It’s A New Dawn, It’s A New Day…
It’s a new life. For me. And I’m feeling good (great).
I know many of you are worried/upset/mad/concerned/disgusted about my obvious absence from ALU and I’m very happy to report that is has come to an end. You see, the last 6+ months have been a real struggle, the past few months being the worst.
Last June, my partner lost his job and to say it’s been tough would be an understatement. He is a personable, educated man and neither of us expected it to take this long for him to find a new position. We also didn’t expect the toll it would take on us both mentally.
I’m generally a pretty positive person and way too optimistic thanks to my glass-is-three-quarters-full mother. She instilled in me the idea that things always work out for the best and I really believed that. Well, the last few months I gave up on it all. I became bitter and lost all hope in humanity. It sounds overly dramatic but I’m someone who has battled depression in the past and it felt like I was drowning without a life preserver anywhere in sight.
The point of all this TMI is that with everything going on in my personal life, I just couldn’t bring myself to write about nail polish. Something that brings me so much joy. To have fun and wax whimsical about polish at a time when I just wanted to punch kittens (not literally, I LOVE cats) just wasn’t happening. And rather than deliver a post that didn’t express my pure love of nails and color, didn’t do any of us justice.
Now on to the good news. I am OVERJOYED to report that the boyfriend has landed a wonderful job with a local CPA firm and I feel like I can finally breath again. More importantly, I feel like I can ENJOY nail polish and not feel guilty about it.
I KNOW I have a ton of catching up to do and I will do my best to cover the holiday collections before they pass us by. China Glaze and OPI are no brainers and we’ll go from there.
Thank you all for sticking with me and your emails/comments/tweets of concern. I love you!!

Glad to see that your back and your partner got a job and everything! Times can be tough
But just hang in there and everything will eventually work out
I had a bit of a mental breakdown a few years ago and it sucked so I can empathize. Good news is it makes you a stronger person when you come out of it. Things will continue to get better.
I’m really sorry to hear about your troubles over the months, but I’m glad that it’s all working out for you and that you’re back! I missed seeing your posts. Looking forward to them!
That is WONDERFUL! Welcome back!!!!!!!!
I’m sorry to hear about your struggles and I’m really happy to hear that things are looking up. Thanks for filling us in because you didn’t have to! I wish you and your partner the best success ^_^
Glad you’re back! And no worries, you definitely have to take care of yourself and that man of yours first! xoxoxoxo
So good to have you back. We all hit rough patches sometimes.. I am so happy things are on the up-and-up for you. Best of luck!
So glad to know you are back! I really missed your blogs!
I’m so glad you’re back! So sorry to hear about all the stress that has been going on, and so happy to hear he has a new job. What a perfect time, right before the holidays, too! I hope you two can finally settle back down, and enjoy a wonderful holiday time with friends and family! So glad you’re doing better, and look forward to seeing all these posts (:
Very selfishly – SO happy to have you back!! Not selfishly – even happier to hear that you have made it through such a rough time and don’t want to punch kittens any more, LoL. But seriously – *BIGhugs* and *lotsofLOVE*
*MUAH* Glad things are looking up girl, I’ve missed your posts!
SO happy for you and your partner! welcome back, we missed you.
It’s great to read a new post on ALU. Glad that you have made it through the bad times. With wishes for good times ahead!
SO happy things are going better now. Welcome back!
Incidentally, the husband and I went through the same thing 2 years ago when he got out of grad school and it took 7 months for him to get a position. Amazingly, he got confirmation of his new job about 2 days before the 1/2 off Rescue Beauty Lounge sale and…I think you know where this is going…!!! In other words, the first thing I turned to was nail polish, too!
Best wishes!
Talk about timing!
Your absence was noticed but I didn’t want to pry. I totally feel you and understand where you’re coming from. I was unemployed for a stretch last year and it can be dark and tough and can take a toll on your partner too. I’m glad he found a job and glad that you’re back!
What a sweet entry to read today! I’m so happy for the upturn in your life, and excited to see more pretty nails here! Thank you for sharing that with your readers-we feel we have a rapport with you. Welcome back!
I so understand how you must have felt. My boyfriend was unemployed for quite a while and would take any and every job he could get. Those jobs were dirty and almost ruined his health. A difficult financial situation is enough to put a strain on a relationship, but the fact that you are an educated person who has been working hard all their life and all of a sudden nobody seems to value your talents anymore – that can destroy a person’s self esteem. I really hope for you and the bf that everything will get better from here. Looking forward to many great nail polish swatches from you!
It is great to have you back. I have missed your great updates. I am sure all of your followers can understand how rough things have been for you. I certainly do. Thanks for sharing with us all and being so honest.
Congrats on your guys new job!
Welcome Back!
Congratulations! I’m happy to hear you’ll be back.
I’ve never commented here before, but I’ve been a long time reader, and I just want to say I’m so happy for you both and SO GLAD you’re back! Props for using such an awesome song as your post title
Congrats, to you both, again! I know it’s been a long road. And everyone is allowed to take a blogging break when needed. Cheers to his new job!
