Season of Giving Giveaways – Day 7: Nailbox Nailing Hollywood x NCLA Nail Art Kits
It’s Day 7 of the Season of Giving Giveaways and today I have something from my friends at Nailbox, the new nail polish e-commerce site. They’ve teamed up with the nail art powerhouses at Celebrity Nail Stylist Agency, Nailing Hollywood, to create specialty kits using NCLA Nail Wraps and NCLA Nail Polish.
We’ll have four winners today, with each one receiving a different Nailing Hollywood x NCLA package.
Prizes include: Aly En Vogue Cotton Candy Ombre Nail Art Kit, Seeing Signs Gold Crescent Mani Nail Art Kit, Flash Fête Nail Art Kit, Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit. Nail art kits valued at $50/ea.
Enter to win using the form below. Open to US residents only. Giveaway ends Saturday, December 21st, 2013 at 12:00 pm EST.
If you can’t view the entry form, CLICK HERE.
Good luck!

Galaxy glitter is the set I’d most like to win.
Ooh, I love that galaxy glitter ombre kit!
Oh wow – the Flash F
Without a doubt the galaxy glitter ones!!
ohh I have yet to try NCLA anything! I don’t know where to buy them on the East Coast. This is a sweet giveaway!
I would love any of them!!!
I’d like to try the Seeing Signs kit!
Thanks for the giveaway, all the sets look really cool! I’d be most interested in trying the En Vogue or Galaxy glitter sets
The Glitter Ombre!!
Have to go with the Galaxy Glitter Ombre! Thanks again for the giveaways Michelle, you’re awesome
I honestly would like to try them all.
Galaxy Glitter!
I think my favorite is the Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit. Yes.
I’d love to win the Seeing Signs Gold Crescent Mani Nail Art Kit, the artwork on the nail wraps is to die for!
I would love to try the Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit
I want the Galaxy one! Love it!
They are all so pretty! I would try any of them!
Flash Fete is so cool! Would love to try it.
OMG! The galaxy one!
what an awesome giveaway. Looks so pretty!
I want to try Galaxy Glitter!
I love gold, as jewelry or on my nails. So, it’s definitely the Seeing Signs Gold Crescent Mani Nail Art Kit that I want the most.
I want to try the Aly En Vogue Cotton Candy Ombre Nail Art Kit. It looks the most interesting!
I would love to try the Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit! It looks really pretty and I’d love to try something new!
I want to try the galaxy nail art the most, hands down!
I’d love to try Seeing Signs!
This would be awesome to win. I’ve never tried them.
Aly En Vogue Cotton Candy Ombre Nail Art Kit!
Aly En Vogue Cotton Candy
I’d most like to try the Cotton Candy Ombre kit.
Galaxy! Love it!
Oh this is a toughie but my top two would be the Galaxy Glitter Ombre or the Flash Fete. I love how FF looks like abalone shell, but I’ve never been good at galaxy nails so those are tempting too! Great giveaway!
Galaxy Glitter Ombre!
I’m most excited to try Aly En Vogue Cotton Candy Ombre Nail Art Kit
the galaxy glitter ombre looks great!!
Oh! Flash Fete! Love the mother of pearl look
Aly En Vogue Cotton Candy Ombre Nail Art Kit
I’d like to try the Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit!
I’ve yet to try nail wraps, all of the designs on these look awesome!
Flash F
Flash Fete looks awesome (actually, they all look super cool)!
Galaxy Glitter!
i really can’t choose one kit
they’re alll awesome!
Flash F
They all look good to me!
I am really digging the Galaxy Glitter nail art kit.
Nailing Hollywood x NCLA Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit
Galaxy glitter ombre!
I would love to win this!
The Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit sounds like fun!
My favourite is Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit!!! Thanks for this stunning Giveaway xx
The Flash Fete kit is amazing! Those nail wraps! That’s my fav but the Galaxy one is so cool too!
Merry Christmas!
The Galaxy Glitter Ombre kit!
The galaxy glitter ombre nail art kit. Thanks for having great giveaways.
I LOVE NCLA polishes and nail wraps! These are all great combos, but I’d really love the Flash F
I would LOVE the ALY EN VOGUE COTTON CANDY OMBRE NAIL ART KIT! That minty color is so lovely!
I would love to try the Galaxy Glitter Ombre kit.
Are you kidding? I want to try them all. LOL
Definitely the gold crescent mani!
I’m not entirely sure about the wraps, but I do like the polishes in Galaxy kit!
That galaxy glitter ombre would be my pick, it looks amazing.
Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit
Love the galaxy kit. OMG beautiful!
I am dying to try the Galaxy Glitter set.
