The first nail-focused beauty blog


ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – butter LONDON Lady Muck

butter-london-lady-muck-nail-polish-bottle-365-untrieds-1 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

The blogging community in Cleveland is pretty amazing. Even though the city is relatively large, the social media circle feels small and tight knit, in a good way, and I’ve met some great people through it. Tonight, for instance, I was invited to an event at a local restaurant with a bunch of my fellow bloggers.  We had attended a special media preview when Washington Place Bistro opened its doors last winter and tonight they celebrated the opening of their new patio with a pig roast.

Of course, being the lone beauty girl in this crowd, I have come to expect that my nail color will be noticed or asked about so I try to make sure I’m on point. With the event being sort of a kickoff to patio season I wanted to make sure my polish was springy yet unique.

I knew I was wearing a royal blue top so I started looking for an edgy neutral or light/dark blue in my untrieds bin and pulled this beauty out.  Being that I dragged butter LONDON through the mud over their No More Waity Katie shade a couple weeks ago I hoped Lady Muck would not let me down.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Mattese Elite Attitude

mattese-elite-attitude-nail-polish-365-untrieds 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

Life is imitating art as Black Swan has continued to inspire beauty and fashion with ballet themed trends. I’ve seen more women rocking ballerina buns lately than I can remember in past years and the onslaught of adorable ballet flats makes my feet very happy (heels are not my friend).

Mattese Elite is another brand bringing the trend to our finger tips with their spring collection; The Ballet Colors of ME.  The majority of the collection is pretty soft and sweet with pinks and neutrals but it’s Attitude that really caught my eye.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – MAC Biker Blue

mac-biker-blue-nail-polish-lacquer-bottle-365-untrieds 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

I’ve had a love/hate relationship with MAC polishes for a long time now.  At first it was issues with the formula but that has greatly improved. I used to say that MAC was only good for dark & sparkly polishes but since the formula change that’s no longer the case.

Now my major point of contention is with the brush. Can we start some sort of petition to change that horrible stiff brush? I propose MAC switch to the brush in the mini bottles from their Tartan Holiday collection as it was truly fabulous! The current brush is hindering fabulous colors, like MAC Biker Blue, from achieving their true potential.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Orly Royal Navy

By on April 28, 2011
in 365 of Untrieds, Blue, Orly with 74 Comments
orly-royal-navy-nail-polish-bottle-365-untrieds 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

They say it takes 28 days to create a habit, or break one. Today is Day 28 of my untrieds challenge and one of the reasons I started this project was to get over what I’m calling a “blogpression.” It’s not that I didn’t love polish anymore or talking about it.  It’s just that after four years I was feeling very mixed about blogging.

As much as I love all of you for reading, commenting, emailing, etc I was putting so much pressure on myself.  Wanting to fulfill every request and please everyone all the time made me avoid blogging.  I wanted to swatch and compare every polish that came out to every other polish that ever existed.  It’s simply not possible.

So thank you for the endless support and encouragement.  I’m happy that you enjoy the 365 of Untrieds as much as I do.  It’s made me enjoy blogging more than I have in a long time.  Now let’s move on with Orly Royal Navy.

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ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Dior Bond Street

dior-bond-street-nail-polish-le-vernis-bottle-365-untrieds 365 of Untrieds is my personal challenge to weed through the polishes in the ALU stash that I’ve been wanting to try but just haven’t gotten around to.

This spring Dior bucked the traditional pastels & florals of the season with their Gris Montaigne Collection, focusing on greyed hues.  It’s funny how just a year ago grey felt kind of “done” and yet here it is again, feeling fresh and new.

The Gris Montaigne Collection includes two nail polishes. One of them, the aptly named Gris Montaigne, was also part of an offshoot nail collection, City Gris, based on three fashion capitals; Paris, New York and London.  Gris Montaigne is joined by NY 57th and Bond Street which is my favorite of the three and the subject of today’s 365 of Untrieds.

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