China Glaze “Colours From The Capitol” – Hunger Games Collection Update
Have you been following the drama that transpired after I originally announced the China Glaze & Hunger Games nail polish collaboration? After word of a lawsuit emerged I thought for sure the collection was dead and then I read on Crushable that Lionsgate finally CONFIRMED that the collection is indeed happening but that the theme, and possibly the colors, would change.
Well, thanks to The Hob we now know that while the theme has changed, the colors have not. Phew! I loved the original color palette so I’m happy that is staying the same.
The official name is now the China Glaze “Colours From The Capitol” Collection.
In keeping with the powerful themes and messages of the story, the collection of nail polish will be inspired exclusively by one of the book’s distinct settings—the Capitol of the nation of Panem. Awash in lavish fashion, food, and entertainment, Capitol citizens enjoy extreme cosmetics and body modifications, bold wigs, and outlandish costumes.
Though as a reader of The Hob pointed out, the polish names coincide with the specialties of each district.
Luxe and Lush – District 1 (Luxury)
Stone Cold – District 2 (Masonry)
Riveting – District 3 (Technology)
Hook and Line – District 4 (Fishing)
Electrify – District 5 (Power)
Fast Track – District 6 (Transportation)
Mahogany Magic – District 7 (Lumber)
Dress Me Up – District 8 (Textiles)
Harvest Moon – District 9 (Grain)
Foie Gras – District 10 (Livestock)
Agro – District 11 (Agriculture)
Smoke and Ashes – District 12 (Mining)
Are you as relieved as I am that the collection is NOT dead? What do you think of the new theme and names?
The China Glaze Colours From The Capitol collection releases on March 1st and The Hunger Games premieres on March 23rd. Let the countdown begin!
May the odd be ever in your favor.
image: The Hob

I honestly liked the old theme better, but that doesn’t matter because I’m just in love with the colors
Im so happy they are going through with this! Altough i liked the original names better, I felt they had more link to the books then these names. Altough the district number and speciality link is pretty clever.
These look lovely, can’t wait to see your swatches.
I’m a little bummed about the names… BUT I can always add secondary tags with the originals on there. So, YAY!
SO SO SO excited about this collection!
I’m absolutely positive I **need** every color of this collection except Dress Me Up, Foie Gras, Hook and Line, and Mahogany Magic.
They all look fantastic. The glitter/shimmer in Smoke and Ashes looks gooorgeous. Excited to see your review of this collection!
I’ve never read the Hunger Game books. I guess they’re good? I’m in the middle of the 4th book of Game of Thrones, imagine a collection inspired by THAT!
I am not what you would call an avid reader but I tore through the Hunger Games in under two weeks. The plot kept me hooked.
Awesome, I’ll have to check the trilogy out! Amazon just released the Kindle edition of the whole series.
I read Hunger Games on my Kindle in about 4/5 days.
It was SO GOOD.
Yes, they are very good. I reccomend you read them! Absolutely, positively the BEST books I have EVER read! No joke!
I loved them!! I read them in like like 2/3 days, I even pulled an all-nighter(I read before bed not during the day) when I was like on part 3 (the victor) cuz it was amazing!! I definitely think you should read them!!
I love that they kept all the colors but are explaining their connection to the story differently. I’ll definitely get some of them, Harvest Moon & Electrify for sure.
I’m really excited for this collection! The colors look awesome. I’m so glad that they’re the same colors from before, but I liked the other names more. I still need to read the first book. I tried to start it when I was sick but that was a bad idea since I couldn’t focus like I wanted to. It was really good from what I read.
Agreed with several others above me– prefer the old names and theme, but still excited about some of the colors!
Will these be available for a full collection pre-order?
Actually, I have no idea what Hunger Games are, will check out now. But when you posted this color palette some weeks ago, I fell in love with it immediately. So, I am truly happy, they did not cancel it. I am a green addict because I have hazel eyes; hence, “Agro” is a must. And “Electrify” and “Harvest Moon” seem very promising too. Electrify would probably be a good nail polish for christmas. Regrettably, we have to wait…
So very happy they didn’t change the colors. I don’t care about the names… just the colors. And I want them all. Even if I have similar colors already. Because those similar colors aren’t connected to Hunger Games. And you KNOW my love for the Hunger Games trilogy!
