OPI Holiday 2011 – THE MUPPETS Preview
![]() It’s time to light the lights It’s time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight Oh.My.Gosh!! The Muppets are partnering with OPI. Let me repeat. THE MUPPETS ARE PARTNERING WITH OPI!!! I can’t even begin to tell you how thrilled I am over this news. I tend to love OPI’s Holiday collections more than any other in the whole year but with the Muppets involved I’m already calling it THE collection of 2011. As a kid I lived for Sunday nights when The Muppet Show would come on and I still have my Kermit and Miss Piggy puppets from way back then. I seriously worship the genius of the late Jim Henson and watched anything he was involved with; Labyrinth, Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas, The Tale of the Bunny Picnic, Fraggle Rock. I seriously freaked out when I saw Bean Bunny at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Don’t judge I also cried when I met Tigger! What? |
Anyway, I know this is a LONG time out but I just had to post about it. The reported color names are:
Meep-Meep-Meep (can you even stand how cute this sounds?)
Wocka Wocka!
Pepe’s Purple Paassion
Designer…de Better!
Warm & Fozzie
Rainbow Connection (We sang this in elementary school)
Excuse Moi!
Gone Gonzo!
Fresh Frog of Bel Air
Divine Swine
Gettin’ Miss Piggy With It!
Please tell me there are others as excited over this news as I am? Who is your favorite Muppet character? And where’s the love for Janice?
***EDITED TO ADD – While I do not have an official release date, based on previous OPI Holiday launches, I would expect to see these on shelves no later than November 1st, 2011. Burlesque was pushed up to October 1st so that is a possibility as well.
info and image credit: neglelakkmani

You are not alone in your nuttiness
I loved the muppets, and can’t wait to see these colors. PS: I also stalked Tigger in Disneyworld, and hugged like 3 of them, telling them they were my fave at age 15… noodles
I love Beeker!! I’m glad he gets his own color.
YAAYYY! I love the Muppets Show!
looking forward to this!
sooooooo excited for this!!!
Love the idea of a Muppet Themed Collection! And Emmet Otter
I saw someone post about this collection on the OPI Facebook page and i got very excited!!!
i definitely want most if not all of them =)
I’m SUPER curious about that one multi-colored glitter. I have a feeling that one may be as popular as MAAH.
*Awesomesauce!* My favorite muppet is Ernie
I will probably buy a huge chunk of this collection.
Holy god, this looks SOOOOOO aweSOME! I am psyched!
Those glitterssss! Unless the other half of the collection is super unique (ie Merry Midnight, Shim-merry Chic) then I’ll probably pass on those and stick with the glitters.
I’m looking forward to the purple and green the most. Haha, what a funny pairing though! Never would’ve thought OPI would team up with The Muppets…but then again, I never thought Nicole by OPI would team up with Justin Bieber, either.
Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. This is so amazingly awesome! I LOVE the Muppets. I would watch the Muppet Show with my dad. At my wedding, we danced to Rainbow Connection for the father/daughter dance
I am going to start saving now for this! haha.
I LOVE that you danced with your dad to that song. So sweet
This looks AMAZING! I love glitters and holiday colors in general. I have a feeling at least half of these will find their way into my collection.
I should probably start saving now.
OMG! THIS IS SO EXCITING! I’m buying all of these, even if I hate the color. I’m a HUGE Muppets/Jim Henson fan so I need them just to satisfy the collector in me.
Omg it looks amazing! Can’t wait!
I’m so excited for Gone Gonzo. He’s my FAVORITE!
Oh my ! Not good, I need them all !
They look amazing, I’m already in love with these glitters.
OMGGG SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I NEED ALL OF THESE COLORS!!!!! Huge Muppet fan here. I just got a Disney Vinylmation and got Janice on the first try. SO excited.
Also, with a Muppet collection and the current Pirates of the Caribbean(rocking Mermaid Tears right now and love it), I wonder if we can expect more Disney collaborations coming out?
Side note: I totally squealed like a, well… a 7-year-old boy when I met Spiderman in Universal Studios. I was 22.
