where was the comparison with Sally Hansen Mystic Lilac? I need to see that one
I don’t have Mystic Lilac. Sorry
Definitely Iconoclast! glitter AND multicolour is quite my cup of tea! I’ve only to decide if I want to cough 18 $ for it…I think I do, though ^_^
Dark colors for spring? No, thank you. Would be lovely colors for winter though. Also, there’s no way I’m spending more than $8 on a bottle of nail polish. Nope.
Hmm… Essie Smoking Hot isn’t as close as i thought it would be!
Beautiful colours though!
I had already placed my order before even seeing this post. At first I thought Insouciant and Iconoclast were the only ones I couldn’t live without, but as usual with RBL I ended up buying the entire collection! Ji is going to bankrupt me! Between these beauties this month then the Bikini Bottom, Black Russian, and Bruiser re-issues next month/April I won’t have a penny left! Oh well my birthday is next week so I suppose I can just consider it a birthday present to myself LOL!
I think a good Iconoclast dupe would be Diamond Cosmetics “Starry Night”.
Thanks for the comparisons, it seems RBL has very few dupes :):)
They are lovely but I won’t be picking them up unless there is another sale. I really like Insouciant, but I’m thinking it may be too cool for my warm skin.
Insouciant is definitely my favorite. The color is so beautiful and alluring. I just bought a bottle this morning, and I’m hoping I don’t die from excitement while I wait for it to arrive!
The Essie’s are beautiful…
I bought Insouciant and Iconoclast, I just couldn’t resist the inky black with multicolored shimmer.
Michelle, will the colors be available for non presale?? I really want some but am not on the VIP list, and don’t want to try and horn in last minute! I need Insouciant and Iconoclast! Insouciant is just fun to say too!
Insouciant is gorgeous, it’s the only one I *really* want.
I also ordered Insouciant and Iconoclast. I was only going to order Insouciant but after your swatches I was sold on Iconoclast as well.
O, I was just coming over to ask about OPI My Private Jet & Iconoclast. Guess, I’m too late. I have not made up my mind yet about ordering during the pre-sale or waiting until after. I really like Insouciant & Decorous. I’m still on the fence about Recherche & Iconoclast. But I think if I don’t buy all the four down the line I will regret it. =/
I ordered Insouciant and I can’t wait to get it!
I decided to splurge and pre-order Iconoclast, Insouciant, and Decorous. I can’t wait to get them and try them! Thanks for the swatches, those really helped.
I preordered them all, as always! I’m recently self-employed and not taking home a paycheck; I asked my boyfriend if I could get these if I promised not to get any other polishes this spring, and he said yes :D. So I get my RBL fix, which is always joyous. I’ve been wearing RBL all month, and am constantly impressed by the formula and wear.
I ended up pre-ordering all four, plus one base coat and a couple of others! Thanks for your fantastic swatches and comparisons. I’m convinced that I don’t have much like these in my existing collection, so I just went for it! Now, back to work to earn the $$….
Thought I was on their mailing list…it was Butter London come to find out. Anyway, I emailed customer service to see if they can send me the link to the pre-sale. According to your swatches I’m going with Insouciant and Decorous since those are my type of colors. The swatches look lovely. Thanks.
OK Ji (thank you thank you thank you) sent me the link and I ended up just pre-ordering Decorous since it’s a great brown color (I have so many browns, but not like this one). I love colors like this. I’m not really into purples unless they are really dark and vampy. My style is vampy and neutral so I went with Decorous. Woot!
These comments are supporting my suspicion that Insouciant will sell out first. My plan for affording them is to blow my entire season’s polish allowance on three of these, one Butter LONDON, and nothing else. They are so inspiring, I’m already dreaming up outfits for Spring.
Is it just me, or does it look like if Insouciant and Recherch
How does Decorous compare to Chanel Particuliere?
I think someone asked for Insouciant vs Particuliere but maybe MEANT Decorous?
I’m really curious to see how Iconoclast compares to Sally Hansen Midnight in NY.
i’m getting ready to purchase a few rbl’s and was wondering what your opinion on how decorous would work with fairish olive skin. it’s one of those that’s hard to guess based on photos. (any other recommendations also appreciated:) thank you!