I like the original names better. Plus, where’s the Capitol color? Ah well, at least they’re still releasing them.
YAY! I want at least half of these — so glad they didn’t kill the collection. And good to see you back!
I loooove this collection ?
But its named “Capitol”, not capital
THANK YOU for pointing out my mistake. UGH I hate when I make typos like that.
LOVED the colors!!!! Can’t wait!
I love the colors! I’m glad they’re still coming out
I am so excitedd! I loved the old names, but hey these are still being released!!!!
So happy to hear this is still on AND that the colors are the same!!!
I am so glad that the colours have not changed! I’ll be all over this collection!
I think this is the first time that CG has put out a collection that I don’t want to get a single polish from… I hate all of these colors.
That’s a shame. Though I’m sure your wallet will be pleased.
Well my husband and our bank account are happy!
I loved colors and I’m happy they remain the same. Anyway I think that maybe Capitol theme is more appropriate. Here those books are not really famous, but the plot seems intriguing, so I just bought first one. Can’t wait to read it!
I’m so glad they kept the colors, though I really wish the theme was the same…I don’t understand this one.
Anyway, did you see your mention? I second you as the nail polish encyclopedia!
Smoke & Ashes is calling to me – can’t wait to see your review, Michelle!
I wondered what happened with these! I’m so excited they are going ahead with it! It’s funny, when I first saw them on your site I actually ordered the book!
I’m excited for almost all of these colors! Electrify and Luxe And Lush look like they’ll be gorgeous, and Riveting and Agro should be good spring/summer colors.
I loved the collection (is Luxe and Lush going to be a flakie? jbvgskbv dying), and while I did like most of the other names better, I don’t mind the new ones. I’m just glad they’re coming out and are still Hunger Games related. I’m buying all of them >__> haha but maybe I should wait for swatches first. Not sure Dress me Up is something I will wear.
I think they had to change the names of the polish because although Lionsgate has the rights to the film, they don’t own the names of the characters and settings. Those belong to the author or publisher, which China Glaze probably didn’t collaborate with.
That said, I am very excited that the collection isn’t dead
awwww, I liked the old theme better too. I’ll still get at least half this collection.
I am THRILLED that they will be released after all!! AND that China Glaze teamed up with Lionsgate and not OPI since they now test on animals and China Glaze doesn’t! It’s because of your origional post of the colors that I decided to read the first book and then tore through the other two in lass than a week! Thanks for keeping us posted!!
I love these colors. I can’t wait to see them swacthed. Then that’ll give me a good idea on the ones I may purchase.
I’m so glad they’re going ahead with this collection but to be honest the names don’t really makes sense – the collection is called Colours from the Capitol but none of the colors are from the Capitol, they’re all from the other 12 districts. And shouldn’t District 13 have a color?
Am I the only one that noticed that the “Colours From the Capitol” name makes absolutely no sense what so ever with the district theme? They’re naming the polishes after the specialties of the DISTRICTS yet calling the collection “Colours From the Capitol”, but the districts aren’t part of the Capitol! The districts and the Capitol are all within PANEM! The Capitol doesn’t even have a district! So how exactly can they be considered “Colours From the Capitol”?
I can’t believe they would put out a press release like this without realizing that the name of the collection doesn’t even work with the theme. It makes them look like they’re just using the Hunger Games theme as a gimmick to try to make an extra buck as opposed to genuinely wanting to pay tribute to the books/film.
Despite this, I’m just so happy that they’re still releasing the collection at all and that the colors are the same even if like everyone else I did prefer the old names! March feels like an eternity away! I’ll just have to satisfy myself with the Eye Candy collection which is without any doubt my favorite CG collection in years! Not a single just “ok” shade in the bunch!
Why did they spell it “colours” when Panem is in the former United States? Is it a UK/Canadian polish company?
China Glaze uses that spelling of color even though they are based in California. I’m not sure of the origins of the brand before AII owned them so I can’t tell you why they use that spelling. Their tag line is “Live in Colour”
im so curious for luxe & lush!
It just looks like a Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure dupe to me, which would be more exciting if essie hadn’t just done one in their luxeffects line.
I love Hunger Games, China Glaze, and nail polish, so I pretty much peed with excitement when I saw that this was happening…so glad it’s officially confirmed
P.S. Glad to have you back – your blog is unparalleled
I think I’m in the minority that actually likes the renaming. I haven’t read the books yet but I wouldn’t want to buy a color I loved named after a character I didn’t or vice versa. This has a nice link to the world of the books/movie without the emotional baggage.
