Happy New Year! 2012 I’m So HAPPY To See You
Happy 2012 Fanatics! I hope your NYE was fun, safe and free of any regrettable actions (drunk texts, hangovers, etc). Mine was relatively low key spent with good friends and enjoying an amazing meal with the boyfriend.
I, for one, was ready to watch the door hit 2011 as it left and am embracing 2012 with welcome, open arms. Instead of recapping the past year, because it pretty much blew, I’ve spent the past couple weeks doing a lot of reflecting on ALU and what I want to do with it going forward. How I want to kick off its 5th year. That’s right, ALU turns FIVE today. Crazy, right? Where did the time, and my youth, go?
I have a lot of fun things in store for the upcoming months that I hope you will enjoy.
- A 5 year blogoversary is a reason blow the roof off so, much like I celebrate my own birthday, I’m keeping the party going all month long with a bunch of amazing giveaways. They will be random and only last for 24 hours so make sure you check back often so you don’t miss a chance to win some great nail loot.
- The Fanatic Favorites is back and nominations will begin this week. If you aren’t familiar, take a look at last year’s results and start thinking about which brands/colors were your faves in 2011.
- I’m reinstating the “Untrieds” series but not in a 365 format. I decided to make it a permanent thing until my bin of Untrieds, is empty. And by bin, I mean 5 gallon storage tub. OY! Instead of every day you will see 3-5 untried polishes each week and my goal is to make sure they are accessible unless it’s something I just HAVE to share.
- The amount of new nail polish brands on the market is getting kind of ridiculous and trying to cover them all is impossible. At this point there doesn’t seem to be a clothing chain out there without a private label line of stock colors. I want to focus on the brands I really love, that are accessible and consistently deliver quality. Tried & true staples like Chanel, China Glaze, CND, Deborah Lippmann, Essie, Nubar, Orly, OPI, Rescue Beauty Lounge, Sally Hansen, Zoya (just to name a few). Of course that doesn’t mean smaller, up and coming brands won’t get love from ALU but I will only share things with you I feel are really worth seeking out. Cult Nails, for example, is one to watch.
- While I am admittedly a noob when it comes to video, I have been researching and my plan is to incorporate more video tutorials in 2012.
- And speaking of video, I am also working on launching a regular live show where we can interact in real time.
Of course, I am open to your suggestions and I would love to hear your thoughts. I just ask that they be constructive and feasible. Also, if there is a series or type of post I have done in the past that you really miss, let me know.
Curious what sparkler I chose for NYE? Stay tuned!

Happy New Year, Michelle! I’m really looking forward to having seeing your posts again this year!
Happy 5th blogoversary!!! I can’t wait for more polish in 2012. I have missed my ALU fix. I mean, who is going to tell me which polish I just need to have, like yesterday?!
Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see what you come up with this year!
Wow can’t believe it’s been 5 years! Congrats!! I’m really looking forward to what’s to come
Yay!! Happy blogiversary! Love the plan for 2012 – I’ll be tuning in!
That all sounds fab! I am very excited to see what you wore for NYE; I did a coat of Birthday Party (Birthday Cake? I can never remember, but you know what I mean) over Black on Black to simulate fireworks going off at midnight. Everybody loved it, and it looks good enough to bring into work tomorrow!
Miss you. So glad you’re back.
Awesome resolutions! I look forward to seeing your video tutorials and live sessions! Your blog was a total inspiration when I started mine – the quality of your reviews anddd your awesome personality make it a blog everybody keeps coming back to.
So Happy New Year! Cheers
Great post! I’m very excited for what you have planned for 2012. Happy New Year!
All riiiight! Glad you are back.
So great to hear from you! It sounds like you have some awesome plans for ALU, and I’m really excited for you! I’ll definitely stay tuned for what you have in store. Happy new year to you and your boyfriend! And of course, happy anniversary ALU!
Happy new years and happy 5 years! I hope you had a great 2011. I’m pretty excited to see what you have in store for 2012. I agree on the bottomless pit of nail colors coming out every season, and it’s fine by me that you stick with the “staples”. I never buy outside my comfort level of China Glaze, Essie, Zoya..etc, so those are the ones I look for swatches on. I think the interactive video idea will be interesting. I have yet participated in such a thing and cannot quite fathom how that would work just yet. But all in all, very excited to see you back up and running. I’ve missed your posts.
