CHANEL Les Jeans de Chanel Preview
On September 8th, CHANEL will debut its preview of Les Jeans De CHANEL, the highly-anticipated nail collection created exclusively by Peter Philips, Creative Director of CHANEL Makeup, at Fashion’s Night Out events across the country and on
Fashion’s Night Out is less than three weeks away and as news of the various FNO events start to trickle out, I’ve been waiting with anticipation to see how Chanel would top their last two FNO collections: Chanel Jade Nail & Les Khakis de Chanel. Les Jeans de Chanel certainly has me excited and I’ll definitely be stopping by one of the NYC boutiques on September 8th.
I’ve mentioned a few times recently how I’m all about blues for fall and clearly Peter Philips is on the same wavelength. When I spoke with Chanel Celebrity MAN-icurist Tom Bachik a few weeks ago he alluded to some cool nail colors coming our way and he was right. I can’t WAIT to get my paws on these.
Always creating trends that others follow, Peter has developed a trio of blue lacquers, inspired by quintessence of casual chic: denim. A gradation of three shades, the colours range from deep to medium to very pale blue, evocative of the different styles and shades of one of the world’s largest wardrobe staples.
LE VERNIS: Blue Rebel, Blue Boy and Coco Blue.
LES JEANS DE CHANEL will be sold exclusively in CHANEL boutiques and on September 8th, 2011 through the end of the month.
So are you into Chanel’s take on denim blues? Are you planning to attend any FNO events?

Oh my God, I love blues and greens polishes…all of them =) Can
Oh no… I’m SO in trouble. I’ve been dying to find something comparable to Catrice “Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans” so I wonder if Chanel will come to the rescue.
The new version of Essence “Underwater” (available at Ulta if you are in the US) is supposedly a dupe for “Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans.” I have Underwater but I don’t have the Catrice polish, so I can’t say for sure. You can do a google image search for some comparison swatches.
Yes! So far my luck at finding it has been zero.
They are the same. Two layers with top coat and you can’t tell which one is it.
Ups. Wrong reply. It refers to Catrice “Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans” and Essence “Underwater”.
Can’t wait for the various drugstore dupes! I love Chanel but I can’t afford to pay that much for nail polish.
GAAAAAH! Just when I swear to my husband that it was ‘the last bottle for a while’ this comes out. Blue Boy is gorgeous!!!
I am a blue whore and I must have “Blue Rebel” and “Blue Boy”….”Blue Boy” reminds me of MAC “Blue India”
These do look lovely, particularly the darker two, but I’d be shocked if I didn’t have a close-enough-for-$25 dupe in my stash. It’s not out of the question (I’ve got Peridot on my tips as I type this), but a polish has to be pretty special for me to drop $25 a bottle. I wouldn’t stoop to a drug-store “dupe” like the crap Revlon and Milani have been pulling lately, just blatantly ripping off the Chanel collections, but with my stash of OPI and China Glaze blues, I’m pretty sure I won’t be picking up any of these.
Blue Boy looks undupeable. I have to save up for that one.
After a very scary dr visit, I have to say when I saw this preview pic pop up on my Blackberry, I flipped out (in a good way). You turned my day around. I have something happy to look forward to now. I know you’re not saving the world or saving lives, but you make people happy and spread a lot of joy. Thanks for all you do. Your hard work for sure pays off!
Natalie, I hope everything is okay or will be okay. (((HUGS))) Doctor visits are rarely fun so I’m happy I could bring some joy to your day.
Ah hell. I love me a good blue, now I have to purchase all three. Damn you All Lacquered Up
*sigh* I love them ALL! The last Chanel I bought was Jade, and when it insisted on chipping in less than a day (with many, many basecoat/topcoat combos) I wrote the brand off. I must admit that I was sorely tempted by both Riva and Peridot but stood firm. Being a blue-ho, this may be the Chanel collection that hauls big $$ out of my wallet again…
Oh I need these. *NEED* I LOVE blue polish. I wish my husband still worked in SoHo. I got my khaki collection on the first night last year. I’m sure the dupes will come, but I’m a total sucker for Chanel polish. Thanks Michelle!
Trying hard not to like Blue Rebel. Darn it. Hang in there Natalie!
Wow, those are amazing colors. I can’t afford to buy them, so I’m hoping someone has or will have something close enough for a heck of a lot cheaper. Darn this bad economy! *shakes fist*
I LOVE these!!! Thanks so much.
Will you be giving tips again on where to go for FNO NYC?