Plus I kind of like the earthy, rustic feel of the new names and combinations.
I am glad they’re doing the collection (loved the colors!), even though I didn’t like the books. At all.
Someone mentioned Games of Thrones in one of the comments. Now THAT’S a collection I’d get everything of :p
Looking forward to your swatches
I liked the old names better, but it is very clever how they’ve re-done them. In any case, most of them will be coming home with me!
I’m so happy the colors are the same, I did like the previous names better though. I read the 3 book in 2 days, so I guess you can say I really loved them. This is going to be the first collection I will buy completely, I want every single one of them!
I looove the colors (will be getting al of them cuz of the book that I love!) and Im glad its still happening. But I actually like the old names better – they were really going well with the book and all. But hey, as long as we get good poilsh
Cant wait for the swatches!
I couldn’t be more excited for the movie and this collection!!
I’m so glad the collection is going through! The colors look amazing and this looks like it will be the first ChG collection I buy everything from. Love!
Since China Glaze is my favorite brand, I’m really glad that the collection is still coming out.
I have to say that Hook and Line, Stone Cold and Smoke and Ashes are my favorites out of this collection. Will look forward to picking them up!
Thanks for posting the update.
Relief! I just love this collection, and honestly will probably end up buying one of each color if they are at all close to the dots . . . thanks for the update!!
I’m just glad the collection’s not dead. I can’t wait. I’m pretty sure I’ll buy them all!!
Just wanted to say that I love looking at your blog to keep me updated on what is going on with different collections. Also, I’m looking forward to seeing these swatches!
So glad they’re keeping the original colors, but i hate these new names. The old ones were so much more fun!
I’m meh on this collection. I haven’t read the books so I have no attachment to them (not that that matters, to me pretty polish is pretty polish!), and I can’t get over how much these colors do not look like they belong in a spring collection. Don’t get me wrong, they look nice and I’m not the type of person who adheres to seasonal fashions but when I see dark greys, browns, oranges, golds and murky greens I think fall. This collection just screams autumn to me, and in March I’ll probably be in the mood for something brighter and less earth toned. Plus, I tend to prefer cool shades (purples, teals, blues, blue toned greens) to warm ones and this collection skews way warm. I’ll be interested to see how Luxe and Lush swatches, but I’ll probably pass on the rest.
I’m so pumped about this collection. I’m planning on getting about 5 of them. I posted the original leak to my blog and saw the new names today. I had to go back to be sure that I didn’t miss something and the names had really changed.
Either way, March 1st will be on my calendar.
Foie Gras, Smoke and Ashes and Electrify are at the top of my list.
I just read the crushable link abou them confirming the deal and found this added to the article “Update: A rep tells us that the original colors that got leaked are not being used anymore; they
I don’t know how these colors are going to look on me, but I’ll get them because I loved loved LOVED the books!
I agree with everyine else. While I’m glad the colors are the same, the other names were way better. I just pick up the book last week actaully because of the orginal post you did, and it had me hooked. I finished it in less than a day.
Love the Hunger Games and can’t wait to pick up a few of the colors! And welcome back, Michelle. Its inspiring to see that you have returned to something you love after going through such hard times.
I’m pretty disappointed with the new names, the other ones were much more relevant to the Hunger Games. It was exciting to anticipate owning a color inspired by a favorite character. I especially loved the “inspired by Cinna’s gold eyeliner” one in the old theme. If I end up buying some of these (and I almost certainly will), I’ll probably just pretend they have the old names.
There are amazing color… Agro and Electrify dazzled me!
Old theme was muuuch better in my humble opinion. Whyever did they decide to change it??
I’m sooooo dissapointed! I was excited to have true Hunger Games nail polishes. I probably won’t buy them now since I don’t NEED nail polish but I NEED things named after the hunger games
tooo bad
A polish named Foie Gras??? Now that’s just stupid on so many levels.
I LOVE these colours. I am sure they will fly off the shelves when they are released. Can hardly wait! I have to say I am not familiar with these books but I guess I soon will be:) Looking forward to the swatches.
So glad you see you back! Glad all is well now. Thanks for bringing a bright spot to all of our days with your posts : ) Love The Hunger Games and love this collection!