This is fantastic news! Congratulations on turning 5 and we look forward to seeing more from you in 2012! We’ve missed you!
Happy New Year!
I’m really happy that everything in your life has been sorted out. Happy to see you so excited about this blog again! Really stoked to see some new swatches and collections. Your reviews are the best!
Welcome Back! Happy New Year!
Happy five years! How awesome! I love what you’ve listed as your focus for 2012 and I’ll be thrilled to see it all unfold. Like you, I’m so thrilled 2011 is OVER and am looking forward to a happier, more prosperous and healthier 2012! Cheers!
Happy new year and 5 year anniversary, Michelle! So excited to see what is coming up
Happy Nwe Year and Happy 5th Birthday ALU. I am really looking foward to some of the new things that are coming up.
Awesome! I’m looking forward to reading more of you! Your plan sounds great
Excited for the new year!
Excited for the new year! I cant wait to see what you come up with. The Fanatic Favorites should be excited, this will be my first year to participate. (:
I’m excited! I hope some of the giveaways will also be for international readers
So glad you’re back! Hope this is a good year for you! My favorite feature is when you do comparison of the new collections. It really helps me from getting too many dupes.
Congrats on your 5th Blogoversary!
Happy New Year, my dear!
I am fairly new here as my nail polish love has now turned to an addiction
and I have searched out others with the same love of color on their nails. Your 2012 party for your blogerversary sounds really fun!
Can’t wait to see what you wore for NYE.
First and foremost, know that we are fans and whatever is going on personally is more important than the internet world, remember that.
That being said, I’m so glad to jump back into ALU-ness. I’m excited for the giveaways and look forward to your updates!
I’m so happy to see you too! Congrats on the 5 years! The live show sounds v interesting too
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! All the best to you for a great 2012
Sounds like fun, will be watching as always….
Happy Blog Birthday! I’m looking forward to your wonderful reviews of 2012. And the video tutorials sound great!
Your excitement is contagious!!! I enjoy everything you do at ALU so I’m very much looking forward to it all
The best for the new year!
That’s all so exciting! I can’t wait! Im glad you are back (:
Happy New Year! You were the person to get me into Nail blogging, so I’m ridiculously happy to hear that you will be back in full force in 2012!
could u do a list of the best of the nail blogs u have come across in 2011? i’m from england & i love Nails Inc and Barry M and OPI, i love reading nail blogs & always check blogs before i buy a certain nail polish!,
Unfortunately, I don’t read that many nail blogs. The few I do read are listed in my links on the lower right side.
Happy New Year! What awesome plans for yourself
I have to thank you for all you shared last year….I think you were good luck–my husband got a new job about a week after I read about your partner’s job!! So this year is starting out fantabulous for us
Can’t wait to see what’s in store for us–I’m sure it will be amazing
So “All Laquered Up” didn’t get “all liquored up” on NYE? Lol Are you ready for the snowstorm that’s coming tonight? Happy anniversary! I just looove your blog!
Happy New Year!
I’m looking forward to your plans for the blog!
Happy ALU birthday!!!
Happy New Year Michelle! Looking forward to what you’ll share with us in 2012
Sounds fab!!! Happy 5th blogovesary!!!!
We’re glad to have you back!
Happy Anniversary and New Year!!!!
Happy 5th Birthday ALU! I’m very excited for 2012! I’m a long time reader, first time commenter and I just want to say thankyou for ALU
I have learned so much from reading your posts and become (dangerously) obsessed nail polish in the few years since I started reading your blog. I never new there were so many wonderful polishes out there untill I started reading ALU and because of your blog I have found a whole bunch of polishes that I wear all the time now, that I probably wouldn’t have known about if it wasn’t for you.
So thankyou, and I hope 2012 is a much better year for you
We are happy to see you too! Congratulations on your 5 year blogoversary! Hoping 2012 brings great things for you.