I have missed your posts and are so glad you are back. I am so sorry for the struggles you have had and happy that things are now back on track for you. On a personal note, I have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for 22 years. I have gotten increasingly disabled and this past summer became almost completely disabled, to the point I was almost put into a care home, as I was no longer able to care for myself. I have a wonderful family and they are so helpful but they are gone much of the day and on my own I was having trouble even just getting to the bathroom. It has been a terrible struggle, physically and emotionally. I thought I was bad before but I would give a lot to be back where I was even just 6 months ago. I am able to walk again and things are better but my life is not the same. I am weak and don’t go out much. Doing my nails is a source of joy to me. Hang in there–I know about depression. I, also, am a very upbeat and positive person but sometimes enough is enough! Merry Christmas–so glad to see you post again!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your struggles make mine seem so trivial. I’m glad you have found ways to keep the joy in your life and that you have a supportive family
Aw hon, you are totally entitled to feeling whatever you feel! There’s no “gold stars” or +1′s for the number of trials you have going on in your life.
It hurts. My husband always tells me that someone else’s pain doesn’t negate my own.
By sharing what you did, you helped me feel not so alone, and more hopeful. It’s not like you were complaining about a chipped nail or bad manicure (though hey we’re allowed to do that too!). You had your life changed and not in a good way–and for a long time.
So thanks for telling us–for being real
(((Rachel))))) I am so sorry but you do sound like you have a great attitude about this!
I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis last year and it is taking it’s toll. I had to go off my med when my husband got laid off and then I needed surgery so it will be January before I can get it again. I am pretty much bedridden myself. Painting my nails is such a joy! and I can’t wear rings anymore because of the PsA, so at least my fingers still sparkle
Hang in there *hugs*
Your story warms my heart. Thanks for sharing. May you have a Merry Christmas!
I’m really sorry you’re having a tough time, but I’m glad you’re getting better. Don’t lose hope–there is nowhere to go but up! And enjoy the polish!
I’m so glad to see you’re back! Glad to hear things are looking up, too.
Is it weird that I felt genuine concern for you all this time and I’ve never even met you? See, there is still humanity. In the past, you’ve written about personal stuff that may have caused a decrease in posts. So, we knew that something was wrong or you would have told us why you were MIA. It’s wonderful to hear some good news. Congrats to the BF. The bright side of you not posting is that I haven’t bought a bottle of nail polish in months – seriously! But I’m thrilled that you’re back.
so glad you’re back! congrats on your partners new job.
I was so worried this was going to be a goodbye/no more blog post! thank goodness it is not! I’m so happy for you both (and absolutely know the struggle it can be – Mike and I have been walking that line for 3 years now!) Cheers all around! (and can’t wait to see you in a few hours!!)
I am sooooooooo relieved to hear that you’re back and that things seem to be on the up again for you and the boyfriend. Nail polish land just wasn’t the same without you… Guess the new job was an early christmas present you can both enjoy
i battle depression a lot, and it’s hard to sometimes realize that when you’re in that state not even your favorite things can help. I am sohapy for the both of you! many good vibes sent your way!
Thanks for sharing what’s been going on. I’m so happy that the BF has found work and you both can breathe and have fun again. My husband & I went through that last year, plus moving, plus a baby. Times are still tough even we feel “settled”. Anyways, keep pushing on and can’t wait to read all of your future posts. You are my ONLY source for all things nail polish! I don’t try a new color unless you’ve reviewed it. That makes me sound kinda boring and stalkerish
I’m so glad that everything’s falling back into place!
Leaving my first ever commente here to let you know that I’m so happy to read that things are getting better, and that you are back. Welcome back!
Congrats to him! I will be happy to see you blogging again. There are many polish blogs out there, but yours was always the highest quality and I was definitely a little lost without the updates and swatches.
Wondered where you had gone and was really missing your posts! I’m glad to hear that things are looking up for both you and your partner. Depression is awful, and long-term unemployment is an awful place to be. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone(my own boyfriend spent nearly 2 years trying to find full-time work after being laid off from a job he’d had for 8 years — it SUCKS). Looking forward to reading more of your nail polish posts again. Happy holidays! =)
You’ve been missed! This was THE blog that got me into nail polish. It’s still my go-to blog for looking up collections. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!
I’m glad your BF has a great new job. Also very glad to hear that you’re feeling better as well. I hope all goes well for the two of you from now on.
So glad things are looking up for you and your beau! Missed reading your reviews, can’t wait for your posts to start up again. Happy holidays to you!
So happy to hear things are on the ‘up and up’ for both of you. I 100% echo what Charli wrote – welcome back and Happy Holidays!
We’ve been woried about you! I am glad things are better now.
Welcome back! I’ve missed your posts!
You’re such a big part of the beauty blogging world and your absence was definitely noted. But I’m glad that everything is working out again for you and your boyfriend – my boyfriend was unemployed for a while as well, and it is really tough.
Glad you hung in there, happy holidays!!
Welcome back! Glad everything is getting better:)
I’m so happy to hear that everything is looking up for you and your partner! You’ve been missed, and I’ll definitely be looking forward to some nail polish happy soon!
Yay, you’re back! I’m SO happy everything worked out, you were missed!
Hey, that’s so great! Glad that you’re back and feeling better and OMG A JOB. That is pretty great too! I actually considered sending you an email because I was concerned about your absence, even though you have no idea who I am.
Welcome back! Glad to hear that the dark days are behind you. Also please don’t feel the need to apologize or explain yourself to us, though I’m sure we all appreciate it!
I’m so happy things have worked out for you! I’ve missed my favorite nail polish-blogger
YAY! Happy you’re back! Missed your posts but you come first so I’m glad you took care of you.