The Galaxy Glitter Ombre kit is beautiful, that would definitely be my top choice.
I wanna try the aly en vogue mail art kit. Thanks ^_^
I love beautiful nails
I’m excited for the cotton candy kit!
I love the cotton candy nail kit! Would totally try that
it’s a toss up between the flash fete kit & the galaxy glitter ombre kit
(i have had my eye on those galaxy wraps for a while now!)
thanks for the giveaway
any or all, as I haven’t ever tried this brand
A girl can never have to much nail polish….love reading All Laquered up!!
I would really love to try out the Galaxy Glitter Ombre one. It looks amazing.
The Galaxy Glitter set is so stunning I would love to try that one
I really want the Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit!
I’d have a hard time choosing between the Galaxy one and the Cotton Candy one.
Would love to try Flash F
Flash fete or galaxy glitter are my favs!
Definitely the Galaxy Glitter!
I think the Galaxy Glitter kit is my favorite.
I’m most excited for the galaxy set
i think my fave is the Flash Fete NCLA Kit! great giveaway! thanks!
En Vogue and Seeing Signs are most beautiful to me.
I’m leaning toward the galaxy one!
I love anything to do with space, but the fete set it gorgeous.
Seeing Signs sounds like fun!
I’d be grateful for any, but I really like the Seeing Signs Gold Crescent Mani Nail Art Kit because it contains Bullion In a Bottle.
I would like to try FLASH F
I loooove Gold! lol I’d like to try the Seeing Signs Gold Crescent mani or the Galaxy Glitter Ombre nail kit! #LoveYourBlog #KeepThePostComing
Galaxy glitter ombre is right up my alley.
I’d love to try the Flash Fete Nail Art Kit
I think the Galaxy Glitter Ombre kit looks really nice, but all of the sets are amazing. Thanks for the giveaway!
It was a tough one, but I think I want to try the Seeing Signs Gold combo kit.
The galaxy glitter ombre!
Tough choice! Has to be GALAXY GLITTER OMBRE NAIL ART KIT though – they’re beautiful!
Galaxy glitter nail art kit is my choice.
I’d love to try the Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit – I love glitter and those colours look amazing!
I’d love to try the Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit! Those wraps are to die for
Thanks for the giveaways!! How fun!!
This looks amazing! I’ve never really tried nail art…I think it’s time to jump on that bandwagon.
The Galaxy Glitter Ombre nail art kit is so cool!
I want to try the galaxy kit the most! I have always loved that style of nail art for its simplicity but it looks so gorgeous.
I like NCLA Seeing Signs.
I would like to try first Galaxy Glitter ombre nail art kit, it looks so good and unique. Thanks again for the giveaway michelle !!!
I’m just learning nail art and if love to have a kit to learn from and practice with!! Thank you!
I would love to try the Aly En Vogue set!
All of them looks exciting but my favorite has to be the Aly En Vogue Cotton Candy Ombre Nail Art Kit
The gold crescent mani kit looks cool!
The galaxy nail one looks awesome!!
I really like the Galaxy Glitter Ombre set!
I love them all but if I had to choose it would be the Seeing Signs pkg.
Seeing Signs Gold Crescent Mani Nail Art Kit
Galaxy glitter ombr
Galaxy Glitter Ombre
Galaxy Glitter Ombre kit)
I’d like to try the Aly En Vogue set.
I’d love to win the Galaxy Glitter Ombre kit ~ Thank you for the giveaway!
Ahhh I can’t wait to try the Flash F
But mostly the Flash F
Oh god I can only pick one? Probably the galaxy…or maybe the cotton candy.
Thank you for the great giveaways.
Aly En Vogue Cotton Candy Ombre Nail Art Kit
I would love the Flash Fete kit!!
I’d like to try the flash fete kit, but then galaxy glitter looks just as cool. They’re all gorgeous kits really! Thank you for the amazing giveaways!
i most want to try the aly en vogue kit, i am determined to master the ombre/gradient look! plus the wraps are just to die for gorgeous!
I love the Flash F
I want to try the Galaxy Glitter Ombre Nail Art Kit
Nice kits! I’ve never tried this brand but have been eyeing them up on NailpolishCanada!
Forgot to say, Cotton Candy!
The Galaxy Glitter Ombr
Galaxy glitter ombr
Glitter Gold crescent
Two words: Glitter Ombre!
I’d love to win the Galaxy Glitter Ombre kit.
Galaxy Glitter Ombre!
The Galaxy Glitter Ombre!
I think I chose galaxy…
Galaxy Glitter!
Galaxy Glitter!
I’d really love to have the amazing FLASH F
they are all nice, & it’s nice you had a giveaway happy holidays!!!!!!!