Getting Minx’d by Celebrity Manicurist Lisa Logan at America’s Beauty Show 2011
One of the best parts of attending a trade show like America’s Beauty Show is all the great people you meet. Like at the Minx booth, I had the pleasure of meeting Minx Master’s Naja Green and Lisa Logan. Naja is a LA-based Celebrity Manicurist and co-host of Nail Talk Radio whose clients include Lady Gaga and Lisa is a NYC-based Celebrity Manicurist who has an amazing roster of clients and editorial work including tending to the digits of Ms. Beyonce Knowles.
Lisa recently launched her own line of uniques designs for Minx including a pattern called Daybreak that is intended to be worn with the UV gel polishes that are so hot right now. When I initially stopped by the booth I was disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to try any of the patterns without covering up my Shellac so I was thrilled to learn that Lisa created Daybreak for that very reason. The Minx appliqué starts off clear at the base with holographic dots that get closer together near the free edge of the nail.
See Lisa apply Daybreak to my nails and check out the final look in the short video below.
Minx are a professional product. To locate a salon near you offering Minx, visit Prices vary by location and pattern so call first to verify the cost and design availability.
Thoughts on my Daybreak Minx nails? How many of you have tried Minx? Which type of nail appliqués do you prefer? Minx or drugstore versions (Sally Hansen, Incoco, Nail Fraud, etc)?
Disclosure: Minx nail appliqués were applied gratis by Lisa Logan for Minx. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.

Love it !
Very cool :D!
These are the first minx nails that I’ve liked. Very nice.
Minxlooks amazing. too bad its not available where I live.
Thanks for the video! I never quite understood minx but knew I loved the finished looks, this gave me the insight I needed. Now I want to test this out for my next special occasion. The dots design looks amazing over your shellac.
I could not be happier with the Sally Hansen nail appliques. I have no interest in spending 3x as much for Minx, especially since I prefer to do my own nails. The only issue I ran into was that they do dry out after you open the package, so it is necessary to use them right away (I tried a pedi first, and meant to use the rest of them for a mani later on, but found they had dried out and were unusable).
I love Minx. I have even tried Minx on my toes. I’m tempted to try the drugstore brands because they are a lot cheaper. Your Minx is very nice.
Off topic, but I LOVE your ring. So pretty!!!
Ooh! I live minx nails! They are kind of like they Sally Hansen ones, which I adore. And do you know how long they would typically last for on your nails? Thanks.
LOVE this, Minx is my favourite – particularly the metallics.
Very pretty! Also love the shellac shade underneath
Design is awesome!
Cost however not in my budget
I love Sally’s I wish they’d come out with a few more patterns though.
Thank you for the video
That is a great ring BTW where did you get it??
wooooowwwww…love the combination!!
I bought some Sally Hansen nail appliques based on your review, but haven’t had a chance to use them yet. My nail beds are small, so I need two boxes of appliques to fit all my fingers. I’m excited to use them. Minx are cute, but seem kinda pricey for the look.
Lisa always does susch a beautiful job!!!!!
Gorgeous. Now, with those two things together, the Shellac and the Minx, how long would that last? It seems like you’d get at least a full week plus out of it, maybe more.
Also: Its nice to see what you actually look like. You are lovely!
Wow look great, I want that nails, but unfortunately in my country I don’t find Minx:((
I haven’t been fortunate enough to have tried minx, but I have tried the Sally Hansen and Broadway Nails press-on appliques and I actually like them quite a bit. I’m not really great with nail art, and polish always seems to peel on me, so I love that sometimes when I want to splurge I can have an amazing looking mani that won’t look cruddy before 24 hours is up.
Wow, that looks awesome! I don’t think I could justify the cost of Minx personally because I get bored after about 24 hours of the same nail design, but I can definitely appreciate it on other people!
Brilliant! Love it!
LOVE love love the Daybreak, it adds just the right bling to a gel mani! How great to be Minxed by the master herself Lisa! And such a sweetheart Love her! and the Naja too!!
GORGEOUS! the colors work really well together. and damn but lisa makes the application look so effortless!
The product looks really interesting,I have only heard of one tech in my town doing Minx. I am not sure my clients would be into it, but wouldn’t mind checking it out to expand to another demographic. I live in a college town, and I think the younger girls would love it! I also like how they have created patterns that can be combined with a gel service, that would be a great add-on service. Anyone know what the initial cost is to get certified?
Obsessed and LOVE what she did on your nails! Any idea if her nails are minxed?! must know whats on her thumbs!! Thanks! xoxox love the post!
I much prefer Incoco nail appliques over the Sally Hansen ones. Same price but more difficult to find in stores (can be ordered online). Incoco appliques are thinner and more stretchy–much more Minx-like actually. You end up with a much better final result. The French tip ones are great.
I totally agree with you! And the sally hansen ones dry out super fast!
Wow Michelle: Love that Minx! looks super on your nails and how long did it take from start to finish? Looks like she really applied the Minx very quickly and very beautifully. Looks lovely on your hand.
Mc Huggs