The first nail-focused beauty blog


ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – 4th of July Manicure with Milani One Coat Glitters

milani one coat glitter red sparkle and blue flash with china glaze cloud nine nail polish 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

To celebrate Independence Day in the US, I decided to get my red, white & blue sparkle on. I even planned to get all crafty incorporating scotch tape and the result ended up being one giant mani-fail! Of course, instead of getting down on myself for it, I’m learning from my mistakes and sharing my missteps with you.

To create today’s look I went straight for my Milani One Coat Glitters in Red Sparkle and Blue Flash. When you want full-on sparkle without multiple, thick layers of polish, look no further. It’s just a shame they didn’t come out with a white version to complete my manicure.

In order to conserve my favorite white sparkler, China Glaze White Kwik Silvr, I pulled out another untried, China Glaze Cloud Nine from the Specialty Glitters collection.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Glitter Gal Blue Holographic Nail Polish

glitter gal blue holographic nail polish linear holographic prismatic 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.A few days ago, Melissa from The Daily Nail was asking about “linear holographic nail polish” on Twitter. I had to scratch my head as I’ve never heard of holos being referred to as “linear.” Who comes up with this stuff?

Apparently “linear” refers to holographic polishes that create intense rainbows or a prismatic effect on the nail as compared to holographic glitter that flashes multiple colors but doesn’t create a rainbow pattern. This style of holo nail polish is becoming more and more rare as whispers of holo pigment price increases are heard throughout the nail industry.

More recently a Twitter discussion of foreign nail polish brands led me to my bin of non-US untrieds, specifically the Australian Glitter Gal Blue holo nail polish.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Essie Smooth Sailing from the Braziliant Summer 2011 Collection

essie smooth sailing nail polish from the essie summer 2011 collection braziliant 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

This past weekend I have been at my favorite Ohio destination, Put-In-Bay on South Bass Island in Lake Erie. Every year my friends from my Cedar Point days rent a house for a long weekend to reminisce about the good old days (wow do I sound old) and create new memories. This is our tenth year taking this trip and it just keeps getting better.

Choosing a nail polish to wear for a whole weekend is a challenge as I’m not used to committing to a color for an extended period of time. However, I’ve been tempted by Essie Smooth Sailing from the summer Braziliant collection ever since it arrived. After fawning over Coat Azure, I was curious to see if this new blue hue could live up to the same standard.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – China Glaze Oxidized Aqua Crackle Glaze Metal

china glaze oxidized aqua nail polish from the china glaze crackle glaze metals collection 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

By now you probably are aware that I’m not the biggest fan of the crackle nail polish trend. I’m not hating on it per se, I’m just not fully on board. Something about the first sets of crackles didn’t thrill me. They were chunky looking and felt dated. However, I find myself crying “UNCLE!” ever since the metallic crackles started to pop up. They are definitely a fun twist on an old look and, well, I usually give in to anything sparkly.

Case in point, the China Glaze Crackle Glaze Metals. Foil metallic crackle polish that comes in six colors? Okay, okay I give. It does look pretty cool. See for yourself.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Zoya Phoebe from the ModMatte Summer 2011 Collection

By on June 10, 2011
in 365 of Untrieds, Blue, Matte, Zoya with 29 Comments
zoya phoebe mod matte nail polish from the zoya modmatte summer 2011 collection 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

Matte nail polish reemerged on the nail polish scene in 2009 and regardless of how you feel about the gloss-less look, I’ve always said there is one major benefit to matte; dry time. If you’re a girl on the go, the super speedy drying power of mattes can save you from leaving the house with naked nails. Before you even hit the door, your nails are smudge-proof.

I’m genetically predisposed to being fifteen minutes late wherever I go thanks to my perpetually late mother. Okay so lateness isn’t an inherited trait, it’s a case of nurture not nature, but I consistently find myself grabbing for a matte minutes before I dash out of the house. Even if it’s only to cover up my swatching nails, creating what I call “nail blogger skittles.” Such was the case when I applied Zoya Phoebe from the recently released ModMatte collection.

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