I want whichever one is called “Meep-Meep-Meep!!!” I don’t even care what it looks like!
I am pre-ordering all the glitters the second they’re available! They look amazing! These will be the HTF polishes everyone’s looking for this time next year!
I’m a sucker for glitters and I use to love the Muppets when I was little. I can’t wait for these! They look amazing just from the pictures alone.
Geez, someone who works on the names is obviously a big Wil Smith fan. My fave name is Excuse Moi! I can just hear Miss Piggy’s voice.
I love the concept, but not the glitters. I hope the others are intersting.
YES I am excited!!! I love the muppets, they were all so cute.
Animal is my absolute favorite though…I want to live with him.
I hope they don’t give him a boring color either…this is animal we’re talking about.
Now, all I need is for OPI to collaborate with Marvel Comics and Pokemon, and I can die a happy woman.
Oh. My. Goodness…
I too grew up with the Muppets, and my love for them has only grown over the years. I was over the moon excited when they announced the new movie, but this news is completely unexpected and awesome. I have a feeling I’m going to need all of those glitters. WOW. The holidays may be far away, but I am already so excited about these!
Meep! Meep! Love Beaker!!
Soooo excited I’m giddy!!! I
I can hear my Daughter writing her Christmas list already……….
Love, Love, LOVE the muppets. this is awesome! Gonzo is my favorite but also love Beaker and Animal. Can’t wait to see these!
Oh my god this is sooo exciting! I love all things Henson too – at 31 I have the Fraggle Rock theme tune on my iPod (because it rocks!) live in my Cookie Monster hoodie, and, when slightly tipsy, perform the best Muppet-sway dance this side of Henson studios. Yeah, I’m a big kid.
And frickin excited about this collection! Thanks for the heads up! x
YEAH!!!! – with head swaying and arms flopping in the air a la Kermit!!!
This is the first collection I will preorder in its entirety.
Heck, I want the DISPLAY.
I can not wait to own all of these!! Eeeeek!!! XD
Showing my age here, the Muppets were first on when I was going into college, so never got to be a huge fan. I find it interesting that OPI once again is going away from what used to be their Xmas theme and more to ‘the last collection of this year.’ I also tend to always like the Xmas collections best of all it seems. Interesting too that this concept is a repeat of 6 glitters and 6 ? (don’t know if they are microglitters or mix of with creams – looks like they might be all microglitters, so much of what Burlesque was last year in the collection concept. These are great looking from a distance. May make some of the fav OPI Xmas reds from yrs past even more valuable. I am sure I will get the entire collection as I loved the entire Burlesque and also like others have said, a sucker for good glitters.
Omg! I totally had a mini fit when I read saw this come up in my reading list!!!
I have loved the muppets (and fraggles) since I was a kid. I don’t want to have to wait for these to come out though, I so want them all
Don’t forget the movie The Dark Crystal(way off topic) but,I used to watch The Muppet Show and The Muppet Babies and I have their movies. Ahh, the good days. I think this OPI collection may be the one I’m most excited about. When is the collection coming out?
Oh I squealed when I saw this! I am a HUGE Muppets fan. I still listen to the John Denver and the Muppets Christmas album every year! Oh I hope the green does Kermit justice
Ok I’m a big wuss, I know, but I tear up whenever I hear Rainbow Connection. I’m not an OPI or Disney fan but I *LUVS* me some muppets therefore this collection is a must have! Moving right along…
I can’t wait!! I’m gonna start saving $ now so I can get EVERY BOTTLE!! This has actually brought me joy! Ah – childhood memories!
I’m a bit older than most of you so I’m a HUGE fan of ‘John Denver & The Muppets Christmas Special’ it was wonderful! I even have it on CD!!
Adorable! And what a happy, fun thing to put out at Christmastime!