I know a lot of people have said it before, but I’ll say it again: I liked the old names better. I was particularly enamored with the name “Fight to the Finish.” These names are just…bleh. If you don’t know the colors belong in the collection and have District links, you’d never know that they’re part of a special Hunger Games collection.
i forgot to mention you should check the nail polish label ^^
I’m reading the first book, and I really like the District theme. It’s really clever. I’ll reserve judgment on the colors, because it’s hard to tell anything from the promo blobs.
It’s funny going to the Hob link and reading the fan comments. “Who wants to wear brown on their fingernails?!” HAH.
My friend recommended these books to me. I really liked them. Definately hooked. I think I also liked the original names but at least they are going to keep the colours and I’m pretty sure I’m going to pick up some.
Thank you for your post
Any info on where and when we can pre-order this set? Looove them!
I just started reading to books after my brother basically ordering me to do so and I’m so happy I did! Now i’m even more excited to know that a nail polish line is coming out from it!! woohoo!
what about District 13 ?!
Maybe it wasn’t included because District 13 isn’t a part of the first book.
I’m gonna wear Harvest Moon (for Rue)&& Smoke and Ashes (DISTRICT 12 REPRESENTTTT.) when I go to see the movie :3 ?
OMG I am so excited for this collection because I just read the Hunger Games series over the Holidays. When I heard the name of the collection was Colors from the Capitol I expected a lot of bright, wild colors like I imagine residents of the capitol would wear. But I like the idea of one polish for each district and am definitely happy this project didn’t get squashed. Thanks for posting this picture of the colors and names I shared the link on my facebook page for my new website. I have your site listed under my cool blogs to check out section and would really appreciate it if you could take a look at my site
Thanks again for all the great pictures and polish news updates
I wish the color for district 7 was prettier:((((((
The original names were WAY better. Lol. The new names kinda ruin it.
I also don’t understand the link between the district names and the Capital from reading the book. I will be anxious to see the real swatches – the color ‘dots’ are so hard to read the shade from graphic design. They do that on early release info just so someone cannot dupe them before they get theirs out I am sure. These seem dark for spring release – but could be totally different once the bottles then swatches are out.
Those colors are amazing! I really want to try Luxe & Lush!
I love this palette! The colors are unique and the names enchanting… can’t wait for when it comes out!!
I remember seeing the old Hunger Games nail polish post a while back, and decided to buy into the hype and got the first book. I stayed up until 4 am to finish it. After, I went back to check the collection, because I was like “Now I’ll understand the names!”
But I’m actually quite disappointed that they changed them, because although it’s great the new names are like “wow cool would’ve never thought of that,” they feel less…relatable? I dunno, but it’s just I would be more excited painting my nails with “Primrose” as opposed to “Dress me up,” because “primrose” was an actual character, and therefore has more of an affect on me.
Maybe I’m being stuck up, but I just respect the old names better…even if it’s just going to be the same polish.
Love the colors
I actually really like SOME of the colors… although i’m biased because i’m a huge fan of the Hunger Games series. However, I don’t know if I would wear some of the other colors. I actually pre-ordered / purchased the whole set at amazingbeautysupply[dot]com a couple of days ago. They’re the only ones online that have this collection and the Harmony Gelish Candy Land collection available for preorder.
Hey, did you ever have any experience with this shop? I can nowhere find who to pay. Hope to also accept paypal.
well thank God! i’m so ridiculously excited for this collection! 8D
I loved it! I’m from Brazil and i would like to know where i can buy it. Do you have this information?
The collection isn’t available yet. I will post when it releases.
I agree Isa the original names of the collection were better “we could runaway” makes me think of Gale one of my favorite characters! and the one for district 4 doesn’t really makes sense I don’t think anyone connects grey to fishing.
Does anybody know where I can buy these colours??? I really want them for the premiere of the movie and I am trying to find which stores carry the line. If anybody knows anything can you please tell me??? Thanks!
i got the Luxe & Lush already and it looks really like on my nail.
Love the Agro color. Perfect for District 11. I just bought it today and it looks great!
I got the Smoke and Ashes and Hook and Line
I’m thinking of the Luxe and Lush but I’m not a big fan of brighter colors.
I LOVE THE DISTRICT 3 COLOR!! Mainly cuz I love 3 he best, but i BET it’ll look fab on me!