The first nail-focused beauty blog


OPI Summer Flutter Collection Swatches & Review

By on May 24, 2010
in Blue, OPI, Orange, Pink, Summer 2010 with 76 Comments
opi-summer-flutter-collection-2010-bottles OPI’s butterfly themed Summer Flutter collection is their second summer release.  For some reason thinking about flutterbys, as I like to call them, causes that ridiculous Butterfly song from Crazy Town to pop into my head.  Shoot me now, ha!

I actually started looking at pics of butterflies online to get something sweeter in mind as I played with the polishes.  That was especially necessary as I only have seen Monarchs in my neck of the woods. Nothing nearly as colorful as this collection.  With two foil sparklers, a shimmer flecked pink and a creamy orange, the Summer Flutter collection is perfect for those of you on creme overload.

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OPI Swiss Collection for Fall 2010 Preview

opi-swiss-collection-fall-2010 Happy Friday Fanatics!  The Fall promos are on a roll and today I have images of the OPI Swiss collection.

As you can see, we have another lovely looking green headed our way as well as some cool blues but I’m surprised at the number of reds.  We know from history that the holiday collection will launch not not long after and will include six reds so this seems like overkill to me.  I get that their flag is red but how about a fab sparkling white then?

Get an up close look at the collection after the jump!

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Win It! – OPI Damone Roberts 1968

By on May 3, 2010
in Giveaway, OPI

damone-roberts-1968-opi-nail-polish Going through my comments from the weekend, I see that a LOT of you non-US Fanatics are in love with the extremely limited edition nail polish OPI Damone Roberts 1968 and are desperate to get your hands on a bottle.  Well I’m here to help fulfill that dream.  I ordered FIVE bottles of the mint green dream to give away to my international readers.

That’s right, this giveaway is for NON-US READERS ONLY!!  Anyone in the US with a phone and credit card can get their hands on a bottle so I’m doing this just for you girls outside the States.

Entering is simple, just leave a comment on this post and make sure you include your email address.  One comment per person.

However, if you want an extra chance to win, TWEET about this giveaway including a link to this post and my Twitter handle @AllLacqueredUp. Come back here and leave a comment with a link to your TWEET for an additional entry. (**Click on the time stamp below your tweet for a direct link)

You have from now until Sunday May 9, 2010 at Midnight EST to enter.  I will choose the winners at random on Monday, May 10th and notify you via email.  You will be disqualified IF you do not have a non-US address and another winner will be chosen!

For a look at what you could win CLICK HERE for my swatches! Good Luck!!

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Is BACK!!

By on April 30, 2010
in Green, News, OPI with 36 Comments

opi-damone-roberts-1968-mint-green-nail-polish You heard me right people. Damone announced on his Twitter account that his gorgeous signature OPI nail polish, Damone Roberts 1968, is back for a limited time. So if you missed out on this minty green gem the first time, now is your chance to scoop it up.

You may recall that I recently used this beauty for my water marble manicure and there’s a good reason for that, it applies flawlessly. For my full review including color comparisons, CLICK HERE.

Get your bottle now by calling 310-271-2100.  They officially go on sale tomorrow, May 1st, but you can pre-order today.  What are you waiting for??

OPI Shrek Forever After Collection Swatches, Review and Comparisons

By on April 15, 2010
in Blue, Green, Lilac, OPI, Purple, Summer 2010, Yellow with 126 Comments
opi shrek forever after collection swatches opi brights 2010 You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly, but I bet you ain’t never seen a donkey fly.

Fanatics, can you please join me in a standing ovation for OPI and Suzi Weiss-Fischmann for creating a collection with NO REDS OR PINKS!! It took a big, smelly ogre to make this magical moment happen but I’m not complaining.  The Shrek Forever After Collection is OPIs addition to their ongoing Summer Brights series and I’m totally into it.

Surely, OPI could have found a reason to include a red or pink in this collection but I applaud them for not playing it safe.  A swampy, ogre green isn’t exactly conservative and I love that.  In fact, looking at the colors it’s like they were designed to be mani/pedi combinations.  The lilac & purple, sky & cyan blue and yellow & green.  They’re just meant to be together.

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