Chanel Shade Parade – Watch Your Favorite Chanel Nail Polishes Dance
This Chanel Shade Parade video has been getting quite a bit of buzz and couldn’t resist sharing. It’s so quirky and unexpected for Chanel that I can’t help but love it.
What’s interesting is a contestant in the Sally Hansen PopTent Video Contest that I judged submitted their version of a Sally Hansen Salon Effects commercial with walking fingers, only they were strutting a catwalk, not kicking up their heels in dance.
At the end the “credits” list the 18 Chanel Le Vernis nail polish colors used in the video and I actually have a lot of them, 14 to be exact. How many do you own?

Love this video, and the music as well. However – considering the chiptastic quality of the Chanel nail varnishes, I came to wonder how many times they had to repaint those nails so that the lacuer would endure all that tapping on the hard surfaces.
I have all the Chanel shades I want – Black Pearl and Paradoxal.
Awesome commercial, and I have way too many Chanel polishes. It would have been an even better ad if they had hands of all races/ethnicities — although I suspect they had one person with all the polishes — the hands looked the same. Still very cool.
This parade was inspired in a brazilian event, called Nails Fashion Week, realized in 8-9th June, this year.
Love this!! Thank you for sharing
This was really cute. I actually only have two of the polishes featured but I’d love to have more!
Brilliant! I have 15 and will be seeking out ‘orange fizz’ and the new pink asap!
That’s so… cute! I imagine the hand models had fun with that one.. though I wonder how many times they screwed up, too. ;P
I’m not into Chanel’s polish, though.
The Salon Effects Fashion Show video is a riot!
I enjoyed that! Very cute way of advertising. I have 3 of those (Rouge Noir, Black Pearl and Orange Fizz).
Love this!
I have…..0.
Thanks for sharing! I’m lucky in that my Chanel polishes last around 8 days without chips. Anything longer would be overkill…I switch out shades every week anyway!
Thanks for sharing. That was super cute!
I love this video! The music stuck right in my head. As for the nail polish shades: I don’t own any Chanel nail polish. I just don’t have affinity with the brand Chanel or their colours and they are too expensive for me!
OMG this is so cute! I only own 3 Chanel polishes – Graphite, Nuit de Russie and Blue Wish. Love them.
I would love the ad, but no women of color? That’s a shame.
Lovely production! I’ve seen that idea first in June, in Nails Fashion Week (Brazil,)but they weren’t dancing as in Chanel’s are:) and
ahhh, mesmerizing!! Have you seen this?
it’s a lovely video. i own ca. 200 chanel polishes and i love each bottle.
I only one of the nail polishes shown in the video which is Orange Fizz but I own four different colors in total and I am hoping to add Coco Blue to the bunch.
I have 5 of them!!