Yea! I’m so happy for you two and hope that your depression stays at bay- I know how harrowing it can be! Glad you’re back!
Totally understandable, but I know we’re all glad to see you back and eagerly awaiting more reviews! Best wishes to you and yours and ALU for the holidays and the new year!
I’m so sorry to hear about your past troubles and that you are now in a better place mentally (and congrats again to the bf!). Also, (selfishly) happy that you’re back blogging-and-polishing. The blogosphere and polish world loves and misses you.
I feel like I “know” you because of the way your personality shines through your posts. I’m sorry to hear you have been struggling, but am glad to hear that things are looking up. I just wanted to let you know that you have been missed, but I understand how real life can make our fun hobby take a back seat. Best wishes to you for happy holidays & good luck in the New Year!!
Congratulations to your boyfriend and welcome back! We missed you
That is wonderful news… congrats to your boyfriend on landing a sweet job
and I’m so happy you’re back… I’ve truly missed your pictures and reviews
I’m so happy things worked out and you can find joy again. Though you didn’t need to explain it all, it’s sometimes nice to be reminded that other peoples’ backyards suck sometimes too. Welcome back to a suck-free world!
I missed you!! Glad to hear everything’s worked out!
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been going through a tough time, but relieved to hear that things are better. I’m in a very stressful professional school program, and over the last couple of years, taking a 5 minute study break and reading about nail polish on your blog has helped me decompress and refocus. It might sound silly, but I really appreciate what you do! I hope you continue to have brighter horizons ahead!
So glad you are back have missed you. Stay positive there is light at the end of the tunnel.Merry Christmas to you and your family and hoping for a wonderful New Year.
Good news for you and your boyfriend! Best of luck going forward.
Congrats to your SO!
I’m super happy you’re back and glad you are feeling better!
I am so happy for you and your partner!
I am glad to hear you’re okay (better than okay!). I was concerned, but didn’t want to intrude – especially since you have no idea who I am!. I’ve missed your postings and look forward to many more.
It’s great to have you back and to know you’re doing well!
I am SO thankful the job situation has worked out for your BF. I’m all too familiar with the giving up hope thing, what with being laid off and struggling financially and with depression and blah blah blah. And thanks for sharing. I was hoping everything was okay. And now it is.
No worries on “catching up”. No pressure. {{hugs}}
So glad you are back and that the bad times are finally over! Have missed you!
WELCOME BACK! I’ve missed your posts. I’m glad things have worked out for you
That is wonderful news! I’m so sorry about the depression, I’ve lived with the black monster for more than half my life, so I totally understand. I’m glad to know you’re more than okay, both of you!
Hang in there, I’ve been having a very, very rough time myself, I see no end to it at the minute, I don’t even have a friendly face around to make the world fee a bit less hostile. Looking at all the Christmas stuff around and being complete alone in a foreign country, away from everybody I love, without a job and with a million problems I don’t want to go into in public is just not what I thought I would be doing when I hit 30. I have stopped thinking about glasses and whether they are full or empty, I don’t have the luxury to think about such things. I just have to keep going.
Glad you’re back!
I’m so glad you are back! I really was worried about what you might be going through to keep you away from your blog, which is so obviously a passion of yours (maybe that sounds weird, since we’ve never met, and I’m just a reader, not another blogger.) I certainly wasn’t upset, mad or disgusted about your absence, just concerned. I’m glad to hear things are going better for you. Here’s to a better new year!
I missed the blog entries while nursing at three am. I’m glad everything is going well for you and yours now and look forward to reading ALU at 5am. Welcome back and thank you.
Glad to hear things are back on the upswing. Don’t worry yourself on our account!
WHOOOO!!! glad you’re back!:)
Glad to hear your partner finally landed a job! It’s tough out there, I know. Having issues myself. I always look forward to your posts
I used to work with the boyfriend, congratulations to him rejoining the workforce and to you for getting through it and coming back to your blog!
Glad you’re back!
We missed you soooo much!!! You’re much welcome back!!! You did the right thing, taking time for you and your partner, and I totally relate, I dont want to share my experience here but I know what you’ve been through and you’re tougher than you think, congrats for being back after all that struggle! And Im sure your partner will forever be grateful for sticking with him in this rough patch, you’re a kind heart! I’ll read you’re upcoming post with much interest!
Glad to hear things are working out!! I was a little sad you hadn’t updated since I looked forward to at least a couple updates a week, but understand this blog is totally for fun and you do have a life outside of it
Keep up the great work and congrats on the good news
I’m so glad you’re back! I missed your posts!
Awww! We’ve all been missing you, but people should understand that you are a real person, with a real life, that sometimes may entail a bumpy road from time to time. Glad everything is ok with your partner’s job. Excited that you are going to be covering all the new collections for everyone! Thanks for all you do. I would be lost if it weren’t for ALU!!!!
I totally know what you mean. When life is hard and depression sinks in, it’s difficult to do the things in life you really enjoy. So glad to hear that clouds are clearing and you’re starting to feel like writing about polish again!
*hugs* I don’t know you but you are so sweet in your posts and I’m glad to hear things are on the up and up again for you and yours! Your np blog IS my favorite but it’s not like I am going to die for lack of your posting. Please always take care first and nail polish second!
Best wishes and welcome back!
Welcome back! I’ve missed you. I was only saying to the hubby last night how much I missed your posts and I said something must be going on for you to be out of action for so long.