I can’t wait for these either. I grew up watching the muppet show, went to all the movies, even did a pretend radio show with a friend of mine. She was miss piggy and I was Kermit
You are not alone! It was all I could do to read the latest 365 of Untrieds first. I’m so excited for this! I’m with everyone else that is thinking about grabbing the whole collection. This will be torture waiting for swatches!
holy crap i am super excited glitter and muppets ahhh i might die of happiness
I was SO excited about this when I found out yesterday!!! I think “The Rainbow Connection” looks like it will satisfy the lemming of anyone who didn’t get MAAH. Also, the blue looks like a good Ab. Alice dupe too. This is a genious collection, SO excited! The names are the cutest too! I’m a HUGE HENSON FAN!!! Emit Otter still makes me cry, I love it. And the WEIRD thing is my kids and I JUST watched the original Muppet Movie this past weekend and I posted the youtube video for “Rainbow Connection” on my FB page!!!!
I am a total Muppet Nerd, and am so excited. As Janice would say, “ferrr sherrrrr!”
I have never been happier to see a collection of nail polishes in my life. Ever since I can remember, I’ve said that my dream job would have been to be a Muppeteer. I hope the colors share the creativity and fun of the Jim Henson characters.
What a timely post relating to Jim Henson and your love of his work. Saw this yesterday while flipping through channels: either HDNet of HDNet Movies is airing both The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth (in HD!) back-to-back…Saturday I think.
O…M…G!!!!!!! This completely makes my day! I LIVED for the Muppets growing up!
Don’t get me wrong; I love OPI and I love the Muppets ( I still watch “A Muppet Christmas Carol” every Christmas), but to be honest, the actual colors in the promo image make the collection look almost identical to past holiday collections (especially Burlesque). It looks like there are some glitters – blue, purple, green – and then a bunch of reds and golds in various finishes. This is nothing that we haven’t seen before. Honestly none of the colors really specifically scream “MUPPET” to me. I think that pairing the Muppets with their summer Brights collection would have been a better fit.
How awesome! The only thing that could be better is if it included Fraggle themed colors. Mokey’s could be a murky grey/green like her sweater.
I gotta start saving for these now!
I’m so getting ALL of those, I love the Muppets and I’m a sucker for glitter!
There is a new Muppet Movie coming out this year (scheduled for November ’11 according to IMBD.com). I bet this is going to coincide with that new film.
OMG!!! MICHELLE!!! You just made my week!
Arrrrrggghhh must have! I don’t honestly care what they even look like, the Muppet connection alone is enough.
OMG!!! I need every. single. one. of the glitters! I can’t wait til they’re released!
The green is obviously a nod to Kermit, yet it doesn’t match Kermit AT ALL?
I’ll be skipping this, just like almost everything else OPI does. All they are is gimmicks now; when’s the last time they put out anything actually unique, or heaven forbid, innovative?
i want them all!
Beaker’s my fave! Can’t wait for Meep Meep Meep.
Wow. I still get misty-eyed when I think about the genius of Jim Henson. Gone too soon.
I love Beaker, and the swedish chef….and gonzo….all of them, I love all of them.
yay!! love the muppets – gotta get meep-meep-meep and animal-istic, don’t even care what the actual colors look like – guess you can tell who my favorite characters are…
Really cute idea and the names are fantastic. But sooooooo disappointed the whole collection is glitters and metallics (why? because is Holiday, of course-how could they possibly do cremes?). Seriously? Why?? The Shrek collection was loosely based on the colors of the characters. Why, oh why, with all the fantastic colors of Muppet fur and skin, is this a glitter and metallics collection instead of vivid Muppet colors?? The only thing metallic about the Muppets is Super Grovers costume. I would love Beaker orange or Miss Piggy Peachy Pink. Kermit Green? Hello? This looks like it was any old Holiday collection and they just picked some cute names. OPI really missed a terrific opportunity for some unique new colors. I’m gonna pass.
I hear you. Shrek did really capture the colors of the movie well. I’m going to wait until I see the colors to judge the Muppet collection. I want them all because they are collectible and associated with The Muppets but I do wonder if they represented the characters with the colors.
I agree! That’s exactly what I said in my comment above!
