ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – RGB Cosmetics Dove
![]() Whether it’s something I’ve been meaning to wear but haven’t made time for, a polish I bought on a whim and forgot about or a color from a collection that I didn’t have the time to review, this will be my way of getting through my overwhelming stack of untested polishes to help me find new loves and weed out unnecessary bulk. I’m kicking off the challenge with a nail polish from RGB Cosmetics that has been sitting on my desk for way too long. It’s a shade I was so excited to try when it arrived in the mail but I kept pushing off in favor of other colors. So to stop it from mocking me on a daily basis, I give you RGB Dove. |
Formula & Application: RGB Cosmetics is a 4-Free brand (including Formaldehyde Resin). The square bottles contain the same amount of polish as Chanel or RBL bottles but they are much more compact in size. The short, round, shiny black cap is about the width of my thumb and I find it relatively easy to control polish placement but would prefer it to be slightly longer. The brush is short, round and average in width. The bristles are very flexible which allows for the brush to fan out and cover a good amount of the nail plate.
Considering how light the color is I expected the polish to either be thick, well pigmented and streaky OR thin and semi-sheer. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it walks that magical line between thin and thick all while being highly pigmented and self leveling. It was a dream to apply and flowed on the nail in two easy coats. Color me impressed.
RGB Dove is the pale grey creme I’ve been dreaming of ever since my first time at New York Fashion Week. It was February 2008 and I saw a prototype of a color that was to be included in the CND Fall collection. It was the perfect dove hue. Unfortunately the color never launched and I’ve been yearning for it ever since. RGB Dove satiates that craving and then some.
The grey trend has been coming and going over the past few years and considering that both Zoya and China Glaze included the shade in their spring collections, it’s most certainly “on” at the moment. Dove is the palest of the current greys on the market and I’m all about it. It’s light enough to be work safe but edgier than your average neutral.
What I love is that unlike a lot of greys it doesn’t lean into overly blue or green territory. Even after sitting on my desk for months it hasn’t separated at all to reveal a blue/green base.
Bottom Line: I have been impressed with all the RGB polishes I’ve tried and Dove is no exception. Consider me a fan. Their formula is top notch and their color range has continued grow past their original ten basics to include some very fashion forward hues. Check out some of my past RGB Nail Polish reviews to see for yourself.
365 of Untrieds Stash/Share Verdict: I’m definitely keeping this one in the STASH.
RGB Dove Nail Polish is available online and at select retailers. For shopping information visit RGB nail polishes retail for $14/ea for a .4oz bottle.
Thoughts on RGB Dove? Are you into a grey this light? If you own Dove was it a keeper or a giveaway? Does the “365 of Untrieds” project get a collective thumbs up or thumbs down from my fellow Fanatics?
Disclosure: A product sample was provided by RGB Cosmetics. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.

I love the 365 challenge. I’ve been trying to do something similar on my blog. I want to swatch every untried and tried polish in my stash. But I keep buying more..
Beautiful! I wonder how this compares up to Zoya’s Dove?
Yay! Glad to see you’re back! Love the nail polish on you today.
I love dove gray polish. Have been searching high and low for the perfect color. I purchased Zoya Dove thinking it would look great on my skin. Unfortunately that polish make my skin’s yellow undertone more obvious. Am hoping RGB will be different. Thanks for the review!
Glad you’re back to posting about polish!
thumbs up for the 365 challenge
I will enjoy following it!
This is a great ides, I do something similar on my blog with makeup and use a different palette everyweek and post the looks on my blog cuz I own so many palettes!! I luv this color, it is beautiful
What an awesome project! Good luck
Love your first choice – I don’t have a grey this light.
very pretty shade – it does remind me a lot of Dove by Zoya!
I’m looking forward very much to see the results of the challenge! I’ts going to be fun!
i LOVE this shade. ive really been diggin the light grey blue trend. thanks for the swatch!
Excited about your 365 project AND that polish! Wow! Now I need to find a dupe…got any suggestions?
Thumbs up on the 365 of Untrieds! I can’t wait to see all the swatches.
you go girl! I love a good hearty challenge. I’m excited to see the misfits of your stash. I have a helluva lot of my own.
yay for this project!
OMG! I’m SO glad your back. I was praying I wouldn’t come to your blog and have to suffer through a sappy post of how your moving on. LONG LIVE ALU! I like the color, just not on me. CHEERS! I can’t wait for tomorrow.
This is a great idea! I’ve been doing this since Jan 1 and so far it has been fun (except for the urges to wear previous worn polishes). I put myself on a spending freeze for april to try and catch up on the untrieds (it’s hard to wear them all when i keep buying more). My favorite ways to knock a few untrieds off the list are nail art and ombre manicures. Funky Frenches are good too!
Good luck, I’ll be reading
I’m excited about your untried project! It will interesting to see what you have. And I LOVE this color. It goes so well with your skin and looks so creamy and smooth.