Best wishes to you and Mr ALU; I’m glad things are back on track for you both.
All the best for Xmas and 2012 – these wishes come to you from New Zealand where the sun is shining, so I’m sending some your way
was unemployed for 8 months back in 08 and it completely shocked me that with all my schooling and experience and willingness to work for next to nothing, there was simply nowhere to go! it took a severe strain on dbf and I’s relationship since we had just moved in together that month after 3 years of dating and it almost seemed at first like I was trying to just have him support me. It took a few months for him to see how desperate I was and things started to get better between us, but I financially lost everything I had worked for since high school (over a decade ago) in those few months. I felt guilty for everything, from doing my nails and hair cause of money and joy, to NOT doing my hair and nails cause then I was sloppy. A no win, right? Glad to see things have picked up, always here if you need an ear!
I never dare to comment or inquire about “absences” on blogs, it seems intrusive (and it’s very silly of me, because I know I much I personally love comments from strangers on my blog), and well, I know from my own experience that absence on a blog usually means heavier personal issues. I’m very happy to know it’s over and I’ll be glad to see your witty words and beautiful swatches back online
No apologies necessary; real life is always more important. I’m glad things are better for you and your SO. What a wonderful holiday present! ^_^ I hope you both will continue to do much better in the upcoming year!
Sweetie this is YOUR BLOG! You never have to feel bad for not posting.
Glad you are doing better and I hope everything continues to look bright! Happy new year!
Good to have you back! I completely understand, and I hope you can see that the people who have bad reactions to your choice to not blog probably have bigger problems then you, unfortunatly.
Looking forward to wonderful polish-posts in the future!
It’s really great to hear the that things have turned out better for you! And welcome back. Your presence has been missed =)
Hey Michelle,
I don’t normally comment on your blog but I am an email subscriber and I read every post. I wanted to let you know that I completely understand where you’re coming from and how you’ve been feeling. My boyfriend and I have been together for six years. About a year ago, he got laid off and we struggled a lot for six months while I covered all our expenses on my own and we borrowed money from my parents. Then in June he found a retail job but he didn’t like it much and it paid poorly, so our situation was barely improved. He continued to apply for better jobs but got turned down for great opportunity after great opportunity.
Just about a month ago he finally landed a great job in the field he loves. I don’t think either of us had realized the toll his trials had taken on us until he started this new job – now our lives have completely turned around and things are looking so much better!
The point is, I completely understand where you’re coming from. I want you to know that I support you, I’m proud of you for getting through the tough stuff, and I’m thrilled you’re back!
Hey! I’m glad things worked out – I’m new to this nail polish addiction but I had your blog bookmarked and checked back every day in hopes you would soon! Don’t know you yet, but you’re inspirational, and I’m really glad things worked out for you.
*GIANT HUGZ* I am SO happy for you and your partner!! Congrats! You’ve been sorely missed but I totally get it.
My husband got laid off in September, 19 yrs with the company. We had hoped he’d get word about a job today….no such luck. We were feeling very optimistic yesterday, now, we’re rattled, waiting.
If there was a time I’m glad I’m on meds, it’s now. Both my son and I have chronic illnesses–and let me tell you, insurance is NOT cheap. It is eating up his severance. I have been a basket case–still am. My mom expects me to be tough–but was shielded from “stuff like this” when I was growing up. And I don’t deal with stuff. No kicking kittens or anything. Lots of weeping, gnashing of teeth, that kind of stuff.
It’s kindof funny you mention the lack of polish love….I’ve been kinda meh about doing it too–until I had to have surgery (hey I’m covered 100% might as well, right?) so I put on one I’d love (and not stress over my nails, destroying them). But I’ve had naked nails for days now. What is wrong with the world when depression causes lack of interest in nailpolish?
Ok only sortof joking there. Depression isn’t funny but if I don’t laugh at it, I’ll start crying. And I cry every day. The holidays aren’t helping. The only way I keep from being in a fetal position is to tell myself he’s home on extended vacation (he used to telecommute so nearly the same thing).
But I have learned there is no such thing as job loyalty or security. I have learned who my true friends and family are. Until he retires I don’t think I will ever be completely ok again.
Sorry to dump in your comments. I *really really really* am glad you are back and that things are MUCH better in ALU land
It’s great to have you back! Your blog was the first nail polish blog I started to follow when I started collecting NP.
I’m glad your BF got a good job, and also glad that you’re feeling happy again. Welcome back!
Great news! I think I know exactly what you mean ’cause I was once that person at the brink of complete loss of hope and really in despair because I thought I’d never get a job! It’s heartbreaking and affects everyone around you(after I got it, my hubbie said pretty similar things to the ones you’re saying now!) *BUT* things are looking up for you guys now so that is brilliant! It’s so very good to have you back; you were really missed!!! I googled the site several times just in case my account was not working properly and I was not receiving your updates anymore
Glad to hear everything is fine now! I think we all understand you didn’t post anything, welcome back:)
I’m glad to hear this and I’m really happy you’re back
Glad to hear that you are back and that you hubby found a new job! I really missed your posts.
I know about losing faith in humanity, I go to that dark place sometimes too, and it’s the best feeling when the darkness subsides. Best of luck to you and welcome back
Happy to see you back
Difficult times happen… I am happy for you that yours is over!
GREAT to know everything is going well!! definitely missed reading your posts alot. good luck with everything!
