Season of Giving Giveaways – China Glaze Holiday 2014 Gift Set

Season of Giving Giveaways – Day 4
Mondays aren’t so bad when there are giveaways involved, right? Let’s kick off this Mani Monday with another Season of Giving Giveaway.
Remember that Snowflake Sideways French I created? Well, here’s your chance to recreate it. China Glaze has generously offered FIVE of their Reflect on the Season Gift Sets for all of you. It includes China Glaze Holiday 2014 Twinkle collection shades, Tip Your Hat, Out Like a Light and Chillin’ With My Snow-mies, plus a gold mirror for your purse.
All giveaways will be open for 48 hours. This giveaway is for US residents only.
If you can’t view the widget, CLICK HERE to enter.
China Glaze Reflect On The Season Giveaway
Good luck!
Disclosure: Product samples were provided by reps for China Glaze. No compensation was received for this giveaway. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.
My sister loves that color! She came to visit and saw mine and “borrowed” it. I smile. Its what sisters do!
I’m currently loving Tip Your Hat! It’s just such a perfect red.
I could really go for the Out Like a Light grey creme, I have just the right pair of shoes to match it.
My favourite ChG holiday polish is There’s Snow One Like You! (:
I don’t own any China Glaze polishes yet!
Favorite holiday China Glaze polish is not so original but oh so good: Ruby Pumps!
I look forward to the China Glaze holiday sets every year. Love them!
I don’t own very many China Glaze polishes and actually don’t have any Christmassy ones! I would love to change that!
china glaze pure joy!
CG Ruby Pumps is my go-to during the holidays. Chillin’ With My Snow-mies would be great over it!
That snowflake polish is for me. I’m definitely going to get this one.
These are great holiday colors!
I don’t have many China Glaze polishes to choose from, but one that I do have that’s perfect for the holidays is Ruby Pumps. It’s absolutely gorgeous, even if it is a pain to remove!
another great choice
I love Santa Red My List!
Pretty colors! Love China Glaze.
I would like to get these goodies!
I am currently being festive with CG’s Nova sparkling on my nails.
Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway! Definitely my favorite holiday China Glaze shade is Holly Day. It’s the perfect Christmas green.
I don’t have any Holiday China Glaze colors, only summer bright colors, but I would love a deep plum.
This is another great gift! I loved the snowflake mani n how fun would it b to recreate w these polishes. Thanks for the chance.
Ruby Pumps!
I really like Bells Will Be Blinging for a holiday nail. I’m a fan of blues and sparkles!
China Glaze Charmed I’m Sure
My favorite China Glaze to wear for the holidays is Party Hearty.
The only CG colors I have are neons, should switch it up
I love just about all of China Glaze’s glittery polishes for the holidays!
Meet Me Under The Stars
Don’t have any China Glaze polishes but I love sparkly nails for the holidays!
I don’t have any China Glaze polishes yet, but a sparkly white if they have one. (:
Little Drummer Boy!! Gorgeous dark blue.
ruby pumps and this is tree-mendous. I love to alternate it. Obvious but so festive
I love to wear “So Blue Without You”. I usually do not wear blues but I adore that one!
I’d use the white glitter over red or blue!
I’m in love with all of the holiday sets and collections!
China Glaze always has good colors.
love red
I love those little snowflakes!
My favorite is Blue Year’s Eve!
I’m not familiar with names, but I like dark colors.
I don’t have any holiday China Glaze polishes, but I love Ruby Pumps at the holidays!
Glistening Snow! Thanks for the chance!
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
The one that popped into my mind right away was Ruby Pumps.
December To Remember is a new fave this year!
I love this!
Love the snowflake polish!
I know everyone’s saying it, but Ruby Pumps!
I (sadly) don’t own any China Glaze polishes!! So I don’t have a favorite to wear during the holidays!
I don’t own any China Glaze yet
Chillin’ with my Snow-mies is the best name ever! China Glaze is one of my favorite brands too!
Ruby Pumps!!
I like China Glaze nail polish and like the Ruby Pumps for the holidays.
Go Crazy Red is a nice festive holiday color that I wear.
I have Silver Platinum on right now.
I’d love to win this set!!
I love Midnight Mission for the holidays! It’s almost as good as my lemming Essie Starry, Starry Night.
I love China Glaze and this set looks amazing.
Love love love “I’d Melt for YOU”
Sideways snowflake mani! Here I come!
Red-y and Willing when I’m feeling boring. All Wrapped Up when I’m being non-conventional.
the outter edge makes a pretty chia glaze polish for christmas
there are too many options to choose from!