Great idea! Looking forward to discovering new colors you find in your vault!
Looking forward to more of your untrieds challenge! A great polish to start it off!
Seriously? Didn’t have time to review? You hardly review anything anymore… All it is now is info about celebs you probably got from a press release email.
its good to see your back, ive been sick of checking your blog only to see that theres still no new posts! are you still going to review the other half of OPI texas?
Wow. That’s hot! Have been wanting a lighter grey for some time. How do you think it would look on pale cool-toned hands?
Thanks for swatching this!
I’m going to be sad if this turns out to be an April Fool’s joke. I think it’s a really great idea!
This is a gorgeous polish! The 365 challenge is interesting, but I miss your coverage/swatches of the current and upcoming collections. I always counted on ALU to keep me in the loop, but lately I walk into Rickys and see new collections on display that I’ve never heard about, already half picked through.
It’s good you’re going to post pics on a regular basis. I almost stopped following your blogs because they were rare & didn’t have much in thre way of polish info.
Lovin’ the grey. 365 days of color. I’m so excited! I purchased Avon Urban Grey and found it leaning more towards white, so I added a few drops of black, and while it did make it more of grey, in certain lights it has a blueish tint to it.
Also glad to see you back at it. I like the 362 challenge. To Amber P – just on my monitor settings, this RGB Dove looks a tish darker to me than is the Zoya’s Dove. If looking for a newer, interesting gray with a tish of lavender to it, look to the spring collection from Zoya and check out Marley. It’s kind of a fresh change from so many grays and the massive amounts of nudes out there (not that I don’t like the nudes/flesh/light tans – just too many at once flooding the market riding that style trend).
I find myself really hoping this isn’t an april fools joke :p
Ooh, this is going to be fun!
And this color is so pretty…normally, I wouldn’t like it, but lately, I’ve really been wanting pale colors.
$14 is mucho money though.
Definitely a thumbs up! I can’t wait to see all the cool colors. I’m not that much into grey, but I like light grey more than darker grey, so this is quite pretty!
Love this concept !
this polish is really pretty you’re absolutely right about keeping it
Take care
I love the 365 challenge idea…how fun! I’m an edgy, bright color lover, but I really like this color.
This is a good idea. I swatch and photograph my nail shades, then I upload them in one lump post (i.e: “Pink Nail Polish Swatches”). That way, anyone who needs to see a swatch can find them in that one post. I get through a lot of neglected colors that way.
I love this new feature!!
I was considering getting Dove, but could not find any swatches. Now, I am definitely getting it. Thank you!
I LOVE greys, and this one is just barely dark enough to not be white, but I wouldn’t pay $14 for it. Also I love the idea of the 365 untrieds, I’m sure you’ll show us some awesome colors we either never knew about, or completely forgot about!
Thumbs up to the 365 challange. I hope this is not an April Fools Day joke:)
I love this idea! Can’t wait to see what you pull out. and that polish is gorgeous! I’m a sucker for anything gray though so I might be biased…
Wow gorgeous! I don’t know why but I really like it. Maybe it’s your swatches
I think the 365 of untrieds is a fabulous idea. I’m sure you have tons of goodies to show us!
Great idea on the untrieds – it’s nice to have a project to tackle!
I love that gray, I have so many already though… eek! It’s so pale and gorgeous though!
LOVE the 365 challenge!
Is this “365 challenge” an April Fools joke!?! Or are YOU really going to try and post EVERY DAY?
I think the 365 challenge is an awesome idea! This is a pretty color but I think it would be too light for me.
2 big thumbs up to the 365 of untrieds!
RGB was, as one MUA stated, chiptastic for me so out the door it went.
I was really excited to launch this project and start something new on my blog. I’ve been blogging for over four years now and while it may seem simple to run a blog like this, when you’ve been doing it for this long it becomes a challenge. Not to mention that I’ve had things going on in my life that have interfered with the blog.
So to log in to see these negative comments asking if it’s a joke and telling me how I don’t post enough, well it’s just depressing. If you don’t like me or my blog, you don’t have to read it. I don’t wish to turn anyone away but if reading this site makes you so upset that you feel compelled to leave a negative comment, chastising me, I don’t think you should be here.
I realize that I asked for opinions on my 365 project and I certainly got what I asked for but I don’t get the hostility. I was hoping everyone would be as excited about this endeavor as I am. I wanted something that would jumpstart me back into the blog that I love.
It’s a huge undertaking, so to announce it on April 1st–traditionally seen as April Fool’s Day–of course some people are going to think it’s a joke. Not all April Fool’s jokes are like Scrangie’s about the pennies which are more obvious; sometimes they’re more subtle/believable.
I do think that the negative/hostile comments are sad and totally uncalled for. Having said that, I can understand where the source of their discontent is stemming from, because objectively, you *have* been posting less, which is totally fine because you have your own life to live and the world isn’t JUST about polish. That doesn’t justify their reactions, nor am I trying to do as such.