Been a fan for ages but not commented in a very long time but just wanted to add my support to the long list of comments, you needn’t worry about a little break – with the quality of your blog people will wait as long as they need to for your blogging mojo to return. Very pleased life is treating you well again.
Congratulations! I was worried that you would never come back so thank you so much for returning! ^ ^ I love your blog but I don’t feel that you should feel pressured to always update it. Your personal life comes first so when you do update it, please do it when you want to! ?
Glad to hear things are looking up! Glad to hear you will be back to blogging, you are my nail polish reference source!
I know what you have been going through. As women we are taught to hold it together no matter what. When you are in that mode certain “unimportant” matters take the back seat. We all know those “unimportant” matters help us cope with all the stressors that sap the joy out of our being and replenish what has been lost. I’m glad all that was a hardship has passed and you can enjoy the pretty colors again.
YAYYY I’m so happy for you! You have a wonderful blog that you obviously enjoy writing, and I’m delighted to hear that you’ll be updating it more frequently =)
We missed you! I was unemployed for most of 2010 so I know how miserable and draining it can be. I’m so happy your partner landed a job! The stress will just melt away!
Welcome back! So glad to hear the future is bright. Wishing you all the best–
Wow. I am so touched by your willingness to be open and vulnerable with us all about your recent struggles. It shows your strength. If I weren’t already a fan of you and your writing, this post would make me one.
Very happy for you and your boyfriend and that everything is OK! Looking forward to future posts. This was the first polish blog I ever followed and I was afraid it wasn’t coming back…!
Welcome back! Very happy for your partner’s success and your return!
Love to read from you after this long time. And I’m glad your hard time has come to an end, congratulations to the boyfriend for getting a new job. It really must be terrible to be unemployed! I guess now you can look forward for a merry christmas.
Wish you all the best!
I love to hear good news and to know that everything is going to work nice with you. Thanks for coming back!
Im’ glad its all better! Loads of love!
So glad to hear things are getting better and so happy that you’re back!
super duper! welcome back!
Thanks for letting us know. I’m happy to hear you’re in a slightly better place now and don’t worry; your friends and followers are not so easily swayed. We’re here when you’re ready, take your time!
Michelle, I am so glad that bf has a job again. I have been depressed on and off, & it’s devastating. Delighted you’re back! Fond best wishes to both of you & massive {{{hugs}}}
hahaha funny that ur title is also my name. Anyway, just wanna say that out of our greatest rejection, comes our greatest direction. Although your partner losing his job is technically a rejection, im just glad that he found a great job now
All the best.
*isnt technically
I was just thinking about you this morning. Wondering why you’d been silent for so long now. I never understand why people get mad and mean to bloggers who go AWOL for awhile. It’s like they feel entitled to something and I don’t get it. Am so glad to hear you are doing better- and i will be here when you are ready to post again!
SO HAPPY that you’re back! I’m glad your partner found a gig- it’s really rough out there. My hubby was out of a job for two (2!) years. (and I wasn’t getting any work either…) We almost lost everything. It was nerve wracking, to say the least. Thank god for his unemployment checks, we could never have pulled through without them! But now he’s found a new job and I’m finally getting some work again too. (but I’m still not totally calmed down…)
So let’s just take a collective breath and look toward the rosy future! See that, out there? It’s beautiful nails! Yay! We NEED beauty right now!
Yay, I’m so happy to read the good news! DF went through a rough patch too and he just landed a great new job too, so I can totally understand how you feel.
I had missed your posts, looking forward to see your next reviews! Stay calm and enjoy the np~
I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been having such a hard time! We’ve been facing similar stress ourselves the past many months. My father’s conditioned declined all summer, he eventually passed on in September, my mom had a nervous breakdown in October and we have taken her in to live with us for a few months which has been a challenge for us all. On top of all of that we are facing infertility and trying to readjust to a future with no foreseeable children in it, and it’s all been very hard.
I have suffered depression in the past myself, and I agree it is really hard to get excited about these little things when so many big things are going wrong. I’m so glad you are feeling better and more like your old self again! Sometimes it’s necessary to hit rock bottom before we can climb back up again. Hope you have a wonderful holidays!
Blogging should always be something you do out of love for it, not a nagging chore. Thanks for taking care of yourself and I’m so glad things are looking up!
Glad to hear that things are better; this economy has been rough on everyone I know and I can understand your feelings. My hubby has been out of work for quite a while but is graduating from massage therapy school today and is starting his own business so things are looking up for us too. One of the hardest parts about it (as trivial as it may sound to non-nail-polish-addicts) is that I haven’t been able to buy any of the holiday polishes! It’s good to see you back!
We missed you! I’m so glad the rough patch in your life passed. You’re only stronger for it and I’m so excited for your new posts
I am so happy for you and your partner! I was worried that you had lost interest in nail polish for selfish reasons: your website is my favorite reference for everything nail related. Other sites can’t even compare to the value I assign to your opinion and posts. You don’t need to apologize to us! We love you and just love that you’re back.
So happy to see you back, you have been missed. Glad to hear that things are improving for you both.
You were missed!! Welcome back
So happy things are looking up for you–another longtime reader who was concerned about your absence, so thanks for sharing. I hope things continue to look brighter!
So sorry that you’ve both had such a terrible time but very happy that all’s now well.