I’ll be there again and your tips helped me so much last year!
I sure will. I’ll be posting my list of favorite events
Really excited to see these in person! Maybe I’ll run into you on FNO!
Hmm… not feeling these at all (especially since I think the name is kinda silly, LOL.) Royal and navy blues almost always make my skin look pasty and weird.. I might be able to pull off Blue Boy, but even that isn’t speaking to me compared with other blues that I love (i.e. Butter London Victoriana, which is more of a medium slate blue.)
I’ve been dreaming of a nice denim blue, haven’t found one yet so these have me drooling!! Looking forward to your reviews, not that I can spend that much.
Barielle has a great dusty denim blue. $8 and if you get 2 bottles, the 2nd bottle is only $4!!! They even describe it as a worn denim – shade is called Slate of Affairs…one of my fav med blues and to me it’s way more denim inspired than these Chanes are. Maybe that will work out for you pocket book a little better.
Slate of Affairs is from the All Lacquered Up collection. How awesome that you would recommend it. I fought hard for that color to be what it is. It started off as a sapphire blue. Totally wrong.
Blue Rebel seems like a gorgeous Blue Jeans type of blue. Great for fall.
Tell Nicole Richie I say hi!
Gaah, Chanel really needs to stop putting out these gorgeous shades…I can’t keep up! :O
Plus, I now have ‘Remember me’ stuck on repeat in my head…
blue rebel look really beautiful
I think I’m in the minority, but Coco Blue is my favorite! (Although all 3 are beautiful!)
Love the two darker shades, but I’ve had major chipping issues with Chanel in the past. And for 25 bucks….Is Blue Boy similar to Orly Sapphire Silk? Maybe you could do a comparison when you get your hands on the Chanels.
I want coco blue ‘cuz of the name and I have a love affair with blues of this nature. i so shouldn’t splurge, but I see it coming.
Oh, man .. really? I’m in trouble.
You know, I really wanted to be excited about this collection, but I can’t say that I am. I like the idea, but I’ve seen plenty of blue polishes that I’m good with already. Usually, the Chanel collections seem really fashion forward, but this seems sort of “fashion current” and I don’t want to shell out $25/bottle for something that I’ve been wearing for a few weeks already. Also, these don’t feel particularly “fall” to me. Pass.
Maybe Coco Blue will be okay. The others are pretty “meh”…just don’t seem all that special in the bottles. I feel like there are soooo many blue cremes that it’s just tired. It would have to be pretty unique for me to spend the extra cash on a Chanel blue creme.
Boy is named for Boy Capel, Coco’s lover killed in a car crash.
I heart Blue Boy but I think it may look like RBLs 360…
Oh no… I’m a fiend for blues, and if I don’t avoid upcoming swatch shots of these like the plague I’ll be the overexcited owner of 3 new $25 blues
Nails Inc. Hanover Square looks like Blue Rebel in the bottle. Can’t wait to see them swatched!! Blue Boy and Blue Rebel are my favs of the three.
I like these colors. I am wondering what the difference is between Riva and Coco Blue. I just bought Gondola, Quartz and Peridot. I may just have to get one of these!
I think I may like all three.
Just fabulous colour. I love the blues in this line. Just right to give that demure evening look with smoky eyes.
Khush Singh – Celebrity & Indian Bridal Makeup Artist(NY, NJ, CT, UK and all points of the globe)
I want Coco Blue because I missed out on Riva.
I wonder how close coco blue is to riva and how close the other two are to opi’s roadhouse blue and Essie’s memerise.
I’m dying for all of these- Blues are completely on trend for FW11/12, especially the comeback of Yves Klein blue which is making yet ANOTHER appearance in Blue Rebel!
I do have a HUGE question for anyone/everyone- I’m a New Yorker but will be spending FNO in Kansas City, MO. Since there’s no Chanel store in sight unless I drive 4 hours to St Louis, and the colors WON’T be sold at the makeup counters, I’m even more grateful for online shopping. BUT, does anyone remember from previous years if they’re released on the sight during the day or only once the FNO festivities begin? I’m going to be in meetings all day so if I need to give my sister in law my credit card and superglue her to the computer, I’ll do it! I am NOT missing these, please help!!
I believe last year they went live during the day last September but also that there was a glitch with the site so it looked like they were sold out for a majority of the day. The year before that, the Jade colors went live before FNO so there’s no way to predict. I would suggest regularly stalking the Chanel website between now and Thursday, if you can.