For myself, I used to check back every day, now I do once a week, because I felt bad constantly pestering your servers when nothing new was going up with the same amount of regularity as it once did. It’s not about not liking you or your blog–people are bummed *because* they like you AND your site and without the almost daily updates you used to do, that’s what they’re reacting to. So to frequently see your opinions and posts is a good thing with this type of project. It’s hard moderating and running a blog, especially with as large a following as you have.
I guess in my round about way, I’m try to say that you should be really psyched about this new project, because it sounds really fun and exciting. I’m personally looking forward to it because I think it’s a great idea and I love the random insights into polishes and colors I might not otherwise look into and I wish you all the best with this new undertaking. So please don’t let a few negative opinions upset or discourage you, especially when there’s so many more voices encouraging you with love and support.
Well. . . I didn’t think there were that many negative responses. Most people are really excited about what you are doing (as am I). However, I can see where some of those comments are coming from:
First of all you did announce it on April fool’s day, and it seemed a little “different” for your blog.
Second, if I remember correctly, you did write about some sort of new years resolution in January about being better at blogging. I was really excited when you wrote that but since then your posts have actually been even less frequent (your last post before April first was March 17th) and I was sad- not mad, just disappointed.
Third, I don’t think anyone assumes it is easy to write a blog like this; nor do they expect you to do it every day. But you have obviously crossed over the line from casual blogger to professional blogger, and people will naturally have some expectations. Your fans and followers have brought you to where you are and they like consistency. When InStyle magazine (or was it Allure?) lists you as the top nail polish blog to check out, like it or not, you have some standards to maintain. Unless you really are sick of blogging and don’t want to do it anymore, or need a break- In that case, just tell us and don’t disappear.
That said, there is no excuse for people to be mean. Constructive criticism is one thing but rudeness is a whole other thing. There will always be haters and I think that your best option would be to ignore them! Don’t even let them get responses out of you. Be professional and take the constructive criticism and use it, but also be professional and don’t get upset at the mean things. Honestly (not meant to be rude) I check this blog for nail info and I consider this one of the best in the business; but I don’t enjoy getting on and reading whiny reprimands.
Look to all of your super fans and gain support from them. We LOVE you and only want the best for you and your blog!
I look forward to reading all of your new posts!
Best of Luck!
I LOVE this. I’ve been looking for a gray this light for quite a while. I settled on a very light gray-green from china glaze, but this is so much better. buying immediately!
I love your blog! Don’t listen to the haters
Michelle: What can I say this RGB Dove Gray is a perfect polish, no streaks, no chips, just a lovely shine.
I am with you 110% if you want to post 365 days a year! That would be fantastic, guest posters,” take over those days when you can’t post for whatever reason. For example, (I hate to bring this up but I remember one web blogger lost a family friend and didn’t post for a long time…) or another nail polish web blogger broke a nail and didn’t want to post until it was fixed correctly.
I just wanted you to know that I love your web blog and give you all the credit in the world and all the praise you deserve however, is there a back-up plan in the event you get sick or something happens to your equipment? I love the idea and would be willing to help you in any way I can as I am sure your fans would be willing to keep your 365 days a year going strong!
Mc Huggs
I don’t think you can blame people for being a little upset/confused. People loved your site because you have THE BEST swatches and it was the best place to find info and accurate, quality swatches of new and upcoming collections. There’s nothing wrong with changing the focus of your blog (it is, after all, YOUR blog), but it means that we’ll all have to find another site to get up-to-date info about new collections, which could take some searching and getting used to. Change is hard, but necessary some times. I, for one, am sad at the loss but happy that you found something to re-spark your love for polish and blogging.
Don’t let the negative comments bum you out. I can’t imagine why anyone would be hostile unless it’s because they’re envious of your blogging success. Checking your blog and not seeing a new post can be a bummer, but it’s not something to get nasty about.
Yours is the first nail blog I read last year when I was just becoming an addict ;)In that time, I’ve found a bunch of blogs, and I’ve bought a LOT of polish, much of it untried. At first it was exciting to find out about the next great thing, but as in everything, there are cycles, and I’ve gotten a lot more particular in just this short time.
Count me as glad you’re shopping and swatching your stash. I think this is awesome.
I love this color. I think I’ll be changing polishes soon!
While I am a little bummed you aren’t going to be swatching and reviewing collections at the moment, I’m definitely excited for your 365 Untrieds! One because I love to see a post everyday and secondly because you definitely have one of the best nail polish blogs around!
Oh I’m still going to be reviewing collections. The 365 of Untrieds is in addition to that. I have a review in the works at the moment and a giveaway. No need to be bummed, it’s not JUST going to be Untrieds.
Oh where has this color been all my life! I’ve been trying to find a pale grey for years! I kept trying to mix my own and it never turned out just right. I’m buying this ASAP!