We’ve really missed you here in the UK. My polish bill has plummeted but I look forward to treating myself based on your recommedations. Happy holidays.x
Yay, glad you’re back. I’m sorry to hear about all the difficulties you and your boyfriend have experienced lately. I have been looking for a job for quite a while myself and to say it is depressing and scary is an understatement.
Best of luck to your bf in his new position.
You’ve been missed.
So glad that things are turning around for you! Welcome back.
thank you for letting us know about this, I really missed you! It’s a lot you’ve been through, and I’m glad it’s getting better
So glad you are back as well! I check your blog once a week and noticed your absence. I am glad you are feeling better and aren’t feeling guilty anymore. I know what that feels like when I am sitting in front of a cabinet of hundreds of dollars of polish and my boyfriend is looking for a new job. I’ve been there!
It’s super tough going thru that… My hubby and I have been going back and forth with that the last 6 years and it takes a toll. It can also teach you alot about yourself.
Hooray for the good news!!!Welcome back:)
Glad you’re back. Completely understand how hard it is, I’ve been looking for a job for the past year and a half so far. Congrats on the turn of luck and here’s to much better times in the future.
Welcome back! Call me crazy, but I think it’s quite normal to have felt what you did during that rough time. Glad to hear it’s coming to an end. Congratulations to your man!
Michelle, I am so glad to hear you are doing better. And congrats to your Love on his new job! I hope that it goes well for him (and you). What a great Christmas present. I too have been going thru some difficult “life” things as well. I know all too well about sadness, feeling unsettled, and depressed. It is not fun and it is debilitating. I just started a new job on Monday after being laid off in July. So things are looking up for myself as well, on some fronts. Congratulations and best wishes! Welcome back. You have been missed. But, there were bigger things to worry with. It’s just good to see you doing well. Take care!
i missed you & wondered what was going on. my boyfriend was laid off work for 10 months and it was the hardest, yet the best thing we ever went through as a couple. we broke up twice but yet here we are 2 and half yrs later…it made us better. we’ve never looked back.
Great to have you back!!! I’ve missed you, but didn’t want to nudge. I knew you’ll be back, when you feel like it and I knew you love polish way too much.
Wish you and your BF all the best! xox
Thanks for the update, Michelle. I am glad things are looking up for your family!
Yay – I’ve been waiting for you to come back.
Michele, having just been through jobless hell myself, I relate to the anxious/helpless/depressed feelings. Mazel Tov on the new job for the BF! Now that I have one too (w00t), I feel a lot more relaxed. I am thrilled to have ALU back. This is truly a holiday gift.
hi, i
I’m so glad to hear the good news. I think you don’t really have to apologize to us; we’ll be here, come rain come shine
Anyway, I hope everything will be back on track with you both.
But incidentally, it’s interesting how when you’re depressed, you “run away” from polish. In my case, polish is such a calming and steadying influence, an outlet.
So glad to have you back xx
I’m so glad that things seem to work out for you both! You have been missed!
Happy holidays!
congratulations on the new job situation and thank god that the both of you are feeling better! ^__^
Glad you are back and that things are getting better for you.
My husband and I were in the same spot and are just now feeling better about things.
Looking forward to new posts.
I’m so glad you’re back!! I feel your pain- my husband was laid off for 18 month (3 months BEFORE we were married, 15 after) It’s a total nightmare and so stressful you feel like everything is out of control! Glad to hear that he got a new position I hope it all works out.
OMG yay! glad to see you are back! and especially glad that things worked out for you and your partner. I was worried for awhile there…congrats and I look forward to reading your blog again. it’s my absolute fav! cheers!
I’m so happy to hear that things are looking up for you. I was concerned about you, but I thought perhaps you were just bored with blogging, and I understand that as well. Congrats on your partner finding a new job. I was unemployed involuntarily 6 years ago and it took me about 6 months to find a new job. It was extremely difficult for me to not lapse into depression during that time and it took me a long time afterwards to actually feel really settled, so I can only imagine what it was like for my partner too. glad things are looking up for you both.
So glad you’re back. I know how it is. I had friends who were unemployed for over a year. Glad your partner found a new job.
THANK YOU! and can’t wait to see anything you have in store for us!
Of course we are here for you and we would have helped. I know what it like. I got hurt at work and THEIR dr said it was arthritis not the actual dislocated knee and ripped muscle. I ended up losing my job, benefits, etc. my youngest daughter is paying the bills and I am going to college online….we will always be here for u
You..great job not punching kittens as momma cats would haunt you lol
I’m glad to hear that you’re okay, and that things are getting better!
Welcome Back!!! Thank you for sharing your story! I have enjoyed all of your posts in the past and am willing to wait for of your great nail insights! Stay strong (as nails, hee,hee,)
Oh, I am so happy for you and your partner – what a great Christmas gift for the two of you! I wish you both the very best for 2012!! And I am looking forward to your next posts
You were greatly missed.
I’ve read/been subscribed to ALU for about 2 years now… May have posted twice before (at most). Your’s was the first nail polish blog that I became attached to on a daily basis. Your nail polish collection would obviously dwarf mine, but I’m currently around 300 bottles, and nail polish and blogs like your’s allow me to relax and enjoy something completely distracting and stress free. As someone that has battled depression for years (something I never imagined sharing online), I wish you the best and always know that it could be worse and that it will get better. I hope I speak for all of us when I say that the ALU community is here for you now, months from now, or for however long it takes to blog regularly for us again. Take care and thanks for updating us.