I love the There’s Snow One Like You texture polish from last year’s collection. It’s just so different and really fun worn just on the tips of the nails with red polish.
It’s not Christmasy but I like Anchors Away!
Ruby Pumps, no question!
I love the white textured polish from China Glaze’s holiday collection from last year. It’s perfect!
I like to wear Coconut Kiss because purple is my favorite color. It also goes well with red and matches my wool peacoat.
China Glaze has such gorgeous colors!
My favorite China Glaze polish to wear during the holidays is Ruby Pumps! It was the very first CG polish that I ever bought. I love that beautiful red sparkle!
Ruby Pumps!! It’s my favorite red!
Yet another giveaway?! WOW! You are really spoiling us, Michelle! Thank you!
Super pretty set.
I’ve never thought of grey as a holiday color, but you have made it one! Thank you for your generosity with these giveaways.
Mistletoe Kisses is a good one.
fingers crossed!
Anything glittery would be apreciated since I don’t own any yet
I absolutely love Out like a light and Chillin with my Snowmies! Must haves!
Loving these giveaways! Thanks!
love your blog
love China Glaze
yay for china glaze! this is a great set!
Awesome set!
Love “Out Like a Light” especially for the holidays, it’s a nice change from traditional red
I actually dont own, and haven’t ever used, one of thier nail polishes, so I can’t name a favorite.
This set is adorable!
My favorite CG holiday polish is Glistening Snow
I don’t own any China Glaze polishes, but I’m excited to try them if I win this set!
It’s not a Christmas color, but I adore Sable Collar. I could really use these gorgeous Christmas colors to add to my collection.
Ruby Pumps!
My favorite red is Ruby Pumps.
Me! Me! Me!
My first China Glazes ever were a Christmas pack. I’m wearing Snow Globe today.
I dont own any Christmas-y China Glaze colors
Definitely Ruby Pumps
I love holiday polish!
I tend to go with darker sparkly colors for the holidays – something like Rendezvous With You, or Meet Me Under the Stars!
My favorite is Tip Your Hat. Thanks for doing these giveaways!
Ruby pumps!!
Chillin with my Snowmies is just the cutest name and I love how the glitter looks over red!!! Gorgeous!
Your Present Required
Go Crazy Red is thee perfect holiday shade!! I love using it with my Christmas tree designs!
I like China Glaze Ruby Pumps for this time of year.
ruby pumps!
Ruby Pumps!
I tried recreating it with different colors and it wasnt as cute
China Glaze The Outer Edge
I don’t like all-over glitter very much, but I’d love to have the snowflakes shown here for nail art.
Love that red!
I love to wear Ruby Pumps and Winter Holly around the holidays!
I’m always interested in seeing new collections.
I am loving Boundary of Memory which paired with burgundy looks great for the holidays!
I love wearing ruby pumps!
I purchased CG’s Pine-ing for Glitter and I really like it over a white or light basecoat for Christmas!
Congrats on your new home and freebies are always a plus. Happen to be wearing the Holiday Twinkle at this moment and it’s lovely. Have my eye on Chillin’ with my Snow-mies.
My favorite CG holiday polish is Snow Globe!
Wonderful CG set
I love their deep purples.
I love CG holiday sets!
anything red and sparkly
Out Like a Light…I plan on putting Girly Bits “Eight Crazy Nights (a Hanukkah themed glitter) over it
Ruby Pumps!
My fave to use would be Fairy dust for added sparkle
Ruby Pumps!!!
I don’t own any China Glaze, but that red is gorgeous!!
Anything sparkly!
I’d like my new favorite to be Chillin’ With My Snow-mies
Don’t know any specific China Glaze polishes but in general I like sparkly reds and greens.
Love the the white glitter!
I love Little Drummer Boy or Holly Jolly, or one maybe called, I think…Peace on Earth? So many to love!
I love December to Remember!
Ruby pumps. Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!
Ruby Pumps!
santa red my list
Ruby Pumps and Emerald Sparkle
Oh my, I wear so many CG polishes during the holidays! The two I use the most are Glistening Snow and Fairy Dust, OF COURSE!
Ruby Pumps and Emerald Sparkle for me – love a glittery red and green Christmas mani!
My next mani will include Santa Red My List and Be Merry, Be Bright.
I love China Glaze polish & have a lot of them..but no Xmas colors!!! I cant believe that..whats wrong with me??? lol
snow one like you
Ruby Pumps
The colors are fab!
I love reds! My favorite is ruby pumps.
Probably Party Hearty!
Congratulations to the winners!