Adios Google Friend Connect
See that cute little box under the word “Connect” on my sidebar? That’s Google Friend Connect and the wizards at Google are taking that away from us non-Blogger blogs in March. Thanks peeps! It’s their way of forcing us into the land of Google+ which it seems that no one is really using.
So for the 4,000+ of you who use GFC I want to make sure you have plenty of options to still follow ALU and get updates of new posts.
Bloglovin - Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Facebook -
Feedblitz email notifications -
Google+ –
Hello Cotton -
Pinterest -
RSS for feed readers -
Tumblr -
Twitter –
Follow one, follow all. All sources will now receive updates of new posts though each one has slightly different content outside of that.

omg WHYYYYY!!!! gfc is the only way I roll >=(
I can’t understand what you mean.
what do you mean for non-blogger blog? im a little confused
I mean for blogs that aren’t using Blogger software as their platform. I use WordPress and Google is discontinuing the GFC service for people on WordPress, OnSugar, etc.
I just want to mention that you can actually manually add to your Google feed, if you go to the blogger dashboard under the Reading List header is an Add button, you can add any blog by URL, doesn’t have to be a Blogger blog or anything.
I wonder if blogs added in Google Reader through GFC will be kept on Reader… I added you on my Bloglovin account in case my list crashes on Reader !
I hope blogs added to Google Reader will still be there. I subscribed to a bunch that way as well.
Wait – are they removing Google Friend Connect altogether? I only JUST added all the blogs I read on there! x)
– Ellie.
GFC will exist but it can only be use on blogs that using the Blogger platform. Since I’m on WordPress the widget will stop working.
Oh, I see. :/ Thanks! I’ll find a way around it. x)
– Ellie.
I have you on my blog roll – so I’ll keep coming
Well, I have you on my blogroll and it’s what I use to keep track of the new posts, but just to be sure, I’ll add you on Hello Cotton and Facebook
Glad to see you back on a more regular rythm!
I personally love BlogLovin better than any of them even better than GFC. Just because it keeps all of the blogs I follow together & I get one email with daily posts from all of the ones I follow. So I would suggest having your viewers follow you by BlogLovin. I didn’t see a link on your blog. I see it in this post but not a link that is always on your site like your other networks. You may want to add one. Like I said it’s really easy to use. So I will follow you on BlogLovin & thx for bringing this up again. I read this a few months ago but totally forgot.
I just joined Bloglovin since I know quite a few people use it and I want to give people as many options as possible. I’m redoing my social media buttons and will be sure to include it.
URGH. It makes me so mad that Google is doing this. >:( I was all ready to switch to WP and get away from the frustrations of Blogger…but now I don’t know what to do. It feels really spiteful of them to take GFC away.
I personally use Bloglovin. It’s awesome. It helps me keep track of what I’ve read and what I haven’t read…and so much more. I just wish everyone would use Bloglovin. The only thing I don’t like about Bloglovin is that I can’t Pin anything when I’m using it. I have to actually open a new window, go to the post directly (not via Bloglovin), and then hit Pin It. They should really fix that.
I don’t ever get to my Google Dashboard anyway. A couple of bloggers have moved to Google+ I noticed and that was the ONLY way to follow them. HUGE no no in my book. It’s beta for one. Also, all good bloggers need to offer a variety of ways for commenters to follow. For me and 3 of my best friends, if it does not come to my email forget it! I can get through my email everyday pretty much – but weeks go by that I never look at anything else…no time.
I’m confused. Does this mean that I can’t visit your blog anymore without joining one of those sites? I feel dumb, but I just don’t understand?
Oh of course you can still visit. I was posting that info for people who use Google Friend Connect to subscribe to updates. Since the service is being discontinued I wanted to give people alternate options. You can always visit the blog but some people prefer alternate methods to read blogs or receive updates of new posts. Sorry to confuse you.
Oh, good! Thanks for replying. I completely understand what you mean now. I just have your blog on my “Favourites” list and click on it daily. I’d never even heard of GFC until today. Thanks for the information.
I get your emails from Yahoo. Is that still going to work?
I would assume so. I don’t think the two are related at all.
I’m on WP as well and I’ve been dreading March because of this. I added blog lovin to my site in preparation for my goodbye to GFC, but I still would rather have GFC. I like being able to see who is following me and checking out their blogs in return. You can’t see who is following you through blog lovin
I just totally $#!%-canned my Google account once I read what their new “privacy” stuff is- it’s super creepy. No thanks, Google. It’s a case of facebook envy on the part of Google. Now they BOTH give me the creeps. (Not to mention that before I got rid of it, it wouldn’t let me see most of my blogs on my reader anyway…)
Thank you so much for this post, and for putting your blog out there with other options!
Glad to hear you have google+! I’ll be adding you there!