The first nail-focused beauty blog


ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Nails Inc The Mall

nails inc the mall nail polish bottle 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

Exciting news US Fanatics, Nails Inc is coming to Sephora!!! The hit UK nail polish brand will roll out to Sephora stores this September and I’ve been told that the brand is launching some amazing things “never been done before.” I spied some “Special Effects” glitters on Eva Chen’s Tumblr but we can expect something “even better” than that so get your wallets ready.

I’ve been a big fan of Nails Inc ever since I first got my hands on the polishes and their incredible Kensington Caviar Top Coat a couple years ago at Cosmoprof and I remember hoping that a major beauty retailer like Sephora or ULTA would pick them up. To celebrate their upcoming major US launch I’m sharing a fabulous Nails Inc color, The Mall.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Essie Coat Azure from the French Affair Spring 2011 Collection

essie coat azure nail polish from the french affair spring 2011 collection 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

I’ve briefly mentioned in past blog posts that I was in a sorority in college, Alpha Delta Pi. If you aren’t familiar with the sorority system, like a US state, there are a lot of official symbols for sororities. Official flower (woodland violet), mascot (lion), symbol (diamond), open motto (We live for each other), philanthropy (Ronald McDonald House) and colors (azure blue and white).

Now for the past couple years I have found myself yawning over the spring collections from Essie. Soft shades just aren’t my bag and sheers make my nails look terrible. So when I stumbled across Essie Coat Azure from the French Affair collection, I was pleasantly surprised. While I haven’t been actively seeking out a nail polish version of my sorority’s color, finding one has always been on my wish list.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday & I Know What Boys Like

deborah lippmann happy birthday nail polish and deborah lippmann i know what boys like nail polish summer 2011 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

It’s funny how my feelings about my birthday have changed over the thirty #$%$# years I’ve been alive. Growing up an only child, my parents spoiled the pants off me so it’s no wonder that I spent my teens and 20s turning my day into a week that was “all about me.”

When I hit 30 the world was ending, of course, and now that I’m more comfortable with that first digit in my age, I find myself not caring so much about the celebration as I used to. I just remember how lucky I am to have two amazing parents who think the world revolves around me (it does doesn’t it?), a boyfriend/partner who goes above and beyond to make my life complete and a wonderfully diverse cast of characters who are more like family than friends. And of course, I’m so so lucky to have all of you supporting me and sharing the polish love.

Today’s polish choice was a no-brainer since today is my birthday. Cue the fanfare, ha! I started off the month with a polish named Happy Birthday so it seems fitting to close it out the same way. This time with Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday and guest star I Know What Boys Like from the Summer 2011 color collection.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Sparitual A World of Compassion

sparitual a world of compassion nail polish from the sparitual imagine collection for fall 2010 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

I hope all my US readers are enjoying their Memorial Day weekend. I just want to give a quick shout-out to all the troops who serve every day to protect us. It is an amazing selfless act to serve your country and I thank you for that.

Back to nail polish, a reader recently asked me to feature Sparitual in the Untrieds so I chose A World of Compassion from last fall’s Imagine collection. Check it out!

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Wet n Wild Blue Wants To Be A Millionaire

wet n wild blue wants to be a millionaire wet n wild fastdry nail polish 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

I was cleaning out some random shopping bags I had laying around when I found a small Walgreens bag filled with some Wet n Wild nail polishes. I don’t remember when I bought them but it couldn’t have been too long ago.

I hurriedly sneaked them into my office before the boyfriend could see since, according to our agreement, nail polish cannot live outside the polish room. It was part of the deal when we bought the house. I get a room for all my nail polish nonsense as long as it doesn’t creep into the rest of the house as it had done in our old condo.

Anyway, while all three colors that I picked up are very fun it was the light blue glitter that drew my focus. I was layering a few things over my OPI Done Out In Deco manicure before removing it and the combo of that and Wet n Wild Blue Wants To A Millionaire is STUNNING!

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