I’m so disappointed that these are all glitters… I’m kind of over the glitter now. After Alice, Burlesque, Katy Perry, I don’t think I’ll be buying any of these unless the colours are really unique..
These are not all glitters – the top 6 pictured are glitters. the bottom 6 are not glitters. It’s the same split of the collection as last year’s Burlesque was. But OPI was late getting to the glitter market other than a few here and that and far too many that were clear with holo or silver or gold glitters time and again in ltd release. The glitters from Burlesque sold fab last year. I think there is a huge push by OPI to team up with movies and other ‘themes’ now vs only keeping with their clever names. After all, they can only go round the world so many times with an different country,city or other geographic theme collection. Movie spin off sells big right now. But ya know there has to be a partnership big time to get use of the Muppet name from Disney. Curious is OPI POTC is being sold in some of the Disney shops that normally would not sell OPI polish?
Wow! I can’t tell my favourite?! Kermit & Miss Piggy.
How laim, ha?
Can’t wait!!!!!!
Ohhhh…I really want the glitters. I’ll have to start saving now
I remember watching the Muppets when I was little, so having a Muppets themed polish collection will make my christmas!
SO excited for this!!! I also have been over the moon about Jason Segal writing this new movie! My favorite character is Kermit, he’s just so complex for a frog that he cracks me up constantly!
I know. After seeing him work with puppets at the end of Forgetting Sarah Marshall I was curious if he would do something on his own but I was thrilled to hear he was working with The Muppets.
Aaaaugh!! I am so excited. Muppets and nail polish, two of my favorite things!
Miss Piggy has always been my idol. She’s a bad-ass AND a perfectly groomed diva :).
Have you read her book, The Diva Code? It’s cute.
Ooh! That collection is going to be awesome.
Do you know about when they’re going to be released??
I believe there’s a new muppet movie coming out in November.
I’ll be in Disney World in 1 week and I’m really looking forward to seeing Muppets 3D again.
There is one coming out in November. I can’t wait!!
I love the Muppets! I have been trying to save money recently, but I will make an exception for this collection. Have you ever watched the TV show “Dinosaurs”? It aired in the early 90s and it was based on a concept created by Jim Henson. I totally love that show!
omgomgomg. did you say dinosaurs!?!?! NOT THE MAMA!!!! I LOVED that show!!!! muppet polish? yes please!!!! ;0) I’m so there!
I grew up with The Muppets, too! We were a bit too young to see The Muppet Show when it was new, but we watched reruns and old tapes of the show, and we watched the movies all the time. My favorite Muppet…that’s tough. I liked Floyd back then! But I think now my favorite is Gonzo.
I used to watch the Muppet Show, Muppet Babies, and even had a Baby Miss Piggy stuffed animal.
I can’t wait to see this collection swatched! This is the best thing OPI has put out in a while…
Wow I can’t wait for this to come out!
omg I can’t wait to get most of these, I remember on friday nights it was the it show to watch.. god I feel so old lol
Aww, the names are so cute!
Oh my god!!!!! SO beautiful collection!!!!!
I hope to find it in Italy!
ooooooo! this is going to be good! I love the red sparkle
omg! so excited! i love Rizzo the Rat and Gonzo! but… when does this collection come out? i can’t spot a date anywhere on this post…
A release date hasn’t been given but based on previous holiday collections the official release date will probably be November 1st though they’ll probably start appearing on shelves in October. The Burlesque collection was pushed up to October at the last minute so you never know.
You have literally made my year!
(I must have hit the “submit comment” button before I finished typing…argh!)
My birthday is this week and being a product of the 70s, I, too, grew up watching, and loving, the Muppets. There is a Kermit-shaped spot in my heart for all things Muppet…
This may be the collection that gets me back into the habit of painting my nails. Been M.I.A. from the polish community since having a baby in August.
Now I just gotta get the series on DVD to introduce my lil’ guy to some of the most creative content to ever grace the small screen.
(And the big screen, come to think of it. At least the first few films, anyway.)