I’ve never commented on your blog before, but I have enjoyed it for years. Please be good to yourself.
I was wondering… I’m so glad you’re both doing better. Life happens and that’s okay. I’m sorry you had people disgusted about your vacation from blogging. Let those haters hate. I think you’re awesome.
Un abbrarccio..from Italy!
Yay!! I am glad you’re feeling better and things are working out!
So happy to hear that you’re doing better, both of you!
So good to hear that you are ok now. All your Laquer Friends are very relieved! Best wishes to you both.
I am so happy to hear you are ‘back in business’ and that your guy found a job! I know that feeling of hopelessness, a couple of years ago my husband and I were both laid off for more than 8 months when they idled the plant we both work at. We didn’t know if they were even going to open our plant back up again, it was pretty nerve wracking. Thankfully it worked out for as and it has for you as well. I look forward to reading your no nonsense reviews and seeing your awesome swatches again
I noticed that you were absent but I have no idea what it is and that it is so bad, I’m so glad to hear that he is employed again and to hear from you more often, take care
Great to hear your good news and completely understand why nail polish wasn’t your focus. But we missed you, so Welcome Back!
I speak from experience when I say that unemployment can take an unexpected toll on every aspect of your life. I’m so glad that you two are putting those dark times behind you!
Don’t be surprised if it takes a little bit to get your heads back on straight and to readjust to your new and improved situation.
Congratulations and welcome back!
I’m so happy for you guys!!!!!
I’m also so happy to see you in my Google Reader again!
Tis the Season, right?
It’s a sign of the times. Everyone’s going through SOME from of pressure, stress,or depression. I know first hand what you and your significant other have been going through. When
I was laid off my secure and relitively stress free job it hit me and my husband hard. It really sunk in 8 months later, when I was still unemployed. Just remember you’re not alone we’re all going through it. Welcome Back!!!
I am happy to know that you are votla and that the problems were overcome!
Woo hoo!!!! Welcome back to the land of blog! Cant wait to see what you have up your sleeve or on your nails! Good things come to those who wait and it looks like good happened!
Glad your back!!
Glad you are back! Missed your posts. Onward and upward!
I’m so pleased that you’re back. As I was reading, I literally sighed a sigh of relief for you. I’m so happy things are looking up for you and your boyfriend.
YIPPPPEEEE!!!!! I missed reading your posts, can’t wait to see more from you!
Very happy you are feeling better dear!
Zoya luvs ya baby! Hugs…
I know exactly how you feel! My husband was laid off from acompany he worked at for 11 yrs, 5 years ago when the economy was just starting to go bad because a larger company bought it. He got another job and worked there 3 months, then they purchased another company and laid off 100. Then he got another job and worked there 10 months and they purchased another and laid off 350. Then he got another job and it was a small company and because of the economy they let go 80% of their employees. With the job market the way it is, he was off 10 months and he just got a job and started recently. Oh did I mention that I was also laid off! I know exactly how hard it is out there! Thx for listening!
So glad you are back on track. Job loss is an extremely serious situation in the world today and glad to hear your partner found one again. I love your blog and it is my absolute favourite when it comes to intelligent polish reviews. I would be absolutely lost without you. Welcome back!!!
We all love you! So glad you’re better!!
sorry for my semi-angry comment before
I’m glad you’re back. And I’m even happier your partner found a new job!
Welcome back! Good to know things worked out in the end. Hope all goes smoothly from here on out. We all love your post. I’m glad I can put this blog back on my reading list. Keep up the positive attutide hun! And wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season.
Esmalte muy chulos!!!
I was out of work for 9 months and beyond bitter – so I know how it goes.
I’m glad you’re back!
Glad to know things are going better for you. It definitely is hard to talk about light hearted things when you are heavy hearted. We totally understand and look forward to your future posts!
Great to see things are back on track for you!
As a side note, I found a GREAT DEAL!!!! and figured some people might want to get some for the holidays!
You can get 3 sets (enough for 6 Mani pedi’s) of nail shields in different colors and patterns for only $6.00 with free shipping from fabulous nails! All you have to do is sign up and purchase the voucher from SaveMore via this link – – and they will give you a unique code that will cover the entire cost of the 3 you choose (normally $12 each). The deal is $15 for 3 shields which is still a great deal but through this link you get a ten dollar off credit making it only $5 dollars!!!
It ends today so hurry!!!!!! (I’ve used the site on many deals and have have very positive experiences!!! 100% legit!)
Congratulations! I really enjoy your blog, especially since there aren’t too many style/beauty bloggers in NE Ohio. Can’t wait to hear about the holiday China Glaze and OPI! Best wishes for 2012!
Oh, I know this feeling all too well as my hubby lost his job twice in one year, right after the birth of my 2nd child- ugh! But I must say, that the blogging actually brought me some cheer and I was able to get away from the scary reality of my partner being jobless at times. But at other times, I was like you, and didn’t feel it was right for me to be discussing something that seemed as materialistic as makeup at the time. Glad to hear all is well and I look forward to your future posts!!
We’ve all had months/years like that, where so many negative things happen, it’s completely and utterly overwhelming…doesn’t make it easier, but you’re far from alone. Recovering (we hope) from a similar few months right now with my family, too. Hang in there, we’ve all been there and understand. Glad things are looking up for you guys again.
I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. Depression is a terrible thing to have to live with, I’ve struggles with it most of my life. I’m looking forward to new posts!
