Sunday Funday – That Time I Met Bethenny Frankel at her #CallingAllMyGirls Tour
Remember when I gushed about my adoration of Bethenny Frankel? Well, I was thrilled to get the chance to meet Bethenny when she came to Cleveland during her “Calling All My Girls” Tour to promote her new talk show, bethenny.
It was a fun event, filled with lots of Skinnygirl cocktails and wine. Side note: Prior to the event I had only tried Skinnygirl Margarita and was NOT a fan but, I’m happy to report that Skinnygirl Moscato is delicious (and I’m not really a sweet wine kind of gal)! I had a just-as-excited-to-meet-Bethenny date in Katrina and lots of our CLE blogger friends were in attendance. Bethenny sure knows how to throw a party.

Bethenny #CallingAllMyGirls Tour in Cleveland
My only disappointment was when it came time to actually “meet” Bethenny. It was a scene straight out of A Christmas Story, with handlers shuffling us along like cattle (Come on kid! Store’s closing!), grabbing our purses, cameras and drinks, while we got a whole second to take our photo with Bethenny. It happened so fast, I may have pulled a Ralphie and just spurted, “I’m such a fan!”
Granted, I realize her time is precious and the event planners needed to keep the line moving but I was still let down by that moment I so looked forward to. Plus, for some reason, they gave bloggers badges that said “Blogger” but it ended up meaning nothing as far as I can tell. At least I have a professional photo of it since the guy who grabbed my camera took a picture of someone else meeting Bethenny. Cue the sad trombone!
Regardless of that, I’ve been tuning in to bethenny every day during premiere week and it has not disappointed in the slightest. She’s her off-the-cuff, real self. A total natural, talking about women’s issues and topics in a way that feels like a typical conversation with my girlfriends. Needless to say, the show has a permanent spot in my DVR season pass list.
Have you tuned in to bethenny? What do you think of the show? Have you ever had a not-so-momentous meeting with someone you’re a fan of?
Disclosure: I was invited to the bethenny Calling All My Girls Tour by reps for the show. All opinions are my own. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.

Your time was just as precious as hers, and they should all be happy people want to see them!
She was definitely happy to see people and seemed humbled by the love and support. I just think the event planners made it more rushed than it needed to be.
It’s too bad the actual moment was such a disappointment.
I once had the chance to meet several elite (Olympic level) figure skaters, back in the day when I was an uber-obsessed skating fan. I was so excited. I had my camera and my program from the show to get autographs and when I came into the hotel lobby, the one guy that I wanted to meet the most (an Olympic gold medalist, I might add) was sitting on one of the sofas…PICKING HIS NOSE!!! I was *appalled* at the time but now I just laugh about it. Needless to say – I did NOT approach him! lol
OMG, I would have been horrified. At least Bethenny was all smiles. It was just a rushed experience.
OMG spill, who was it LOL Brian Boitano? Scott Hamilton? I miss those skaters!
Oooooh you lucky lucky ducky! Meeting Bethenny would be awesome!
She definitely entertained the crowd when she got up to speak and overall the party was very fun.
Great analogy! It was totally like the Christmas story. Oh well. Still a fun night out with Cleveland bloggers!
Totally! Plus, there was CHEESE at the end. That, in itself, made it a great night
I had the same unfortunate situation too meeting Bethenny!! It was so ridiculous that I now cannot stand her! I paid $100 for a private cocktail party and she flew in on her broomstick, mixed a drink for the cameras, and was gone in like 40 minutes. Plus she was late arriving, and in the middle of picture taking she runs out in the hallway like she was so bothered with everyone.
I agree with you, they herded us like cattle and wouldnt let us use our own cameras, which we did anyway. Oh and they tried grouping you with strangers to make the line go faster. I paid for a ticket so if I want to use my camera I should be able to!
I was so disgusted with the whole thing. I wasted my money bigtime!! This chick acts like she is your best friend on tv, but in person she is a stuck up biatch! Sorry but its true! I had a much better conversation with her husband, Jason. He is the real deal, no wonder he cant stand her anymore!
Aww, that’s a shame. I’m sorry your experience tainted you. I don’t hold any ill will towards Bethenny. I get that that is what works best for the event organizers. Though I’m sure I would feel differently if I had paid to meet her.
Yes, the organisers were even worse. Everyone that paid the $100 was supposed to get a gift bag. The bags were nice, filled with a signed bottle of her new vodka that was coming out, a nice tank, apron, I think a cutting board for the kitchen, I know I am forgetting several items. Here my friend overheard the workers for the organisers hiding bags for themselves and their friends. So a good amount of paying customers ended up with nothing. I didn’t mention it because I knew that was out of her hands.
Honestly though I am sure her handlers give out a whole list of “Do’s & Dont’s” for the Queen B because your issues sounded very familiar to me.
Lesson learned though, never pay for a ticket to meet someone. Well unless its David Beckham LOL
Aww, I know the feeling of being herded like cattle…but you look great!
That’s how the celebrity photo ops go at DragonCon, especially with the more popular ones, like John Barrowman. Even though I feel like it was worth it to me in the end, it felt so hectic and rushed.
That was bad enough, but I had to go and derp it up when I took my Battlestar Galactica picture with frakking Admiral Adama (Edward James Olmos) and beautiful Helo (Tahmoh Penikett). When I went up, Tahmoh said, “Oh my god, she’s so little!” and all I could say was, “Thank you.” Way to go, me.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who clams up. At least the pictures don’t tell the story of our verbal fumbles.