Hi happy new year! I was just wanting to suggest since I totally agree there is so much polish, and not enough time to possibly swatch EVERYTHING, it might be nice to at least see your top 3 “must haves” out of every new collection. I know that I don’t want to miss on the perfect green or pale blue in your book, and would want to snatch it up asap. I think we all agree here that we wait for a review before buying..no one wants to throw down cash on ex: a streaky polish that we’d be dissapointed we bought without a proper heads up. Glad to hear your getting back in the grind, cant wait to see what you have in store.
I love your suggestion Emily. While I think that doing a top three of every collection is a lot to take on, I will be sure to feature any polish that I think it special, even if it’s from a brand or collection I don’t normally focus on.
yay! being honest, for a second, I thought ALU was dead, but I’m really happy to see that’s not the case.
I look forward to more untried posts and swatches and just plain nail polish fun. Good to see you back
Happy New Year and congratulation on your anniversary
I really liked the untried series.
OOOHHH I am so excited to see what you have up your sleeve this year!!! Love your blog! I check in every day!
Welcome back! Im excited for what you will be sharing with us for 2012!
Hiya Michelle! Wowie 5 years huh. I guess I was there since almost the beginning.
Looking forward to 5 more years of happy polish oggling!
Sounds good. Congratulations on five years – so impressed! I’ve been reading on and off for maybe half that time. Really hope 2012 is fabulous for you.
Good for you Girl! I can’t wait to see what you got comin’ up in 2012 – looking forward to it!
You rock.
Happy five year blogaversary!!! *throws confetti* I love your blog and am always excited to see what you post.
Wishing you a wonderful new year!
Perhaps you could have some guest posts featuring dark skinned bloggers? Like one on nude polishes for dark skinned women, one for pink polishes, etc.
Thanks for the suggestion Chris!
Happy Anniversary ALU! And Happy New Year to you Ms. Mismas. Looking forward to the new changes that will take place here, and welcome back to blogging.
Interesting you highlight Cult Nails as: “one to watch”. Would really, really (!) like to know why. Please!
Have bought a couple bottles from Cult Nails, trusting the rave reviews from bloggers. Admittedly, the colours look absolutely gorgeous on screen.
Yet … the actual formula leaves much to be desired. In real life, it’s incredibly poor quality … low sheen, not easy to work with, peels and chips like crazy, colour not as intense as the pics, have found it to be one of the worst brands of polish ever (and that’s saying a lot).
What exactly do you like about Cult Nails?
I’m sorry you haven’t had good experiences with Cult Nails. I was honestly skeptical of the brand because there are so many home grown brands hitting the market that don’t deliver. The colors I have used have been of great quality. They wear well on me, have great pigmentation and apply well.
Not every brand works for everyone. There are just as many Chanel polish lovers as haters. I love Zoya but my salon won’t use it because they don’t think it wears well.
I just found your blog and LOVE it! I was cruising Pinterest and saw Nfu Oh for the first time and hit the web trying to find it and found you, thankfully
I do have one suggestion: You could send me all the polish you don’t want! Srsly, I’m wayyyyy too poor to buy anything even remotely like the stash you’ve got. I started a little blog a while ago to let me voice my opinions on what’s going on in the world and let me be ale to tell the world about how awesome nail polish is, because they need to know that, of course. Anyway: I saw the NFU and the first link that came up was Amazon, the seller there was charging $24.95…Mortified! Then I found another site that’s charging $12.50 for the holos and stuff, all of the “new” polishes, the FS series are $10. I still can’t float that. I have one bottle of Sephora that I bought with Krismas money, until my nail mama decides to get rid of her OPI stash for less than $7 a bottle for stuff that’s at least 5 years old…I’m on the cheap. I’m always on the look out for the $1 stuff, and I find it! Back on track, my suggestion is that you could use some of your loyal readers to help you with the “Untrieds.” You could send someone you trust 10 bottles or so, they could do reviews and you would be out of the wood in a few months! Just a thought, love your work, K
Amazing! 5 years – and all the info you have shared with so many! Thanks for all the hard work! Now if I can just get my ISP not to keep tossing out anything coming in from FeedBlitz before it tosses it to either my spam or inbox for ME to decide! I hate missing days at a time.
Happy New Year! I hope it’s off to a great start. Happy Blogoversary too! I look forward to many more wonderful posts.
I really miss “What’s on Your Nails?”. It’s what first got me following your blog.