Excited to start reading your blog again! I am glad your husband has a job again – I understand how tough it is!
I too was wondering about you. And I’m so glad thing’s are looking up for you, as I’ve been there myself. And I have battled depression all my life, so I can relate to that as well. Just keep that glass 3 quarters full & take care of yourself & post only when you feel like it! I’ve been getting in on all the promotions that Zoya has been posting on Facebook, & this is the last week if any of you guy’s are signed up with them. Best wishes to you Michelle
So happy to hear that you are doing well and that your boyfriend found a blog! Thanks for sharing your story. Depression is something we all need to talk about so that maybe sufferers will feel less isolated. Looking forward to new posts from you!
Found a blog?? UM. I mean found a job. LOL.
Hey that’s an idea & he could call it “what color polish is my sweetie wearing today”…LOL. Then she could swatch & he could blog it:) Maybe she could get him into wearing man polish & he could be the first (that I know of)man to blog polish for men. That would be cool. And yes, I’m only joking. I knew you meant job…LOL
I’m sorry to hear that you have been through so much but I am happy that you have the end of a bad time. Congratulations to your partner. Its not been easy on the job front anywhere in the world and it seems everyone one way or another will be affected.
I know how you feel on the depression front but at least you didn’t let it get the better of you. I always find the best way to deal with it is to focus on other things. I’m still looking for a job too and it is hard but I focus on being healthy by exercising and the latest nail trends-which you provide for me in this lovely blog. Welcome back
Looking forward to your future blog posts
I’m glad things are looking up for you! Being in that dark place is nothing short of awful.
I’m super excited to read and see new colors! I tried looking for other swatching blogs but let’s face it…ALU is the best.
I’m happy things are better for you guys.
Glad you’re back ! I’m a closet nail blog stalker and don’t usually leave comments but I’m a regular visitor to your blog and enjoy your posts very much. Can’t wait to read more ! =)
I’m so glad he found a job! My mom is without a job and it really does take a toll on you mentally. I’m happy you’re both doing great now
So glad to know the sun is shining for you and yours again!
What great news!! I’m so glad for you both.
I really really missed your posts…I have to admit I was angry that you stopped…I thought you went on to bigger and better things…I am so happy that you are back… I love waking up and reading your take on the newest polishes…Thanx for your honesty…Depression is really dehibilating Glad that you are working through it
Welcome back and sincere congratulations to the boyfriend! Well done him
You were very much missed over here in dank old England. Looking forward ot more inspiration from you
Today wearing Essie Very Cranberry with Nailtopia cherubs and snowflakes stuck on. Hope it lasts my long weekend in Berlin!
Im so glad your partner has found a job and youve started to feel more like your usual sunny self.
All the best for your mans new job xx
So glad you’re back!! And that things are better for you. I wondered what happened.
I would like to welcome you back too! Bless your heart-i feel your pain. Thank God for small miracles. if it means anything to you, I too lost my job last December, just found work Dec 2011. By accident I discovered your website-the Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday manicure-you wore it for your b’day… and discovered an AWESOME hobby!! I found a way to keep my sanity while looking for work. Because of you! I discovered an absolute LOVE for nail polish. Thanks for your ever-inspiring website! During my down times-you were my “up”. Sincerely, Rhonda Z.
Glad to hear things are going well again. I love this blog-and polish-and here’s heaps of hope and good wishes for you during the holidays!
I figured something was up, but that you’d reappear when the time was right. Glad to hear things are looking bright again
I think blogger ate my post here before. Im so glad your partner has found a new job to hear you are feeling better and becoming more of your usual sunny self.
All the best for your mans new job, hope it works out well for him xx
Welcome back…glad you are again seeing the three-quarters-full nail polish bottle! & congrats on your guy’s new gig – I’m sure it was rough there for a minute but props to you for taking the break you needed and not writing on auto-pilot – authenticity is all too rare these days:)
Life does get in the way of many things. I always look forward to your blogs about new things, ideas etc. When I lost my mom, I expected relief, but the grief took me by surprise. I was an avid “everything” person. Scrapbooking, cardmaking/stamping, jewelry making, nail polish, going out and in general having fun doing anything. I’ve become a slug. Take the time to get yourself together and it will fall into place.
It seems like you disappeared again. Please review some new polishes and show swatches Miss you
I am so glad you are doing better! Sometimes life has to come before everything else and if people do not understand that is okay…you must do what is best for you! Welcome back and hope every day gets better and better!
You shouldn’t have to go through it alone. You should have blogged as much as you were comfortable telling us, you don’t always have to talk polish. While there will always be one or two tone deaf idiots who will say something rude or inconsiderate, I think you will find there are hundreds who love you and will treat you with kindness and uplift you. Glad to see you are back!
I wondered what happened to you. It saved me lots of money….but how I’ve missed you and the Blog!! I can totally relate to your situation, unfortunately, as my DH and I have been going thru a rather rough past 3 and a half years due to him losing his job. He finally got jobs he hates, has worked midnights, and so on and so forth. He is at the end of his ropes, as am I. I feel your pain. I am very happy that things are turning around for you. Hopefully our family is next!!
I am so happy to hear things are better for you & that you’re back to blogging! I know what it’s like to have life interrupt personal enjoyments and its no fun at all. I’m still a semi new viewer of your website, but I plan to be visiting quite often. Welcome back!