Seriously, thank you for putting a goofy grin on my face! =D
OMG. I’m gonna have to save up for these for sure!! And yay, there’s a purple one for Pepe. My fave color and my fave muppet.
Eeep! These look so cool! But it will probably take longer to come out in Australia… but maybe not, because I think the Burlesque collection came out reasonably early here too.. fingers crossed
Best nail polish idea ever! Can’t wait to get a better look at the colors. ^_^
LOVE IT, LOVE IT! I to loved watching The Muppets! The names and the colors are very creative. Nice Job!
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH must get!!!! oh man i feel like i need to get all of these omg!!! cannot wait!!!
IM SUPPOSED TO WAIT FOR THIS?! Oh, hold on. Yes, I am but I don’t want to. Can you post a list of which color is which like _______ is _______ and _______ is ________ . Thanks!
LOVE the Muppets!!!! NOt sure if I’m going to have to splurge for these. I like REALLY unique polish colors and if they aren’t different from things I already have, I’ll pass. I may just get one for posterity’s sake, but not sure if Miss Piggy ( My idol), Kermit– just because he’s Kermit, or Fozzie Bear– because he reminds me of my husband! LOL!Wakka Wakka!
YAY! They look like glitter polishes too – another reason to love OPI!!
Yeeeeeesssss!!!!! I love the muppets, so I better get these for my my birthday!
I. Love. Muppets. I can’t even wait, the names alone will make me buy sooo many!
I can’t wait to see these colours!
I could just squeal! This collection is incredible and I’m so excited. Miss Piggy was the best role model a little girl could have. She was strong, not anorexic and had ultimate confidence. I can’t wait to get my thirsty fingers wrapped around each one of these bottles!
omg i DIE!!!!!! this just made my entire YEAR!!! im obsessed i need these NOW!!! omg omg omg so excited!!!!
I am making a commitment to save my nail polish budget from now until these finally hit the stores, because I ~really~ want them. One of my nail besties and I spent like an hour discussing the colors this collection SHOULD have, like twin red-oranges in different finishes for skeeter and scooter, and a red/warm orange/warm gold glitter party for Sweetums. Wouldn’t you DIE for a color like that?!
Anyway, yes, we is excited.
Hey no negativity from me! I was listening to the new Muppets Green Album on Spotify and singing along to Rainbow Connection!!
Can’t wait to see swatches of these!!!
And I *love* all of Henson’s work too…I have to watch Emmet Otter EVERY Christmas. It’s even a book! But I forgot all about the Bunny Picnic!
Thanks for the smile
OMG I can’t wait for these! Jim Henson holds a special place in my heart since I graduated from UMD where he was a grad as well.
I MUST have all the glitters!!! Looking forward to the Kermit glitter the most, I don’t have a green glitter yet!
But OMG can’t wait!
I am sooooo excited for the release of this collection! I loved the muppets and im hoping my daughter will too so i can live through her lol!!!!
According to my rep where I get my beauty supplies for work from she said its October 1st for the release!!! Im hoping shes right!
Yeeeiiiii the Muppets! Today I stop by my local beauty supply store and they already have them
but for the moment I only purchase warm & fuzzie and pepe’s purple passion which is the color that I recomend besides all the glitters ;). I’ve never been so exited with n e Opi collection like this one and is because i grew up with these muppet characters in Mexico. And now the muppets movie after the smirfs doesn’t these movies take u back to ur child hood memories??
Ooh and my fav. R Fuzzie and Ganzo!
I checked out the Muppets today. I wasn’t all that impressed. Which sucks b/c I loooove OPI. BUT, I did find these great colors today: Milani Breezy, OPI An Affair in Red Square (almost out of 1st bottle), Swimsuit..Nailed It!, ChG Ruby Pumps, Paper Chasing, and For Audrey, and Essie Dive Bar.
I am currently wearing Swimsuit on my fingers and Dive Bar on my toes. I CANNOT stop looking at Swimsuit. What an amazing color!!! Thanks Michelle for the intro to it, and all the other amazing colors!!!